NBA Development League veya National Basketball Association Development League (Türkçe: NBA Gelişim Ligi), NBA'in bir yan ligidir. NBA D-League'de 2022-2023 sezonu itibarıyla toplamda 30 takım vardır.
![]() | |
Spor | Basketbol |
Ülke | ![]() |
İlk sezon | 2001 |
Takım sayısı | 30 |
Son şampiyon | Delaware Blue Coats |
Resmî site | NBADLeague resmi web sitesi |

2022-2023 takımları
Takım | Şehir | Arena | Kapasite | Kuruluş | Katılma | Koç | NBA takımı |
Washington D.C. | 4,200 | 2018 | Washington Wizards | ||||
College Park, Georgia | 3,500 | 2017 | Noel Gillespie | Atlanta Hawks | |||
Walker, Michigan | 4,500 | 2006 | Detroit Pistons | ||||
Maine Red Claws | Portland, Maine | 3,100 | 2009 | Boston Celtics | |||
Prescott Valley, Arizona | 5,100 | 2003 | 2006 | Phoenix Suns | |||
Sioux Falls Skyforce | Sioux Falls | 3,250 | 1989 | 2006 | Miami Heat | ||
South Bay Lakers | El Segundo, Kaliforniya | 750 | 2006 | Los Angeles Lakers | |||
Stockton, Kaliforniya | 11,193 | 2008 | Sacramento Kings | ||||
Frisco, Teksas | 4,500 | 2006 | George Galanopoulos | Dallas Mavericks | |||
Windy City Bulls | Hoffman Estates, Illinois | 10,000 | 2016 | Henry Domercant | Chicago Bulls | ||
Wisconsin Herd | Oshkosh, Wisconsin | 3,500 | 2017 | Chase Buford | Milwaukee Bucks |
Takım | Şehir | Arena | Kapasite | Kuruluş | Kapasite | Koç | NBA takımı |
Meksiko, Meksika | 5,242 | 2017 | 2021 | ||||
Detroit, Michigan | 3,000 | 2003 | 2021 | Detroit Pistons |
- ^ As the .
- ^ As the .
- ^ As the .
- ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz
isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: ) - ^ a b c The original , at the time an affiliate of the Orlando Magic, were fully purchased and moved to Lakeland as the Lakeland Magic starting with the 2017 season. However, the Atlanta Hawks began operating their new development franchise in Erie, before moving it to College Park, Georgia, when their new arena at was completed. A third franchise began using the BayHawks' name with a new franchise owned by the New Orleans Pelicans in 2019.
- ^ As the .
- ^ Played as the Idaho Stampede in the before joining the NBA D-League in 2006.
- ^ As the Dakota Wizards; Played in the and the before joining the NBA D-League in 2006.
- ^ As the Anaheim Arsenal.
- ^ a b As the in the . Joined the D-League as the Bakersfield Jam in 2006.
- ^ Played in the and the before joining the NBA D-League in 2006.
- ^ As the Los Angeles D-Fenders; did not field a team for the 2010–11 season.
- ^ As the .
- ^ As the Colorado 14ers.
İlgili bağlantılar
- ^ . Raptors 905. 29 Haziran 2015. 30 Haziran 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2017.
- ^ Robbins, Jesse (24 Mart 2015). "Utah Jazz Purchase the Idaho Stampede". NBA Media Ventures, LLC. 13 Kasım 2018 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 13 Kasım 2018.
- ^ . St. Elizabeths East. 10 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 21 Haziran 2017.
- ^ Dunlap, Evan (15 Nisan 2014). . Orlando Pinstriped Post. 18 Nisan 2014 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 9 Temmuz 2017.
- ^ Kaynak hatası: Geçersiz
isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: )
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NBA Development League veya National Basketball Association Development League Turkce NBA Gelisim Ligi NBA in bir yan ligidir NBA D League de 2022 2023 sezonu itibariyla toplamda 30 takim vardir NBA Development LeagueSporBasketbolUlkeABDIlk sezon2001Takim sayisi30Son sampiyonDelaware Blue CoatsResmi siteNBADLeague resmi web sitesiLigin eski logosuTakimlar2022 2023 takimlari Takim Sehir Arena Kapasite Kurulus Katilma Koc NBA takimiOntario Kaliforniya Toyota Arena 10 832 2017 Los Angeles ClippersAustin Spurs Cedar Park Teksas 7 200 2001 San Antonio SpursCleveland Ohio 8 500 2001 Cleveland CavaliersDelaware Blue Coats Wilmington Delaware 2 500 2007 Philadelphia 76ersBirmingham Alabama 17 654 2019 T J Saint New Orleans PelicansFort Wayne Mad Ants Indianapolis Indiana Gainbridge Fieldhouse 17 000 2007 Tom Hankins Indiana PacersGreensboro Kuzey Karolina 2 500 2016 Jordan Surenkamp Charlotte HornetsIowa Wolves Des Moines Iowa 16 110 2007 Jeff Newton Minnesota TimberwolvesOsceola Magic Lakeland Florida 8 178 2008 Orlando Magic13 500 2016 Brooklyn NetsSouthaven Mississippi 8 362 2017 Jason March Memphis GrizzliesHenderson Nevada Dollar Loan Center 2020Oklahoma City Blue Oklahoma City Oklahoma 13 846 2001 Oklahoma City ThunderMississauga Ontario 5 000 2015 Eric Khoury Toronto RaptorsRio Grande Valley Vipers Edinburg Teksas 9 000 2007 Houston RocketsSalt Lake City Stars Taylorsville Utah 5 000 1997 2006 Steve Wojciechowski Utah JazzSanta Cruz Warriors Santa Cruz Kaliforniya 2 505 1995 2006 Kris Weems Golden State WarriorsBridgeport Connecticut 9 000 2014 DeSagana Diop New York KnicksTakim Sehir Arena Kapasite Kurulus Katilma Koc NBA takimiWashington D C 4 200 2018 Washington WizardsCollege Park Georgia 3 500 2017 Noel Gillespie Atlanta HawksWalker Michigan 4 500 2006 Detroit PistonsMaine Red Claws Portland Maine 3 100 2009 Boston CelticsPrescott Valley Arizona 5 100 2003 2006 Phoenix SunsSioux Falls Skyforce Sioux Falls 3 250 1989 2006 Miami HeatSouth Bay Lakers El Segundo Kaliforniya 750 2006 Los Angeles LakersStockton Kaliforniya 11 193 2008 Sacramento KingsFrisco Teksas 4 500 2006 George Galanopoulos Dallas MavericksWindy City Bulls Hoffman Estates Illinois 10 000 2016 Henry Domercant Chicago BullsWisconsin Herd Oshkosh Wisconsin 3 500 2017 Chase Buford Milwaukee BucksTakim Sehir Arena Kapasite Kurulus Kapasite Koc NBA takimiMeksiko Meksika 5 242 2017 2021Detroit Michigan 3 000 2003 2021 Detroit Pistons As the As the As the Kaynak hatasi Gecersiz lt ref gt etiketi Pelicans isimli refler icin metin saglanmadi Bkz Kaynak gosterme a b c The original at the time an affiliate of the Orlando Magic were fully purchased and moved to Lakeland as the Lakeland Magic starting with the 2017 season However the Atlanta Hawks began operating their new development franchise in Erie before moving it to College Park Georgia when their new arena at was completed A third franchise began using the BayHawks name with a new franchise owned by the New Orleans Pelicans in 2019 As the Played as the Idaho Stampede in the before joining the NBA D League in 2006 As the Dakota Wizards Played in the and the before joining the NBA D League in 2006 As the Anaheim Arsenal a b As the in the Joined the D League as the Bakersfield Jam in 2006 Played in the and the before joining the NBA D League in 2006 As the Los Angeles D Fenders did not field a team for the 2010 11 season As the As the Colorado 14ers Ilgili baglantilarNCAA WNBA NBA DraftiKaynakca Raptors 905 29 Haziran 2015 30 Haziran 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 9 Temmuz 2017 Robbins Jesse 24 Mart 2015 Utah Jazz Purchase the Idaho Stampede SaltLakeCity GLeague NBA com NBA Media Ventures LLC 13 Kasim 2018 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 13 Kasim 2018 St Elizabeths East 10 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 21 Haziran 2017 Dunlap Evan 15 Nisan 2014 Orlando Pinstriped Post 18 Nisan 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 9 Temmuz 2017 Kaynak hatasi Gecersiz lt ref gt etiketi NAZSunsBuyJam isimli refler icin metin saglanmadi Bkz Kaynak gosterme