Naja, Elapidae familyasına bağlı bir sürüngen cinsidir.
Naja | |||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||
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Sinonimler | |||||||||||
Eski Hintçedeki nāga, İngilizce: 'snake', Germen: *snēk-a : *(s)nēg-o- eşasıllıdır.
Naja cinsine bağlı türler (2024):
- Naja anchietae
- Naja annulata
- Naja annulifera
- Naja antiqua
- Naja arabica
- Naja ashei
- Naja atra
- Naja austriaca
- Naja christyi
- Naja haje
- † Naja iberica
- Naja kaouthia
- Naja katiensis
- Naja mandalayensis
- Naja melanoleuca
- Naja mossambica
- Naja multifasciata
- Naja naja
- Naja nigricincta
- Naja nigricollis
- Naja nivea
- Naja nubiae
- Naja oxiana
- Naja pallida
- Naja peroescobari
- Naja philippinensis
- Naja romani
- Naja sagittifera
- Naja samarensis
- Naja senegalensis
- Naja siamensis
- Naja sputatrix
- Naja subfulva
- Naja sumatrana
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Laurenti, Joseph N. 1768. Specimen medicum, exhibens synopsin reptilium emendatam cum experimentis circa venena et antidota reptilium austriacorum. Joan Thomae, Viennae.: 1–214; Pls. 1–5.
- Carroll R. L. (1988) , Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution, 1-698
- Bachmayer F., Szyndlar Z. (1985) Ophidians (Reptilia: Serpentes) from the Kohfidisch fissures of Burgenland, Austria, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A: Mineralogie und Petrographie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Anthropologie Praehistorie 87, 79-100
- Szyndlar Z. (1985) Ophidian fauna (Reptilia, Serpentes) from the uppermost Miocene of Algora (Spain)., Estudios Geologicos 41, 447-465
- Bachmayer F, Szyndlar Z (1987) A second contribution to the ophidian fauna (Reptilia: Serpentes) of Kohfidisch, Austria, Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A: Mineralogie und Petrographie, Geologie und Palaeontologie, Anthropologie Praehistorie 88, 25-39
- Frank N., Ramus E. (1996) A Complete Guide to Scientific and Common Names of Reptiles and Amphibians of the World, 1-377
- Hugues-Alexandre B., Agusti J., et al (2013) Amphibians and Squamate Reptiles from the Late Miocene (Vallesian) of Eastern Morocco (GuefaIT-1, Jerada Province), Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33 4, 804-816 doi:10.1080/039.033.0404
- Wallach, Van, Kenneth L. Williams, and Jeff Boundy, 2014: null. Snakes of the World. A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species. 1209.
- David, Patrick, and Ivan Ineich, 1999: Les serpents venimeux du monde: systematique et repartition. Dumerilia, vol. 3. 3-499.
- Nomenclator Zoologicus. A list of the names of genera and subgenera in zoology from the tenth edition of Linnaeus, 1758 to the end of 2004. Digitised by uBio from vols. 1-9 of Neave (ed.), 1939-1996
- ^ "GBIF". Erişim tarihi: 20 Haziran 2024.
- ^ "PaleoBioDB". Erişim tarihi: 20 Haziran 2024.
- ^ Proto-IE: *(s)nēg-o-, Meaning: snake, Old Indian: nāgá- m. 'snake', Germanic: *snēk-a- m., *snak-an- m., *snak-ō f.; *snak-a- vb. 21 Ocak 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Naja Elapidae familyasina bagli bir surungen cinsidir NajaKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ChordataSinif SquamataFamilya ElapidaeCins Naja 1768SinonimlerAfronaja Wallach Wuster amp Broadley 2009 Boulengerina Dollo 1886 Naia Berthold 1827 Paranaja Loveridge 1944EtimolojiEski Hintcedeki naga Ingilizce snake Germen snek a s neg o esasillidir TaksonomiNaja cinsine bagli turler 2024 Naja anchietae Naja annulata Naja annulifera Naja antiqua Naja arabica Naja ashei Naja atra Naja austriaca Naja christyi Naja haje Naja iberica Naja kaouthia Naja katiensis Naja mandalayensis Naja melanoleuca Naja mossambica Naja multifasciata Naja naja Naja nigricincta Naja nigricollis Naja nivea Naja nubiae Naja oxiana Naja pallida Naja peroescobari Naja philippinensis Naja romani Naja sagittifera Naja samarensis Naja senegalensis Naja siamensis Naja sputatrix Naja subfulva Naja sumatranaGaleriKonuyla ilgili yayinlarLaurenti Joseph N 1768 Specimen medicum exhibens synopsin reptilium emendatam cum experimentis circa venena et antidota reptilium austriacorum Joan Thomae Viennae 1 214 Pls 1 5 Carroll R L 1988 Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution 1 698 Bachmayer F Szyndlar Z 1985 Ophidians Reptilia Serpentes from the Kohfidisch fissures of Burgenland Austria Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie A Mineralogie und Petrographie Geologie und Palaeontologie Anthropologie Praehistorie 87 79 100 Szyndlar Z 1985 Ophidian fauna Reptilia Serpentes from the uppermost Miocene of Algora Spain Estudios Geologicos 41 447 465 Bachmayer F Szyndlar Z 1987 A second contribution to the ophidian fauna Reptilia Serpentes of Kohfidisch Austria Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien Serie A Mineralogie und Petrographie Geologie und Palaeontologie Anthropologie Praehistorie 88 25 39 Frank N Ramus E 1996 A Complete Guide to Scientific and Common Names of Reptiles and Amphibians of the World 1 377 Hugues Alexandre B Agusti J et al 2013 Amphibians and Squamate Reptiles from the Late Miocene Vallesian of Eastern Morocco GuefaIT 1 Jerada Province Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 33 4 804 816 doi 10 1080 039 033 0404 Wallach Van Kenneth L Williams and Jeff Boundy 2014 null Snakes of the World A Catalogue of Living and Extinct Species 1209 David Patrick and Ivan Ineich 1999 Les serpents venimeux du monde systematique et repartition Dumerilia vol 3 3 499 Nomenclator Zoologicus A list of the names of genera and subgenera in zoology from the tenth edition of Linnaeus 1758 to the end of 2004 Digitised by uBio from vols 1 9 of Neave ed 1939 1996Kaynakca GBIF Erisim tarihi 20 Haziran 2024 Arsivlenmesi gereken baglantiya sahip kaynak sablonu iceren maddeler link PaleoBioDB Erisim tarihi 20 Haziran 2024 Arsivlenmesi gereken baglantiya sahip kaynak sablonu iceren maddeler link Proto IE s neg o Meaning snake Old Indian naga m snake Germanic snek a m snak an m snak ō f snak a vb http starling rinet ru cgi bin response cgi single 1 amp basename data ie piet amp text number 2649 amp root config 21 Ocak 2019 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Naja ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Naja ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Elapidae ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz