Nanorchestes, Nanorchestidae familyasına bağlı bir hayvan cinsidir. Dünyanın en soğuk bölgelerinde yaşar. Bir milimetrenin yaklaşık dörtte biri büyüklüğündeki Nanorchestes antarcticus Antarktika topraklarında ve daha az ölçüde buzullarda bulunur.[]
Nanorchestes | |||||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||||
Nanorchestes cinsine bağlı türler (2023):
- Nanorchestes africanus - Théron and Ryke, 1969
- Nanorchestes amphibius - Topsent and Trouessart, 1890
- Nanorchestes antarcticus - Strandtmann, 1963
- Nanorchestes arboriger - (Berlese, 1904)
- Nanorchestes bellus - Strandtmann and Somme, 1977
- Nanorchestes berryi - Strandtmann, 1982
- Nanorchestes bifurcatus - Strandtmann, 1967
- Nanorchestes brekkeristae - Strandtmann and Somme, 1977
- Nanorchestes capensis - Théron and Ryke, 1969
- Nanorchestes coatesi - Théron and Ryke, 1969
- Nanorchestes collinus - Hirst, 1918
- Nanorchestes dicrosetus - Luxton, 1984
- Nanorchestes exsertus - Théron and Ryke, 1969
- Nanorchestes gilli - Strandtmann, 1982
- Nanorchestes globosus - Théron and Ryke, 1969
- Nanorchestes hoffmannae - Vazquez, 1996
- Nanorchestes hutchinsoni - Luxton, 1989
- Nanorchestes jodiae - Strandtmann, 1982
- Nanorchestes kirsteueri - Schuster, 1965
- Nanorchestes lalae - Strandtmann, 1982
- Nanorchestes llanoi - Strandtmann, 1982
- Nanorchestes macquariensis - Strandtmann, 1982
- Nanorchestes marianae - Strandtmann, 1982
- Nanorchestes memelensis - Théron, 1975
- Nanorchestes nivalis - (Troussart, 1914)
- Nanorchestes pollicaris - Théron and Ryke, 1969
- Nanorchestes pseudocollinus - Schuster, 1958
- Nanorchestes pulvinar - Grandjean, 1942
- Nanorchestes rounsevelli - Strandtmann, 1982
- Nanorchestes siculus - (Berlese, 1910)
- Nanorchestes triclavatus - Booth, 1984
- Nanorchestes usualis - Théron and Ryke, 1969
- Nanorchestes watsoni - Strandtmann, 1982
- Nanorchestes wilbanksi - Strandtmann, 1981
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Nanorchestes Nanorchestidae familyasina bagli bir hayvan cinsidir Dunyanin en soguk bolgelerinde yasar Bir milimetrenin yaklasik dortte biri buyuklugundeki Nanorchestes antarcticus Antarktika topraklarinda ve daha az olcude buzullarda bulunur kaynak belirtilmeli NanorchestesKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ArthropodaSinif ArachnidaTakim SarcoptiformesFamilya NanorchestidaeCins Nanorchestes Topsent and Trouessart 1890TaksonomiNanorchestes cinsine bagli turler 2023 Nanorchestes africanus Theron and Ryke 1969 Nanorchestes amphibius Topsent and Trouessart 1890 Nanorchestes antarcticus Strandtmann 1963 Nanorchestes arboriger Berlese 1904 Nanorchestes bellus Strandtmann and Somme 1977 Nanorchestes berryi Strandtmann 1982 Nanorchestes bifurcatus Strandtmann 1967 Nanorchestes brekkeristae Strandtmann and Somme 1977 Nanorchestes capensis Theron and Ryke 1969 Nanorchestes coatesi Theron and Ryke 1969 Nanorchestes collinus Hirst 1918 Nanorchestes dicrosetus Luxton 1984 Nanorchestes exsertus Theron and Ryke 1969 Nanorchestes gilli Strandtmann 1982 Nanorchestes globosus Theron and Ryke 1969 Nanorchestes hoffmannae Vazquez 1996 Nanorchestes hutchinsoni Luxton 1989 Nanorchestes jodiae Strandtmann 1982 Nanorchestes kirsteueri Schuster 1965 Nanorchestes lalae Strandtmann 1982 Nanorchestes llanoi Strandtmann 1982 Nanorchestes macquariensis Strandtmann 1982 Nanorchestes marianae Strandtmann 1982 Nanorchestes memelensis Theron 1975 Nanorchestes nivalis Troussart 1914 Nanorchestes pollicaris Theron and Ryke 1969 Nanorchestes pseudocollinus Schuster 1958 Nanorchestes pulvinar Grandjean 1942 Nanorchestes rounsevelli Strandtmann 1982 Nanorchestes siculus Berlese 1910 Nanorchestes triclavatus Booth 1984 Nanorchestes usualis Theron and Ryke 1969 Nanorchestes watsoni Strandtmann 1982 Nanorchestes wilbanksi Strandtmann 1981Kaynakca ITIS 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 12 Agustos 2022 ITIS 1 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 12 Aralik 2023 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Nanorchestes ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Nanorchestes ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Nanorchestidae ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz