Nicolas-Thomas Baudin (d. 17 Şubat 1754, , , Fransa – ö. 16 Eylül 1803, Mauritius), Fransız denizci ve kâşif. 20 yaşındayken fransız donanmasına katıldı. Amerikan Bağımsızlık Savaşı süresince Karayipler'de hizmet verdi. 1791 yılında Fransa Avusturya'ya savaş ilan edince Fransız donanmasında tekrar çalıştı. Savaştan sonra, Avustralyalı botanikçileri Hint Okyanusu'ndan Pasifik Okyanusu'na taşıyan gemilere kapotanlık yaptı. Avustralya'dan evine dönerken 16 Eylül 1803'te durakladığı Hint Okyanusu'nun güneybatısındaki Mauritius adasında veremden öldü.

Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Bonnemains, J., Forsyth, E. and Smith, B. Baudin in Australian Waters: The Artwork of the French Voyage of Discovery to the Southern Lands 1800—1804 With a Descriptive Catalogue of Drawings and Paintings of Australian Subjects by C. –A. Lesueur and N.-M. Petit from the Lesueur Collection at the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle, Le Havre, France Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1988.
- Bonnemains, J., Argentin, J.-M. and Marin, M. (eds) Mon voyage aux Terres Australes: Journal personnel du commandant Baudin, Éditions Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 2000.
- Bouvier, R. & Maynial, E. Une Aventure dans les Mers Australes: L’Expédition du Commandant Baudin (1800—1803), Mercure de France, Paris, 1947.
- Brown, A. J. Ill-starred Captains: Flinders and Baudin, Crawford House, Adelaide, 2000.
- Cornel, C. (trans.) The Journal of Post Captain Nicolas Baudin, Adelaide, 1974.
- Duyker, E. In Search of Madame Kerivel and Baudin’s Last Resting Place, National Library of Australia News, vol. IX, no. 12, September 1999, pp. 8–10.
- Duyker, E. François Péron: An Impetuous Life: Naturalist and Voyager, Miegunyah/Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2006, .
- Fornasiero, Jean; Monteath, Peter and West-Sooby, John. Encountering Terra Australis: the Australian voyages of Nicholas Baudin and Matthew Flinders, Kent Town, South Australia,Wakefield Press,2004.
- Horner, F. The French Reconnaissance: Baudin in Australia 1801—1803, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1987 .
- Ly-Tio-Fane, Madeleine, Le Géographe et Le Naturaliste à L’Ile-de-France 1801, 1803, Ultime Escale du Captaine Baudin: Deuxième Partie, Le Voyage de Découvertes aux Terres australes, Collection Lesueur du Muséum d’histoire naturelle du Havre, Dossier 15: Catalogue établi Jacqueline Bonnemains commenté par Madeleine Ly-Tio-fane, MSM Limited, Port Louis, 2003 [Mauritius].
- - Marine Life Society of South Australia Inc.
- Plomley, B. The Baudin Expedition and the Tasmanian Aborigines 1802, Blubber Head Press, Hobart, 1983
- Toft, Klaus The Navigators - Flinders vs Baudin, Sydney, Duffy and Snellgrove, 2002.
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Nicolas Thomas Baudin d 17 Subat 1754 Fransa o 16 Eylul 1803 Mauritius Fransiz denizci ve kasif 20 yasindayken fransiz donanmasina katildi Amerikan Bagimsizlik Savasi suresince Karayipler de hizmet verdi 1791 yilinda Fransa Avusturya ya savas ilan edince Fransiz donanmasinda tekrar calisti Savastan sonra Avustralyali botanikcileri Hint Okyanusu ndan Pasifik Okyanusu na tasiyan gemilere kapotanlik yapti Avustralya dan evine donerken 16 Eylul 1803 te durakladigi Hint Okyanusu nun guneybatisindaki Mauritius adasinda veremden oldu Nicolas Thomas Baudin deki anitiKonuyla ilgili yayinlarBonnemains J Forsyth E and Smith B Baudin in Australian Waters The Artwork of the French Voyage of Discovery to the Southern Lands 1800 1804 With a Descriptive Catalogue of Drawings and Paintings of Australian Subjects by C A Lesueur and N M Petit from the Lesueur Collection at the Museum d Histoire Naturelle Le Havre France Oxford University Press Melbourne 1988 Bonnemains J Argentin J M and Marin M eds Mon voyage aux Terres Australes Journal personnel du commandant Baudin Editions Imprimerie Nationale Paris 2000 Bouvier R amp Maynial E Une Aventure dans les Mers Australes L Expedition du Commandant Baudin 1800 1803 Mercure de France Paris 1947 Brown A J Ill starred Captains Flinders and Baudin Crawford House Adelaide 2000 Cornel C trans The Journal of Post Captain Nicolas Baudin Adelaide 1974 Duyker E In Search of Madame Kerivel and Baudin s Last Resting Place National Library of Australia News vol IX no 12 September 1999 pp 8 10 Duyker E Francois Peron An Impetuous Life Naturalist and Voyager Miegunyah Melbourne University Press Melbourne 2006 ISBN 978 0522 85260 8 Fornasiero Jean Monteath Peter and West Sooby John Encountering Terra Australis the Australian voyages of Nicholas Baudin and Matthew Flinders Kent Town South Australia Wakefield Press 2004 ISBN 1 86254 625 8 Horner F The French Reconnaissance Baudin in Australia 1801 1803 Melbourne University Press Melbourne 1987 ISBN 0 522 84339 5 Ly Tio Fane Madeleine Le Geographe et Le Naturaliste a L Ile de France 1801 1803 Ultime Escale du Captaine Baudin Deuxieme Partie Le Voyage de Decouvertes aux Terres australes Collection Lesueur du Museum d histoire naturelle du Havre Dossier 15 Catalogue etabli Jacqueline Bonnemains commente par Madeleine Ly Tio fane MSM Limited Port Louis 2003 Mauritius Marine Life Society of South Australia Inc Plomley B The Baudin Expedition and the Tasmanian Aborigines 1802 Blubber Head Press Hobart 1983 Toft Klaus The Navigators Flinders vs Baudin Sydney Duffy and Snellgrove 2002 ISBN 1 876631 60 0Bir Fransiz in biyografisi ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz