Ornithodoros, Argasidae familyasına bağlı bir hayvan cinsidir.
Ornithodoros | |||||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||||
Ornithodoros cinsine bağlı türler (2022):
- Ornithodoros acinus - Whittick, 1938
- Ornithodoros alactagalis - Issaakjan, 1936
- Ornithodoros amblus - Chamberlin, 1920
- Ornithodoros antiquus - Poinar, 1995
- Ornithodoros apertus - Walton, 1962
- Ornithodoros aragaoi - Fonseca, 1960
- Ornithodoros arenicolous - Hoogstraal, 1953
- Ornithodoros asperus - Warburton, 1918
- Ornithodoros atacamensis - Muñoz-Leal, Venzal and González-Acuña, 2016
- Ornithodoros azteci - Matheson, 1935
- Ornithodoros batuensis - Hirst, 1929
- Ornithodoros brasiliensis - Aragão, 1923
- Ornithodoros brodyi - Matheson, 1935
- Ornithodoros camicasi - (Sylla, Cornet and Marchand, 1997)
- Ornithodoros canestrinii - (Birula, 1895)
- Ornithodoros capensis - Neumann, 1901 – seabird soft tick
- Ornithodoros casebeeri - Jones and Clifford, 1972
- Ornithodoros cavernicolous - Dantas-Torres, Venzal and Labruna, 2012
- Ornithodoros cheikhi - Vermeil, Marjolet and Vermeil, 1997
- Ornithodoros chironectes - Jones and Clifford, 1972
- Ornithodoros chiropterphila - Dhanda and Rajagopalan, 1971
- Ornithodoros cholodkovskyi - Pavlovsky, 1930
- Ornithodoros clarki - Jones and Clifford, 1972
- Ornithodoros collocaliae - Hoogstraal, Kadarsan, Kaiser and Van Peenen, 1974
- Ornithodoros compactus - Walton, 1962
- Ornithodoros concanensis - Cooley and Kohls, 1941
- Ornithodoros coniceps - (Canestrini, 1890)
- Ornithodoros cooleyi - McIvor, 1941
- Ornithodoros coriaceus - Koch, 1844
- Ornithodoros cyclurae - de la Cruz, 1984
- Ornithodoros darwini - Kohls, Clifford and Hoogstraal, 1969
- Ornithodoros delanoei - Roubaud and Colas-Belcour, 1931
- Ornithodoros denmarki - Kohls, Sonenshine and Clifford, 1965
- Ornithodoros dugesi - Mazzotti, 1943
- Ornithodoros dusbabeki - Cerný, 1967
- Ornithodoros dyeri - Cooley and Kohls, 1940
- Ornithodoros eboris - Theiler, 1959
- Ornithodoros echimys - Kohls, Clifford and Jones, 1969
- Ornithodoros elongatus - Kohls, Sonenshine and Clifford, 1965
- Ornithodoros eptesicus - Kohls, Clifford and Jones, 1969
- Ornithodoros eremicus - Cooley and Kohls, 1941
- Ornithodoros erraticus - (Lucas, 1849)
- Ornithodoros faccinii - Barros-Battesti, Landulfo and Luz in Barros-Battesti et al., 2015
- Ornithodoros faini - Hoogstraal, 1960
- Ornithodoros foleyi - Parrot, 1928
- Ornithodoros fonsecai - (Labruna and Venzal, 2009)
- Ornithodoros furcosus - Neumann, 1908
- Ornithodoros galapagensis - Kohls, Clifford and Hoogstraal, 1969
- Ornithodoros graingeri - Heisch and Guggisberg, 1953
- Ornithodoros grenieri - Klein, 1965
- Ornithodoros guaporensis - Nava, Venzal and Labruna, 2013
- Ornithodoros gurneyi - Warburton, 1926 – kangaroo soft tick
- Ornithodoros hadiae - (Klompen, Keirans and Durden, 1995)
- Ornithodoros hasei - (Schulze, 1935)
- Ornithodoros hermsi - Wheeler, Herms and Meyer, 1935
- Ornithodoros huajianensis - Sun, Xu, Liu, Wu and Qin, 2019
- Ornithodoros indica - Rau and Rao, 1971
- Ornithodoros jerseyi - (Klompen and Grimaldi, 2001)
- Ornithodoros jul - Schulze, 1940
- Ornithodoros kalahariensis - Bakkes, de Klerk and Mans, 2018
- Ornithodoros kelleyi - Cooley and Kohls, 1941 – bat tick
- Ornithodoros knoxjonesi - Jones and Clifford, 1972
- Ornithodoros kohlsi - Guglielmone and Keirans, 2002
- Ornithodoros lahillei - Venzal, González-Acuña and Nava, 2015
- Ornithodoros lahorensis - Neumann, 1908
- Ornithodoros macmillani - Hoogstraal and Kohls, 1966
- Ornithodoros madagascariensis - Hoogstraal, 1962
- Ornithodoros marinkellei - Kohls, Clifford and Jones, 1969
- Ornithodoros maritimus - Vermeil and Marguet, 1967
- Ornithodoros marmosae - Jones and Clifford, 1972
- Ornithodoros marocanus - Velu, 1919
- Ornithodoros microlophi - Venzal, Nava and González-Acuña, 2013
- Ornithodoros mimon - Kohls, Clifford and Jones, 1969
- Ornithodoros montensis - Venzal, Castillo, Gonzalez-Rivas, Mangold and Nava, 2019
- Ornithodoros mormoops - Kohls, Clifford and Jones, 1969
- Ornithodoros moubata - (Murray, 1877) – eyeless tampan
- Ornithodoros muesebecki - Hoogstraal, 1969
- Ornithodoros multisetosus - (Klompen, Keirans and Durden, 1995)
- Ornithodoros natalinus - Cerný and Dusbábek, 1967
- Ornithodoros nattereri - Warburton, 1927
- Ornithodoros nicollei - Mooser, 1932
- Ornithodoros noorsveldensis - Bakkes, de Klerk and Mans, 2018
- Ornithodoros normandi - Larrousse, 1923
- Ornithodoros papillipes - (Birula, 1895)
- Ornithodoros papuensis - (Klompen, Keirans and Durden, 1995)
- Ornithodoros parkeri - Cooley, 1936
- Ornithodoros pavimentosus - Neumann, 1901
- Ornithodoros peringueyi - Bedford and Hewitt, 1925
- Ornithodoros peropteryx - Kohls, Clifford and Jones, 1969
- Ornithodoros peruvianus - Kohls, Clifford and Jones, 1969
- Ornithodoros peusi - (Schulze, 1943)
- Ornithodoros phacochoerus - Bakkes, de Klerk and Mans, 2018
- Ornithodoros piriformis - Warburton, 1918
- Ornithodoros porcinus - Walton, 1962 – eyeless tampan
- Ornithodoros procaviae - Theodor and Costa, 1960
- Ornithodoros puertoricensis - Fox, 1947
- Ornithodoros quilinensis - Venzal, Nava and Mangold, 2012
- Ornithodoros rennellensis - Clifford and Sonenshine, 1962
- Ornithodoros rietcorreai - Labruna, Nava and Venzal, 2016
- Ornithodoros rioplatensis - Venzal, Estrada-Peña and Mangold, 2008
- Ornithodoros rondoniensis - (Labruna, Terassini, Camargo, Brandão, Ribeiro and Estrada-Peña, 2008)
- Ornithodoros rossi - Kohls, Sonenshine and Clifford, 1965
- Ornithodoros rostratus - Aragão, 1911
- Ornithodoros rudis - Karsch, 1880
- Ornithodoros salahi - Hoogstraal, 1953
- Ornithodoros saraivai - Muñoz-Leal and Labruna, 2017
- Ornithodoros savignyi - (Audouin, 1826) – eyed tampan, sand tampan
- Ornithodoros sawaii - Kitaoka and Suzuki, 1973
- Ornithodoros solomonis - Dumbleton, 1959
- Ornithodoros sonrai - Sautet and Witkowski, 1943
- Ornithodoros sparnus - Kohls and Clifford, 1963
- Ornithodoros spheniscus - Hoogstraal, Wassef, Hays and Keirans, 1985
- Ornithodoros stageri - Cooley and Kohls, 1941
- Ornithodoros tadaridae - Cerný and Dusbábek, 1967
- Ornithodoros talaje - (Guérin-Méneville, 1849)
- Ornithodoros tartakovskyi - Olenev, 1931
- Ornithodoros tholozani - (Laboulbène and Mégnin, 1882)
- Ornithodoros tiptoni - Jones and Clifford, 1972
- Ornithodoros turicata - (Dugès, 1876)
- Ornithodoros tuttlei - Jones and Clifford, 1972
- Ornithodoros vansomereni - Keirans, Hoogstraal and Clifford, 1977
- Ornithodoros verrucosus - Olenev, Zasukhin and Fenyuk, 1934
- Ornithodoros viguerasi - Cooley and Kohls, 1941
- Ornithodoros waterbergensis - Bakkes, de Klerk and Mans, 2018
- Ornithodoros xerophylus - Venzal, Mangold and Nava, 2015
- Ornithodoros yumatensis - Cooley and Kohls, 1941
- Ornithodoros yunkeri - Keirans, Clifford and Hoogstraal, 1984
- Ornithodoros zumpti - Heisch and Guggisberg, 1953
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Ornithodoros Argasidae familyasina bagli bir hayvan cinsidir OrnithodorosKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ArthropodaSinif ArachnidaTakim IxodidaFamilya IxodidaeCins Ornithodoros Koch 1844TaksonomiOrnithodoros cinsine bagli turler 2022 Ornithodoros acinus Whittick 1938 Ornithodoros alactagalis Issaakjan 1936 Ornithodoros amblus Chamberlin 1920 Ornithodoros antiquus Poinar 1995 Ornithodoros apertus Walton 1962 Ornithodoros aragaoi Fonseca 1960 Ornithodoros arenicolous Hoogstraal 1953 Ornithodoros asperus Warburton 1918 Ornithodoros atacamensis Munoz Leal Venzal and Gonzalez Acuna 2016 Ornithodoros azteci Matheson 1935 Ornithodoros batuensis Hirst 1929 Ornithodoros brasiliensis Aragao 1923 Ornithodoros brodyi Matheson 1935 Ornithodoros camicasi Sylla Cornet and Marchand 1997 Ornithodoros canestrinii Birula 1895 Ornithodoros capensis Neumann 1901 seabird soft tick Ornithodoros casebeeri Jones and Clifford 1972 Ornithodoros cavernicolous Dantas Torres Venzal and Labruna 2012 Ornithodoros cheikhi Vermeil Marjolet and Vermeil 1997 Ornithodoros chironectes Jones and Clifford 1972 Ornithodoros chiropterphila Dhanda and Rajagopalan 1971 Ornithodoros cholodkovskyi Pavlovsky 1930 Ornithodoros clarki Jones and Clifford 1972 Ornithodoros collocaliae Hoogstraal Kadarsan Kaiser and Van Peenen 1974 Ornithodoros compactus Walton 1962 Ornithodoros concanensis Cooley and Kohls 1941 Ornithodoros coniceps Canestrini 1890 Ornithodoros cooleyi McIvor 1941 Ornithodoros coriaceus Koch 1844 Ornithodoros cyclurae de la Cruz 1984 Ornithodoros darwini Kohls Clifford and Hoogstraal 1969 Ornithodoros delanoei Roubaud and Colas Belcour 1931 Ornithodoros denmarki Kohls Sonenshine and Clifford 1965 Ornithodoros dugesi Mazzotti 1943 Ornithodoros dusbabeki Cerny 1967 Ornithodoros dyeri Cooley and Kohls 1940 Ornithodoros eboris Theiler 1959 Ornithodoros echimys Kohls Clifford and Jones 1969 Ornithodoros elongatus Kohls Sonenshine and Clifford 1965 Ornithodoros eptesicus Kohls Clifford and Jones 1969 Ornithodoros eremicus Cooley and Kohls 1941 Ornithodoros erraticus Lucas 1849 Ornithodoros faccinii Barros Battesti Landulfo and Luz in Barros Battesti et al 2015 Ornithodoros faini Hoogstraal 1960 Ornithodoros foleyi Parrot 1928 Ornithodoros fonsecai Labruna and Venzal 2009 Ornithodoros furcosus Neumann 1908 Ornithodoros galapagensis Kohls Clifford and Hoogstraal 1969 Ornithodoros graingeri Heisch and Guggisberg 1953 Ornithodoros grenieri Klein 1965 Ornithodoros guaporensis Nava Venzal and Labruna 2013 Ornithodoros gurneyi Warburton 1926 kangaroo soft tick Ornithodoros hadiae Klompen Keirans and Durden 1995 Ornithodoros hasei Schulze 1935 Ornithodoros hermsi Wheeler Herms and Meyer 1935 Ornithodoros huajianensis Sun Xu Liu Wu and Qin 2019 Ornithodoros indica Rau and Rao 1971 Ornithodoros jerseyi Klompen and Grimaldi 2001 Ornithodoros jul Schulze 1940 Ornithodoros kalahariensis Bakkes de Klerk and Mans 2018 Ornithodoros kelleyi Cooley and Kohls 1941 bat tick Ornithodoros knoxjonesi Jones and Clifford 1972 Ornithodoros kohlsi Guglielmone and Keirans 2002 Ornithodoros lahillei Venzal Gonzalez Acuna and Nava 2015 Ornithodoros lahorensis Neumann 1908 Ornithodoros macmillani Hoogstraal and Kohls 1966 Ornithodoros madagascariensis Hoogstraal 1962 Ornithodoros marinkellei Kohls Clifford and Jones 1969 Ornithodoros maritimus Vermeil and Marguet 1967 Ornithodoros marmosae Jones and Clifford 1972 Ornithodoros marocanus Velu 1919 Ornithodoros microlophi Venzal Nava and Gonzalez Acuna 2013 Ornithodoros mimon Kohls Clifford and Jones 1969 Ornithodoros montensis Venzal Castillo Gonzalez Rivas Mangold and Nava 2019 Ornithodoros mormoops Kohls Clifford and Jones 1969 Ornithodoros moubata Murray 1877 eyeless tampan Ornithodoros muesebecki Hoogstraal 1969 Ornithodoros multisetosus Klompen Keirans and Durden 1995 Ornithodoros natalinus Cerny and Dusbabek 1967 Ornithodoros nattereri Warburton 1927 Ornithodoros nicollei Mooser 1932 Ornithodoros noorsveldensis Bakkes de Klerk and Mans 2018 Ornithodoros normandi Larrousse 1923 Ornithodoros papillipes Birula 1895 Ornithodoros papuensis Klompen Keirans and Durden 1995 Ornithodoros parkeri Cooley 1936 Ornithodoros pavimentosus Neumann 1901 Ornithodoros peringueyi Bedford and Hewitt 1925 Ornithodoros peropteryx Kohls Clifford and Jones 1969 Ornithodoros peruvianus Kohls Clifford and Jones 1969 Ornithodoros peusi Schulze 1943 Ornithodoros phacochoerus Bakkes de Klerk and Mans 2018 Ornithodoros piriformis Warburton 1918 Ornithodoros porcinus Walton 1962 eyeless tampan Ornithodoros procaviae Theodor and Costa 1960 Ornithodoros puertoricensis Fox 1947 Ornithodoros quilinensis Venzal Nava and Mangold 2012 Ornithodoros rennellensis Clifford and Sonenshine 1962 Ornithodoros rietcorreai Labruna Nava and Venzal 2016 Ornithodoros rioplatensis Venzal Estrada Pena and Mangold 2008 Ornithodoros rondoniensis Labruna Terassini Camargo Brandao Ribeiro and Estrada Pena 2008 Ornithodoros rossi Kohls Sonenshine and Clifford 1965 Ornithodoros rostratus Aragao 1911 Ornithodoros rudis Karsch 1880 Ornithodoros salahi Hoogstraal 1953 Ornithodoros saraivai Munoz Leal and Labruna 2017 Ornithodoros savignyi Audouin 1826 eyed tampan sand tampan Ornithodoros sawaii Kitaoka and Suzuki 1973 Ornithodoros solomonis Dumbleton 1959 Ornithodoros sonrai Sautet and Witkowski 1943 Ornithodoros sparnus Kohls and Clifford 1963 Ornithodoros spheniscus Hoogstraal Wassef Hays and Keirans 1985 Ornithodoros stageri Cooley and Kohls 1941 Ornithodoros tadaridae Cerny and Dusbabek 1967 Ornithodoros talaje Guerin Meneville 1849 Ornithodoros tartakovskyi Olenev 1931 Ornithodoros tholozani Laboulbene and Megnin 1882 Ornithodoros tiptoni Jones and Clifford 1972 Ornithodoros turicata Duges 1876 Ornithodoros tuttlei Jones and Clifford 1972 Ornithodoros vansomereni Keirans Hoogstraal and Clifford 1977 Ornithodoros verrucosus Olenev Zasukhin and Fenyuk 1934 Ornithodoros viguerasi Cooley and Kohls 1941 Ornithodoros waterbergensis Bakkes de Klerk and Mans 2018 Ornithodoros xerophylus Venzal Mangold and Nava 2015 Ornithodoros yumatensis Cooley and Kohls 1941 Ornithodoros yunkeri Keirans Clifford and Hoogstraal 1984 Ornithodoros zumpti Heisch and Guggisberg 1953Kaynakca 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 26 Eylul 2022 30 Ekim 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Ornithodoros ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Ornithodoros ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Argasidae ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz