Oscar Emmanuel Peterson, (d. 15 Ağustos 1925, Montreal – ö. 23 Aralık 2007, Missisauga) Kanadalı piyanist, caz ustası, besteci.
Oscar Peterson | |
![]() Oscar Peterson | |
Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | Oscar Emmanuel Peterson 15 Ağustos 1925 |
Ölüm | 23 Aralık 2007 (82 yaşında) Mississauga, Ontario, Kanada |
Başladığı yer | Montreal, Québec, Kanada |
Tarzlar | Caz |
Meslekler | Piyanist, Besteci |
Çalgılar | Piyano |
Etkin yıllar | 1945-2007 |
Müzik şirketi | Mercury, , , , |
Resmî site | www.oscarpeterson.com |
Henüz beş yaşında trompet ve piyano çalmaya başladı. Yedi yaşındayken geçirdiği tüberküloz hastalığı nedeniyle babası tarafından piyanoya yönlendirildi. 1943'te Quebec'te bir halk dansları orkestrasında çalmaya başlayarak, bu bölgede bir orkestrada çalan ilk siyah müzisyen olan Peterson, 1949'da sürpriz bir davetle ABD'de çalınca ünü dünyada yayılmaya başladı.
Peterson’un jazz dünyası içine girişi, emprezaryo ’la tanıştırılmasıyla başladı. Avrupa'da düzenli turnelere çıktı. Ella Fitzgerald'a uzun süre eşlik etti. "Dünyanın en çok tanınan Kanada'lısı" olarak bilinen Peterson, Louis Armstrong, Roy Eldridge, Nat King Cole, Dizzy Gillespie, Charlie Parker, , , gibi caz dünyasının devleriyle birlikte çaldı.

Cazdaki ustalığının dışında insancıl yönleriyle de tanınan Oscar Peterson, yaşamı boyunca ırkçılığa karşı da büyük mücadele verdi. , swing, bebop tarzlarının virtüözü haline geldi.
1993 yılında felç geçirerek sanatından uzak kalan sanatçı, bir süre sonra yeniden piyano klavyesinin başına döndü. Uluslararası dalda birçok ödül kazandı, okul ve meydanlara adı verildi, üniversitelerde "doktorluk" titri ile onurlandırıldı.
60 yılı aşkın müzik yaşamında 200 kadar albüm çıkaran Peterson, böbrek yetmezliği nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdi.
- 1945 I Got Rhythm
- 1947 Rockin' in Rhythm
- 1950 Oscar Peterson At Carnegie Hall
- 1951 Oscar Peterson Plays Cole Porter
- 1952 - The President Plays with the Oscar Peterson Trio
- 1952 Oscar Peterson Plays Duke Ellington
- 1954 Oscar Peterson Plays George Gershwin with
- 1956 At the Stratford Shakespearean Festival
- 1957 Anita O'Day - Anita Sings the Most
- 1957 At The Concertgebouw
- 1957 Louis Armstrong Meets Oscar Peterson
- 1957 and the Oscar Peterson Trio
- 1958 On the Town with the Oscar Peterson Trio
- 1959 A Jazz Portrait of Frank Sinatra
- 1959 Meets Oscar Peterson
- 1959 Oscar Peterson Plays
- 1959 Oscar Peterson Plays the Cole Porter Song Book
- 1959 Oscar Peterson Plays the Duke Ellington Song Book
- 1959 Oscar Peterson Plays the George Gershwin Song Book
- 1959 Swinging Brass
- 1959 The Jazz Soul of Oscar Peterson
- 1959
- 1961 The Trio Live from Chicago
- 1961
- 1962 Affinity
- 1962 Bursting Out With The All-Star Big Band
- 1962
- 1962
- 1962
- 1963 The Oscar Peterson Trio & Nelson Riddle
- 1964 Hymn to Freedom
- 1964 Live in Ljubljana
- 1964
- 1964 (Clark Terry)
- 1964
- 1965
- 1965
- 1966
- 1966
- 1967 Jazz at the Philharmonic - The Greatest Jazz Concert in the World
- 1968 My Favorite Instrument
- 1969 Hello Herbie
- 1969 Motions and Emotions
- 1970 Another Day
- 1970 Oscar Peterson in Paris
- 1970 Oscar Peterson, - Reunion Blues
- 1970 Tristeza on Piano
- 1970 (with the )
- 1970 Walking The Line
- 1971 Exclusively for my friends (4 LP box set)
- 1971 Great Connection
- 1972 History Of An Artist Vol. 2
- 1972 Solo
- 1972 The Oscar Peterson Trio in Tokyo
- 1973 Jazz in Paris with Quartet Vol. 1
- 1973 Jazz in Paris with Quartet Vol. 2
- 1973 The Good Life
- 1973 The Trio (Oscar Peterson, , )
- 1973 Trio in Chicago
- 1974 Oscar Peterson & Dizzy Gillespie
- 1974 Satch and Josh - Count Basie) Encounters Oscar Peterson
- 1975 Montreux '75
- 1975 Oscar Peterson and Clark Terry
- 1975 And The Gershwin Brothers
- 1975 (with Ella Fitzgerald)
- 1975 at Montreux Jazz Festival
- 1976 Porgy and Bess (with )
- 1977 Oscar Peterson Jam - Montreux '77
- 1977 Oscar Peterson and the Bassists - Montreux '77
- 1978 Night Rider (with Count Basie)
- 1978 The Paris Concert
- 1979 Digital At Montreux
- 1980 Live At Northsea Jazz Festival
- 1980 Skol (Stephane Grappelli, Oscar Peterson, , Mickey Roker)
- 1980 The Trumpet Summit meets Oscar Peterson Big Four
- 1980 at Northsea Festival
- 1981 Ain't But a Few of Us Left (, Oscar Peterson, , Grady Tate)
- 1981 Nigerian Marketplace
- 1982 Face to Face with
- 1982 Freedom Song The Oscar Peterson Big 4 in Japan '82 (Oscar Peterson, , , )
- 1982 Nigerian Marketplace
- 1983 A Tribute to My Friends
- 1983 If You Could See Me Now
- 1984 Easter Suite
- 1986 Benny Carter meets Oscar Peterson
- 1986 Live!
- 1986 Oscar Peterson with &
- 1986 Time After Time
- 1990 The Legendary Oscar Peterson Trio Live at the Blue Note
- 1990 The Legendary Oscar Peterson Trio Saturday Night at the Blue Note
- 1990 The Legendary Oscar Peterson Trio Encore at the Blue Note
- 1990 The Legendary Oscar Peterson Trio Last Call at the Blue Note
- 1992 Exclusively for My Friends
- 1994 Plays Broadway Jazz Masters 37
- 1994 Side by Side (Oscar Peterson, Itzhak Perlman)
- 1994 Some of My Best Friends Are... ...The Piano Players ()
- 1995 An Oscar Peterson Christmas
- 1995 The More I See You (Oscar Peterson, Benny Carter, Clark Terry, )
- 1996 Exclusively for My Friends - The Lost Tapes
- 1996 Live at the Town Hall
- 1996 Meets &
- 1996 Oscar in Paris
- 1998 Oscar and Benny
- 1998 The Very tall Band
- 1999 A Summer Night in Munich
- 1999 My Personal Choice
- 1999 Oscar Peterson Plays the Duke Ellington Song Book (1999) -- combined reissue of the 1953 and 1959 Ellington recordings
- 2000 Trail of Dreams: A Canadian Suite A Jazz suite with strings conducted by Michel Legrand
- 2001 Oscar's Ballads
- 2002 Tenderly
- 2004 A Night in Vienna
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- Kişisel web sitesi 26 Aralık 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- İngilizce Vikipedi'de Peterson 27 Aralık 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
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Oscar Emmanuel Peterson d 15 Agustos 1925 Montreal o 23 Aralik 2007 Missisauga Kanadali piyanist caz ustasi besteci Oscar PetersonOscar PetersonGenel bilgilerDogumOscar Emmanuel Peterson 15 Agustos 1925 1925 08 15 Olum23 Aralik 2007 82 yasinda Mississauga Ontario KanadaBasladigi yerMontreal Quebec KanadaTarzlarCazMesleklerPiyanist BesteciCalgilarPiyanoEtkin yillar1945 2007Muzik sirketiMercury Resmi sitewww oscarpeterson com Henuz bes yasinda trompet ve piyano calmaya basladi Yedi yasindayken gecirdigi tuberkuloz hastaligi nedeniyle babasi tarafindan piyanoya yonlendirildi 1943 te Quebec te bir halk danslari orkestrasinda calmaya baslayarak bu bolgede bir orkestrada calan ilk siyah muzisyen olan Peterson 1949 da surpriz bir davetle ABD de calinca unu dunyada yayilmaya basladi Peterson un jazz dunyasi icine girisi emprezaryo la tanistirilmasiyla basladi Avrupa da duzenli turnelere cikti Ella Fitzgerald a uzun sure eslik etti Dunyanin en cok taninan Kanada lisi olarak bilinen Peterson Louis Armstrong Roy Eldridge Nat King Cole Dizzy Gillespie Charlie Parker gibi caz dunyasinin devleriyle birlikte caldi Oscar Peterson gencliginde Cazdaki ustaliginin disinda insancil yonleriyle de taninan Oscar Peterson yasami boyunca irkciliga karsi da buyuk mucadele verdi swing bebop tarzlarinin virtuozu haline geldi 1993 yilinda felc gecirerek sanatindan uzak kalan sanatci bir sure sonra yeniden piyano klavyesinin basina dondu Uluslararasi dalda bircok odul kazandi okul ve meydanlara adi verildi universitelerde doktorluk titri ile onurlandirildi 60 yili askin muzik yasaminda 200 kadar album cikaran Peterson bobrek yetmezligi nedeniyle yasamini yitirdi Diskografisi1945 I Got Rhythm 1947 Rockin in Rhythm 1950 Oscar Peterson At Carnegie Hall 1951 Oscar Peterson Plays Cole Porter 1952 The President Plays with the Oscar Peterson Trio 1952 Oscar Peterson Plays Duke Ellington 1954 Oscar Peterson Plays George Gershwin with 1956 At the Stratford Shakespearean Festival 1957 Anita O Day Anita Sings the Most 1957 At The Concertgebouw 1957 Louis Armstrong Meets Oscar Peterson 1957 and the Oscar Peterson Trio 1958 On the Town with the Oscar Peterson Trio 1959 A Jazz Portrait of Frank Sinatra 1959 Meets Oscar Peterson 1959 Oscar Peterson Plays 1959 Oscar Peterson Plays the Cole Porter Song Book 1959 Oscar Peterson Plays the Duke Ellington Song Book 1959 Oscar Peterson Plays the George Gershwin Song Book 1959 Swinging Brass 1959 The Jazz Soul of Oscar Peterson 1959 1961 The Trio Live from Chicago 1961 1962 Affinity 1962 Bursting Out With The All Star Big Band 1962 1962 1962 1963 The Oscar Peterson Trio amp Nelson Riddle 1964 Hymn to Freedom 1964 Live in Ljubljana 1964 1964 Clark Terry 1964 1965 1965 1966 1966 1967 Jazz at the Philharmonic The Greatest Jazz Concert in the World 1968 My Favorite Instrument 1969 Hello Herbie 1969 Motions and Emotions 1970 Another Day 1970 Oscar Peterson in Paris 1970 Oscar Peterson Reunion Blues 1970 Tristeza on Piano 1970 with the 1970 Walking The Line 1971 Exclusively for my friends 4 LP box set 1971 Great Connection 1972 History Of An Artist Vol 2 1972 Solo 1972 The Oscar Peterson Trio in Tokyo 1973 Jazz in Paris with Quartet Vol 1 1973 Jazz in Paris with Quartet Vol 2 1973 The Good Life 1973 The Trio Oscar Peterson 1973 Trio in Chicago 1974 Oscar Peterson amp Dizzy Gillespie 1974 Satch and Josh Count Basie Encounters Oscar Peterson 1975 Montreux 75 1975 Oscar Peterson and Clark Terry 1975 And The Gershwin Brothers 1975 with Ella Fitzgerald 1975 at Montreux Jazz Festival 1976 Porgy and Bess with 1977 Oscar Peterson Jam Montreux 77 1977 Oscar Peterson and the Bassists Montreux 77 1978 Night Rider with Count Basie 1978 The Paris Concert 1979 Digital At Montreux 1980 Live At Northsea Jazz Festival 1980 Skol Stephane Grappelli Oscar Peterson Mickey Roker 1980 The Trumpet Summit meets Oscar Peterson Big Four 1980 at Northsea Festival 1981 Ain t But a Few of Us Left Oscar Peterson Grady Tate 1981 Nigerian Marketplace 1982 Face to Facewith 1982 Freedom Song The Oscar Peterson Big 4 in Japan 82 Oscar Peterson 1982 Nigerian Marketplace 1983 A Tribute to My Friends 1983 If You Could See Me Now 1984 Easter Suite 1986 Benny Carter meets Oscar Peterson 1986 Live 1986 Oscar Peterson with amp 1986 Time After Time 1990 The Legendary Oscar Peterson Trio Live at the Blue Note 1990 The Legendary Oscar Peterson Trio Saturday Night at the Blue Note 1990 The Legendary Oscar Peterson Trio Encore at the Blue Note 1990 The Legendary Oscar Peterson Trio Last Call at the Blue Note 1992 Exclusively for My Friends 1994 Plays BroadwayJazz Masters 37 1994 Side by Side Oscar Peterson Itzhak Perlman 1994 Some of My Best Friends Are The Piano Players 1995 An Oscar Peterson Christmas 1995 The More I See You Oscar Peterson Benny Carter Clark Terry 1996 Exclusively for My Friends The Lost Tapes 1996 Live at the Town Hall 1996 Meets amp 1996 Oscar in Paris 1998 Oscar and Benny 1998 The Very tall Band 1999 A Summer Night in Munich 1999 My Personal Choice 1999 Oscar Peterson Plays the Duke Ellington Song Book 1999 combined reissue of the 1953 and 1959 Ellington recordings 2000 Trail of Dreams A Canadian Suite A Jazz suite with strings conducted by Michel Legrand 2001 Oscar s Ballads 2002 Tenderly 2004 A Night in ViennaDis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Oscar Peterson ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Kisisel web sitesi 26 Aralik 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ingilizce Vikipedi de Peterson 27 Aralik 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arsivlendi