Patricia Neal, (d. 20 Ocak 1926 - ö. 8 Ağustos 2010), Amerikalı oyuncudur. Patsy Louise Neal ismiyle 'de doğdu. Knoxville'de büyüdü, Tennessee'de Knoxville lisesine katıldı ve Northwestern Üniversitesi'nde drama okudu. Daha sonraki yıllarda Katolik oldu.
Patricia Neal | |
![]() Patricia Neal Tribeca Film Festivalinde, 2007 | |
Doğum | Patsy Louise Neal 20 Ocak 1926 , Whitley County, Kentucky, U.S. |
Ölüm | 8 Ağustos 2010 (84 yaşında) , ABD |
Meslek | oyuncu |
Etkin yıllar | 1946–2010 |
Evlilik | Roald Dahl (m. 1953–1983) (boşandı) |
Yıl | Film | Rolü | Notlar |
1949 | John Loves Mary | Mary McKinley | |
The Fountainhead | Dominique Francon | ||
Kendisi | küçük rol | ||
The Hasty Heart | Sister Parker | ||
1950 | Margaret Jane Singleton | ||
Leona Charles | |||
Three Secrets | Phyllis Horn | ||
1951 | Lt. (j.g.) Mary Stuart | ||
Raton Pass | Ann Challon | ||
Helen Benson | |||
Week-End with Father | Jean Bowen | ||
1952 | Joan Ross | ||
Washington Story | Alice Kingsley | ||
Something for the Birds | Anne Richards | ||
1954 | Your Woman | Contessa Germana de Torri | |
Stranger from Venus | Susan North | ||
1957 | Marcia Jeffries | ||
1961 | Breakfast at Tiffany's | 2-E (Bayan Failenson) | |
1963 | Alma Brown | Academy Award for Best Actress BAFTA Ödülleri National Board of Review Award Aday gösterildi – Altın Küre | |
1964 | Psyche '59 | Alison Crawford | |
1965 | Lt. Maggie Haynes | BAFTA Ödülleri | |
1968 | Pat Neal Is Back | Kendisi | short subject |
Nettie Cleary | Aday gösterildi – Academy Award for Best Actress | ||
1971 | Maura Prince | ||
1973 | Dr. Roberta Clemm | ||
Happy Mother's Day, Love George | Cara | ||
1974 | "Kung-Fu; Blood of the Dragon" | Sarah | TV 2-part bölüm |
1975 | B Must Die | Julia | |
1977 | Widow's Nest | Lupe | |
1979 | The Passage | Mrs. Bergson | |
1979 | Paul'ün Annesi | ||
1981 | Stella Hawthorne | ||
1989 | An Unremarkable Life | Frances McEllany | |
1991 | Preminger: Anatomy of a Filmmaker | Kendisi | belgesel |
1993 | "Heidi" | Büyükanne | |
1999 | Jewel Mae 'Cookie' Orcutt | ||
From Russia to Hollywood: The 100-Year Odyssey of Chekhov and Shdanoff | Kendisi | belgesel | |
2000 | For the Love of May | Grammy May | kısa konu |
2003 | Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There | Kendisi | belgesel |
Kendisi | belgesel | ||
2007 | The Fairy Tale Story of Sylvia's Baklava | Kendisi | belgesel |
2008 | Shattered Glory | Bayan Wyatt | |
2009 | Margie |
TV dizileri
- Strindberg on Love (1960)
- Special for Women: Mother and Daughter (1961)
- The Untouchables: The Maggie Storm Story(1962)
- The Homecoming: A Christmas Story (1971)
- Ghost Story: Time of Terror (1973)
- Things in Their Season (1974)
- Eric (1975)
- Tail Gunner Joe (1977)
- A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story (1978)
- The Bastard (1978) (miniseries)
- (1979)
- The Patricia Neal Story (1981) (cameo)
- Love Leads the Way: A True Story (1984)
- Glitter (1984) (pilot for series)
- Shattered Vows (1984)
- Caroline? (1990)
- A Mother's Right: The Elizabeth Morgan Story (1992)
- Heidi (1993)
Dış bağlantılar
- IBDB'de Patricia Neal.
- IMDb'de Patricia Neal
- Allmovie'de Patricia Neal18 Mart 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Patricia Neal ile röportaj23 Nisan 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Patricia Neal d 20 Ocak 1926 o 8 Agustos 2010 Amerikali oyuncudur Patsy Louise Neal ismiyle de dogdu Knoxville de buyudu Tennessee de Knoxville lisesine katildi ve Northwestern Universitesi nde drama okudu Daha sonraki yillarda Katolik oldu Patricia NealPatricia Neal Tribeca Film Festivalinde 2007DogumPatsy Louise Neal 20 Ocak 1926 1926 01 20 Whitley County Kentucky U S Olum8 Agustos 2010 84 yasinda ABDMeslekoyuncuEtkin yillar1946 2010EvlilikRoald Dahl m 1953 1983 bosandi FilmografiFilm Yil Film Rolu Notlar1949 John Loves Mary Mary McKinleyThe Fountainhead Dominique FranconKendisi kucuk rolThe Hasty Heart Sister Parker1950 Margaret Jane SingletonLeona CharlesThree Secrets Phyllis Horn1951 Lt j g Mary StuartRaton Pass Ann ChallonHelen BensonWeek End with Father Jean Bowen1952 Joan RossWashington Story Alice KingsleySomething for the Birds Anne Richards1954 Your Woman Contessa Germana de TorriStranger from Venus Susan North1957 Marcia Jeffries1961 Breakfast at Tiffany s 2 E Bayan Failenson 1963 Alma Brown Academy Award for Best Actress BAFTA Odulleri National Board of Review Award Aday gosterildi Altin Kure1964 Psyche 59 Alison Crawford1965 Lt Maggie Haynes BAFTA Odulleri1968 Pat Neal Is Back Kendisi short subjectNettie Cleary Aday gosterildi Academy Award for Best Actress1971 Maura Prince1973 Dr Roberta ClemmHappy Mother s Day Love George Cara1974 Kung Fu Blood of the Dragon Sarah TV 2 part bolum1975 B Must Die Julia1977 Widow s Nest Lupe1979 The Passage Mrs Bergson1979 Paul un Annesi1981 Stella Hawthorne1989 An Unremarkable Life Frances McEllany1991 Preminger Anatomy of a Filmmaker Kendisi belgesel1993 Heidi Buyukanne1999 Jewel Mae Cookie OrcuttFrom Russia to Hollywood The 100 Year Odyssey of Chekhov and Shdanoff Kendisi belgesel2000 For the Love of May Grammy May kisa konu2003 Broadway The Golden Age by the Legends Who Were There Kendisi belgeselKendisi belgesel2007 The Fairy Tale Story of Sylvia s Baklava Kendisi belgesel2008 Shattered Glory Bayan Wyatt2009 MargieTV dizileri Strindberg on Love 1960 Special for Women Mother and Daughter 1961 The Untouchables The Maggie Storm Story 1962 The Homecoming A Christmas Story 1971 Ghost Story Time of Terror 1973 Things in Their Season 1974 Eric 1975 Tail Gunner Joe 1977 A Love Affair The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story 1978 The Bastard 1978 miniseries 1979 The Patricia Neal Story 1981 cameo Love Leads the Way A True Story 1984 Glitter 1984 pilot for series Shattered Vows 1984 Caroline 1990 A Mother s Right The Elizabeth Morgan Story 1992 Heidi 1993 Kaynakca Actress Patricia Neal dies at age 84 NPR 9 Agustos 2010 9 Agustos 2010 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 9 Agustos 2010 Dis baglantilarIBDB de Patricia Neal IMDb de Patricia Neal Allmovie de Patricia Neal18 Mart 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde TonyAwards com Patricia Neal ile roportaj23 Nisan 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde