Per-Olov Löwdin (28 Ocak 1916 - 6 Ocak 2000) İsveçli fizikçi, Uppsala Üniversitesi'nde profesör (1960'tan 1983'e kadar), paralel olarak 1993'e kadar Florida Üniversitesi'nde profesör. Ivar Waller adı altındaki eski lisans öğrencisi, Löwdin 1950 yılında moleküler orbital hesaplamalar için simetrik ortogonalizasyon düzenlemeleri yapmıştır. Bu şema Yarı-ampirik teorileri kullanılan sıfır diferansiyel örtüşme (ZDO) yaklaşım temelidir. Löwdin ayrıca kolay kuantum mekaniğinin çeşitli teoremlerin türetmelerini matrisleri için sembolleri kullanarak oluşturmuştur. ROHF,UHF ve RES-GVB teorilerinde kullanılan meşhur “Löwdin’s pairing theorem” onun değildir. Kendisine göre George G. Hall ve King Löwdin ‘in resmi olmayan önerisinden sonra resmi bir sunum yapmışlardır. 1963 ve 1971 yılları arasında yayınlanmış pertürbasyon teorisi üzerindeki 14 sayfa dizi kuantum kimyası için en iyi bölümleme tekniği olarak görülmüştür. Löwdin ayrıca 1958 yılında Uppsala’da kuantum kimyası yaz okulundan başlayarak çok etkili ve aktif bir öğretmendir. 1958 ve 1960'ta Uppsala Üniversitesi kuantum kimyası grubuna kardeş olarak Florida Üniversitesi’nde kuantum teorisi projesine başlamıştır. Uluslararası Kış Enstitüleri (başlarda Sanibel adasında olan daha sonra Gainesville alınan) yüzlerce Latin Amerikanların seksenler ve doksanlar boyunca katılımlarını sağladı. 1960 yılında Kış Enstitüsünün içindeki birleşimde Sanibel sempozyumunu kurdu. 1960'tan sonra her yıl düzenlenmiştir. Löwdin 1969’da İsveç Kraliyet Bilimler Akademisi üyesi olarak seçilmiş ve 1972’den 1984’e kadar Fizik Nobel Ödülü komitesinde bulunmuştur. Kuantum kimyası uluslararası gazetesi ve kuantum kimyası gelişmeler serisi kurucudur. Uluslararası Kuantum Moleküler Bilimler Akademisi’nin de vakıf üyesidir.
Per-Olov Löwdin | |
Doğum | 28 Ekim 1916 Uppsala, İsveç |
Ölüm | 6 Ekim 2000 (83 yaşında) Uppsala, İsveç |
Milliyet | |
Eğitim | Uppsala Üniversitesi |
Ödüller | (1987) |
Kariyeri | |
Dalı | Fizik |
Çalıştığı kurumlar | Uppsala Üniversitesi Florida Üniversitesi |
- "Lorentz-Transformationen och den Kinematiska Relativitetsprincipen". Elementa. Cilt 22. 1939. ss. 161–169.
- "A quantum mechanical calculation of the cohesive energy, the interionic distance, and the elastic constants of some crystals". Arkiv Mat. Astr. Fysik. Cilt 35A. 1947. ss. 1–10.
- "A quantum mechanical calculation of the cohesive energy, the interionic distance, and the elastic constants of some ionic crystals. II. The elastic constants c12 and c44". Arkiv Mat. Astr. Fysik. Cilt 30. 1948. ss. 1–18.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1950). "On the non-orthogonality problem connected with the use of atomic wave functions in the theory of molecules and crystals". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 18 (3). s. 365. Bibcode:1950JChPh..18..365L. doi:10.1063/1.1747632. Bibcode: 1950JChPh..18..365L
- "On the calculation of certain integrals occurring in the theory of molecules, especially three-center and four-center integrals". Arkiv Fysik. Cilt 3. 1951. ss. 147–154.
- "A note on the numerical calculation of asymptotic phases with a numeric study of Hulthen's variational principle". Arkiv Fysik. Cilt 3. 1951. ss. 155–166.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1951). "Calculation of Electric Dipole Moments of some Heterocyclics". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 19 (10). s. 1323. Bibcode:1951JChPh..19.1323L. doi:10.1063/1.1748043. Bibcode: 1951JChPh..19.1323L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1951). "A note on the quantum-mechanical perturbation theory". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 19 (11). s. 1396. Bibcode:1951JChPh..19.1396L. doi:10.1063/1.1748067. Bibcode: 1951JChPh..19.1396L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1951). "On the quantum-mechanical calculation of the cohesive energy of molecules and crystals. Part I. A general energy formula for the ground state". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 19 (12). s. 1570. Bibcode:1951JChPh..19.1570L. doi:10.1063/1.1748125. Bibcode: 1951JChPh..19.1570L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1951). "On the quantum-mechanical calculation of the cohesive energy of molecules and crystals. Part II. Treatment of the alkali metals with numerical applications to sodium". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 19 (12). s. 1579. Bibcode:1951JChPh..19.1579L. doi:10.1063/1.1748126. Bibcode: 1951JChPh..19.1579L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1953). "Studies of atomic self-consistent Fields. I. Calculation of Slater functions". Physical Review. 90 (1). ss. 120–125. Bibcode:1953PhRv...90..120L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.90.120. Bibcode: 1953PhRv...90..120L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1953). "Approximate formulas for many-center integrals in the theory of molecules and crystals". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 21 (2). s. 374. Bibcode:1953JChPh..21..374L. doi:10.1063/1.1698901. Bibcode: 1953JChPh..21..374L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1953). "On the molecular-orbital theory of conjugated organic compounds with application to the perturbed benzene ring". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 21 (3). s. 496. Bibcode:1953JChPh..21..496L. doi:10.1063/1.1698934. Bibcode: 1953JChPh..21..496L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1954). "Studies of atomic self-consistent fields. II. Interpolation problems". Physical Review. 94 (6). ss. 1600–1609. Bibcode:1954PhRv...94.1600L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.94.1600. Bibcode: 1954PhRv...94.1600L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1955). "Quantum theory of many-particle systems. I. Physical interpretations by means of density matrices, natural spin-orbitals, and convergence problems in the method of configurational interaction". Physical Review. 97 (6). ss. 1474–1489. Bibcode:1955PhRv...97.1474L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.97.1474. Bibcode: 1955PhRv...97.1474L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1955). "Quantum theory of many-particle systems. II. Study of ordinary Hartree-Fock approximation". Physical Review. 97 (6). ss. 1490–1508. Bibcode:1955PhRv...97.1490L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.97.1490. Bibcode: 1955PhRv...97.1490L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1955). "Quantum theory of many-particle systems. III. Extension of the Hartree-Fock scheme to include degenerate systems and correlation effects". Physical Review. 97 (6). ss. 1509–1520. Bibcode:1955PhRv...97.1509L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.97.1509. Bibcode: 1955PhRv...97.1509L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1955). "The historical development of the electron correlation problem". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 55 (2). ss. 77–102. doi:10.1002/qua.560550203. Bibcode: 1955IJQC...55...77L
- Shull, Harrison; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1955). "Natural spin orbitals for helium". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 23 (8). s. 1565. Bibcode:1955JChPh..23.1565S. doi:10.1063/1.1742383. Bibcode: 1955JChPh..23.1565S
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1956). "Quantum theory of cohesive properties of solids". Advances in Physics. 5 (17). s. 1. Bibcode:1956AdPhy...5....1L. doi:10.1080/00018735600101155. Bibcode: 1956AdPhy...5....1L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov; Shull, Harrison (1956). "Natural orbitals in the quantum theory of two-electron systems". Physical Review. 101 (6). ss. 1730–1739. Bibcode:1956PhRv..101.1730L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.101.1730. Bibcode: 1956PhRv..101.1730L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov; Appel, Klaus (1956). "Studies of atomic self-consistent fields. Analytics wave functions for the argon-like ions and for the first row of the transition metals". Physical Review. 103 (6). ss. 1746–1755. Bibcode:1956PhRv..103.1746L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.103.1746. Bibcode: 1956PhRv..103.1746L
- Shull, Harrison; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1956). "Correlation splitting in helium-like ions". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 25 (5). s. 1035. Bibcode:1956JChPh..25.1035S. doi:10.1063/1.1743093. Bibcode: 1956JChPh..25.1035S
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1957). "Present situation in Quantum Chemistry". The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 61 (1). ss. 55–68. doi:10.1021/j150547a012. Bibcode: 1957JPhCh..61...55L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1958). "Spin Degeneracy Problem". Colloq. Intern. Centre Natl. Recherche Sci. (Paris). Cilt 82. s. 23.
- Shull, Harrison; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1958). "Variation theorem for excited states". Physical Review. 110 (6). ss. 1466–1467. Bibcode:1958PhRv..110.1466S. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.110.1466. Bibcode: 1958PhRv..110.1466S
- Löwdin, Per-Olov; Rèdei, Lajos (1959). "Combined use of the methods of superposition of configurations and correlation factor on the ground states of helium-like ions". Physical Review. 114 (3). ss. 752–757. Bibcode:1959PhRv..114..752L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.114.752. Bibcode: 1959PhRv..114..752L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1959). "Scaling problem, virial theorem, and connected relations in quantum mechanics". Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 3 (1–6). ss. 46–66. Bibcode:1959JMoSp...3...46L. doi:10.1016/0022-2852(59)90006-2. Bibcode: 1959JMoSp...3...46L
- Shull, Harrison; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1959). "Superposition of configurations and natural spin orbitals. Applications to the He problem". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 30 (3). s. 617. Bibcode:1959JChPh..30..617S. doi:10.1063/1.1730019. Bibcode: 1959JChPh..30..617S
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1960). "Quantum Theory of electronic structure of molecules". Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 11 (1). ss. 107–132. Bibcode:1960ARPC...11..107L. doi:10.1146/annurev.pc.11.100160.000543. Bibcode: 1960ARPC...11..107L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1960). "Expansion theorems for the total wave function and extended Hartree-Fock Schemes". Reviews of Modern Physics. 32 (2). ss. 328–334. Bibcode:1960RvMP...32..328L. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.32.328. Bibcode: 1960RvMP...32..328L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1961). "Note on the separability theorem for electron pairs". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 35 (1). s. 78. Bibcode:1961JChPh..35...78L. doi:10.1063/1.1731935. Bibcode: 1961JChPh..35...78L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1962). "Studies in perturbation theory. IV. Solution of eigenvalue problem by projection operator formalism". Journal Mathematical Physics. 3 (5). s. 969. Bibcode:1962JMP.....3..969L. doi:10.1063/1.1724312. Bibcode: 1962JMP.....3..969L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1962). "Studies in perturbation theory. V. Some aspects on the exact self-consistent field theory". Journal Mathematical Physics. 3 (6). s. 1171. Bibcode:1962JMP.....3.1171L. doi:10.1063/1.1703860. Bibcode: 1962JMP.....3.1171L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1962). "Band theory, valence bond, and tight-binding calculations". Journal of Applied Physics. 33 (1). s. 251. Bibcode:1962JAP....33..251L. doi:10.1063/1.1777106. Bibcode: 1962JAP....33..251L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1962). "Exchange, corrleation, and spin effects in molecular and solid-state theory". Reviews of Modern Physics. 34 (1). ss. 80–87. Bibcode:1962RvMP...34...80L. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.34.80. Bibcode: 1962RvMP...34...80L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1962). "The normal constants of motion in quantum mechanics treated by projection technique". Reviews of Modern Physics. 34 (3). ss. 520–530. Bibcode:1962RvMP...34..520L. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.34.520. Bibcode: 1962RvMP...34..520L
- Calais, Jean-Louis; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1962). "A simple method of treating atomic integrals containing functions of r12". Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 8 (1–6). ss. 203–211. Bibcode:1962JMoSp...8..203C. doi:10.1016/0022-2852(62)90021-8. Bibcode: 1962JMoSp...8..203C
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1963). "Wave and reaction operators in the quantum theory of many-article systems". Reviews of Modern Physics. 35 (3). ss. 702–707. Bibcode:1963RvMP...35..702L. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.35.702. Bibcode: 1963RvMP...35..702L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1963). "Proton tunneling in DNA and its biological implications". Reviews of Modern Physics. 35 (3). ss. 724–732. Bibcode:1963RvMP...35..724L. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.35.724. Bibcode: 1963RvMP...35..724L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1963). "Studies in perturbation theor: Part I. An elementary iteration-variation procedure for solving the Schrödinger equation by partitioning technique". Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 10 (1–6). ss. 12–33. Bibcode:1963JMoSp..10...12L. doi:10.1016/0022-2852(63)90151-6. Bibcode: 1963JMoSp..10...12L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1964). "Angular momentum wavefunctions constructed by projector operators". Reviews of Modern Physics. 36 (4). ss. 966–976. Bibcode:1964RvMP...36..966L. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.36.966. Bibcode: 1964RvMP...36..966L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1964). "Studies in perturbation theory: Part VI. Contraction of secular equations". Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 14 (1–4). ss. 112–118. Bibcode:1964JMoSp..14..112L. doi:10.1016/0022-2852(64)90106-7. Bibcode: 1964JMoSp..14..112L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1964). "Studies in perturbation theory: Part VII. Localized perturbation". Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 14 (1–4). ss. 199–130. Bibcode:1964JMoSp..14..119L. doi:10.1016/0022-2852(64)90107-9. Bibcode: 1964JMoSp..14..199L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1964). "Studies in perturbation theory: Part VIII. Separation of Dirac equation and study of the spin-orbit coupling and Fermi contact terms". Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy. 14 (1–4). ss. 131–144. Bibcode:1964JMoSp..14..131L. doi:10.1016/0022-2852(64)90108-0. Bibcode: 1964JMoSp..14..131L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1965). "Studies in perturbation theory. IX. connection between various approaches in the recent development - evaluation of upper bounds to energy eigenvalues in Schrödinger's perturbation theory". Journal of Mathematical Physics. 6 (8). s. 1341. Bibcode:1965JMP.....6.1341L. doi:10.1063/1.1704781. Bibcode: 1965JMP.....6.1341L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1965). "Studies in perturbation theory. X. Lower bounds to energy eigenvalues in perturbation-theory ground state". Physical Review. 139 (2A). ss. A357–A372. Bibcode:1965PhRv..139..357L. doi:10.1103/PhysRev.139.A357. Bibcode: 1965PhRv..139..357L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1965). "Studies in perturbation theory. XI. Lower bounds to energy eigenvalues, ground state, and excited states". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 43 (10). ss. S175–S185. Bibcode:1965JChPh..43..175L. doi:10.1063/1.1701483. Bibcode: 1965JChPh..43..175L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1966). "Quantum genetics and the aperiodic solid: Some aspects on the biological problems of heredity, mutations, aging and tumors in view of the quantum theory of the DNA molecule". Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Cilt 2. ss. 213–360. Bibcode:1966AdQC....2..213L. doi:10.1016/S0065-3276(08)60076-3. ISBN . Bibcode: 1966AdQC....2..213L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1967). "Group algebra, convolution algebra, and applications to quantum mechanics". Reviews of Modern Physics. 39 (2). ss. 259–187. Bibcode:1967RvMP...39..259L. doi:10.1103/RevModPhys.39.259. Bibcode: 1967RvMP...39..259L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1967). "Quantum theory of time-dependent phenomena treated by the evolution operator technique". Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Cilt 3. ss. 323–381. Bibcode:1967AdQC....3..323L. doi:10.1016/S0065-3276(08)60092-1. ISBN . Bibcode: 1967AdQC....3..323L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1968). "Studies in perturbation theory XIII. Treatment of constants of motion in resolvent method, partitioning technique, and perturbation theory". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2 (6). ss. 867–931. Bibcode:1968IJQC....2..867L. doi:10.1002/qua.560020612.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1968). "Some comments on the treatment of symmetry properties in perturbation theory". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2 (S2). ss. 137–150. Bibcode:1968IJQC....2..137L. doi:10.1002/qua.560020715.
- MacIntyre, Walter M.; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1968). "Electronic energy of the DNA replication plane". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 2 (S2). ss. 207–217. Bibcode:1968IJQC....2..207M. doi:10.1002/qua.560020720.
- Berrondo, Manuel; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1969). "The projection operator for a space spanned by a linearly dependent set". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 3 (6). ss. 767–780. Bibcode:1969IJQC....3..767B. doi:10.1002/qua.560030604.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1969). "Some comments on the periodic system of elements". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 3 (S3A). ss. 331–334. Bibcode:1969IJQC....3..331L. doi:10.1002/qua.560030737.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1969). "some aspects of the hydrogen bond in molecular biology". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Cilt 158. ss. 86–95. Bibcode:1969NYASA.158...86L. doi:10.1111/j.1749-6632.1969.tb56215.x. Bibcode: 1969NYASA.158...86L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1970). "On the nonorthogonality problem". Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Cilt 5. ss. 185–199. Bibcode:1970AdQC....5..185L. doi:10.1016/S0065-3276(08)60339-1. ISBN . Bibcode: 1970AdQC....5..185L
- Gruninger, John; Öhrn, Yngve; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1970). "Comments on the analysis of atomic correlation energies". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 52 (11). s. 5551. Bibcode:1970JChPh..52.5551G. doi:10.1063/1.1672824. Bibcode: 1970JChPh..52.5551G
- Löwdin, Per-Olov; Goscinski, Osvaldo (1970). "The exchange phenomenon, the symmetric group, and the spin degeneracy problem". International Journal of quantum Chemistry. 4 (S38). ss. 533–591. doi:10.1002/qua.560040719.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1971). "Some properties of inner projections". International Journal of quantum Chemistry. 5 (S4). ss. 231–237. doi:10.1002/qua.560050725.
- Laskowski, Bernard; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1972). "Treatment of constants of motion in the variation principle. Symmetry properties of variational wavefunctions". Chemical Physics Letters. 16 (1). ss. 1–4. Bibcode:1972CPL....16....1L. doi:10.1016/0009-2614(72)80441-X. Bibcode: 1972CPL....16....1L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov; Mukherjee, P. K. (1972). "Some comments on the time-dependent variation principle". Chemical Physics Letters. 14 (1). ss. 1–7. Bibcode:1972CPL....14....1L. doi:10.1016/0009-2614(72)87127-6. Bibcode: 1972CPL....14....1L
- Ahlenius, T.; Calais, J.-L.; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1973). "Some comments on the construction of an orthonornal set of LCAO basis functions for crystals". Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 6 (11). s. 1896. Bibcode:1973JPhC....6.1896A. doi:10.1088/0022-3719/6/11/016.
- Laskowski, B.; van Leuven, P.; Löwdin, Per-Olov; Lowdin, P -O (1973). "Electron gas test for the alternant molecular orbital method". Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics. 6 (18). s. 2777. Bibcode:1973JPhC....6.2777L. doi:10.1088/0022-3719/6/18/007.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1980). "Molecular structure calculations". Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Advances in Quantum Chemistry (İngilizce). Cilt 12. ss. 263–316. Bibcode:1980AdQC...12..263L. doi:10.1016/S0065-3276(08)60318-4. ISBN .
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1980). "Introductory remarks to Nobel Symposium on many-body theory of atomic systems". Physica Scripta. 21 (3–4). s. 229. Bibcode:1980PhyS...21..229L. doi:10.1088/0031-8949/21/3-4/002.
- Taurian, Oscar E.; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1981). "Some remarks on the projector associated with the intersection of two linear manifolds". Acta physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 51 (1–2). ss. 5–12. doi:10.1007/BF03155558.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1982). "Partitioning technique, perturbation theory, and rational approximations". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 21 (1). ss. 69–92. doi:10.1002/qua.560210105.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1982). "On operators, superoperators, hamiltonians, and liouvillians". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 22 (S16). ss. 485–560. doi:10.1002/qua.560220847.
- Froelich, Piotr; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1983). "On the Hartree-Fock scheme for a pair of adjoint operators". Journal of Mathematical Physics. 24 (1). s. 88. Bibcode:1983JMP....24...88F. doi:10.1063/1.525605. Bibcode: 1983JMP....24...88L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1983). "On the stability problem of a pair of adjoint operators". Journal of Mathematical Physics. 25 (1). s. 70. Bibcode:1983JMP....24...70L. doi:10.1063/1.525604. Bibcode: 1983JMP....25...70L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1983). "On the Sanibel coefficients in the expansion of spin-projected Slater determinants". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 24 (1). ss. 729–745. doi:10.1002/qua.560240615. Bibcode: 1983IJQC...24..729L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1984). "Some aspects on the relation between the natural sciences and the human mind: An introduction to a panel discussion on the origin of life and mind". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 26 (S11). ss. 31–43. doi:10.1002/qua.560260705.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1985). "On the connection between the resolvent methods and partitioning technique, rational approximation, and perturbation theory". Physica Scripta. 32 (4). s. 261. Bibcode:1985PhyS...32..261L. doi:10.1088/0031-8949/32/4/002.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1985). "Some aspects on the Hamiltonian and Liouvillian formalism, the special propagator methods, and the equation of motion approach". Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Cilt 17. ss. 285–334. Bibcode:1985AdQC...17..285L. doi:10.1016/S0065-3276(08)60305-6. ISBN . Bibcode: 1985AdQC...17..285L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1986). "Some comments on the method of complex scaling to find physical resonance states". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 30 (S20). ss. 743–748. doi:10.1002/qua.560300763.
- Shik Kong, Young Shik; Jhon, Mu Shik; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1987). "Studies on proton transfers in water clusters and DNA base pairs". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 32 (S14). ss. 189–209. doi:10.1002/qua.560320820.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1992). "On linear algebra, the least squares method and the search for linear relations by regression analysis in quantum chemistry and other sciences". Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Advances in Quantum Chemistry (İngilizce). Cilt 23. s. 83. Bibcode:1992AdQC...23...83L. doi:10.1016/S0065-3276(08)60029-5. ISBN . Bibcode: 1992AdQC...23...83L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov; Mayer, István (1992). "Some studies of the general Hartree-Fock method". Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Advances in Quantum Chemistry (İngilizce). Cilt 24. ss. 79–114. Bibcode:1992AdQC...24...79L. doi:10.1016/S0065-3276(08)60101-X. ISBN . Bibcode: 1992AdQC...24...79L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1992). "Some aspects of objectivity and reality in modern science". Foundations of Physics. 22 (1). ss. 41–105. Bibcode:1992FoPh...22...41L. doi:10.1007/BF01883380. Bibcode: 1992FoPh...22...41L
- Mayer, István; Löwdin, Per-Olov (1993). "Some comments of the general Hartree-Fock method". Chemical Physics Letters. 202 (1–2). ss. 1–6. Bibcode:1993CPL...202....1M. doi:10.1016/0009-2614(93)85341-K.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1993). "Some remarks on the resemblance theorems associated with various orthonormalization procedures". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 48 (4). ss. 225–232. doi:10.1002/qua.560480403. Bibcode: 1993IJQC...48..225L
- Bartlett, Rodney J.; Deumens, Erik; Löwdin, Per-Olov; Micha, David A.; Monkhorst, Hendrik J.; Sabin, John R.; Trickey, Samuel B.; Zerner, Michael C. (1994). "On the occasion of Yngve Öhrn's 60th birthday". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 52 (S28). ss. 3–5. doi:10.1002/qua.560520803.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1996). "In memory of Jean-Louis Calais". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 57 (1). ss. 1–2. doi:10.1002/qua.560570102.
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1997). "Some aspects on the development of the natural sciences and their importance for modern society and for our global environment". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 64 (2). ss. 158–169. doi:10.1002/(SICI)1097-461X(1997)64:2<157::AID-QUA2>3.0.CO;2-V. Bibcode: 1997IJQC...64..158L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1998). Some comments on the foundations of physics (İngilizce). World Scientific. ISBN .
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (1998). "Some aspects on the Bloch-Lindgren equation and a comparison with the partitioning technique". Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Advances in Quantum Chemistry. Cilt 30. ss. 415–432. Bibcode:1998AdQC...30..415L. doi:10.1016/S0065-3276(08)60520-1. ISBN . Bibcode: 1998AdQC...30..415L
- Löwdin, Per-Olov (2001). "Quantum theory of cohesive properties of solids". Advances in Physics. 50 (6). ss. 597–756. Bibcode:2001AdPhy..50..597L. doi:10.1080/00018730110102196. Bibcode: 2001AdPhy..50..597L
Dış bağlantılar
- Jan Linderberg, , Proc. Am. Phil. Soc. 147 (2) (2003)
- "Per-Olov Löwdin Curriculum Vitae". International Journal of Quantum Chemistry. 90 (1). 2002. ss. 1–11. doi:10.1002/qua.10096.
- Kimio Ohno Early Ideas in the history of Quantum Chemistry19 Şubat 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (1976)
- Quantum Theory Project6 Ocak 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . founded by Löwdin at the University of Florida in 1960
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Per Olov Lowdin 28 Ocak 1916 6 Ocak 2000 Isvecli fizikci Uppsala Universitesi nde profesor 1960 tan 1983 e kadar paralel olarak 1993 e kadar Florida Universitesi nde profesor Ivar Waller adi altindaki eski lisans ogrencisi Lowdin 1950 yilinda molekuler orbital hesaplamalar icin simetrik ortogonalizasyon duzenlemeleri yapmistir Bu sema Yari ampirik teorileri kullanilan sifir diferansiyel ortusme ZDO yaklasim temelidir Lowdin ayrica kolay kuantum mekaniginin cesitli teoremlerin turetmelerini matrisleri icin sembolleri kullanarak olusturmustur ROHF UHF ve RES GVB teorilerinde kullanilan meshur Lowdin s pairing theorem onun degildir Kendisine gore George G Hall ve King Lowdin in resmi olmayan onerisinden sonra resmi bir sunum yapmislardir 1963 ve 1971 yillari arasinda yayinlanmis perturbasyon teorisi uzerindeki 14 sayfa dizi kuantum kimyasi icin en iyi bolumleme teknigi olarak gorulmustur Lowdin ayrica 1958 yilinda Uppsala da kuantum kimyasi yaz okulundan baslayarak cok etkili ve aktif bir ogretmendir 1958 ve 1960 ta Uppsala Universitesi kuantum kimyasi grubuna kardes olarak Florida Universitesi nde kuantum teorisi projesine baslamistir Uluslararasi Kis Enstituleri baslarda Sanibel adasinda olan daha sonra Gainesville alinan yuzlerce Latin Amerikanlarin seksenler ve doksanlar boyunca katilimlarini sagladi 1960 yilinda Kis Enstitusunun icindeki birlesimde Sanibel sempozyumunu kurdu 1960 tan sonra her yil duzenlenmistir Lowdin 1969 da Isvec Kraliyet Bilimler Akademisi uyesi olarak secilmis ve 1972 den 1984 e kadar Fizik Nobel Odulu komitesinde bulunmustur Kuantum kimyasi uluslararasi gazetesi ve kuantum kimyasi gelismeler serisi kurucudur Uluslararasi Kuantum Molekuler Bilimler Akademisi nin de vakif uyesidir Per Olov LowdinDogum28 Ekim 1916 1916 10 28 Uppsala IsvecOlum6 Ekim 2000 83 yasinda Uppsala IsvecMilliyet IsvecEgitimUppsala UniversitesiOduller 1987 KariyeriDaliFizikCalistigi kurumlarUppsala Universitesi Florida UniversitesiYayinlar Lorentz Transformationen och den Kinematiska Relativitetsprincipen Elementa Cilt 22 1939 ss 161 169 A quantum mechanical calculation of the cohesive energy the interionic distance and the elastic constants of some crystals Arkiv Mat Astr Fysik Cilt 35A 1947 ss 1 10 A quantum mechanical calculation of the cohesive energy the interionic distance and the elastic constants of some ionic crystals II The elastic constants c12 and c44 Arkiv Mat Astr Fysik Cilt 30 1948 ss 1 18 Lowdin Per Olov 1950 On the non orthogonality problem connected with the use of atomic wave functions in the theory of molecules and crystals The Journal of Chemical Physics 18 3 s 365 Bibcode 1950JChPh 18 365L doi 10 1063 1 1747632 Bibcode 1950JChPh 18 365L On the calculation of certain integrals occurring in the theory of molecules especially three center and four center integrals Arkiv Fysik Cilt 3 1951 ss 147 154 A note on the numerical calculation of asymptotic phases with a numeric study of Hulthen s variational principle Arkiv Fysik Cilt 3 1951 ss 155 166 Lowdin Per Olov 1951 Calculation of Electric Dipole Moments of some Heterocyclics The Journal of Chemical Physics 19 10 s 1323 Bibcode 1951JChPh 19 1323L doi 10 1063 1 1748043 Bibcode 1951JChPh 19 1323L Lowdin Per Olov 1951 A note on the quantum mechanical perturbation theory The Journal of Chemical Physics 19 11 s 1396 Bibcode 1951JChPh 19 1396L doi 10 1063 1 1748067 Bibcode 1951JChPh 19 1396L Lowdin Per Olov 1951 On the quantum mechanical calculation of the cohesive energy of molecules and crystals Part I A general energy formula for the ground state The Journal of Chemical Physics 19 12 s 1570 Bibcode 1951JChPh 19 1570L doi 10 1063 1 1748125 Bibcode 1951JChPh 19 1570L Lowdin Per Olov 1951 On the quantum mechanical calculation of the cohesive energy of molecules and crystals Part II Treatment of the alkali metals with numerical applications to sodium The Journal of Chemical Physics 19 12 s 1579 Bibcode 1951JChPh 19 1579L doi 10 1063 1 1748126 Bibcode 1951JChPh 19 1579L Lowdin Per Olov 1953 Studies of atomic self consistent Fields I Calculation of Slater functions Physical Review 90 1 ss 120 125 Bibcode 1953PhRv 90 120L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 90 120 Bibcode 1953PhRv 90 120L Lowdin Per Olov 1953 Approximate formulas for many center integrals in the theory of molecules and crystals The Journal of Chemical Physics 21 2 s 374 Bibcode 1953JChPh 21 374L doi 10 1063 1 1698901 Bibcode 1953JChPh 21 374L Lowdin Per Olov 1953 On the molecular orbital theory of conjugated organic compounds with application to the perturbed benzene ring The Journal of Chemical Physics 21 3 s 496 Bibcode 1953JChPh 21 496L doi 10 1063 1 1698934 Bibcode 1953JChPh 21 496L Lowdin Per Olov 1954 Studies of atomic self consistent fields II Interpolation problems Physical Review 94 6 ss 1600 1609 Bibcode 1954PhRv 94 1600L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 94 1600 Bibcode 1954PhRv 94 1600L Lowdin Per Olov 1955 Quantum theory of many particle systems I Physical interpretations by means of density matrices natural spin orbitals and convergence problems in the method of configurational interaction Physical Review 97 6 ss 1474 1489 Bibcode 1955PhRv 97 1474L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 97 1474 Bibcode 1955PhRv 97 1474L Lowdin Per Olov 1955 Quantum theory of many particle systems II Study of ordinary Hartree Fock approximation Physical Review 97 6 ss 1490 1508 Bibcode 1955PhRv 97 1490L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 97 1490 Bibcode 1955PhRv 97 1490L Lowdin Per Olov 1955 Quantum theory of many particle systems III Extension of the Hartree Fock scheme to include degenerate systems and correlation effects Physical Review 97 6 ss 1509 1520 Bibcode 1955PhRv 97 1509L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 97 1509 Bibcode 1955PhRv 97 1509L Lowdin Per Olov 1955 The historical development of the electron correlation problem International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 55 2 ss 77 102 doi 10 1002 qua 560550203 Bibcode 1955IJQC 55 77L Shull Harrison Lowdin Per Olov 1955 Natural spin orbitals for helium The Journal of Chemical Physics 23 8 s 1565 Bibcode 1955JChPh 23 1565S doi 10 1063 1 1742383 Bibcode 1955JChPh 23 1565S Lowdin Per Olov 1956 Quantum theory of cohesive properties of solids Advances in Physics 5 17 s 1 Bibcode 1956AdPhy 5 1L doi 10 1080 00018735600101155 Bibcode 1956AdPhy 5 1L Lowdin Per Olov Shull Harrison 1956 Natural orbitals in the quantum theory of two electron systems Physical Review 101 6 ss 1730 1739 Bibcode 1956PhRv 101 1730L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 101 1730 Bibcode 1956PhRv 101 1730L Lowdin Per Olov Appel Klaus 1956 Studies of atomic self consistent fields Analytics wave functions for the argon like ions and for the first row of the transition metals Physical Review 103 6 ss 1746 1755 Bibcode 1956PhRv 103 1746L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 103 1746 Bibcode 1956PhRv 103 1746L Shull Harrison Lowdin Per Olov 1956 Correlation splitting in helium like ions The Journal of Chemical Physics 25 5 s 1035 Bibcode 1956JChPh 25 1035S doi 10 1063 1 1743093 Bibcode 1956JChPh 25 1035S Lowdin Per Olov 1957 Present situation in Quantum Chemistry The Journal of Physical Chemistry 61 1 ss 55 68 doi 10 1021 j150547a012 Bibcode 1957JPhCh 61 55L Lowdin Per Olov 1958 Spin Degeneracy Problem Colloq Intern Centre Natl Recherche Sci Paris Cilt 82 s 23 Shull Harrison Lowdin Per Olov 1958 Variation theorem for excited states Physical Review 110 6 ss 1466 1467 Bibcode 1958PhRv 110 1466S doi 10 1103 PhysRev 110 1466 Bibcode 1958PhRv 110 1466S Lowdin Per Olov Redei Lajos 1959 Combined use of the methods of superposition of configurations and correlation factor on the ground states of helium like ions Physical Review 114 3 ss 752 757 Bibcode 1959PhRv 114 752L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 114 752 Bibcode 1959PhRv 114 752L Lowdin Per Olov 1959 Scaling problem virial theorem and connected relations in quantum mechanics Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 3 1 6 ss 46 66 Bibcode 1959JMoSp 3 46L doi 10 1016 0022 2852 59 90006 2 Bibcode 1959JMoSp 3 46L Shull Harrison Lowdin Per Olov 1959 Superposition of configurations and natural spin orbitals Applications to the He problem The Journal of Chemical Physics 30 3 s 617 Bibcode 1959JChPh 30 617S doi 10 1063 1 1730019 Bibcode 1959JChPh 30 617S Lowdin Per Olov 1960 Quantum Theory of electronic structure of molecules Ann Rev Phys Chem 11 1 ss 107 132 Bibcode 1960ARPC 11 107L doi 10 1146 annurev pc 11 100160 000543 Bibcode 1960ARPC 11 107L Lowdin Per Olov 1960 Expansion theorems for the total wave function and extended Hartree Fock Schemes Reviews of Modern Physics 32 2 ss 328 334 Bibcode 1960RvMP 32 328L doi 10 1103 RevModPhys 32 328 Bibcode 1960RvMP 32 328L Lowdin Per Olov 1961 Note on the separability theorem for electron pairs The Journal of Chemical Physics 35 1 s 78 Bibcode 1961JChPh 35 78L doi 10 1063 1 1731935 Bibcode 1961JChPh 35 78L Lowdin Per Olov 1962 Studies in perturbation theory IV Solution of eigenvalue problem by projection operator formalism Journal Mathematical Physics 3 5 s 969 Bibcode 1962JMP 3 969L doi 10 1063 1 1724312 Bibcode 1962JMP 3 969L Lowdin Per Olov 1962 Studies in perturbation theory V Some aspects on the exact self consistent field theory Journal Mathematical Physics 3 6 s 1171 Bibcode 1962JMP 3 1171L doi 10 1063 1 1703860 Bibcode 1962JMP 3 1171L Lowdin Per Olov 1962 Band theory valence bond and tight binding calculations Journal of Applied Physics 33 1 s 251 Bibcode 1962JAP 33 251L doi 10 1063 1 1777106 Bibcode 1962JAP 33 251L Lowdin Per Olov 1962 Exchange corrleation and spin effects in molecular and solid state theory Reviews of Modern Physics 34 1 ss 80 87 Bibcode 1962RvMP 34 80L doi 10 1103 RevModPhys 34 80 Bibcode 1962RvMP 34 80L Lowdin Per Olov 1962 The normal constants of motion in quantum mechanics treated by projection technique Reviews of Modern Physics 34 3 ss 520 530 Bibcode 1962RvMP 34 520L doi 10 1103 RevModPhys 34 520 Bibcode 1962RvMP 34 520L Calais Jean Louis Lowdin Per Olov 1962 A simple method of treating atomic integrals containing functions of r12 Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 8 1 6 ss 203 211 Bibcode 1962JMoSp 8 203C doi 10 1016 0022 2852 62 90021 8 Bibcode 1962JMoSp 8 203C Lowdin Per Olov 1963 Wave and reaction operators in the quantum theory of many article systems Reviews of Modern Physics 35 3 ss 702 707 Bibcode 1963RvMP 35 702L doi 10 1103 RevModPhys 35 702 Bibcode 1963RvMP 35 702L Lowdin Per Olov 1963 Proton tunneling in DNA and its biological implications Reviews of Modern Physics 35 3 ss 724 732 Bibcode 1963RvMP 35 724L doi 10 1103 RevModPhys 35 724 Bibcode 1963RvMP 35 724L Lowdin Per Olov 1963 Studies in perturbation theor Part I An elementary iteration variation procedure for solving the Schrodinger equation by partitioning technique Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 10 1 6 ss 12 33 Bibcode 1963JMoSp 10 12L doi 10 1016 0022 2852 63 90151 6 Bibcode 1963JMoSp 10 12L Lowdin Per Olov 1964 Angular momentum wavefunctions constructed by projector operators Reviews of Modern Physics 36 4 ss 966 976 Bibcode 1964RvMP 36 966L doi 10 1103 RevModPhys 36 966 Bibcode 1964RvMP 36 966L Lowdin Per Olov 1964 Studies in perturbation theory Part VI Contraction of secular equations Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 14 1 4 ss 112 118 Bibcode 1964JMoSp 14 112L doi 10 1016 0022 2852 64 90106 7 Bibcode 1964JMoSp 14 112L Lowdin Per Olov 1964 Studies in perturbation theory Part VII Localized perturbation Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 14 1 4 ss 199 130 Bibcode 1964JMoSp 14 119L doi 10 1016 0022 2852 64 90107 9 Bibcode 1964JMoSp 14 199L Lowdin Per Olov 1964 Studies in perturbation theory Part VIII Separation of Dirac equation and study of the spin orbit coupling and Fermi contact terms Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 14 1 4 ss 131 144 Bibcode 1964JMoSp 14 131L doi 10 1016 0022 2852 64 90108 0 Bibcode 1964JMoSp 14 131L Lowdin Per Olov 1965 Studies in perturbation theory IX connection between various approaches in the recent development evaluation of upper bounds to energy eigenvalues in Schrodinger s perturbation theory Journal of Mathematical Physics 6 8 s 1341 Bibcode 1965JMP 6 1341L doi 10 1063 1 1704781 Bibcode 1965JMP 6 1341L Lowdin Per Olov 1965 Studies in perturbation theory X Lower bounds to energy eigenvalues in perturbation theory ground state Physical Review 139 2A ss A357 A372 Bibcode 1965PhRv 139 357L doi 10 1103 PhysRev 139 A357 Bibcode 1965PhRv 139 357L Lowdin Per Olov 1965 Studies in perturbation theory XI Lower bounds to energy eigenvalues ground state and excited states The Journal of Chemical Physics 43 10 ss S175 S185 Bibcode 1965JChPh 43 175L doi 10 1063 1 1701483 Bibcode 1965JChPh 43 175L Lowdin Per Olov 1966 Quantum genetics and the aperiodic solid Some aspects on the biological problems of heredity mutations aging and tumors in view of the quantum theory of the DNA molecule Advances in Quantum Chemistry Advances in Quantum Chemistry Cilt 2 ss 213 360 Bibcode 1966AdQC 2 213L doi 10 1016 S0065 3276 08 60076 3 ISBN 978 0 12 034802 2 Bibcode 1966AdQC 2 213L Lowdin Per Olov 1967 Group algebra convolution algebra and applications to quantum mechanics Reviews of Modern Physics 39 2 ss 259 187 Bibcode 1967RvMP 39 259L doi 10 1103 RevModPhys 39 259 Bibcode 1967RvMP 39 259L Lowdin Per Olov 1967 Quantum theory of time dependent phenomena treated by the evolution operator technique Advances in Quantum Chemistry Advances in Quantum Chemistry Cilt 3 ss 323 381 Bibcode 1967AdQC 3 323L doi 10 1016 S0065 3276 08 60092 1 ISBN 978 0 12 034803 9 Bibcode 1967AdQC 3 323L Lowdin Per Olov 1968 Studies in perturbation theory XIII Treatment of constants of motion in resolvent method partitioning technique and perturbation theory International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2 6 ss 867 931 Bibcode 1968IJQC 2 867L doi 10 1002 qua 560020612 Lowdin Per Olov 1968 Some comments on the treatment of symmetry properties in perturbation theory International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2 S2 ss 137 150 Bibcode 1968IJQC 2 137L doi 10 1002 qua 560020715 MacIntyre Walter M Lowdin Per Olov 1968 Electronic energy of the DNA replication plane International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 2 S2 ss 207 217 Bibcode 1968IJQC 2 207M doi 10 1002 qua 560020720 Berrondo Manuel Lowdin Per Olov 1969 The projection operator for a space spanned by a linearly dependent set International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 3 6 ss 767 780 Bibcode 1969IJQC 3 767B doi 10 1002 qua 560030604 Lowdin Per Olov 1969 Some comments on the periodic system of elements International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 3 S3A ss 331 334 Bibcode 1969IJQC 3 331L doi 10 1002 qua 560030737 Lowdin Per Olov 1969 some aspects of the hydrogen bond in molecular biology Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Cilt 158 ss 86 95 Bibcode 1969NYASA 158 86L doi 10 1111 j 1749 6632 1969 tb56215 x Bibcode 1969NYASA 158 86L Lowdin Per Olov 1970 On the nonorthogonality problem Advances in Quantum Chemistry Advances in Quantum Chemistry Cilt 5 ss 185 199 Bibcode 1970AdQC 5 185L doi 10 1016 S0065 3276 08 60339 1 ISBN 978 0 12 034805 3 Bibcode 1970AdQC 5 185L Gruninger John Ohrn Yngve Lowdin Per Olov 1970 Comments on the analysis of atomic correlation energies The Journal of Chemical Physics 52 11 s 5551 Bibcode 1970JChPh 52 5551G doi 10 1063 1 1672824 Bibcode 1970JChPh 52 5551G Lowdin Per Olov Goscinski Osvaldo 1970 The exchange phenomenon the symmetric group and the spin degeneracy problem International Journal of quantum Chemistry 4 S38 ss 533 591 doi 10 1002 qua 560040719 Lowdin Per Olov 1971 Some properties of inner projections International Journal of quantum Chemistry 5 S4 ss 231 237 doi 10 1002 qua 560050725 Laskowski Bernard Lowdin Per Olov 1972 Treatment of constants of motion in the variation principle Symmetry properties of variational wavefunctions Chemical Physics Letters 16 1 ss 1 4 Bibcode 1972CPL 16 1L doi 10 1016 0009 2614 72 80441 X Bibcode 1972CPL 16 1L Lowdin Per Olov Mukherjee P K 1972 Some comments on the time dependent variation principle Chemical Physics Letters 14 1 ss 1 7 Bibcode 1972CPL 14 1L doi 10 1016 0009 2614 72 87127 6 Bibcode 1972CPL 14 1L Ahlenius T Calais J L Lowdin Per Olov 1973 Some comments on the construction of an orthonornal set of LCAO basis functions for crystals Journal of Physics C Solid State Physics 6 11 s 1896 Bibcode 1973JPhC 6 1896A doi 10 1088 0022 3719 6 11 016 Laskowski B van Leuven P Lowdin Per Olov Lowdin P O 1973 Electron gas test for the alternant molecular orbital method Journal of Physics C Solid State Physics 6 18 s 2777 Bibcode 1973JPhC 6 2777L doi 10 1088 0022 3719 6 18 007 Lowdin Per Olov 1980 Molecular structure calculations Advances in Quantum Chemistry Advances in Quantum Chemistry Ingilizce Cilt 12 ss 263 316 Bibcode 1980AdQC 12 263L doi 10 1016 S0065 3276 08 60318 4 ISBN 978 0 12 034812 1 Lowdin Per Olov 1980 Introductory remarks to Nobel Symposium on many body theory of atomic systems Physica Scripta 21 3 4 s 229 Bibcode 1980PhyS 21 229L doi 10 1088 0031 8949 21 3 4 002 Taurian Oscar E Lowdin Per Olov 1981 Some remarks on the projector associated with the intersection of two linear manifolds Acta physica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 1 2 ss 5 12 doi 10 1007 BF03155558 Lowdin Per Olov 1982 Partitioning technique perturbation theory and rational approximations International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 21 1 ss 69 92 doi 10 1002 qua 560210105 Lowdin Per Olov 1982 On operators superoperators hamiltonians and liouvillians International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 22 S16 ss 485 560 doi 10 1002 qua 560220847 Froelich Piotr Lowdin Per Olov 1983 On the Hartree Fock scheme for a pair of adjoint operators Journal of Mathematical Physics 24 1 s 88 Bibcode 1983JMP 24 88F doi 10 1063 1 525605 Bibcode 1983JMP 24 88L Lowdin Per Olov 1983 On the stability problem of a pair of adjoint operators Journal of Mathematical Physics 25 1 s 70 Bibcode 1983JMP 24 70L doi 10 1063 1 525604 Bibcode 1983JMP 25 70L Lowdin Per Olov 1983 On the Sanibel coefficients in the expansion of spin projected Slater determinants International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 24 1 ss 729 745 doi 10 1002 qua 560240615 Bibcode 1983IJQC 24 729L Lowdin Per Olov 1984 Some aspects on the relation between the natural sciences and the human mind An introduction to a panel discussion on the origin of life and mind International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 26 S11 ss 31 43 doi 10 1002 qua 560260705 Lowdin Per Olov 1985 On the connection between the resolvent methods and partitioning technique rational approximation and perturbation theory Physica Scripta 32 4 s 261 Bibcode 1985PhyS 32 261L doi 10 1088 0031 8949 32 4 002 Lowdin Per Olov 1985 Some aspects on the Hamiltonian and Liouvillian formalism the special propagator methods and the equation of motion approach Advances in Quantum Chemistry Advances in Quantum Chemistry Cilt 17 ss 285 334 Bibcode 1985AdQC 17 285L doi 10 1016 S0065 3276 08 60305 6 ISBN 978 0 12 034817 6 Bibcode 1985AdQC 17 285L Lowdin Per Olov 1986 Some comments on the method of complex scaling to find physical resonance states International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 30 S20 ss 743 748 doi 10 1002 qua 560300763 Shik Kong Young Shik Jhon Mu Shik Lowdin Per Olov 1987 Studies on proton transfers in water clusters and DNA base pairs International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 32 S14 ss 189 209 doi 10 1002 qua 560320820 Lowdin Per Olov 1992 On linear algebra the least squares method and the search for linear relations by regression analysis in quantum chemistry and other sciences Advances in Quantum Chemistry Advances in Quantum Chemistry Ingilizce Cilt 23 s 83 Bibcode 1992AdQC 23 83L doi 10 1016 S0065 3276 08 60029 5 ISBN 978 0 12 034823 7 Bibcode 1992AdQC 23 83L Lowdin Per Olov Mayer Istvan 1992 Some studies of the general Hartree Fock method Advances in Quantum Chemistry Advances in Quantum Chemistry Ingilizce Cilt 24 ss 79 114 Bibcode 1992AdQC 24 79L doi 10 1016 S0065 3276 08 60101 X ISBN 978 0 12 034824 4 Bibcode 1992AdQC 24 79L Lowdin Per Olov 1992 Some aspects of objectivity and reality in modern science Foundations of Physics 22 1 ss 41 105 Bibcode 1992FoPh 22 41L doi 10 1007 BF01883380 Bibcode 1992FoPh 22 41L Mayer Istvan Lowdin Per Olov 1993 Some comments of the general Hartree Fock method Chemical Physics Letters 202 1 2 ss 1 6 Bibcode 1993CPL 202 1M doi 10 1016 0009 2614 93 85341 K Lowdin Per Olov 1993 Some remarks on the resemblance theorems associated with various orthonormalization procedures International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 48 4 ss 225 232 doi 10 1002 qua 560480403 Bibcode 1993IJQC 48 225L Bartlett Rodney J Deumens Erik Lowdin Per Olov Micha David A Monkhorst Hendrik J Sabin John R Trickey Samuel B Zerner Michael C 1994 On the occasion of Yngve Ohrn s 60th birthday International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 52 S28 ss 3 5 doi 10 1002 qua 560520803 Lowdin Per Olov 1996 In memory of Jean Louis Calais International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 57 1 ss 1 2 doi 10 1002 qua 560570102 Lowdin Per Olov 1997 Some aspects on the development of the natural sciences and their importance for modern society and for our global environment International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 64 2 ss 158 169 doi 10 1002 SICI 1097 461X 1997 64 2 lt 157 AID QUA2 gt 3 0 CO 2 V Bibcode 1997IJQC 64 158L Lowdin Per Olov 1998 Some comments on the foundations of physics Ingilizce World Scientific ISBN 981 02 2913 5 Lowdin Per Olov 1998 Some aspects on the Bloch Lindgren equation and a comparison with the partitioning technique Advances in Quantum Chemistry Advances in Quantum Chemistry Cilt 30 ss 415 432 Bibcode 1998AdQC 30 415L doi 10 1016 S0065 3276 08 60520 1 ISBN 978 0 12 034830 5 Bibcode 1998AdQC 30 415L Lowdin Per Olov 2001 Quantum theory of cohesive properties of solids Advances in Physics 50 6 ss 597 756 Bibcode 2001AdPhy 50 597L doi 10 1080 00018730110102196 Bibcode 2001AdPhy 50 597LDis baglantilarJan Linderberg Proc Am Phil Soc 147 2 2003 Per Olov Lowdin Curriculum Vitae International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 90 1 2002 ss 1 11 doi 10 1002 qua 10096 Kimio Ohno Early Ideas in the history of Quantum Chemistry19 Subat 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde 1976 Quantum Theory Project6 Ocak 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde founded by Lowdin at the University of Florida in 1960