Pevensey Kalesi, İngiliz Doğu Sussex kontluğundaki Pevensey'de bulunan bir ortaçağ kalesi ve eski Roma kalesidir. Kale, English Heritage bakımında ve ziyaretçilere açıktır. MS 290 civarında inşa edilen ve Romalılar tarafından olarak bilinen kalenin, Classis Anderidaensis adlı bir filonun üssü olduğu sanılmaktadır. Yapım nedenleri belirsizdir. Uzun süredir Britanya ve Galya kıyılarını Sakson korsanlara karşı korumak için bir Roma savunma sisteminin parçası olduğu düşünülen Anderitum ve diğer Sakson Kıyısı kalelerinin, şimdilerde Roma'nın İngiltere üzerindeki kontrolünü yeniden empoze etmesini engellemek için girişimde bulunan ve nihayetinde başarısız olmuş ve tahtı hileyle ele geçirmiş biri tarafından inşa edildiği öne sürüldü.
Pevensey Kalesi | |
Pevensey, Doğu Sussex | |
![]() Pevensey Kalesi'nin havadan görünümü, Roma'dan kalma perde duvarının içindeki Norman kalesini ve dış avlu görünmektedir | |
![]() ![]() Pevensey Kalesi Doğu Sussex'teki konumu | |
Koordinatlar | 50°49′08″N 0°20′03″E / 50.8188°K 0.3342°D |
Tip | Kale |
Yükseklik | ~95 metre (312 ft) (dış duvarlar) |
Yapı bilgisi | |
Yapı sahibi | English Heritage |
Bugünkü durumu | Harabe |
Yapı tarihçesi | |
İnşa | y. MS 290 |
İnşa ettiren | Carausius? |
Kullanım tarihi | y. 290-471/491, 1066-16. yüzyılın ortası, 1940-1945 |
Malzemeler | Ahşap, çimento, çakmaktaşı, tebeşir, demirtaşı, yeşilkum, kumtaşı |
Muharebe/savaşlar |
Olaylar | Romalılar tarafından inşa edildi (y. 290), Normanlar tarafından yeniden işgal edildi (1066), kullanılmaz hâle geldi (y. 1216), terk edildi (16. yüzyıl), devlet himayesi (1925), Müttefikler tarafından yeniden ele geçirildi (1940-45) |
Garnizon bilgisi | |
Garnizon | Classis Anderidaensis, Abulci (Roma dönemi), Norman & İngiliz kuvvetleri (orta çağ), Home Guard, Britanya Ordusu, Kanada Ordusu, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Hava Kolorduları (1940-45) |
- Blondel, Louis (1947). "Le château de St-Jean ou du Mont-de-Vence". Annales valaisannes: Bulletin trimestriel de la Société d'histoire du Valais romand. 6 (4): 297-317. 12 Ocak 2023 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 30 Haziran 2023.
- Brodie, Allan; Bowden, Mark (2022). "'At Pevensey doth a ruin'd Castle stand': the development of the post-Norman castle". Sussex Archaeological Collections. 159: 139-156.
- Creighton, O.H. (2002). Castles and Landscapes. Continuum. ISBN .
- (1967). King Stephen, 1135–1154. University of California Press. OCLC 651819.
- Farebrother, George (1986). Hailsham at War. Hailsham History Group, University of Sussex. Centre for Continuing Education. ISBN .
- Fields, Nic (2006). Rome's Saxon Shore. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. ISBN .
- Foot, William (2006). Beaches, Fields, Streets, and Hills: The Anti-Invasion Landscapes of England, 1940. York: Council for British Archaeology. ISBN .
- ; Rippon, Stephen (2011). Pevensey Castle, Sussex : excavations in the Roman fort and medieval keep, 1993–95. Salisbury: Wessex Archaeology. ISBN .
- Fulford, Michael; Tyers, Ian (1995). "The date of Pevensey and the defence of an 'Imperium Britanniarum'". Antiquity. 69 (266): 1009-1014. doi:10.1017/S0003598X00082545.
- Goodall, John (2013). Pevensey Castle. Londra: English Heritage. ISBN .
- Howard, Mary Matilda (1855). Hastings, past and present: with notices of the most remarkable places in the neighbourhood. Diplock and Smith. OCLC 2171080.
- Hull, Lise (2008). Understanding the Castle Ruins of England and Wales. McFarland. ISBN .
- Huscroft, Richard (2013). The Norman Conquest: A New Introduction. Routledge. ISBN .
- King, Richard J. (1868). A Handbook for Travellers in Kent and Sussex. John Murray. OCLC 2016108.
- Johnson, Stephen (1976). The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore. Londra: Elek. ISBN .
- Johnson, Stephen (1989). "Pevensey". (Ed.). The Saxon Shore: A Handbook. Exeter: University of Exeter. ISBN .
- Lyne, Malcolm (2009). Excavations at Pevensey Castle, 1936 to 1964. Oxford: Archaeopress. doi:10.30861/9781407306292. ISBN .
- Lister, Raymond (1960). Decorative Cast Ironwork in Great Britain. G. Bell. OCLC 3124807.
- (1853). Pevensey Castle and the Recent Excavations There. Londra: J. R. Smith. OCLC 181866167.
- Mills, David (2011). A Dictionary of British Place-Names. Oxford University Press. ISBN .
- Pearson, Andrew (2003). The Construction of the Saxon Shore Forts. Oxford: Archaeopress. doi:10.30861/9781841714875. ISBN .
- Peers, Charles (1952). Pevensey Castle, Sussex. HMSO.
- Pounds, Norman J. G. (1994). The Medieval Castle in England and Wales: A Political and Social History. Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
- Quinn, Tom (2007). The Archaeology of Britain: from Prehistory to the Industrial Age. New Holland. ISBN .
- (2013). The Man Behind the Bayeux Tapestry. The History Press. ISBN .
- Ward, J. L. (1908). Short History and Guide of Pevensey Castle. Petley. OCLC 499816347.
- Wilson, Roger J.A. (2002). A Guide to the Roman Remains in Britain. Londra: Constable. ISBN .
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Mark Bowden; Allan Brodie; Fiona Small (2019), Pevensey Castle, Pevensey, East Sussex: Architectural, Archaeological and Aerial Investigation, Historic England, Wikidata Q66757671
- Anthony Chapman (2007), "The gatehouse of Pevensey Castle", Sussex Archaeological Collections, 145, doi:10.5284/1086050, Wikidata Q50310088
- Scott Chaussée (2019), Report on the geophysical survey at Pevensey Roman Shore Fort and Castle, March 2019, GeoTechnê Prospection, Wikidata Q100961409
- Roy Porter (Mart 2020), Pevensey Castle, English Heritage, ISBN , OL 37329937M, Wikidata Q101138925
Dış bağlantılar
- Official page: English Heritage 7 Aralık 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- 6 Mayıs 2023 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Pevensey Kalesi Ingiliz Dogu Sussex kontlugundaki Pevensey de bulunan bir ortacag kalesi ve eski Roma kalesidir Kale English Heritage bakiminda ve ziyaretcilere aciktir MS 290 civarinda insa edilen ve Romalilar tarafindan olarak bilinen kalenin Classis Anderidaensis adli bir filonun ussu oldugu sanilmaktadir Yapim nedenleri belirsizdir Uzun suredir Britanya ve Galya kiyilarini Sakson korsanlara karsi korumak icin bir Roma savunma sisteminin parcasi oldugu dusunulen Anderitum ve diger Sakson Kiyisi kalelerinin simdilerde Roma nin Ingiltere uzerindeki kontrolunu yeniden empoze etmesini engellemek icin girisimde bulunan ve nihayetinde basarisiz olmus ve tahti hileyle ele gecirmis biri tarafindan insa edildigi one suruldu Pevensey KalesiPevensey Dogu SussexPevensey Kalesi nin havadan gorunumu Roma dan kalma perde duvarinin icindeki Norman kalesini ve dis avlu gorunmektedirPevensey KalesiDogu Sussex teki konumuKoordinatlar50 49 08 N 0 20 03 E 50 8188 K 0 3342 D 50 8188 0 3342TipKaleYukseklik 95 metre 312 ft dis duvarlar Yapi bilgisiYapi sahibiEnglish HeritageBugunku durumuHarabeYapi tarihcesiInsay MS 290Insa ettirenCarausius Kullanim tarihiy 290 471 491 1066 16 yuzyilin ortasi 1940 1945MalzemelerAhsap cimento cakmaktasi tebesir demirtasi yesilkum kumtasiMuharebe savaslarMS 491 katliami Ilk Pevensey Kusatmasi 1088 Ikinci Pevensey Kusatmasi 1147 Ucuncu Pevensey Kusatmasi 1264 65 Dorduncu Pevensey Kusatmasi 1399 II Dunya Savasi 1939 1945 OlaylarRomalilar tarafindan insa edildi y 290 Normanlar tarafindan yeniden isgal edildi 1066 kullanilmaz hale geldi y 1216 terk edildi 16 yuzyil devlet himayesi 1925 Muttefikler tarafindan yeniden ele gecirildi 1940 45 Garnizon bilgisiGarnizonClassis Anderidaensis Abulci Roma donemi Norman amp Ingiliz kuvvetleri orta cag Home Guard Britanya Ordusu Kanada Ordusu Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Hava Kolordulari 1940 45 NotlarKaynakcaOzel GenelBlondel Louis 1947 Le chateau de St Jean ou du Mont de Vence Annales valaisannes Bulletin trimestriel de la Societe d histoire du Valais romand 6 4 297 317 12 Ocak 2023 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 30 Haziran 2023 Brodie Allan Bowden Mark 2022 At Pevensey doth a ruin d Castle stand the development of the post Norman castle Sussex Archaeological Collections 159 139 156 Creighton O H 2002 Castles and Landscapes Continuum ISBN 978 0 8264 5896 4 1967 King Stephen 1135 1154 University of California Press OCLC 651819 Farebrother George 1986 Hailsham at War Hailsham History Group University of Sussex Centre for Continuing Education ISBN 9780904242294 Fields Nic 2006 Rome s Saxon Shore Oxford Osprey Publishing ISBN 978 1 84603 094 9 Foot William 2006 Beaches Fields Streets and Hills The Anti Invasion Landscapes of England 1940 York Council for British Archaeology ISBN 9781902771533 Rippon Stephen 2011 Pevensey Castle Sussex excavations in the Roman fort and medieval keep 1993 95 Salisbury Wessex Archaeology ISBN 9781874350552 Fulford Michael Tyers Ian 1995 The date of Pevensey and the defence of an Imperium Britanniarum Antiquity 69 266 1009 1014 doi 10 1017 S0003598X00082545 Goodall John 2013 Pevensey Castle Londra English Heritage ISBN 978 1 85074 722 2 Howard Mary Matilda 1855 Hastings past and present with notices of the most remarkable places in the neighbourhood Diplock and Smith OCLC 2171080 Hull Lise 2008 Understanding the Castle Ruins of England and Wales McFarland ISBN 9780786452767 Huscroft Richard 2013 The Norman Conquest A New Introduction Routledge ISBN 9781317866275 King Richard J 1868 A Handbook for Travellers in Kent and Sussex John Murray OCLC 2016108 Johnson Stephen 1976 The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore Londra Elek ISBN 978 0236400249 Johnson Stephen 1989 Pevensey Ed The Saxon Shore A Handbook Exeter University of Exeter ISBN 978 0 85989 330 5 Lyne Malcolm 2009 Excavations at Pevensey Castle 1936 to 1964 Oxford Archaeopress doi 10 30861 9781407306292 ISBN 9781407306292 Lister Raymond 1960 Decorative Cast Ironwork in Great Britain G Bell OCLC 3124807 1853 Pevensey Castle and the Recent Excavations There Londra J R Smith OCLC 181866167 Mills David 2011 A Dictionary of British Place Names Oxford University Press ISBN 9780199609086 Pearson Andrew 2003 The Construction of the Saxon Shore Forts Oxford Archaeopress doi 10 30861 9781841714875 ISBN 978 1 84171 487 5 Peers Charles 1952 Pevensey Castle Sussex HMSO Pounds Norman J G 1994 The Medieval Castle in England and Wales A Political and Social History Cambridge University Press ISBN 9780521458283 Quinn Tom 2007 The Archaeology of Britain from Prehistory to the Industrial Age New Holland ISBN 9781845372682 2013 The Man Behind the Bayeux Tapestry The History Press ISBN 978 0 7524 6025 3 Ward J L 1908 Short History and Guide of Pevensey Castle Petley OCLC 499816347 Wilson Roger J A 2002 A Guide to the Roman Remains in Britain Londra Constable ISBN 978 1 84119 318 2 Konuyla ilgili yayinlarMark Bowden Allan Brodie Fiona Small 2019 Pevensey Castle Pevensey East Sussex Architectural Archaeological and Aerial Investigation Historic England Wikidata Q66757671 Anthony Chapman 2007 The gatehouse of Pevensey Castle Sussex Archaeological Collections 145 doi 10 5284 1086050 Wikidata Q50310088 Scott Chaussee 2019 Report on the geophysical survey at Pevensey Roman Shore Fort and Castle March 2019 GeoTechne Prospection Wikidata Q100961409 Roy Porter Mart 2020 Pevensey Castle English Heritage ISBN 978 1 910907 41 2 OL 37329937M Wikidata Q101138925Dis baglantilarOfficial page English Heritage 7 Aralik 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Roman Britain co uk 6 Mayis 2023 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde