Port-au-Prince Katedrali (Fransızca: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de L'Assomption)(İngilizce: Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption), sık sık Port-au-Prince Cathedral (Fransızca: Cathédrale de Port-au-Prince) olarak adlandırılır, Haiti, Port-au-Prince'de bir katedral idi. 1884 ve 1914 yılları arasında inşa edildi. 13 Aralık 1928 tarihinde vakfedildi ve Port-au-Prince'in Roma Katolik katedral kilisesi haline geldi.
Port-au-Prince Katedrali | |
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Konum | Port-au-Prince |
Ülke | Haiti |
Koordinatlar | 18°32′56″K 72°20′19″B / 18.54889°K 72.33861°B |
Mezhep | Katolik |
Açılış | 1914 |
Yıkılış | 2010 |
Durum | Yıkıldı |
İşlev | Katedral |
Temel atma | 1884 |
Tamamlanma | 1914 |
Piskoposluk bölgesi | Mgr Guire Poulard, Port-au-Prince Başpiskoposluğu |

Çatı ve ana girişi çevreleyen kuleler 2010 Haiti Depremi'nde çöktü, buna rağmen duvarların alçak kısımları ayakta duruyor. Deprem ayrıca başpiskopos 'u derhal öldürerek papalık ve piskoposluk bürosunu taprip etti Ve sonra piskopos yardımcısı Charles Benoit öldü.
Onun yıkılmasından önce katedralin kuzey kulesinin kubbesi denizcilere Port-au-Prince limanında bir deniz feneri gibi hizmet veriyordu.
- ^ http://www.pbase.com/kesler/_port_au_prince_cathedral/ 17 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . The Construction and the Deterioration of a National Treasure: Port-au-Prince Cathedral giriş tarihi=14-01-2010
- ^ http://www.catholic.org/international/international_story.php?id=35181 11 Mayıs 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Breaking News: Devastating 7.0 Earthquake Hammers Beleagured Island Nation of Haiti, Deacon Keith Fournier tarih=13 Ocak 2010 Catholic Online giriş=13 Ocak 2010
- ^ http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,582942,00.html 16 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Haiti Archbishop Killed in Quake as Churches, Cathedral Reduced to Rubble tarih =13 Ocak 2010
- ^ http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/exclusive_papal_nuncio_gives_dramatic_report_on_church_in_haiti/ 18 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Exclusive: Papal nuncio gives dramatic report on Church in Haiti , Denver, Colorado tarih= 14-01-2010 giriş=16-01- 2010
- ^ http://www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-fg-haiti-church16-2010jan16,0,1031432.story 20 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Searching among a Haitian cathedral's ruins, Tracy Wilkinson tarih=16-01-2010 Los Angeles Times Los Angeles, California tarih= 17-01-2010 Father Charles Benoit, buried under a collapsed four-story building that contained his residence, managed to get a cellular telephone call out to Francois Voleile, a lifelong parishioner, two days ago. He said he was unharmed and had water and juice but no way out.
- ^ http://www.miamiherald.com/news/americas/haiti/story/1429878.html Bishops are among the few to get a proper burial Frances, Robles Miami Herald Miami, Florida tarih= 17-01-2010
- ^ Lighthouses of Haiti 19 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . at the
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Port-au-Prince Katedrali ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Vander Brug, Brian Panorama: Destruction at Notre Dame Cathedral of Port-au-Prince (Click and drag within the image to navigate. The panorama was created by combining multiple photographs taken consecutively.) Los Angeles Times http://www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-fg-haiti-cathedral-pano,0,3466942.htmlstory23 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . giriş=21-01-2010
- The Construction and the Deterioration of a National Treasure: Port-au-Prince Cathedral17 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Image of the destroyed cathedral18 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Port au Prince Katedrali Fransizca Cathedrale Notre Dame de L Assomption Ingilizce Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption sik sik Port au Prince Cathedral Fransizca Cathedrale de Port au Prince olarak adlandirilir Haiti Port au Prince de bir katedral idi 1884 ve 1914 yillari arasinda insa edildi 13 Aralik 1928 tarihinde vakfedildi ve Port au Prince in Roma Katolik katedral kilisesi haline geldi Port au Prince KatedraliKonumPort au PrinceUlkeHaitiKoordinatlar18 32 56 K 72 20 19 B 18 54889 K 72 33861 B 18 54889 72 33861MezhepKatolikAcilis1914Yikilis2010DurumYikildiIslevKatedralTemel atma1884Tamamlanma1914Piskoposluk bolgesiMgr Guire Poulard Port au Prince BaspiskoposluguOnun cokme sonrasi katedral dokuntuleri Hava fotografi 12 Ocak 2010 Sali gunlu depremden 2 gun sonra cekildi Cati ve ana girisi cevreleyen kuleler 2010 Haiti Depremi nde coktu buna ragmen duvarlarin alcak kisimlari ayakta duruyor Deprem ayrica baspiskopos u derhal oldurerek papalik ve piskoposluk burosunu taprip etti Ve sonra piskopos yardimcisi Charles Benoit oldu Onun yikilmasindan once katedralin kuzey kulesinin kubbesi denizcilere Port au Prince limaninda bir deniz feneri gibi hizmet veriyordu Kaynakca http www pbase com kesler port au prince cathedral 17 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Construction and the Deterioration of a National Treasure Port au Prince Cathedral giris tarihi 14 01 2010 http www catholic org international international story php id 35181 11 Mayis 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Breaking News Devastating 7 0 Earthquake Hammers Beleagured Island Nation of Haiti Deacon Keith Fournier tarih 13 Ocak 2010 Catholic Online giris 13 Ocak 2010 http www foxnews com story 0 2933 582942 00 html 16 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Haiti Archbishop Killed in Quake as Churches Cathedral Reduced to Rubble tarih 13 Ocak 2010 http www catholicnewsagency com news exclusive papal nuncio gives dramatic report on church in haiti 18 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Exclusive Papal nuncio gives dramatic report on Church in Haiti Denver Colorado tarih 14 01 2010 giris 16 01 2010 http www latimes com news nation and world la fg haiti church16 2010jan16 0 1031432 story 20 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Searching among a Haitian cathedral s ruins Tracy Wilkinson tarih 16 01 2010 Los Angeles Times Los Angeles California tarih 17 01 2010 Father Charles Benoit buried under a collapsed four story building that contained his residence managed to get a cellular telephone call out to Francois Voleile a lifelong parishioner two days ago He said he was unharmed and had water and juice but no way out http www miamiherald com news americas haiti story 1429878 html Bishops are among the few to get a proper burial Frances Robles Miami Herald Miami Florida tarih 17 01 2010 Lighthouses of Haiti 19 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde at theDis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Port au Prince Katedrali ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Vander Brug Brian Panorama Destruction at Notre Dame Cathedral of Port au Prince Click and drag within the image to navigate The panorama was created by combining multiple photographs taken consecutively Los Angeles Times http www latimes com news nation and world la fg haiti cathedral pano 0 3466942 htmlstory23 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde giris 21 01 2010 The Construction and the Deterioration of a National Treasure Port au Prince Cathedral17 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Image of the destroyed cathedral18 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde