Pteridaceae takımına bağlı bir bitki familyasıdır.
Pteridaceae | |||||||||||
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Pteridaceae familyasına bağlı cinsler:
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- ; (2009). "A phylogenetic classification of the land plants to accompany APG III". . 161 (2): 122-127. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2009.01002.x
- ; Zhang, X. C.; Schneider, H. (18 Şubat 2011). "A linear sequence of extant families and genera of lycophytes and ferns". Phytotaxa. 19 (1): 7. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.19.1.2
- ; (2014). "Trends and concepts in fern classification". . 113 (4): 571-594. doi:10.1093/aob/mct299. (PMC) 3936591 $2. (PMID) 24532607.
- ; (2016). "The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase". Phytotaxa. 261 (3): 201-217. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.261.3.1
. 26 Haziran 2019 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Mart 2022.
- Lehtonen, Samuli (2011). "Towards Resolving the Complete Fern Tree of Life". . 6 (10): e24851. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0024851
. (PMC) 3192703 $2. (PMID) 22022365.
- Pryer, Kathleen M.; Schneider, Harald; Smith, Alan R.; Cranfill, Raymond; Wolf, Paul G.; Hunt, Jeffrey S.; Sipes, Sedonia D. (2001). "Horsetails and ferns are a monophyletic group and the closest living relatives to seed plants". Nature. 409 (6820): 618-622. doi:10.1038/35054555. (PMID) 11214320.
- Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group (November 2016). "A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns". Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 54 (6): 563-603. doi:10.1111/jse.12229.
- Ranker, Tom A.; Haufler, Christopher H., (Ed.) (2008). Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes. Cambridge University Press. ISBN .
- Schneider, Harald; Schuettpelz, Eric; Pryer, Kathleen M.; Cranfill, Raymond; Magallón, Susana; Lupia, Richard (1 Nisan 2004). "Ferns diversified in the shadow of angiosperms". Nature. 428 (6982): 553-557. doi:10.1038/nature02361
. (PMID) 15058303.
- Schneider, Harald; Smith, Alan R.; Pryer, Kathleen M. (1 Temmuz 2009). "Is Morphology Really at Odds with Molecules in Estimating Fern Phylogeny?". . 34 (3): 455-475. doi:10.1600/036364409789271209.
- Smith, Alan R.; Kathleen M. Pryer; Eric Schuettpelz; Petra Korall; Harald Schneider; Paul G. Wolf (2006). "A classification for extant ferns" (PDF). . 55 (3): 705-731. doi:10.2307/25065646. JSTOR 25065646. 4 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 12 Mart 2022.
- Smith, Alan R.; Pryer, Kathleen M.; Schuettpelz, Eric; Korall, Petra; Schneider, Harald; Wolf, Paul G. Fern classification (PDF). ss. 417-467., in Ranker & Haufler (2008)
- Eric Schuettpelz. The evolution and diversification of epiphytic ferns. PhD Thesis Duke University 2007 20 Haziran 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
Dış bağlantılar
- Tree of Life: Pteridaceae 12 Mart 2022 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
Wikimedia Commons'ta Pteridaceae ile ilgili çoklu ortam belgeleri bulunur.
Vikitür'de Pteridaceae ile ilgili ayrıntılı taksonomik bilgiler bulunur.
- ^ a b Germplasm Resources Information Network. United States Department of Agriculture. 14 Ağustos 2001. 27 Mayıs 2012 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 4 Kasım 2011.
- ^ Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group I (2016), "A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns" (PDF), Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 54 (6), ss. 563–603, doi:10.1111/jse.12229
- ^ PPG I (2016). "A community-derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns". Journal of Systematics and Evolution. 54 (6): 563–603. doi:10.1111/jse.12229. ISSN 1674-4918.
- ^ "GBIF". 10 Ocak 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Mart 2022.
- ^ "Mindat". 12 Mart 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Mart 2022.
- ^ "PaleoBioDB". 12 Mart 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Mart 2022.
- ^ "ITIS". 12 Mart 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Mart 2022.
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Pteridaceae takimina bagli bir bitki familyasidir PteridaceaeBiyolojik siniflandirmaAlem PlantaeBolum TracheophytaSinif PolypodiopsidaTakim Tryon and Tryon 1982 Familya Pteridaceae E D M Kirchn SinonimlerAcrostichaceae A B Frank Actiniopteridaceae Pic Serm Newman nom cons Anopteraceae Doweld Antrophyaceae Ching Ceratopteridaceae Underw Cheilanthaceae M P Nayar Cryptogrammaceae Pic Serm Hemionitidaceae Pic Serm Negripteridaceae Pic Serm Parkeriaceae Hook Platyzomataceae Nakai Sinopteridaceae Koidz Taenitidaceae Pic Serm Vittariaceae ChingTaksonomiPteridaceae familyasina bagli cinsler Adiantum Gaga TryoniaKonuyla ilgili yayinlar 2009 A phylogenetic classification of the land plants to accompany APG III 161 2 122 127 doi 10 1111 j 1095 8339 2009 01002 x Zhang X C Schneider H 18 Subat 2011 A linear sequence of extant families and genera of lycophytes and ferns Phytotaxa 19 1 7 doi 10 11646 phytotaxa 19 1 2 2014 Trends and concepts in fern classification 113 4 571 594 doi 10 1093 aob mct299 PMC 3936591 2 PMID 24532607 2016 The number of known plants species in the world and its annual increase Phytotaxa 261 3 201 217 doi 10 11646 phytotaxa 261 3 1 26 Haziran 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Mart 2022 Lehtonen Samuli 2011 Towards Resolving the Complete Fern Tree of Life 6 10 e24851 doi 10 1371 journal pone 0024851 PMC 3192703 2 PMID 22022365 Pryer Kathleen M Schneider Harald Smith Alan R Cranfill Raymond Wolf Paul G Hunt Jeffrey S Sipes Sedonia D 2001 Horsetails and ferns are a monophyletic group and the closest living relatives to seed plants Nature 409 6820 618 622 doi 10 1038 35054555 PMID 11214320 Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group November 2016 A community derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54 6 563 603 doi 10 1111 jse 12229 Ranker Tom A Haufler Christopher H Ed 2008 Biology and Evolution of Ferns and Lycophytes Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 87411 3 Schneider Harald Schuettpelz Eric Pryer Kathleen M Cranfill Raymond Magallon Susana Lupia Richard 1 Nisan 2004 Ferns diversified in the shadow of angiosperms Nature 428 6982 553 557 doi 10 1038 nature02361 PMID 15058303 Schneider Harald Smith Alan R Pryer Kathleen M 1 Temmuz 2009 Is Morphology Really at Odds with Molecules in Estimating Fern Phylogeny 34 3 455 475 doi 10 1600 036364409789271209 Smith Alan R Kathleen M Pryer Eric Schuettpelz Petra Korall Harald Schneider Paul G Wolf 2006 A classification for extant ferns PDF 55 3 705 731 doi 10 2307 25065646 JSTOR 25065646 4 Ekim 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF Erisim tarihi 12 Mart 2022 Smith Alan R Pryer Kathleen M Schuettpelz Eric Korall Petra Schneider Harald Wolf Paul G Fern classification PDF ss 417 467 in Ranker amp Haufler 2008 Eric Schuettpelz The evolution and diversification of epiphytic ferns PhD Thesis Duke University 2007 20 Haziran 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Dis baglantilarTree of Life Pteridaceae 12 Mart 2022 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Wikimedia Commons ta Pteridaceae ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Pteridaceae ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Kaynakca a b Germplasm Resources Information Network United States Department of Agriculture 14 Agustos 2001 27 Mayis 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 4 Kasim 2011 Pteridophyte Phylogeny Group I 2016 A community derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns PDF Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54 6 ss 563 603 doi 10 1111 jse 12229 PPG I 2016 A community derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns Journal of Systematics and Evolution 54 6 563 603 doi 10 1111 jse 12229 ISSN 1674 4918 GBIF 10 Ocak 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Mart 2022 Mindat 12 Mart 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Mart 2022 PaleoBioDB 12 Mart 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Mart 2022 ITIS 12 Mart 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Mart 2022