Robert Barton Englund (d. 6 Haziran 1947, Glendale) Amerikalı oyuncu ve seslendirme sanatçısı.
Robert Englund | |
![]() Robert Englund (Eylül 2017, Chicago) | |
Doğum | Robert Barton Englund 6 Haziran 1947 Glendale, Kaliforniya, ABD |
Mezun olduğu okul(lar) | Kaliforniya Eyalet Üniversitesi |
Etkin yıllar | 1973–günümüz |
Evlilik | Elizabeth Gardner (1968–1986) Roxanne Rogers (e. 1986–1988) Nancy Booth (e. 1988) |
Resmî site | |
İmza | |
![]() |

1984 yılında The Nightmare On Elm Street serisinin ilk filminde canlandırdığı Freddy Krueger rolüyle şöhreti yakaladı. Bundan sonraki 10 yıl ve 7 film boyunca Elm Street filmlerinin bağlantı karakteri oldu. 1990'lı yıllarda Türkiye'de Star TV kanalında gösterilen belgesel, dizi ve korku oyunlarını hazırlayıp sundu.
Film | ||||||
Yıl | Yapım | Rol | Notlar | |||
1974 | Buster and Billie | Whitey | ||||
1975 | Sunburst | Michael Sutherland | ||||
Hustle | Hold-up Man | |||||
1976 | Stay Hungry | Franklin | ||||
St. Ives | Hood #1 | |||||
Eaten Alive | Buck | |||||
A Star Is Born | Marty | |||||
1977 | The Great Smokey Roadblock | Beebo Crozier | ||||
1978 | Big Wednesday | Narrator, Fly | ||||
Bloodbrothers | Mott | |||||
The Fifth Floor | Benny | |||||
1981 | Dead & Buried | Harry | ||||
Galaxy of Terror | Ranger | |||||
1982 | Don't Cry, It's Only Thunder | Tripper | ||||
1984 | A Nightmare on Elm Street | Freddy Krueger | ||||
1985 | A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge | Freddy Krueger / Otobüs Şoförü | ||||
1986 | Kara Şimşek | Edward Chance | 1986 | Never Too Young to Die | Riley | |
1987 | A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors | Freddy Krueger | ||||
1988 | A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master | Freddy Krueger / Hemşire | ||||
976-EVIL | Yönetmen | |||||
1989 | CHUD II: Bud the CHUD | Man in Trenchcoat Walking with Trick-or-Treaters | ||||
A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child | Freddy Krueger / Manyak | |||||
The Phantom of the Opera | Erik Destler / The Phantom | |||||
1990 | The Adventures of Ford Fairlane | Smiley | ||||
1991 | Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare | Freddy Krueger | ||||
1992 | Dance Macabre | Anthony Wager / Madame | ||||
1993 | Tobe Hooper's Night Terrors | Paul Chevalier / Marquis De Sade | ||||
1994 | Wes Craven's New Nightmare | Kendisi / Freddy Krueger | ||||
1995 | The Mangler | Bill Gartley | ||||
1996 | Killer Tongue | Cezaevi Müdürü | ||||
The Paper Brigade | Çılgın adam Cooper | |||||
The Vampyre Wars | ||||||
1997 | Perfect Target | Albay Shakwell | ||||
Wishmaster | Raymond Beaumont | |||||
1998 | Meet the Deedles | Nemo | ||||
Urban Legend | Profesör Wexler | |||||
Strangeland | Jackson "Jack" Roth | |||||
1999 | Idle Hands | the Hand | Seslendirme | |||
The Prince and the Surfer | Kratski | |||||
2001 | Wish You Were Dead | Bernie Garces | ||||
2003 | Freddy vs. Jason | Freddy Krueger | ||||
As a Bad Dream | Professor | |||||
The Return of Cagliostro | Erroll Douglas | |||||
Nobody Knows Anything! | Jack Sampson | |||||
2005 | 2001 Maniacs | Mayor George W. Buckman | ||||
Repetition | Kendisi | |||||
2006 | Hatchet | Sampson Dunston | ||||
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon | Doc Halloran | |||||
Heartstopper | Şerif Roger Berger | |||||
2007 | Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer | Profesör Gordon Crowley | ||||
2008 | Red | Bay Doust | ||||
Zombie Strippers | Ian Essko | |||||
Killer Pad | Yönetmen | |||||
2009 | Night of the Sinner | The Prince | ||||
The Vij | ||||||
2010 | Web Cam 3D | |||||
De mayor quiero ser soldado | Psychologist | |||||
Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy | Kendisi | |||||
Hollywood Don't Surf! | Kendisi | |||||
Tamora Gamble | Rory Columbus | |||||
2011 | Good Day for It | Wayne Jackson | ||||
2011 | Inkubus | Inʞubus | ||||
2012 | Strippers vs Werewolves | Tapper | ||||
Zombie Mutation | Dream Man | |||||
2013 | Sanitarium | Sam | ||||
The Moleman of Belmont Avenue | Mr. Hezekiah Confab | |||||
2014 | The Last Showing | Stuart | ||||
Witches Blood | Kendisi | |||||
2015 | Fear Clinic | Dr. Peter Andover | ||||
Kantemir | John | |||||
The Funhouse Massacre | Warden | |||||
2016 | The Midnight Man | Dr. Harding | ||||
2017 | Nightworld | Jacob | ||||
Nightmares in the Makeup Chair | Kendisi | Belgesel | ||||
2021 | Abruptio | Mr. Salk |
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Robert Englund ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Robert Englund's official website27 Ocak 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Instagram'da Robert Englund
- IMDb'de Robert Englund
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Robert Barton Englund d 6 Haziran 1947 Glendale Amerikali oyuncu ve seslendirme sanatcisi Robert EnglundRobert Englund Eylul 2017 Chicago DogumRobert Barton Englund 6 Haziran 1947 77 yasinda Glendale Kaliforniya ABDMezun oldugu okul lar Kaliforniya Eyalet UniversitesiEtkin yillar1973 gunumuzEvlilikElizabeth Gardner 1968 1986 Roxanne Rogers e 1986 1988 Nancy Booth e 1988 Resmi sitehttp www robertenglund com ImzaRobert Englund 2005 Robert Englund 2011 Robert Englund 2014 1984 yilinda The Nightmare On Elm Street serisinin ilk filminde canlandirdigi Freddy Krueger roluyle sohreti yakaladi Bundan sonraki 10 yil ve 7 film boyunca Elm Street filmlerinin baglanti karakteri oldu 1990 li yillarda Turkiye de Star TV kanalinda gosterilen belgesel dizi ve korku oyunlarini hazirlayip sundu FilmografiFilmYil Yapim Rol Notlar1974 Buster and Billie Whitey1975 Sunburst Michael SutherlandHustle Hold up Man1976 Stay Hungry FranklinSt Ives Hood 1Eaten Alive BuckA Star Is Born Marty1977 The Great Smokey Roadblock Beebo Crozier1978 Big Wednesday Narrator FlyBloodbrothers MottThe Fifth Floor Benny1981 Dead amp Buried HarryGalaxy of Terror Ranger1982 Don t Cry It s Only Thunder Tripper1984 A Nightmare on Elm Street Freddy Krueger1985 A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 Freddy s Revenge Freddy Krueger Otobus Soforu1986 Kara Simsek Edward Chance 1986 Never Too Young to Die Riley1987 A Nightmare on Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors Freddy Krueger1988 A Nightmare on Elm Street 4 The Dream Master Freddy Krueger Hemsire976 EVIL Yonetmen1989 CHUD II Bud the CHUD Man in Trenchcoat Walking with Trick or TreatersA Nightmare on Elm Street 5 The Dream Child Freddy Krueger ManyakThe Phantom of the Opera Erik Destler The Phantom1990 The Adventures of Ford Fairlane Smiley1991 Freddy s Dead The Final Nightmare Freddy Krueger1992 Dance Macabre Anthony Wager Madame1993 Tobe Hooper s Night Terrors Paul Chevalier Marquis De Sade1994 Wes Craven s New Nightmare Kendisi Freddy Krueger1995 The Mangler Bill Gartley1996 Killer Tongue Cezaevi MuduruThe Paper Brigade Cilgin adam CooperThe Vampyre Wars1997 Perfect Target Albay ShakwellWishmaster Raymond Beaumont1998 Meet the Deedles NemoUrban Legend Profesor WexlerStrangeland Jackson Jack Roth1999 Idle Hands the Hand SeslendirmeThe Prince and the Surfer Kratski2001 Wish You Were Dead Bernie Garces2003 Freddy vs Jason Freddy KruegerAs a Bad Dream ProfessorThe Return of Cagliostro Erroll DouglasNobody Knows Anything Jack Sampson2005 2001 Maniacs Mayor George W BuckmanRepetition Kendisi2006 Hatchet Sampson DunstonBehind the Mask The Rise of Leslie Vernon Doc HalloranHeartstopper Serif Roger Berger2007 Jack Brooks Monster Slayer Profesor Gordon Crowley2008 Red Bay DoustZombie Strippers Ian EsskoKiller Pad Yonetmen2009 Night of the Sinner The PrinceThe Vij2010 Web Cam 3DDe mayor quiero ser soldado PsychologistNever Sleep Again The Elm Street Legacy KendisiHollywood Don t Surf KendisiTamora Gamble Rory Columbus2011 Good Day for It Wayne Jackson2011 Inkubus Inʞubus2012 Strippers vs Werewolves TapperZombie Mutation Dream Man2013 Sanitarium SamThe Moleman of Belmont Avenue Mr Hezekiah Confab2014 The Last Showing StuartWitches Blood Kendisi2015 Fear Clinic Dr Peter AndoverKantemir JohnThe Funhouse Massacre Warden2016 The Midnight Man Dr Harding2017 Nightworld JacobNightmares in the Makeup Chair Kendisi Belgesel2021 Abruptio Mr SalkDis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Robert Englund ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Robert Englund s official website27 Ocak 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Instagram da Robert Englund IMDb de Robert Englund