Sayınhöö Namçılak (gerçek adı Lüdmila Namçılak) (İngilizce: Sainkho Namtchylak) — Tıva (Türk) kökenli şarkıcı, günümüzde Avusturyada yaşamaktadır. Kendine özgü gırtlak şarkısı olan höömeyi şarkılarında kullanmaktadır.
Sayınhöö Namçılak | |
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Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | 11 Mart 1957 Tıva |
Tarzlar | höömey |
Meslekler | Sanatçı |
Etkin yıllar | 1990-günümüz |
Müzik şirketi | |

11 Mart 1957de Tıva'da Ulughem bölgesinde Pestunovka köyünde (şimdiki adı Beldirkejii) doğmuştur. Ana babası öğretmendir. Küçük yaşta iken ninesi ona halk şarkıları ve Tıva höömeyciliğini öğretmeiştir. 1975 yılında Kızıl şehrinde okulda müzik öğrenimine başlar. Öğretimi 1981 yılında Moskova şehrinde "Ekim devrimi" adlı ortaokulda ve 1988 yılında Gnesinler adlı yükseköğretimde sürer. Daha sonra yüksek lisans öğrenimine devam eder. Bundan sonra birçok yarışmaya, konsere katılır.
1990 yıllarından sonra Sayınhöö Namçılak Tıva etnik müziği, höömey ile batı stillerini (avangard, modern, jazz, pop) türünü kaynaştırıp şarkılar ortaya çıkarır.
- Transformation of Matter, DOCUMENT, vol. V 1990, with TRI-O, Leo Records London UK
- Tunguska-guska, 1991, Eine Meteoriten-Oper, EFA-Schneeball Germany
- Lost Rivers, 1991, FMP Germany
- When the sun is out..., 1991, FMP-Berlin Germany
- Octet-Ost, 1991, with Christian Muthspiel, Amadeo Austria
- Marsias Song, 1992, with Mattias Ziegler and Mark Dresser, Zürih Switzerland
- Pulse, 1992, with Michael Sievert, Dizzy Essentials Germany ()
- Live, 1993, with Kang Tae Hwan, Free Improvisation Network Record Japan
- Out Of Tuva, 1993, Crammed World Belgium
- Expos Jazz & Joy, 1993, Ver Abra records Germany
- Mixing it, 1993, Chill out Label London UK
- Synergetics Phonomanie III, 1993, Leo Records LR
- Live at City Garden, 1994, with Moscow Composers Orchestra, U-Sound
- The First Take, 1994, with Biosintes, FMP 80 Berlin Germany
- Dancing on the Island, 1994, with Irene Becker
- Techno mit Störungen, 1995, Plag Dich Nicht
- Mars song, 1996, with Evan Parker, Victo Canada
- Amulet, 1996, with Ned Rothenberg, Leo records London UK
- An Italian Love Affair, 1996, with Moscow Composers Orchestra, Leo Records London UK
- The Gift, 1996, with Moscow Composers Orchestra, Long Arms Records Russia
- Let Peremsky Dream, 1997, with Moscow Composers Orchestra, Leo Records London UK
- Time Out, 1997, Ponderosa, Italy
- Naked Spirit, 1998, Amiata Records
- Kharms-10 Incidents, 1998, Long Arms Records Russia
- Voci in Viagio, 1999, Amiata UNITA Italy
- Temenos, 1999, Leo Records London UK
- Homo Sonorus – International Antology of Sound Poetry, 2001, poetry compilation, vol IV Russia
- El Lebrijano – Lagrimas de Cera, 2001, EMI International
- Stepmother City 2001, Ponderosa
- 2001 – Aurasolo Sainkho. duo-Peter Kowald & Sainkho, trio-Sainkho & Vl. Volkov, Vl. Tarasov, Ponderosa, Italy
- 2002 – "Golden Years of the Soviet New Jazz" vol 3,4 GY 409/412): Namtchylak with Pop-Mechanika 18 November 1985, Namtchylak with Mikchail Zukov 10 June 1990, Namtchylak + Tri-O 1989, 1991, Namtchylak with Sergey Letov 11 June 1989, 1991
- 2003 – Who Stole The Sky, Ponderosa, Italy
- 2005 – Arzhaana, a musical fairy tale, Asia Plus Records, Russia
- 2005 – Forgotten streets of St.Petersburg, Tri-O & Namtchylak, Leo Records, London
- 2005 – "Karmaland" Live CD add to the book "Karmaland" by LiberoDiscrivere, Italy
- 2007 – "Tuva-Irish live music project" electronics with Roy Carroll – Leo Records, London
- 2007 – "Nomad" – compilation of best works by Namtchylak, dedicated to 50 universary – Leo Records
- 2008 – "Intrance" acoustic duo with Jarrod Gagwin – Leo Records, London
- 2008 – "Mother-Earth! Father-Sky!" Huunhuurtu ft. Namtchylak, Jaro Records, Germany, jaro 4281-2
- 2009 – "Portret of an Idealist" Moscow Composer Orchestra ft. Namtchylak – Leo Records, London
- 2009 – "Tea Opera" electronics with Dickson Dee – Leo Records, London
- 2010 – "Not quite songs" electro acoustic with Nick Sudnik – Leo Records, London
- 2010 – "Terra" jazz arranged songs with Wolfgang Puschnig, Paul Urbanek – Leo Records, London
- 2010 – "Cyberia" solo voice – Ponderosa Music and Art, Italy
- 2010 – "Simply-Live" compilation of live recordings of son program, Tree Music, China
- 1993 - Letters, live recordings, released 1993 by Leo Records London UK
- 1994 - ,
Dış bağlantılar
- website26 Ekim 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- FMP releases4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Avantart'ta Sainkho(Sayınhöö) Namtchylak (Namçılak) 10 Ocak 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Sayinhoo Namcilak gercek adi Ludmila Namcilak Ingilizce Sainkho Namtchylak Tiva Turk kokenli sarkici gunumuzde Avusturyada yasamaktadir Kendine ozgu girtlak sarkisi olan hoomeyi sarkilarinda kullanmaktadir Sayinhoo NamcilakGenel bilgilerDogum11 Mart 1957 67 yasinda TivaTarzlarhoomeyMesleklerSanatciEtkin yillar1990 gunumuzMuzik sirketiSayinhooVaykershaym sehrinde AlmanyaYasami11 Mart 1957de Tiva da Ulughem bolgesinde Pestunovka koyunde simdiki adi Beldirkejii dogmustur Ana babasi ogretmendir Kucuk yasta iken ninesi ona halk sarkilari ve Tiva hoomeyciligini ogretmeistir 1975 yilinda Kizil sehrinde okulda muzik ogrenimine baslar Ogretimi 1981 yilinda Moskova sehrinde Ekim devrimi adli ortaokulda ve 1988 yilinda Gnesinler adli yuksekogretimde surer Daha sonra yuksek lisans ogrenimine devam eder Bundan sonra bircok yarismaya konsere katilir 1990 yillarindan sonra Sayinhoo Namcilak Tiva etnik muzigi hoomey ile bati stillerini avangard modern jazz pop turunu kaynastirip sarkilar ortaya cikarir CalismalariAlbumler Transformation of Matter DOCUMENT vol V 1990 with TRI O Leo Records London UK Tunguska guska 1991 Eine Meteoriten Oper EFA Schneeball Germany Lost Rivers 1991 FMP Germany When the sun is out 1991 FMP Berlin Germany Octet Ost 1991 with Christian Muthspiel Amadeo Austria Marsias Song 1992 with Mattias Ziegler and Mark Dresser Zurih Switzerland Pulse 1992 with Michael Sievert Dizzy Essentials Germany Live 1993 with Kang Tae Hwan Free Improvisation Network Record Japan Out Of Tuva 1993 Crammed World Belgium Expos Jazz amp Joy 1993 Ver Abra records Germany Mixing it 1993 Chill out Label London UK Synergetics Phonomanie III 1993 Leo Records LR Live at City Garden 1994 with Moscow Composers Orchestra U Sound The First Take 1994 with Biosintes FMP 80 Berlin Germany Dancing on the Island 1994 with Irene Becker Techno mit Storungen 1995 Plag Dich Nicht Mars song 1996 with Evan Parker Victo Canada Amulet 1996 with Ned Rothenberg Leo records London UK An Italian Love Affair 1996 with Moscow Composers Orchestra Leo Records London UK The Gift 1996 with Moscow Composers Orchestra Long Arms Records Russia Let Peremsky Dream 1997 with Moscow Composers Orchestra Leo Records London UK Time Out 1997 Ponderosa Italy Naked Spirit 1998 Amiata Records Kharms 10 Incidents 1998 Long Arms Records Russia Voci in Viagio 1999 Amiata UNITA Italy Temenos 1999 Leo Records London UK Homo Sonorus International Antology of Sound Poetry 2001 poetry compilation vol IV Russia El Lebrijano Lagrimas de Cera 2001 EMI International Stepmother City 2001 Ponderosa 2001 Aurasolo Sainkho duo Peter Kowald amp Sainkho trio Sainkho amp Vl Volkov Vl Tarasov Ponderosa Italy 2002 Golden Years of the Soviet New Jazz vol 3 4 GY 409 412 Namtchylak with Pop Mechanika 18 November 1985 Namtchylak with Mikchail Zukov 10 June 1990 Namtchylak Tri O 1989 1991 Namtchylak with Sergey Letov 11 June 1989 1991 2003 Who Stole The Sky Ponderosa Italy 2005 Arzhaana a musical fairy tale Asia Plus Records Russia 2005 Forgotten streets of St Petersburg Tri O amp Namtchylak Leo Records London 2005 Karmaland Live CD add to the book Karmaland by LiberoDiscrivere Italy 2007 Tuva Irish live music project electronics with Roy Carroll Leo Records London 2007 Nomad compilation of best works by Namtchylak dedicated to 50 universary Leo Records 2008 Intrance acoustic duo with Jarrod Gagwin Leo Records London 2008 Mother Earth Father Sky Huunhuurtu ft Namtchylak Jaro Records Germany jaro 4281 2 2009 Portret of an Idealist Moscow Composer Orchestra ft Namtchylak Leo Records London 2009 Tea Opera electronics with Dickson Dee Leo Records London 2010 Not quite songs electro acoustic with Nick Sudnik Leo Records London 2010 Terra jazz arranged songs with Wolfgang Puschnig Paul Urbanek Leo Records London 2010 Cyberia solo voice Ponderosa Music and Art Italy 2010 Simply Live compilation of live recordings of son program Tree Music ChinaDerleme 1993 Letters live recordings released 1993 by Leo Records London UK 1994 KaynakcaDis baglantilarwebsite26 Ekim 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde FMP releases4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Avantart ta Sainkho Sayinhoo Namtchylak Namcilak 10 Ocak 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde