Sosyal teoriler, sosyal fenomenleri incelemek ve yorumlamak için kullanılan analitik çerçeveler veya paradigmalardır. Sosyal bilimciler tarafından kullanılan bir araç olan sosyal teoriler, farklı metodolojilerin (pozitivizm ve antipozitivizm) geçerliliği ve güvenilirliği, yapının veya kurumun önceliği ve olasılık ile zorunluluk arasındaki ilişki hakkındaki tarihsel tartışmalarla ilgilidir. Kayıt dışı nitelikteki sosyal teori, akademik sosyal ve siyaset bilimi dışında kurulan yazarlık, "sosyal eleştiri", "sosyal yorum" veya "kültürel eleştiri" olarak adlandırılabilir ve hem resmi kültürel hem de edebi bilimle ve diğer akademik olmayan veya gazetecilik dışı yazı biçimleriyle ilişkilendirilebilir.
- Social Theory in the Twentieth Century and Beyond. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. 2010. ISBN .
- Constructing Social Theory. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 2008. ISBN .
- An Introduction to Classical and Contemporary Social Theory: A Critical Perspective, Third Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. 2005. ISBN .
- The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. Garden City NY: Anchor Books. 1966. ISBN .
- Modern Social Theory: An Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2005. ISBN .
- Sociological Theories in Progress: New Formulations. Sage Publications. 1989.
- Social Theory: A Historical Introduction. 1999.
- Developing Sociological Knowledge: Theory and Method. Nelson Hall. 1989.
- Modern Social Theory. Palgrave Macmillan. 1992. ISBN .
- Social Theory and Modern Sociology. Broadview. 1987.
- The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity. MIT Press. 1987.
- The Formations of Modernity. 1992.
- Understanding Classical Sociology. Sage. 1995.
- Globalism, Nationalism, Tribalism: Bringing Theory Back In—Volume 2 of Towards a Theory of Abstract Community. Londra: Sage Publications. 2006. 29 Nisan 2020 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 19 Eylül 2021.
- Philosophical Foundations of the Social Sciences: Analyzing Controversies in Social Research. Cambridge University Press. 1996.
- Pure and Applied Sociological Theory: Problems and Issues. Harcourt. 1993.
- Marx, Durkheim, Weber: formations of modern social thought. Sage. 1995. ISBN .
- Classical & Contemporary Sociology. Hodder & Stoughton. 2000.
- The Structure of Social Action. 1937.
- The Social Scientist's Bestiary. Pergamon Press. 1992.
- Theorizing Classical Sociology. Open University Press. 1999.
- Handbook of Social Theory. Sage Publications. 2003. ISBN .
- Modern Sociological Theory. McGraw-Hill. 2003. ISBN .
- A Short History of Sociological Thought. Macmillan. 2000.
- American Utopia and Social Engineering in Literature, Social Thought, and Political History. New York, Routledge. 2011.
- Social Theory: Its Situation and its Task. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1987.
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Sosyal teoriler sosyal fenomenleri incelemek ve yorumlamak icin kullanilan analitik cerceveler veya paradigmalardir Sosyal bilimciler tarafindan kullanilan bir arac olan sosyal teoriler farkli metodolojilerin pozitivizm ve antipozitivizm gecerliligi ve guvenilirligi yapinin veya kurumun onceligi ve olasilik ile zorunluluk arasindaki iliski hakkindaki tarihsel tartismalarla ilgilidir Kayit disi nitelikteki sosyal teori akademik sosyal ve siyaset bilimi disinda kurulan yazarlik sosyal elestiri sosyal yorum veya kulturel elestiri olarak adlandirilabilir ve hem resmi kulturel hem de edebi bilimle ve diger akademik olmayan veya gazetecilik disi yazi bicimleriyle iliskilendirilebilir Kaynakca a b Seidman S 2016 Contested knowledge Social theory today John Wiley amp Sons Social Theory in the Twentieth Century and Beyond Cambridge UK Polity Press 2010 ISBN 978 0 7456 3981 9 Constructing Social Theory Lanham MD Rowman amp Littlefield 2008 ISBN 978 0 7425 6428 2 An Introduction to Classical and Contemporary Social Theory A Critical Perspective Third Edition Lanham MD Rowman amp Littlefield 2005 ISBN 978 0 7425 2493 4 The Social Construction of Reality A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge Garden City NY Anchor Books 1966 ISBN 0 385 05898 5 Modern Social Theory An Introduction Oxford UK Oxford University Press 2005 ISBN 978 0 19 925570 2 Sociological Theories in Progress New Formulations Sage Publications 1989 Social Theory A Historical Introduction 1999 Developing Sociological Knowledge Theory and Method Nelson Hall 1989 Modern Social Theory Palgrave Macmillan 1992 ISBN 0 312 08674 1 Social Theory and Modern Sociology Broadview 1987 The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity MIT Press 1987 The Formations of Modernity 1992 Understanding Classical Sociology Sage 1995 Globalism Nationalism Tribalism Bringing Theory Back In Volume 2 of Towards a Theory of Abstract Community Londra Sage Publications 2006 29 Nisan 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 19 Eylul 2021 Philosophical Foundations of the Social Sciences Analyzing Controversies in Social Research Cambridge University Press 1996 Pure and Applied Sociological Theory Problems and Issues Harcourt 1993 Marx Durkheim Weber formations of modern social thought Sage 1995 ISBN 0 8039 7562 7 Classical amp Contemporary Sociology Hodder amp Stoughton 2000 The Structure of Social Action 1937 The Social Scientist s Bestiary Pergamon Press 1992 Theorizing Classical Sociology Open University Press 1999 Handbook of Social Theory Sage Publications 2003 ISBN 0 7619 4187 8 Modern Sociological Theory McGraw Hill 2003 ISBN 0 07 282578 2 A Short History of Sociological Thought Macmillan 2000 American Utopia and Social Engineering in Literature Social Thought and Political History New York Routledge 2011 Social Theory Its Situation and its Task Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1987