Stella Gibbons (d. 5 Ocak 1902 –ö. 19 Aralık 1989),Ünlü İngiliz kadın yazar ve romancı. Kaleme aldığı Cold Comfort Farm adlı romanıyla Femina Étranger Edebiyat Ödülü'nü kazanmıştır.
Stella Gibbons | |
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Doğum | Stella Dorothea Gibbons 5 Ocak 1902 Londra, İngiltere |
Ölüm | 19 Aralık 1989 (87 yaşında) Londra |
Milliyet | İngiliz |
Meslek | Yazar |
Etkin yıllar | 1930–70 |
Seçme çalışmaları
Yayıncı bilgileri yalnızca ilk basılan kitaplarıyla ilgilidir. Yayınların çoğu, genellikle farklı yayıncılar tarafından farklı zamanlarda yeniden yayınlanmıştır.
- Cold Comfort Farm. Londra: Longmans. 1932. OCLC 488370934.
- Bassett. Londra: Longmans. 1934. OCLC 1268745.
- Enbury Heath. Londra: Longmans. 1935. OCLC 771331617.
- Miss Linsey and Pa. Londra: Longmans. 1936. OCLC 771331622.
- Nightingale Wood. Londra: Longmans. 1938. OCLC 855282998.
- My American. Londra: Longmans. 1939. OCLC 3352997.
- The Rich House. Londra: Longmans. 1941. OCLC 4598606.
- Ticky. Londra: Longmans. 1943. OCLC 3349161.
- The Bachelor. Londra: Longmans. 1944. OCLC 3656831.
- Westwood, or The Gentle Powers. Londra: Longmans. 1946. OCLC 560579821.
- The Matchmaker. Londra: Longmans. 1949. OCLC 752953786.
- Conference at Cold Comfort Farm. Londra: Longmans 1949. OCLC 2550483.
- The Swiss Summer. Londra: Longmans. 1951. OCLC 3347559.
- Fort of the Bear. Londra: Longmans. 1953. OCLC 1268712.
- The Shadow of a Sorcerer. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1955. OCLC 3298907.
- Here Be Dragons. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1956. OCLC 3356228.
- White Sand and Grey Sand. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1958. OCLC 4590193.
- A Pink Front Door. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1959. OCLC 5755768.
- The Weather at Tregulla. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1962. OCLC 3372249.
- The Wolves Were in the Sledge. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1964. OCLC 5755731.
- The Charmers. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1965. OCLC 560578870.
- Starlight. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1967. OCLC 560579737.
- The Snow Woman. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1968. ISBN .
- The Woods in Winter. Londra: Hodder and Stoughton. 1970. ISBN .
- Pure Juliet (formerly An Alpha ). Londra: Vintage Classics. 2016. ISBN .
- The Yellow Houses. Londra: Vintage Classics. 2016. ISBN .
Kısa öyküler
- Roaring Tower and other stories. Londra: Longmans. 1937. OCLC 6705456.
- Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm and other stories. Londra: Longmans. 1940. OCLC 771331616.
- Beside the Pearly Water. Londra: Peter Nevill. 1954. OCLC 6922440.
Çocuk kitapları
- The Untidy Gnome. Londra: Longmans. 1935. OCLC 560579789.
Şiir çalışmaları
- ^ Oliver, pp. 1–3
- ^ Oliver, pp. 6–8
- ^ Oliver, pp. 9–11
- ^ Oliver, pp. 15–18
- ^ Neville, Jill (Mayıs 2006). "Gibbons, Stella Dorothea". Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online. 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 2 Kasım 2013.(abonelik gereklidir)
- ^ Oliver, Reggie (1998). Out of the Woodshed: The Life of Stella Gibbons. Londra: Bloomsbury Publications. s. 129. ISBN .
- ^ Oliver, pp. 68 and 77
- ^ Cooke, Rachel (7 Ağustos 2011). "Stella Gibbons: Cold Comfort Farm was just the beginning". The Observer. 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 19 Haziran 2016.
Dış bağlantılar
- - old official site, via Internet Archive, by
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Stella Gibbons d 5 Ocak 1902 o 19 Aralik 1989 Unlu Ingiliz kadin yazar ve romanci Kaleme aldigi Cold Comfort Farm adli romaniyla Femina Etranger Edebiyat Odulu nu kazanmistir Stella GibbonsDogumStella Dorothea Gibbons 5 Ocak 1902 1902 01 05 Londra IngiltereOlum19 Aralik 1989 87 yasinda LondraMilliyetIngilizMeslekYazarEtkin yillar1930 70 Secme calismalari Yayinci bilgileri yalnizca ilk basilan kitaplariyla ilgilidir Yayinlarin cogu genellikle farkli yayincilar tarafindan farkli zamanlarda yeniden yayinlanmistir Romanlari Cold Comfort Farm Londra Longmans 1932 OCLC 488370934 Bassett Londra Longmans 1934 OCLC 1268745 Enbury Heath Londra Longmans 1935 OCLC 771331617 Miss Linsey and Pa Londra Longmans 1936 OCLC 771331622 Nightingale Wood Londra Longmans 1938 OCLC 855282998 My American Londra Longmans 1939 OCLC 3352997 The Rich House Londra Longmans 1941 OCLC 4598606 Ticky Londra Longmans 1943 OCLC 3349161 The Bachelor Londra Longmans 1944 OCLC 3656831 Westwood or The Gentle Powers Londra Longmans 1946 OCLC 560579821 The Matchmaker Londra Longmans 1949 OCLC 752953786 Conference at Cold Comfort Farm Londra Longmans 1949 OCLC 2550483 The Swiss Summer Londra Longmans 1951 OCLC 3347559 Fort of the Bear Londra Longmans 1953 OCLC 1268712 The Shadow of a Sorcerer Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1955 OCLC 3298907 Here Be Dragons Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1956 OCLC 3356228 White Sand and Grey Sand Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1958 OCLC 4590193 A Pink Front Door Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1959 OCLC 5755768 The Weather at Tregulla Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1962 OCLC 3372249 The Wolves Were in the Sledge Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1964 OCLC 5755731 The Charmers Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1965 OCLC 560578870 Starlight Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1967 OCLC 560579737 The Snow Woman Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1968 ISBN 0 340 04264 8 The Woods in Winter Londra Hodder and Stoughton 1970 ISBN 0 340 10570 4 Pure Juliet formerlyAn Alpha Londra Vintage Classics 2016 ISBN 978 1 78487 027 0 The Yellow Houses Londra Vintage Classics 2016 ISBN 978 1 78487 028 7 Kisa oykuler Roaring Tower and other stories Londra Longmans 1937 OCLC 6705456 Christmas at Cold Comfort Farm and other stories Londra Longmans 1940 OCLC 771331616 Beside the Pearly Water Londra Peter Nevill 1954 OCLC 6922440 Cocuk kitaplari The Untidy Gnome Londra Longmans 1935 OCLC 560579789 Siir calismalari The Mountain Beast Londra Longmans 1930 The Priestess and other poems Londra Longmans 1934 OCLC 7123475 The Lowland Venus Londra Longmans 1938 OCLC 10421672 Collected Poems Londra Longmans 1950 OCLC 3372203 Kaynakca Oliver pp 1 3 Oliver pp 6 8 Oliver pp 9 11 Oliver pp 15 18 Neville Jill Mayis 2006 Gibbons Stella Dorothea Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 2 Kasim 2013 abonelik gereklidir Oliver Reggie 1998 Out of the Woodshed The Life of Stella Gibbons Londra Bloomsbury Publications s 129 ISBN 0 7475 3995 2 Oliver pp 68 and 77 Cooke Rachel 7 Agustos 2011 Stella Gibbons Cold Comfort Farm was just the beginning The Observer 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 19 Haziran 2016 Dis baglantilar old official site via Internet Archive byVikisoz de Stella Gibbons ile ilgili sozleri bulabilirsiniz Bir Ingiliz yazar ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz