Papa Symmachus (ö. 19 Temmuz 514) 22 Kasım 498'den ölümüne kadar Roma piskoposudur. Görev süresi, Roma din adamlarının çoğunluğu tarafından kimin papa seçileceği konusunda ciddi bir ayrışma ile hatırlanmaktadır.
Aziz Papa Symmachus | |
Roma Piskoposu | |
Surların Dışındaki Sant'Agnese Kilisesi'nin apsisinde bulunan Symmachus mozaiği | |
Kilise | Katolik Kilisesi |
Papalık başlangıcı | 22 Kasım 498 |
Papalık bitişi | 19 Temmuz 514 |
Önce gelen | II. Anastasius |
Sonra gelen | Hormisdas |
Doğum | Sardinya, Vandal Krallığı |
Ölüm | 19 Temmuz 514 Roma, Ostrogot Krallığı |
Mezarı | Aziz Petrus Bazilikası |
Oruç günü | 19 Temmuz |
Onurlandırıldığı yer | Katolik Kilisesi |
Symmachus 19 Temmuz 514'te ölmüş ve Aziz Petrus Bazilikası'na gömülmüştür. On beş yıl, yedi ay, yirmi yedi gün hüküm sürmüştü.
- Özel
- ^ Richards 1979, s. 243.
- ^ a b Kirsch 1913.
- ^ (1947). A History of the Church. 1. Sheed & Ward. s. 319. Erişim tarihi: 21 Kasım 2018.
- Genel
- Davis, Raymond (2000), The Book of Pontiffs (Liber Pontificalis): The Ancient Biographies of the First Ninety Roman Bishops to AD 715, Liverpool University Press, ISBN
- Demacopoulos, George E. (2013), The Invention of Peter: Apostolic Discourse and Papal Authority in Late Antiquity, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, ISBN , pp. 103–116.
- Hefele, Charles Joseph (1895), A History of the Councils of the Church, from the Original Documents, W. Clark tarafından çevrildi, Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark
- Jones, Arnold Hugh Martin; Martindale, John Robert (1980), The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire: A.D. 395–527, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, ISBN
- Kennell, S. A. H. (2000), Magnus Felix Ennodius: A Gentleman of the Church, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, ISBN
- Kirsch, Johann Peter (1913). "Pope St. Symmachus". Herbermann, Charles (Ed.). Katolik Ansiklopedi (İngilizce). New York: Robert Appleton Company.
- Klingshirn, William E. (1994), Caesarius of Arles: Life, Testament, Letters, Glasgow: Liverpool University Press, ISBN pp. 87–96.
- Sessa, Kristina (2011), The Formation of Papal Authority in Late Antique Italy: Roman Bishops and the Domestic Sphere, Cambridge University Press, ss. 208-246, ISBN
- Mansi, Giovanni Domenico; Labbe, Philippe; Martin, Jean Baptiste (1762), Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, 8, Floransa: Antonius Zatta
- Moorhead, John (1978), "The Laurentian Schism: East and West in the Roman Church", Church History, 47 (2), ss. 125-136, doi:10.2307/3164729, JSTOR 3164729
- Onnis, Omar; Mureddu, Manuelle (2019). Illustres. Vita, morte e miracoli di quaranta personalità sarde (İtalyanca). Sestu: Domus de Janas. ISBN . OCLC 1124656644.
- Townsend, W. T. (1933), "The so-called Symmachan forgeries", Journal of Religion, 13 (2), ss. 165-174, doi:10.1086/481294, JSTOR 1196859
- Richards, Jeffrey (1979), The Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages, 476–752, Londra: Routledge & Kegan Paul, ISBN
- Wirbelauer, Eckhard (1993), Zwei Päpste in Rom: der Konflikt zwischen Laurentius und Symmachus (498–514) : Studien und Texte, Munchen: Tuduv, ISBN
Dış bağlantılar
- Chisholm, Hugh, (Ed.) (1911). "Symmachus (Pope)". Encyclopædia Britannica. 26 (11. bas.). Cambridge University Press.
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Papa Symmachus o 19 Temmuz 514 22 Kasim 498 den olumune kadar Roma piskoposudur Gorev suresi Roma din adamlarinin cogunlugu tarafindan kimin papa secilecegi konusunda ciddi bir ayrisma ile hatirlanmaktadir Aziz Papa SymmachusRoma PiskoposuSurlarin Disindaki Sant Agnese Kilisesi nin apsisinde bulunan Symmachus mozaigiKiliseKatolik KilisesiPapalik baslangici22 Kasim 498Papalik bitisi19 Temmuz 514Once gelenII AnastasiusSonra gelenHormisdasDogumSardinya Vandal KralligiOlum19 Temmuz 514 Roma Ostrogot KralligiMezariAziz Petrus BazilikasiOruc gunu19 TemmuzOnurlandirildigi yerKatolik Kilisesi Symmachus 19 Temmuz 514 te olmus ve Aziz Petrus Bazilikasi na gomulmustur On bes yil yedi ay yirmi yedi gun hukum surmustu KaynakcaOzel Richards 1979 s 243 a b Kirsch 1913 1947 A History of the Church 1 Sheed amp Ward s 319 Erisim tarihi 21 Kasim 2018 GenelDavis Raymond 2000 The Book of Pontiffs Liber Pontificalis The Ancient Biographies of the First Ninety Roman Bishops to AD 715 Liverpool University Press ISBN 978 0 85323 545 3 Demacopoulos George E 2013 The Invention of Peter Apostolic Discourse and Papal Authority in Late Antiquity Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press ISBN 978 0 8122 4517 2 pp 103 116 Hefele Charles Joseph 1895 A History of the Councils of the Church from the Original Documents W Clark tarafindan cevrildi Edinburgh T amp T Clark Jones Arnold Hugh Martin Martindale John Robert 1980 The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire A D 395 527 Cambridge Cambridge University Press ISBN 978 0 521 20159 9 Kennell S A H 2000 Magnus Felix Ennodius A Gentleman of the Church Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press ISBN 978 0 472 10917 3 Kirsch Johann Peter 1913 Pope St Symmachus Herbermann Charles Ed Katolik Ansiklopedi Ingilizce New York Robert Appleton Company Klingshirn William E 1994 Caesarius of Arles Life Testament Letters Glasgow Liverpool University Press ISBN 978 0 85323 368 8 pp 87 96 Sessa Kristina 2011 The Formation of Papal Authority in Late Antique Italy Roman Bishops and the Domestic Sphere Cambridge University Press ss 208 246 ISBN 978 1 139 50459 1 Mansi Giovanni Domenico Labbe Philippe Martin Jean Baptiste 1762 Sacrorum conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio 8 Floransa Antonius Zatta Moorhead John 1978 The Laurentian Schism East and West in the Roman Church Church History 47 2 ss 125 136 doi 10 2307 3164729 JSTOR 3164729 Onnis Omar Mureddu Manuelle 2019 Illustres Vita morte e miracoli di quaranta personalita sarde Italyanca Sestu Domus de Janas ISBN 978 88 97084 90 7 OCLC 1124656644 Townsend W T 1933 The so called Symmachan forgeries Journal of Religion 13 2 ss 165 174 doi 10 1086 481294 JSTOR 1196859 Richards Jeffrey 1979 The Popes and the Papacy in the Early Middle Ages 476 752 Londra Routledge amp Kegan Paul ISBN 978 0 7100 0098 9 Wirbelauer Eckhard 1993 Zwei Papste in Rom der Konflikt zwischen Laurentius und Symmachus 498 514 Studien und Texte Munchen Tuduv ISBN 978 3 88073 492 0 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Symmachus ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Chisholm Hugh Ed 1911 Symmachus Pope Encyclopaedia Britannica 26 11 bas Cambridge University Press