Terminalia, Combretaceae familyasına ait neredeyse 300 türü kapsayan, tropikal bölgelerde yayılım gösteren büyük ağaçlardan oluşan bir ağaç cinsidir.Latince "terminus" kelimesinden türetilen adı, yaprakların sürgünlerin en uçlarında yer almasına referansla verilmiştir.
^abKaynak hatası:Geçersiz <ref> etiketi; GRIN isimli refler için metin sağlanmadı (Bkz: )
^Kew, Royal Botanic Gardens of. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press. 2003.
^"Missouri Botanical Garden". www.missouribotanicalgarden.org. 2 Ağustos 2019 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 27 Nisan 2024.
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Terminalia Combretaceae familyasina ait neredeyse 300 turu kapsayan tropikal bolgelerde yayilim gosteren buyuk agaclardan olusan bir agac cinsidir Latince terminus kelimesinden turetilen adi yapraklarin surgunlerin en uclarinda yer almasina referansla verilmistir TerminaliaBiyolojik siniflandirmaAlem PlantaeSube TracheophytaSinif MagnoliopsidaTakim MyrtalesFamilya CombretaceaeCins Terminalia L SinonimlerListe Badamia Gaertn Catappa Gaertn Chicharronia A Rich Chuncoa Pav ex Juss Fatrea Juss Gimbernatea Ruiz amp Pav Hudsonia A Rob ex LunanKniphofia Scop Myrobalanifera Houtt Myrobalanus Gaertn Pentaptera Roxb Ramatuela KunthRamatuella Kunth orth var Resinaria Comm ex Lam Tanibouca Aubl Vicentia AllemaomeyvesiUcan sinekli cicekleri yakin cekimyapraklari ve cicekleriHong Kong daki sokak agacicicekleriTurlerNisan 2021 itibariyla Plants of the World Online verilerine gore kabul gormus 282 Terminalia turu bulunmaktadir Mart Allemao Eichler Cambess Miq Scott Elliot J F Gmel Exell Welw ex M A Lawson Gere amp Boatwr Capuron Gere amp Boatwr Vollesen Gere amp Boatwr Sw Exell cicekleri Coode Byrnes Mart Domin Roxb ex DC Wight amp Arn Bisse Ewart amp O B Davies Gere amp Boatwr Cambess Coode Guill amp Perr Exell Gere amp Boatwr Chiov Exell Capuron Gaertn Roxb Baker Gere amp Boatwr L L f Roxb Steud Borhidi amp O Muniz Tul Welw ex Hiern Exell Pamp Fresen L C Wright Standl amp L O Williams King ex Prain F Muell Blanco Rolfe H Perrier Coode Tul Gagnep Pickel Exell DC Radlk A C Sm Exell Kaneh L Exell McPherson Terminalia chebula Retz MacKee Gaertn Roxb Exell K Schum Ducke Gere amp Boatwr Stapf Gere amp Boatwr Ducke Gere amp Boatwr Pierre ex Laness Stace Gere amp Boatwr Kaneh amp Hatus Ridl A C Sm Tul Ducke Alwan amp Stace C A Gardner Capuron Pierre ex Laness Merr Craib A J Scott Gere amp Boatwr G Mey Sagra Greuter amp R Rankin H Perrier H Perrier H Perrier Urb Gere amp Boatwr Coode Alwan amp Stace Willd Gere amp Boatwr R E Fr A Rich F Muell Capuron Tul Mart Exell amp Maguire Gere amp Boatwr Poir DC Exell C A Gardner Tul Griff Gagnep Guillaumin Baker f G Forst Mart Craib Exell amp J G Garcia Capuron Tul Benth Ducke Gere amp Boatwr Liben Maguire amp Exell Eichler Aubrev ex Keay Gere amp Boatwr W Fitzg Gagnep N F Mattos Gere amp Boatwr Eichler Mildbr Gere amp Boatwr K Schum amp Lauterb Coode A Chev DC Warb F Hoffm Exell Dhabe Slooten Coode Engl Exell Exell Gere amp Boatwr Alwan amp Stace R L Barrett Gilg amp Ledermann ex Engl Sw Benth Engl H Perrier DC Baill Seem Slooten Hoffmanns ex Mart Exell A C Sm Exell Rojo Spruce ex Eichler Gere amp Boatwr Guill amp Perr Standl Alwan amp Stace Bisse Pickel Capuron H Perrier Dhabe Exell Van Heurck amp Mull Arg Gere amp Boatwr F Muell Mendes amp Exell Decne Tul Exell M Gomez M A Lawson Coode Benth W J Kress amp DeFilipps Van Heurck amp Mull Arg M A Lawson Gere amp Boatwr H Perrier Bisse Capuron Pierre Alain C Presl Rich Daniker Ducke Ruiz amp Pav Steud F Muell Eichler Gere amp Boatwr Brandis H Perrier Engl amp Diels Diels Monach Craib Mart Miq Borhidi Brandis Cuatrec Gere amp Boatwr Roth Exell Ducke Gere amp Boatwr Pamp Nanakorn C Presl Edgew Gere amp Boatwr Anozie Capuron A Cunn ex Benth Eichler Engl amp Diels King Van Heurck amp Mull Arg Gere amp Boatwr Merr F Muell F Muell C Presl Engl amp Diels F Muell ex Benth Roxb Pedley M A Lawson A C Sm Exell Melville amp P S Green F Muell Exell amp Stace Gere amp Boatwr Maguire Alwan amp Stace Baker f Exell Coode Capuron A Gray Eichler Gagnep Gere amp Boatwr Fosberg amp Falanruw K Schum Baker f Capuron Engl amp Diels Rech Hochst Planch ex M A Lawson Diels Capuron Burch ex DC H Perrier Capuron Dhabe Gibbs A C Sm Exell Slooten Exell Engl Exell Engl amp Diels A C Sm Engl Eichler Gere amp Boatwr Domin H Perrier King Tul Engl amp Diels Koord Byrnes Merr Danguy Capuron Aubl Gere amp Boatwr Wickens Gere amp Boatwr Wight amp Arn Diels Capuron Griseb Lillo Gilg amp Ledermann ex Engl H Perrier Engl ex Alwan amp Stace H Perrier H Perrier A H Gentry M Gangop amp Chakrab Spruce ex Eichler Alwan amp Stace Ducke Gere amp Boatwr A C Sm Coode Maguire Van Heurck amp Mull Arg ExellKaynakca a b Kaynak hatasi Gecersiz lt ref gt etiketi GRIN isimli refler icin metin saglanmadi Bkz Kaynak gosterme Kew Royal Botanic Gardens of Oxford Art Online Oxford University Press 2003 Missouri Botanical Garden www missouribotanicalgarden org 2 Agustos 2019 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 27 Nisan 2024