Theodore Nicholas Gill (21 Mart 1837 - 25 Eylül 1914) Amerikalı ihtiyolog, mamalog ve kütüphaneci.
400 civarında bilimsel makale yazan Gill'in başlıca makaleleri şunlardır:
- 1871. Arrangements of the Families of Mollusks 49 pp.
- 1872. Arrangement of the Families of Mammals 98 pp.
- 1872. Arrangement of the Families of
- 1875. Catalogue of the of the East Coast of North America
- 1882. Bibliography of the of the Pacific of the Amerika Birleşik Devletleri to the End of 1879
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Theodore Nicholas Gill 21 Mart 1837 25 Eylul 1914 Amerikali ihtiyolog mamalog ve kutuphaneci Theodore Nicholas GillYayinlari400 civarinda bilimsel makale yazan Gill in baslica makaleleri sunlardir 1871 Arrangements of the Families of Mollusks 49 pp 1872 Arrangement of the Families of Mammals 98 pp 1872 Arrangement of the Families of 1875 Catalogue of the of the East Coast of North America 1882 Bibliography of the of the Pacific of the Amerika Birlesik Devletleri to the End of 1879Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Theodore Gill ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir