Thievery Corporation, 1995'te Washington'da kurulmuş bir müzik grubudur. Grubun iki temel elemanı ve 'dur. Genel müzik stilleri elektronik olmakla birlikte acid jazz, reggae, , , bossa nova tarzlarının harmanını kullanmaktadırlar.

Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Georgia eyaletinde, 12-14 Ekim 2007 tarihleri arasında, çevre duyarlılığını arttırmak amacıyla düzenlenen üç günlük The Echo Project katılmıştır.
- Sounds from the Thievery Hi-Fi (07 Haziran 1997)
- The Mirror Conspiracy (02 Nisan 2000)
- The Richest Man in Babylon (01 Ekim 2002)
- Babylon Rewound (03 Kasım 2004)
- The Cosmic Game (22 Şubat 2005)
- Radio Retaliation (09 Eylül 2008)
- It Takes A Thief (21 Eylül 2010)
- Culture Of Fear (28 Haziran 2011)
- Saudade (01 Nisan 2014)
- Temple of I & I (10 Nisan 2017)
- La Force De Melodie (13 February 2018)
- Treasures From The Temple (20 Nisan 2018)
- Symphonik (03 Nisan 2020)
Single ve EP'ler
- Shaolin Satellite (1996)
- ESL Dubplate (1996)
- The Foundation (1996)
- 2001: A Spliff Odyssey (1996)
- Encounter in Bahia (1997)
- Incident at Gate 7 (1998)
- .38.45 (A Thievery Number) (1998)
- Lebanese Blonde (1998)
- Thievery Corporation eşliğinde Bebel Gilberto - So Com Vocé (1998)
- Halfway Around the World (1998)
- DJ-Kicks EP / It Takes A Thief (1999)
- Sound File 001 (2000)
- Sound File 002 (2000)
- Shadows Of Ourselves (2000)
- DC 3000 (2000)
- Focus on Sight (2000)
- The Lagos Communique (2000)
- Bossa Per Due (2001)
- The Richest Man in Babylon (2002)
- Thievery Corporation eşliğinde Perry Farrell - Revolution Solution (2004)
- Warning Shots (2005)
- Chaplin Swankster ? - (İnternet tabanlı bilgiye rastlanmamıştır)
- The Heart's a Lonely Hunter (2005)
- The Time We Lost Our Way (2005)
- Sol Tapado (2005)
- Originality (2006)
- Supreme Illusion (2007)
- Radio Retaliation (2008)
- Radio Retaliation Extras (2008)
- Sound The Alarm / La Femme Parallel (2009)
- Vampires (2011)
- Thievery Corporation / Tycho (3) - Fragments.Ascension (2012)
- Culture Of Fear EP (2012)
- El Pueblo Unido (2013)
- Depth of My Soul (2014)
- Le Destin / Never Is The Best Day (2014)
- Letter To The Editor (2016)
- All That We Perceive (Bilinmiyor)
- Dubbed Out in DC (1997)
- Covert Operations (1998)
- Abductions and Reconstructions (1999)
- Jet Society (1999)
- Rare Tracks: 18th Street Lounge (1999)
- DJ-Kicks: Thievery Corporation (1999)
- Thievery Corporation and Revolution Present: Departures (2000)
- CloudWatch : A Soundtrack to a Freeform Gathering V2 (2000)
- Modular Systems (2001)
- Sounds from the Verve Hi-Fi (2002)
- Den of Thieves (2003)
- The Outernational Sound (2004)
- Frequent Flyer: Rio De Janeiro (2004)
- Babylon Rewound (2004)
- Versions (2005)
- Frequent Flyer: Kingston Jamaica (2005)
- Versions (2006)
- Red Hot + Latin: Silencio = Muerte Redux (2006)
- Changed To Lo-Fi (2006)
- Warning Shots: Digibox Set (2007)
- It Takes a Thief (2010)
Dış bağlantılar
- Grup web sitesi7 Eylül 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Single-EP, Derlemeler ve Albümler10 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Discography18 Haziran 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Thievery Corporation 1995 te Washington da kurulmus bir muzik grubudur Grubun iki temel elemani ve dur Genel muzik stilleri elektronik olmakla birlikte acid jazz reggae bossa nova tarzlarinin harmanini kullanmaktadirlar Thievery Corporation sahnede Amerika Birlesik Devletleri nin Georgia eyaletinde 12 14 Ekim 2007 tarihleri arasinda cevre duyarliligini arttirmak amaciyla duzenlenen uc gunluk The Echo Project katilmistir DiskografiAlbumler Sounds from the Thievery Hi Fi 07 Haziran 1997 The Mirror Conspiracy 02 Nisan 2000 The Richest Man in Babylon 01 Ekim 2002 Babylon Rewound 03 Kasim 2004 The Cosmic Game 22 Subat 2005 Radio Retaliation 09 Eylul 2008 It Takes A Thief 21 Eylul 2010 Culture Of Fear 28 Haziran 2011 Saudade 01 Nisan 2014 Temple of I amp I 10 Nisan 2017 La Force De Melodie 13 February 2018 Treasures From The Temple 20 Nisan 2018 Symphonik 03 Nisan 2020 Single ve EP ler Shaolin Satellite 1996 ESL Dubplate 1996 The Foundation 1996 2001 A Spliff Odyssey 1996 Encounter in Bahia 1997 Incident at Gate 7 1998 38 45 A Thievery Number 1998 Lebanese Blonde 1998 Thievery Corporation esliginde Bebel Gilberto So Com Voce 1998 Halfway Around the World 1998 DJ Kicks EP It Takes A Thief 1999 Sound File 001 2000 Sound File 002 2000 Shadows Of Ourselves 2000 DC 3000 2000 Focus on Sight 2000 The Lagos Communique 2000 Bossa Per Due 2001 The Richest Man in Babylon 2002 Thievery Corporation esliginde Perry Farrell Revolution Solution 2004 Warning Shots 2005 Chaplin Swankster Internet tabanli bilgiye rastlanmamistir The Heart s a Lonely Hunter 2005 The Time We Lost Our Way 2005 Sol Tapado 2005 Originality 2006 Supreme Illusion 2007 Radio Retaliation 2008 Radio Retaliation Extras 2008 Sound The Alarm La Femme Parallel 2009 Vampires 2011 Thievery Corporation Tycho 3 Fragments Ascension 2012 Culture Of Fear EP 2012 El Pueblo Unido 2013 Depth of My Soul 2014 Le Destin Never Is The Best Day 2014 Letter To The Editor 2016 All That We Perceive Bilinmiyor Derlemeler Dubbed Out in DC 1997 Covert Operations 1998 Abductions and Reconstructions 1999 Jet Society 1999 Rare Tracks 18th Street Lounge 1999 DJ Kicks Thievery Corporation 1999 Thievery Corporation and Revolution Present Departures 2000 CloudWatch A Soundtrack to a Freeform Gathering V2 2000 Modular Systems 2001 Sounds from the Verve Hi Fi 2002 Den of Thieves 2003 The Outernational Sound 2004 Frequent Flyer Rio De Janeiro 2004 Babylon Rewound 2004 Versions 2005 Frequent Flyer Kingston Jamaica 2005 Versions 2006 Red Hot Latin Silencio Muerte Redux 2006 Changed To Lo Fi 2006 Warning Shots Digibox Set 2007 It Takes a Thief 2010 Kaynakca Echo Project Daytime Schedules JamBase 20 Mayis 2011 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 9 Nisan 2015 22 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 25 Mart 2020 Dis baglantilarGrup web sitesi7 Eylul 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Single EP Derlemeler ve Albumler10 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Discography18 Haziran 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde