Thornton Niven Wilder (17 Nisan 1897 - 7 Aralık 1975), Amerikalı oyun yazarı ve romancı. romanı ve , isimli oyunlarıyla üç kez Pulitzer Ödülü kazanmıştır. Ayrıca The Eighth Day romanı ile ödülünü kazanmıştır.
Thornton Wilder | |
![]() Wilder, 1948 | |
Doğum | 17 Nisan 1897 Madison, Wisconsin, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri |
Ölüm | 7 Aralık 1975 (78 yaşında) , Connecticut, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri |
Meslek | Yazar |
Milliyet | Amerikalı |
Dönem | 1940–1985 |
Tür | Roman, kısa öykü |
Önemli ödülleri | Kurgu dalında Pulitzer Ödülü, |
- The Trumpet Shall Sound (1926)
- The Angel That Troubled the Waters and Other Plays (1928):
- "Nascuntur Poetae"
- "Proserpina and the Devil"
- "Fanny Otcott"
- "Brother Fire"
- "The Penny That Beauty Spent"
- "The Angel on the Ship"
- "The Message and Jehanne"
- "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came"
- "Centaurs"
- "Leviathan"
- "And the Sea Shall Give Up Its Dead"
- "The Servant's Name Was Malchus"
- "Mozart and the Gray Steward"
- "Hast Thou Considered My Servant Job?"
- "The Flight Into Egypt"
- "The Angel That Troubled the Waters"
- The Long Christmas Dinner and Other Plays in One Act (1931):
- Queens of France
- Pullman Car Hiawatha
- Love and How to Cure It
- Such Things Only Happen in Books
- (1938)—won the
- (1938)
- (1942)—won the Pulitzer Prize
- The Matchmaker (1954)—revised from The Merchant of Yonkers
- The Alcestiad: Or, a Life in the Sun (1955)
- Childhood (1960)
- Infancy (1960)
- Plays for Bleecker Street (1962
- The Collected Short Plays of Thornton Wilder Volume I (1997):
- Queens of France
- Pullman Car Hiawatha
- Love and How to Cure It
- Such Things Only Happen in Books
- The Drunken Sisters
- Bernice
- The Wreck on the Five-Twenty-Five
- A Ringing of Doorbells
- In Shakespeare and the Bible
- Someone from Assisi
- Cement Hands
- Infancy
- Childhood
- Youth
- The Rivers Under the Earth
- The Cabala (1926)
- (1927)—won the
- (1930)—based on , a comedy by
- Heaven's My Destination (1935)
- (1948)
- (1967)—won the
- (1973) [reprinted as Mr. North following the appearance of the film of the same name]
- Wilder, Thornton (2007). McClatchy, J.D. (Ed.). Thornton Wilder, Collected Plays and Writings on Theater. . 172. New York: Library of America. ISBN .
- Wilder, Thornton (2009). McClatchy, J.D. (Ed.). Thornton Wilder, The Bridge of San Luis Rey and Other Novels 1926–1948. Library of America. 194. New York: Library of America. ISBN .
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- (7 Ocak 2013). "Man of Letters: The case of Thornton Wilder". The New Yorker. 88 (42). ss. 71-76. 25 Ekim 2014 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 24 Ekim 2014.
- ^ "Arşivlenmiş kopya". 11 Eylül 2015 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2016.
- ^ a b "Drama" 13 Ağustos 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .. Past winners & finalists by category. The Pulitzer Prizes. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
- ^ [1] 21 Ağustos 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "Novel". Past winners & finalists by category. The Pulitzer Prizes. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
- ^ [2] 30 Temmuz 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . "National Book Awards – 1968". National Book Foundation. Retrieved 28 March 2012.
(With essay by Harold Augenbraum from the Awards 60-year anniversary blog.)
Dış bağlantılar
Vikisöz'de Thornton Wilder ile ilgili sözleri bulabilirsiniz. |
Wikimedia Commons'ta Thornton Wilder ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- [3]18 Nisan 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Official Thornton Wilder Family Website
- The Thornton Wilder Society
- Richard H. Goldstone (Kış 1956). "Thornton Wilder, The Art of Fiction No. 16". The Paris Review. 4 Haziran 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 11 Aralık 2016.
- Find a Grave'de Thornton Wilder
- IBDB'de Thornton Wilder. Retrieved on 18 May 2009
- Internet Off-Broadway Database'de Thornton Wilder
- [5] 10 Aralık 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Biography from The Thornton Wilder Society
- [6]20 Mayıs 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Today in History, The Library of Congress, April 17
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Thornton Niven Wilder 17 Nisan 1897 7 Aralik 1975 Amerikali oyun yazari ve romanci romani ve isimli oyunlariyla uc kez Pulitzer Odulu kazanmistir Ayrica The Eighth Day romani ile odulunu kazanmistir Thornton WilderWilder 1948Dogum17 Nisan 1897 1897 04 17 Madison Wisconsin Amerika Birlesik DevletleriOlum7 Aralik 1975 78 yasinda Connecticut Amerika Birlesik DevletleriMeslekYazarMilliyetAmerikaliDonem1940 1985TurRoman kisa oykuOnemli odulleriKurgu dalinda Pulitzer Odulu EserleriOyunlar The Trumpet Shall Sound 1926 The Angel That Troubled the Waters and Other Plays 1928 Nascuntur Poetae Proserpina and the Devil Fanny Otcott Brother Fire The Penny That Beauty Spent The Angel on the Ship The Message and Jehanne Childe Roland to the Dark Tower Came Centaurs Leviathan And the Sea Shall Give Up Its Dead The Servant s Name Was Malchus Mozart and the Gray Steward Hast Thou Considered My Servant Job The Flight Into Egypt The Angel That Troubled the Waters The Long Christmas Dinner and Other Plays in One Act 1931 Queens of France Pullman Car Hiawatha Love and How to Cure It Such Things Only Happen in Books 1938 won the 1938 1942 won the Pulitzer Prize The Matchmaker 1954 revised from The Merchant of Yonkers The Alcestiad Or a Life in the Sun 1955 Childhood 1960 Infancy 1960 Plays for Bleecker Street 1962 The Collected Short Plays of Thornton Wilder Volume I 1997 Queens of France Pullman Car Hiawatha Love and How to Cure It Such Things Only Happen in Books The Drunken Sisters Bernice The Wreck on the Five Twenty Five A Ringing of Doorbells In Shakespeare and the Bible Someone from Assisi Cement Hands Infancy Childhood Youth The Rivers Under the EarthRomanlar The Cabala 1926 1927 won the 1930 based on a comedy by Heaven s My Destination 1935 1948 1967 won the 1973 reprinted as Mr North following the appearance of the film of the same name Koleksiyonlar Wilder Thornton 2007 McClatchy J D Ed Thornton Wilder Collected Plays and Writings on Theater 172 New York Library of America ISBN 978 1 59853 003 2 Wilder Thornton 2009 McClatchy J D Ed Thornton Wilder The Bridge of San Luis Rey and Other Novels 1926 1948 Library of America 194 New York Library of America ISBN 978 1 59853 045 2 Konuyla ilgili yayinlar 7 Ocak 2013 Man of Letters The case of Thornton Wilder The New Yorker 88 42 ss 71 76 25 Ekim 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 24 Ekim 2014 Kaynakca Arsivlenmis kopya 11 Eylul 2015 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 11 Aralik 2016 a b Drama 13 Agustos 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Past winners amp finalists by category The Pulitzer Prizes Retrieved 28 March 2012 1 21 Agustos 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Novel Past winners amp finalists by category The Pulitzer Prizes Retrieved 28 March 2012 2 30 Temmuz 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde National Book Awards 1968 National Book Foundation Retrieved 28 March 2012 With essay by Harold Augenbraum from the Awards 60 year anniversary blog Dis baglantilarVikisoz de Thornton Wilder ile ilgili sozleri bulabilirsiniz Wikimedia Commons ta Thornton Wilder ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir 3 18 Nisan 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Official Thornton Wilder Family Website The Thornton Wilder Society Richard H Goldstone Kis 1956 Thornton Wilder The Art of Fiction No 16 The Paris Review 4 Haziran 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 11 Aralik 2016 Find a Grave de Thornton Wilder IBDB de Thornton Wilder Retrieved on 18 May 2009 Internet Off Broadway Database de Thornton Wilder 5 10 Aralik 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Biography from The Thornton Wilder Society 6 20 Mayis 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Today in History The Library of Congress April 17