Tingini, Tinginae altfamilyasına bağlı bir hayvan oymağıdır.
Tingini | |||||||||||||||
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Korunma durumu | |||||||||||||||
Değerlendirilmedi (IUCN 3.1) | |||||||||||||||
Biyolojik sınıflandırma | |||||||||||||||
Tingini oymağına bağlı cinsler (2023):
- Abdastartus - Distant, 1910
- Acalypta - Westwood, 1840
- Acanthocheila - St l, 1858
- Acanthotingis - Monte, 1940
- Aconchus - Horv th, 1905
- Acysta - Champion, 1898
- Aeipeplus - Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Aeithauma - Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aeopelys - Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aepycysta - Drake and Bondar, 1932
- Aepykorys - Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aframixia - Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Afrochila - Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Afrotingis - Drake and Hill, 1964
- Agachila - Drake and G mez-Menor, 1954
- Agaotingis - Drake, 1954
- Aglotingis - Drake, 1954
- Agramma - Stephens, 1829
- Aidoneus - Distant, 1909
- Alinotingis - Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Alloiothucha - Drake, 1927
- Allotingis - Drake, 1930
- Alveotingis - Osborn and Drake, 1916
- Amberobyrsa - Heiss, 2009
- Amblystira - St l, 1873
- Ambotingis - Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Ambycysta - Drake and Hurd, 1945
- Ammianus - Distant, 1903
- Angolotingis - Drake, 1955
- Angolusa - Drake, 1958
- Aphelotingis - Drake, 1948
- Aristobyrsa - Drake and Poor, 1937
- Arushia - Drake, 1951
- Asperotingis - P ricart, 2000
- Atheas - Champion, 1898
- Aulotingis - Drake and Poor, 1943
- Australotingis - Hacker, 1927
- Axiokersos - Distant, 1909
- Baeochila - Drake and Poor, 1937
- Baeotingis - Drake and Poor, 1939
- Baichila - Drake and Slater, 1955
- Bako - Schouteden, 1923
- Banahaona - Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- Belenus - Distant, 1909
- Berotingis - Drake, 1956
- Birabena - Drake and Hurd, 1945
- Bunia - Schouteden, 1955
- Bunotingis - Drake, 1948
- Cadmilos - Distant, 1909
- Caffrocysta - Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Callithrincus - Horv th, 1925
- Caloloma - Drake and Bruner, 1924
- Calotingis - Drake, 1918
- Campylosteira - Fieber, 1844
- Campylotingis - Drake and Bondar, 1932
- Cantinona - Distant, 1913
- - Froeschner, 1995
- Catoplatus - Spinola, 1837
- Celantia - Distant, 1903
- Cephalidiosus - Guilbert, 1999
- Ceratinoderma - St l, 1873
- Ceratotingis - Montemayor, 2008
- Cetiothucha - Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Chorotingioites - Wappler, 2003
- Chorotingis - Drake, 1961
- Cochlochila - St l, 1873
- Codotingis - Drake, 1942
- Coleopterodes - Philippi, 1864
- Collinutius - Distant, 1903
- Compseuta - St l, 1873
- Conchotingis - Drake, 1954
- Congochila - Drake, 1954
- Copium - Thunberg, 1822
- Corinthus - Distant, 1920
- Corycera - Drake, 1922
- Corythaica - St l, 1873
- Corythauma - Drake and Poor, 1939
- Corythotingis - Drake and Poor, 1943
- Corythucha - St l, 1873
- Cottothucha - Drake and Poor, 1941
- Cromerus - Distant, 1902
- Cysteochila - St l, 1873
- Dasytingis - Drake and Poor, 1936
- Derephysia - Spinola, 1837
- Dichocysta - Champion, 1898
- Diconocoris - Mayr, 1865
- Dicrotingis - Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Dictyla - St l, 1874
- Dictyonota - Curtis, 1827
- Dictyotingis - Drake, 1942
- Dicysta - Champion, 1897
- Diplocysta - Horv th, 1925
- Dulinius - Distant, 1903
- Dyspharsa - Drake and Hambleton, 1944
- Elasmognathus - Fieber, 1844
- Elasmotropis - St l, 1874
- Engynoma - Drake, 1942
- Engyotingis - Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- Eotingis - Scudder, 1890
- Epimixia - Kirkaldy, 1908
- Eritingis - Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Esocampylia - Hacker, 1929
- Eteoneus - Distant, 1903
- Euahanes - Distant, 1911
- Euaulana - Drake, 1945
- Eurypharsa - St l, 1873
- Froggattia - Froggatt, 1901
- Furcilliger - Horv th, 1925
- Gabirobius - Schouteden, 1955
- Galeatus - Curtis, 1833
- Galotingis - Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Gargaphia - St l, 1862
- Gitava - Drake, 1948
- Gyalotingis - Drake, 1960
- Gymnotingis - Hacker, 1928
- Habrochila - Horv th, 1912
- Haedacanthus - Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Haedus - Distant, 1904
- Hebetingis - Drake, 1960
- Hegesidemus - Distant, 1911
- Heissiella - P ricart, 1984
- Henrikus - Drake, 1955
- Hesperotingis - Parshley, 1917
- Holophygdon - Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hovatlas - Schouteden, 1957
- Hurdchila - Drake, 1953
- Hyalochiton - Horv th, 1905
- Hybopharsa - Hurd, 1946
- Hypsipyrgias - Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hypsotingis - Drake, 1960
- Idiocysta - China, 1930
- Ildefonsus - Distant, 1910
- Inoma - Hacker, 1927
- Inonemia - Drake, 1942
- Ischnotingis - Horv th, 1925
- Ittolemma - Symonds and Cassis, 2014
- Kalama - Puton in Lethierry and Puton, 1876
- Kapiriella - Schouteden, 1919
- Larotingis - Drake, 1960
- Lasiacantha - St l, 1873
- Latitingis - P ricart, 1985
- Lemurichila - Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Leptobyrsa - St l, 1873
- Leptocysta - St l, 1873
- Leptodictya - St l, 1873
- Leptopharsa - St l, 1873
- Leptoptyx - Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Leptoypha - St l, 1873
- Lepturga - St l, 1873
- Liotingis - Drake, 1930
- Litadea - China, 1924
- Longiscutella - Livingstone and Jeyanthibai, 1995
- Lullius - Distant, 1904
- Machairotingis - Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Macrocorytha - St l, 1873
- Macrotingis - Champion, 1897
- Madangocoris - P ricart, 2000
- Mafa - Hesse, 1925
- Magmara - P ricart, 1977
- Malagasotingis - B. Lis, 2009
- Malandiola - Horv th, 1925
- Mecopharsa - Drake, 1953
- Megalocysta - Champion, 1897
- Melanorhopala - St l, 1873
- Metasalis - Lee, 1971
- Monosteira - Costa, 1863
- Mummius - Horv th, 1910
- Naitingis - Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Naochila - Drake, 1957
- Neoplerochila - Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Neotingis - Drake, 1922
- Nesocypselas - Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesocysta - Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesotingis - Drake, 1957
- Nethersia - Horv th, 1925
- Niborskiana - Montemayor, 2012
- Nobarnus - Distant, 1920
- Nyctotingis - Drake, 1922
- Oblongomorpha - Wappler, 2003
- Octacysta - Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Oedotingis - Drake, 1942
- Oeocharis - Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Ogygotingis - Drake, 1948
- Olastrida - Schouteden, 1956
- Omoplax - Horv th, 1912
- Oncochila - St l, 1873
- Oncophysa - St l, 1873
- Onymochila - Drake, 1948
- Orotingis - Drake and Poor, 1941
- Ottoicus - Drake, 1960
- Pachycysta - Champion, 1898
- Palauella - Drake, 1956
- Paracopium - Distant, 1902
- Parada - Horv th, 1925
- Paraleptoypha - Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Paraperissonemia - Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Paseala - Schouteden, 1923
- Penottus - Distant, 1903
- Perbrinckea - Drake, 1956
- Perissonemia - Drake and Poor, 1937
- Phaenotropis - Horv th, 1906
- Phaeochila - Drake and Hambleton, 1945
- Phymacysta - Monte, 1942
- Physatocheila - Fieber, 1844
- Placotingis - Drake, 1960
- Planibyrsa - Drake and Poor, 1937
- Platytingis - Drake, 1925
- Plerochila - Drake, 1954
- Pleseobyrsa - Drake and Poor, 1937
- Pliobyrsa - Drake and Hambleton, 1946
- Pogonostyla - Drake, 1953
- Pontanus - Distant, 1902
- Pseudacysta - Blatchley, 1926
- Pseudohegesidemus - B. Lis, 2001
- Pseudurentius - P ricart, 1992
- Psilobyrsa - Drake and Hambleton, 1935
- Radinacantha - Hacker, 1929
- Raunotingis - Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Recaredus - Distant, 1909
- Sabestena - Drake, 1944
- Sanazarius - Distant, 1904
- Scymnotingis - Drake, 1960
- Sinuessa - Horv th, 1910
- Sisperonemia - Duarte Rodrigues, 1987
- Sphaerista - Kiritshenko, 1951
- Sphaerocysta - St l, 1873
- Stenocysta - Champion, 1897
- Stephanitis - St l, 1873
- Stragulotingis - Froeschner, 1969
- Stymnonotus - Reuter, 1887
- Swaustraltingis - Moir and Guilbert, 2012
- Tadelia - Linnavuori, 1977
- Taichila - Duarte Rodrigues, 1983
- Tanybyrsa - Drake, 1942
- Tanytingis - Drake, 1939
- Teleonemia - Costa, 1864
- Therotingis - Duarte Rodrigues, 2002
- Tigava - St l, 1858
- Tigavaria - Drake, 1945
- Tingicesa - Ko ak and Kemal, 2010
- Tingis - Fabricius, 1803
- Trachypeplus - Horv th, 1926
- Tropicotingis - Duarte Rodrigues, 1981
- Uhlerites - Drake, 1927
- Ulocysta - Drake and Hambleton, 1945
- Ulonemia - Drake and Poor, 1937
- Ulotingis - Drake and Hambleton, 1935
- Urentius - Distant, 1903
- Vatiga - Drake and Hambleton, 1946
- Xenotingis - Drake, 1923
- Xynotingis - Drake, 1928
- Ypsotingis - Drake, 1947
- Zatingis - Drake, 1928
- Zeiratingis - Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- Zelotingis - Drake and Hambleton, 1946
- Zorotingis - Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- ^ https://www.itis.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=1000686
- ^ "ITIS". 12 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 23 Kasım 2023.
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Tingini Tinginae altfamilyasina bagli bir hayvan oymagidir TinginiKorunma durumuDegerlendirilmedi IUCN 3 1 Biyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaSube ArthropodaSinif InsectaTakim HemipteraFamilya TingidaeAlt familya TinginaeOymak TinginiTaksonomiTingini oymagina bagli cinsler 2023 Abdastartus Distant 1910 Acalypta Westwood 1840 Acanthocheila St l 1858 Acanthotingis Monte 1940 Aconchus Horv th 1905 Acysta Champion 1898 Aeipeplus Drake and Ruhoff 1962 Aeithauma Drake and Ruhoff 1965 Aeopelys Drake and Ruhoff 1965 Aepycysta Drake and Bondar 1932 Aepykorys Drake and Ruhoff 1965 Aframixia Drake and Ruhoff 1960 Afrochila Duarte Rodrigues 1980 Afrotingis Drake and Hill 1964 Agachila Drake and G mez Menor 1954 Agaotingis Drake 1954 Aglotingis Drake 1954 Agramma Stephens 1829 Aidoneus Distant 1909 Alinotingis Duarte Rodrigues 1992 Alloiothucha Drake 1927 Allotingis Drake 1930 Alveotingis Osborn and Drake 1916 Amberobyrsa Heiss 2009 Amblystira St l 1873 Ambotingis Drake and Ruhoff 1960 Ambycysta Drake and Hurd 1945 Ammianus Distant 1903 Angolotingis Drake 1955 Angolusa Drake 1958 Aphelotingis Drake 1948 Aristobyrsa Drake and Poor 1937 Arushia Drake 1951 Asperotingis P ricart 2000 Atheas Champion 1898 Aulotingis Drake and Poor 1943 Australotingis Hacker 1927 Axiokersos Distant 1909 Baeochila Drake and Poor 1937 Baeotingis Drake and Poor 1939 Baichila Drake and Slater 1955 Bako Schouteden 1923 Banahaona Drake and Ruhoff 1961 Belenus Distant 1909 Berotingis Drake 1956 Birabena Drake and Hurd 1945 Bunia Schouteden 1955 Bunotingis Drake 1948 Cadmilos Distant 1909 Caffrocysta Duarte Rodrigues 1982 Callithrincus Horv th 1925 Caloloma Drake and Bruner 1924 Calotingis Drake 1918 Campylosteira Fieber 1844 Campylotingis Drake and Bondar 1932 Cantinona Distant 1913 Froeschner 1995 Catoplatus Spinola 1837 Celantia Distant 1903 Cephalidiosus Guilbert 1999 Ceratinoderma St l 1873 Ceratotingis Montemayor 2008 Cetiothucha Drake and Ruhoff 1965 Chorotingioites Wappler 2003 Chorotingis Drake 1961 Cochlochila St l 1873 Codotingis Drake 1942 Coleopterodes Philippi 1864 Collinutius Distant 1903 Compseuta St l 1873 Conchotingis Drake 1954 Congochila Drake 1954 Copium Thunberg 1822 Corinthus Distant 1920 Corycera Drake 1922 Corythaica St l 1873 Corythauma Drake and Poor 1939 Corythotingis Drake and Poor 1943 Corythucha St l 1873 Cottothucha Drake and Poor 1941 Cromerus Distant 1902 Cysteochila St l 1873 Dasytingis Drake and Poor 1936 Derephysia Spinola 1837 Dichocysta Champion 1898 Diconocoris Mayr 1865 Dicrotingis Drake and Ruhoff 1960 Dictyla St l 1874 Dictyonota Curtis 1827 Dictyotingis Drake 1942 Dicysta Champion 1897 Diplocysta Horv th 1925 Dulinius Distant 1903 Dyspharsa Drake and Hambleton 1944 Elasmognathus Fieber 1844 Elasmotropis St l 1874 Engynoma Drake 1942 Engyotingis Drake and Ruhoff 1961 Eotingis Scudder 1890 Epimixia Kirkaldy 1908 Eritingis Drake and Ruhoff 1962 Esocampylia Hacker 1929 Eteoneus Distant 1903 Euahanes Distant 1911 Euaulana Drake 1945 Eurypharsa St l 1873 Froggattia Froggatt 1901 Furcilliger Horv th 1925 Gabirobius Schouteden 1955 Galeatus Curtis 1833 Galotingis Duarte Rodrigues 1980 Gargaphia St l 1862 Gitava Drake 1948 Gyalotingis Drake 1960 Gymnotingis Hacker 1928 Habrochila Horv th 1912 Haedacanthus Duarte Rodrigues 1992 Haedus Distant 1904 Hebetingis Drake 1960 Hegesidemus Distant 1911 Heissiella P ricart 1984 Henrikus Drake 1955 Hesperotingis Parshley 1917 Holophygdon Kirkaldy 1908 Hovatlas Schouteden 1957 Hurdchila Drake 1953 Hyalochiton Horv th 1905 Hybopharsa Hurd 1946 Hypsipyrgias Kirkaldy 1908 Hypsotingis Drake 1960 Idiocysta China 1930 Ildefonsus Distant 1910 Inoma Hacker 1927 Inonemia Drake 1942 Ischnotingis Horv th 1925 Ittolemma Symonds and Cassis 2014 Kalama Puton in Lethierry and Puton 1876 Kapiriella Schouteden 1919 Larotingis Drake 1960 Lasiacantha St l 1873 Latitingis P ricart 1985 Lemurichila Duarte Rodrigues 1992 Leptobyrsa St l 1873 Leptocysta St l 1873 Leptodictya St l 1873 Leptopharsa St l 1873 Leptoptyx Drake and Ruhoff 1965 Leptoypha St l 1873 Lepturga St l 1873 Liotingis Drake 1930 Litadea China 1924 Longiscutella Livingstone and Jeyanthibai 1995 Lullius Distant 1904 Machairotingis Duarte Rodrigues 1982 Macrocorytha St l 1873 Macrotingis Champion 1897 Madangocoris P ricart 2000 Mafa Hesse 1925 Magmara P ricart 1977 Malagasotingis B Lis 2009 Malandiola Horv th 1925 Mecopharsa Drake 1953 Megalocysta Champion 1897 Melanorhopala St l 1873 Metasalis Lee 1971 Monosteira Costa 1863 Mummius Horv th 1910 Naitingis Drake and Ruhoff 1962 Naochila Drake 1957 Neoplerochila Duarte Rodrigues 1982 Neotingis Drake 1922 Nesocypselas Kirkaldy 1908 Nesocysta Kirkaldy 1908 Nesotingis Drake 1957 Nethersia Horv th 1925 Niborskiana Montemayor 2012 Nobarnus Distant 1920 Nyctotingis Drake 1922 Oblongomorpha Wappler 2003 Octacysta Drake and Ruhoff 1960 Oedotingis Drake 1942 Oeocharis Drake and Ruhoff 1965 Ogygotingis Drake 1948 Olastrida Schouteden 1956 Omoplax Horv th 1912 Oncochila St l 1873 Oncophysa St l 1873 Onymochila Drake 1948 Orotingis Drake and Poor 1941 Ottoicus Drake 1960 Pachycysta Champion 1898 Palauella Drake 1956 Paracopium Distant 1902 Parada Horv th 1925 Paraleptoypha Duarte Rodrigues 1980 Paraperissonemia Duarte Rodrigues 1980 Paseala Schouteden 1923 Penottus Distant 1903 Perbrinckea Drake 1956 Perissonemia Drake and Poor 1937 Phaenotropis Horv th 1906 Phaeochila Drake and Hambleton 1945 Phymacysta Monte 1942 Physatocheila Fieber 1844 Placotingis Drake 1960 Planibyrsa Drake and Poor 1937 Platytingis Drake 1925 Plerochila Drake 1954 Pleseobyrsa Drake and Poor 1937 Pliobyrsa Drake and Hambleton 1946 Pogonostyla Drake 1953 Pontanus Distant 1902 Pseudacysta Blatchley 1926 Pseudohegesidemus B Lis 2001 Pseudurentius P ricart 1992 Psilobyrsa Drake and Hambleton 1935 Radinacantha Hacker 1929 Raunotingis Duarte Rodrigues 1980 Recaredus Distant 1909 Sabestena Drake 1944 Sanazarius Distant 1904 Scymnotingis Drake 1960 Sinuessa Horv th 1910 Sisperonemia Duarte Rodrigues 1987 Sphaerista Kiritshenko 1951 Sphaerocysta St l 1873 Stenocysta Champion 1897 Stephanitis St l 1873 Stragulotingis Froeschner 1969 Stymnonotus Reuter 1887 Swaustraltingis Moir and Guilbert 2012 Tadelia Linnavuori 1977 Taichila Duarte Rodrigues 1983 Tanybyrsa Drake 1942 Tanytingis Drake 1939 Teleonemia Costa 1864 Therotingis Duarte Rodrigues 2002 Tigava St l 1858 Tigavaria Drake 1945 Tingicesa Ko ak and Kemal 2010 Tingis Fabricius 1803 Trachypeplus Horv th 1926 Tropicotingis Duarte Rodrigues 1981 Uhlerites Drake 1927 Ulocysta Drake and Hambleton 1945 Ulonemia Drake and Poor 1937 Ulotingis Drake and Hambleton 1935 Urentius Distant 1903 Vatiga Drake and Hambleton 1946 Xenotingis Drake 1923 Xynotingis Drake 1928 Ypsotingis Drake 1947 Zatingis Drake 1928 Zeiratingis Drake and Ruhoff 1961 Zelotingis Drake and Hambleton 1946 Zorotingis Drake and Ruhoff 1961Kaynakca https www itis gov servlet SingleRpt SingleRpt search topic TSN amp search value 1000686 ITIS 12 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 23 Kasim 2023 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Tingini ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur Vikitur de Tingini ile ilgili ayrintili taksonomik bilgiler bulunur Tinginae ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz