Vadodara (Baroda olarak da bilinir), Hindistan'da yer alan bir şehir ve Ahmedabad ve Surat'dan sonra Gucerat eyaletinin üçüncü büyük şehridir.'nin idari merkezidir. Vishwamitri Nehri'nin kıyısında yer alan şehir, Ahmedabad'ın güneydoğusunda ve eyalet başkenti Gandhinagar'ın 139 km uzağında yer almaktadır. Delhi ve Mumbai bağlayan demiryolu hattı ve ulusal karayolu hattı buradan geçmektedir. Vadodara, 2005 itibarıyla 1.6 milyon nüfusa sahiptir.
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Desai, Anjali. India Guide, Gujarat - Visitor's Guide. India Guide Publications. ISBN .
- F. A. H Elliot. The rulers of Baroda. Baroda State Press 1934. ASIN B0006C35QS.
- Gense, James. The Gaikwads of Baroda. D.B. Taraporevala Sons & Co 1942. ASIN B0007K1PL6.
- Kothekara, Santa. The Gaikwads of Baroda and the East India Company, 1770-1820. Nagpur University. ASIN B0006D2LAI.
- Gaekwad, Fatesinghrao. Sayajirao of Baroda: The Prince and the Man. Popular Prakashan. ISBN .
- Gaekwar, Sayaji Rao. Speeches and addresses of Sayaji Rao III, Maharaja Gaekwar of Baroda. H. Milford 1933. ASIN B000855T0I.
- Rice, Stanley (1931). Life of Sayaji Rao III, Maharaja of Baroda. Oxford university press 1931. ASIN B00085DDFG.
- Clair, Edward. A Year with the Gaekwar of Baroda. D. Estes & co 1911. ASIN B0008BLVV8.
- MacLeod, John. Sovereignty, Power, Control: Politics in the State of Western India, 1916-1947. Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN .
- Kamerkar, Mani. British Paramountcy: British-Baroda Relations, 1818-1848. Popular Prakashan. ASIN B000JLZE6A.
- Kooiman, Dick. Communalism and Indian Princely States: Travancore, Baroda and Hyderabad in the 1930s. Manohar Pubns. ISBN .
- Desai, Govindbhai. Forty Years in Baroda: Being Reminiscences of Forty Years' Service in the Baroda State. Pustakalaya Sahayak Sahakari Mandal 1929. ASIN B0006E18R4.
- Maharaja of Baroda. The Palaces of India. Viking Pr. ISBN .
- Sadashiv, Anant. A History of important ancient towns & cities in Gujarat & Kathiawad. ASIN B0008B2NGA.
- William, George. Cities of India. Adamant Media Corporation. ISBN .
- Doshi, Saryu. The royal bequest: Art treasures of the Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery. India Book House. ISBN .
- Roshan. Sri Aurobindo in Baroda. Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publications Department. ISBN .
- Sheik, Gulammohammed. Contemporary Art in Baroda. Manohar Pubns. ISBN .
- . Railway Policy in India. Adamant Media Corporation. ISBN .
- Shafer, Kathleen. Baroda: the Story of a Small Place. Celebrate Baroda 1890-1990. Baroda Centennial Committee, Michigan, Amerika Birleşik Devletleri. ASIN B000K016MG.
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Vadodara Baroda olarak da bilinir Hindistan da yer alan bir sehir ve Ahmedabad ve Surat dan sonra Gucerat eyaletinin ucuncu buyuk sehridir nin idari merkezidir Vishwamitri Nehri nin kiyisinda yer alan sehir Ahmedabad in guneydogusunda ve eyalet baskenti Gandhinagar in 139 km uzaginda yer almaktadir Delhi ve Mumbai baglayan demiryolu hatti ve ulusal karayolu hatti buradan gecmektedir Vadodara 2005 itibariyla 1 6 milyon nufusa sahiptir Kaynakca Arsivlenmis kopya PDF 22 Ekim 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF Erisim tarihi 2 Haziran 2014 India Metropolitan Areas World Gazetteer 4 Aralik 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 14 Haziran 2007 Konuyla ilgili yayinlarDesai Anjali India Guide Gujarat Visitor s Guide India Guide Publications ISBN 0 9789517 0 0 F A H Elliot The rulers of Baroda Baroda State Press 1934 ASIN B0006C35QS Gense James The Gaikwads of Baroda D B Taraporevala Sons amp Co 1942 ASIN B0007K1PL6 Kothekara Santa The Gaikwads of Baroda and the East India Company 1770 1820 Nagpur University ASIN B0006D2LAI Gaekwad Fatesinghrao Sayajirao of Baroda The Prince and the Man Popular Prakashan ISBN 978 0 86132 214 5 Gaekwar Sayaji Rao Speeches and addresses of Sayaji Rao III Maharaja Gaekwar of Baroda H Milford 1933 ASIN B000855T0I Rice Stanley 1931 Life of Sayaji Rao III Maharaja of Baroda Oxford university press 1931 ASIN B00085DDFG Clair Edward A Year with the Gaekwar of Baroda D Estes amp co 1911 ASIN B0008BLVV8 MacLeod John Sovereignty Power Control Politics in the State of Western India 1916 1947 Brill Academic Publishers ISBN 90 04 11343 6 Kamerkar Mani British Paramountcy British Baroda Relations 1818 1848 Popular Prakashan ASIN B000JLZE6A Kooiman Dick Communalism and Indian Princely States Travancore Baroda and Hyderabad in the 1930s Manohar Pubns ISBN 978 81 7304 421 2 Desai Govindbhai Forty Years in Baroda Being Reminiscences of Forty Years Service in the Baroda State Pustakalaya Sahayak Sahakari Mandal 1929 ASIN B0006E18R4 Maharaja of Baroda The Palaces of India Viking Pr ISBN 978 0 00 211678 7 Sadashiv Anant A History of important ancient towns amp cities in Gujarat amp Kathiawad ASIN B0008B2NGA William George Cities of India Adamant Media Corporation ISBN 0 543 93823 9 Doshi Saryu The royal bequest Art treasures of the Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery India Book House ISBN 978 81 7508 009 6 Roshan Sri Aurobindo in Baroda Sri Aurobindo Ashram Publications Department ISBN 978 81 7058 318 9 Sheik Gulammohammed Contemporary Art in Baroda Manohar Pubns ISBN 978 81 85229 04 1 Railway Policy in India Adamant Media Corporation ISBN 1 4021 8443 3 Shafer Kathleen Baroda the Story of a Small Place Celebrate Baroda 1890 1990 Baroda Centennial Committee Michigan Amerika Birlesik Devletleri ASIN B000K016MG Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Vadodara ile ilgili coklu ortam belgeleri bulunur