Vinnie Colaiuta (d. 5 Şubat 1956), Pensilvanya, ABD doğumlu Amerikalı baterist. Tekniği ve çok yönlülüğü sayesinde, pek çok farklı müzik türünden pek çok sanatçıyla beraber çalışma imkânı bulmuştur.
Vinnie Colaiuta | |
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Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | Vincent Colaiuta 5 Şubat 1956 Pensilvanya, ABD |
Tarzlar | Caz, , rock, funk, , pop, thrash metal, heavy metal |
Meslekler | Müzisyen, |
Çalgılar | Bateri |
Etkin yıllar | 1978 - |
İlişkili hareketler | Frank Zappa, Sting, Chick Corea, Jeff Beck, Herbie Hancock, Tal Wilkenfeld, , Megadeth, |
Resmî site | Resmi Sitesi |
Önemli çalgılar | |
(Bateri) (Zil) |
Colaiuta iki kez aday gösterildiği Grammy Ödülü'nü kazanmıştır.
Colaiuta'nın ilk önemli işi ile oldu. 1976-1977 yılları arasında grupta kalan Colaiuta, daha sonra Frank Zappa'nın isimli parçasında yer aldı. Zappa, Colaiuta'nın performansından etkilendi ve beraber çalışmalara başladı. Colaiuta; , ve albümlerinde yer aldı. Joe's Garage'daki performansı ile, 1993 yılında tarafında tüm zamanların en iyi bateristlik performansı sıralamasında ilk 25'e girmeyi başardı.
1990'lı yıllarda ise, Colaiuta Sting'de yer aldı. albümünün turnesinde gruba katılan Colaiuta, sonraki yedi sene boyunca da grupta yer aldı. albümünden önce ise gruptan ayrıldı, sebebi ise Sting'in oldukça uzun süren turneleriydi. (1993) ve (1996) albümlerinin tamamına, 'in (1999) üç şarkısında, 'un (2003) ise iki şarkısına katkıda bulundu. Sacred Love'un turnesinde gruba geri dönen Colaiuta, daha sonra tekrar gruptan ayrıldı. 2011'de ise gruba konserlerde eşlik etti. 1994'te kendi adını taşıyan bir solo albüm yayınladı.
Colaiuta, Modern Drummer'ın okur anketlerinde 18 kere yılın bateristi seçilmiştir. Ayrıca 1996'da Modern Drummer'ın Hall of Fame'ine seçilmiştir.
2004'te ise, hayranı olduğu 'ın Elektra filminin şarkılarında bateristlik yaptı. Aynı sene içerisinde, Megadeth'in The System Has Failed albümünde de bateristlik yaptı, fakat albümün sadece kayıtlarında yer aldı, konserlerde grupta yer almadı. 2006-2007 arasında ise; bas gitarda Jeff Beck ve , klavyede ile beraber Eric Clapton'ın Crossroads Guitar Festival organizyonunda yer aldı. Ayrıca Faith Hill ile beraber çalıştı. Jeff Beck ve Herbie Hancock ile turneye çıktı. 2008'de ise ile Avrupa'da turneye çıktı. 2009'da ise Frank Zappa'nın öğrencileri , , , ile beraber 'te yer aldı. Grup, çalışmalarını 'in plak şirketi ile beraber sürdürdü.
Colaiuta, günümüze kadar pek çok grup ve sanatçıyla beraber çalışmalar yapmıştır. Pop ve rock türünde; , Joni Mitchell, Barbra Streisand, , , Clannad, , Chaka Khan, Megadeth, The Beach Boys, Leonard Cohen ve Jeff Beck gibi isimlerde çalıştı. Ayrıca; Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, , Quincy Jones, Buddy Rich Big Band ve gibi caz müzisyenleri ile beraber çalışmalar yaptı. Bunların dışında; , , , , , , , Joe Satriani, , , ve gibi isimlerle de çalışma imkânı buldu..
Colaiuta, davullarını tercih etmektedir. Ludwig'den önce ise Yamaha ve davullarını kullanmaktaydı. Zil olarak ise 2012'den beri zillerini kullanmakta, özellikle de 602 serisini tercih etmektedir. Paiste'den önce ise uzun süre zillerini ve bagetlerini kullanmaktaydı. 2013'ten itibaren ise bagetlerini kullanmaya başlamıştır.
Frank Zappa
- (1979)
- (1979)
- (1981)
- (1981)
- (1983)
- (1988)
- (1991)
- (1995)
- (1988)
- (1991)
- (1992)
- (1996)
- (1996)
- (1997)
- (1999)
- (2003)
- (2006)
- (2007)
Joni Mitchell
- (1982)
- (1985)
- (1991)
- (1996)
- (1996)
- (2005)
- " (1992)
- (1993)
- (1996)
- (1999)
- (2003)
Diğer çalışmaları
- ^ . (İngilizce). 19 Kasım 2019. 26 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 9 Mayıs 2021.
- İngilizce Vikipedi'deki Vinnie Colaiuta maddesi 10 Ağustos 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arşivlendi.
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Vinnie Colaiuta d 5 Subat 1956 Pensilvanya ABD dogumlu Amerikali baterist Teknigi ve cok yonlulugu sayesinde pek cok farkli muzik turunden pek cok sanatciyla beraber calisma imkani bulmustur Vinnie ColaiutaGenel bilgilerDogumVincent Colaiuta 5 Subat 1956 68 yasinda Pensilvanya ABDTarzlarCaz rock funk pop thrash metal heavy metalMesleklerMuzisyen CalgilarBateriEtkin yillar1978 Iliskili hareketlerFrank Zappa Sting Chick Corea Jeff Beck Herbie Hancock Tal Wilkenfeld Megadeth Resmi siteResmi SitesiOnemli calgilar Bateri Zil Colaiuta iki kez aday gosterildigi Grammy Odulu nu kazanmistir KariyeriColaiuta nin ilk onemli isi ile oldu 1976 1977 yillari arasinda grupta kalan Colaiuta daha sonra Frank Zappa nin isimli parcasinda yer aldi Zappa Colaiuta nin performansindan etkilendi ve beraber calismalara basladi Colaiuta ve albumlerinde yer aldi Joe s Garage daki performansi ile 1993 yilinda tarafinda tum zamanlarin en iyi bateristlik performansi siralamasinda ilk 25 e girmeyi basardi 1990 li yillarda ise Colaiuta Sting de yer aldi albumunun turnesinde gruba katilan Colaiuta sonraki yedi sene boyunca da grupta yer aldi albumunden once ise gruptan ayrildi sebebi ise Sting in oldukca uzun suren turneleriydi 1993 ve 1996 albumlerinin tamamina in 1999 uc sarkisinda un 2003 ise iki sarkisina katkida bulundu Sacred Love un turnesinde gruba geri donen Colaiuta daha sonra tekrar gruptan ayrildi 2011 de ise gruba konserlerde eslik etti 1994 te kendi adini tasiyan bir solo album yayinladi Colaiuta Modern Drummer in okur anketlerinde 18 kere yilin bateristi secilmistir Ayrica 1996 da Modern Drummer in Hall of Fame ine secilmistir 2004 te ise hayrani oldugu in Elektra filminin sarkilarinda bateristlik yapti Ayni sene icerisinde Megadeth in The System Has Failed albumunde de bateristlik yapti fakat albumun sadece kayitlarinda yer aldi konserlerde grupta yer almadi 2006 2007 arasinda ise bas gitarda Jeff Beck ve klavyede ile beraber Eric Clapton in Crossroads Guitar Festival organizyonunda yer aldi Ayrica Faith Hill ile beraber calisti Jeff Beck ve Herbie Hancock ile turneye cikti 2008 de ise ile Avrupa da turneye cikti 2009 da ise Frank Zappa nin ogrencileri ile beraber te yer aldi Grup calismalarini in plak sirketi ile beraber surdurdu Colaiuta gunumuze kadar pek cok grup ve sanatciyla beraber calismalar yapmistir Pop ve rock turunde Joni Mitchell Barbra Streisand Clannad Chaka Khan Megadeth The Beach Boys Leonard Cohen ve Jeff Beck gibi isimlerde calisti Ayrica Chick Corea Herbie Hancock Quincy Jones Buddy Rich Big Band ve gibi caz muzisyenleri ile beraber calismalar yapti Bunlarin disinda Joe Satriani ve gibi isimlerle de calisma imkani buldu EkipmanlariColaiuta davullarini tercih etmektedir Ludwig den once ise Yamaha ve davullarini kullanmaktaydi Zil olarak ise 2012 den beri zillerini kullanmakta ozellikle de 602 serisini tercih etmektedir Paiste den once ise uzun sure zillerini ve bagetlerini kullanmaktaydi 2013 ten itibaren ise bagetlerini kullanmaya baslamistir DiskografiFrank Zappa 1979 1979 1981 1981 1983 1988 1991 1995 1988 1991 1992 1996 1996 1997 1999 2003 2006 2007 Joni Mitchell 1982 1985 1991 1996 1996 2005 Sting 1992 1993 1996 1999 2003 Diger calismalari 2013 Joe Satriani Unstoppable Momentum 2012 Bromberg Plays Hendrix 2012 Dominic Miller Fifth House 2011 Steve Kusaba Centrifugal Satz Clock Morning 2011 Umbigobunker 2011 Doug Lunn The Doug Lunn Project 2010 Kermit Driscoll Reveille 2010 Anna Mjoll Christmas Jazzmaz 2010 Jeff Richman Like That 2010 Lee Ritenour 2010 Herbie Hancock 2010 Jeff Beck 2010 Truth Be Told 2009 The Mar Vista Philharmonic No Forest Fire 2009 Luciana Souza Tide 2009 Eros Ramazzotti Ali e Radici 2009 Various Artists 80s Metal A Double Dose 2009 Melody Gardot My One amp Only Thrill 2009 Five Peace Band Live 2009 Soup From 8 To Infinite 2009 James Newton Howard Duplicity Soundtrack 2009 Torcuato Mariano So Far from Home 2009 Madeleine Peyroux Bare Bones 2008 Asia Progressive Rock Friends 2009 Jeff Beck Performing This Week Live at Ronnie Scott s Blu ray DVD 2008 Jeff Beck Performing This Week Live At Ronnie Scott s 2008 Luz Rios Aire 2008 Brian Culbertson Christmas amp Hits Duos 2008 Megadeth Anthology Set the World AFire 2008 Various Artists Les Paul and Friends Tribute to a Legend 2008 Simone Borghi On Line 2008 with Herbie Hancock 2008 Herbie Hancock Then amp Now The Definitive Herbie Hancock 2008 Greatest Hits 2008 George Duke Dukey Treats 2008 L A Chillharmonic The L A Chillharmonic 2008 Glen Campbell Meet Glen Campbell 2008 Vibes Alive After Hours 2008 Los Temerarios Si Tu Te Vas 2008 Leonard Cohen The Collection 2008 Chante Moore Love The Woman 2008 Various Artists The Ultimate Tribute to Led Zeppelin 2008 LeAnn Rimes LeAnn Rimes Collector s Edition Tin 2008 FJulia rancis Lucky Penny 2008 Boyz II Men Motown Hitsville USA Tour Edition W DVD 2008 Andrea Bocelli Vivere Best Of Andrea Bocelli Bonus Track 2008 Backstreet Boys Unbreakable Tour Edition Bonus DVD 2008 Randy Jackson Randy Jackson s Music Club 2008 Michael McDonald Soul Peak 2008 Celine Dion X2 2008 Ilona Alla en el Sur 2007 Megadeth Warchest 2007 Faith Hill Hits 2007 Bill Medley Damn Near Righteous 2007 Les Sabler Sweet Drive 2007 Chris Botti Italia 2007 Pat Monahan The Last of Seven 2007 Oz Noy Fuzzy 2007 Kristina Kovac U nebranom grozđu 2007 Travis Tritt The Storm 2007 Dean Martin Forever Cool 2007 Billy Cyrus Ray Home At Last 2007 Various Artists Freeway Jam To Beck and Back 2007 Mark Isaacs Resurgence 2007 Michael Buble Call Me Irresponsible 2007 Brian Buckley For Her 2007 Jeff Babko Mondo Trio 2007 Jeff Lorber He Had a Hat 2007 Daniel Lee Martin On My Way to You 2007 Various Artists We All Love Ennio Morricone 2007 Brian Bromberg Downright Upright 2007 Jill Scott Jill Scott Collaborations 2007 Wayne Bergeron Plays Well With Others 2006 Various Artists Legends Of Jazz With Ramsey Lewis Box Set 2006 Laura Pausini Yo Canto 2006 Michelle Tumes 2006 Josh Groban 2006 Soulful Christmas 2006 George Benson Givin It Up 2006 Scott Kinsey Kinesthetics 2006 Bette Midler 2006 James Taylor 2006 Kazu Matsui Project Pioneer 2006 Jeff Berlin Aneurythms 2006 The Ten Tenors Here s to the Heroes 2006 Sam Moore Overnight Sensational 2006 Richard Bona Tiki 2006 Lee Ritenour Smoke n Mirrors 2006 Joanna This Crazy Life 2006 Greg Adams Cool To The Touch 2006 Various Artists Summer Jam Session 2006 Dan Siegel Departure 2006 Various Artists 80s Metal Tribute to Van Halen 2006 LeAnn Rimes Whatever We Wanna 2006 Michael Franks Rendezvous in Rio 2006 Matt Dusk Back in Town 2006 Katharine McPhee My Destiny Somewhere Over the Rainbow CD SINGLE 2006 Gregg Rolie Gringo 2006 John McLaughlin 2006 Marilyn Scott Innocent of Nothing 2006 Various Artists Return to the Dark Side of the Moon A Tribute to Pink Floyd 2006 Various Artists The Royal Dan A Tribute 2006 Amy Sky Life Lessons The Best of Amy Sky 2006 Jeff Beck Official Bootleg USA 06 2006 Various Artists Legends of Jazz Showcase 2006 Rob Whitlock Sketchin 2 2006 Erin Boheme What Love Is 2006 Tom Scott The Very Best of Tom Scott 2006 Various Artists Pink Floyd s The Wall Revisited 2006 Brian Bromberg Wood II 2006 Various Artists Flying High Again The World s Greatest Tribute to Ozzy Osbourne 2006 Various Artists Funk Academy 2006 Frank Macchia Mo Animals 2006 Chick Corea The Ultimate Adventure 2006 Bunny Brunel Dedication 2006 Andrea Bocelli Amore 2006 Various Artists More or Less Jazz Two 2006 Jeff Berlin Ace of Bass 2005 Ashley Maher Flying Over Bridges 2005 Adentro 2005 Anastacia Pieces of a Dream 2005 Eros Ramazzotti Calma Apparente 2005 Burt Bacharach At This Time 2005 Destiny s Child 1 s 2005 Various Artists Revolution Of The Spirit 2005 Chris Botti To Love Again 2005 Various Artists 40 Years A Charlie Brown Christmas 2005 P J Olsson Beautifully Insane 2005 David Garfield The State Of Things 2005 Kyle Eastwood Paris Blue 2005 Beppe Cantarelli Blues Rock amp Soul 2005 Pussycat Dolls PCD 2005 Bill Evans Soulgrass 2005 David Pack The Secret Of Movin On 2005 Various Artists The Loner A Tribute To Jeff Beck 2005 Marilyn Scott Handpicked 2005 Faith Hill Fireflies 2005 Various Guitarists Fusion For Miles 2005 Amber Whitlock The Colours Of Life 2005 Various Artists Visions of an Inner Mounting Apocalypse 2005 Eric Benet Hurricane 2005 Bob Bennett Lord of the Past 2005 Backstreet Boys Never Gone 2005 Paul Anka Rock Swings 2005 Allan Holdsworth Against the Clock The Best of Allan Holdsworth 2005 Jakob Magnusson Time Zone 2005 Various Artists Welcome to the Nightmare An All Star Salute to Alice Cooper 2005 Marta Sanchez Lo Mejor de Marta Sanchez 2005 Michael Buble It s Time 2005 Rob Whitlock Sketchin 2005 LeAnn Rimes This Woman 2005 Julia Fordham That s Live 2004 Frank Macchia Animals 2004 Lindsay Lohan Speak 2004 Vito Rezza Drums of Avila 2004 Clay Aiken Merry Christmas with Love 2004 Marco Antonio Solis Razon De Sobra 2004 James Taylor 2004 Michael McDonald Motown Two 2004 Jaffe Something To Fall Back On 2004 Joe Cocker Heart and Soul 2004 Various Artists Shall We Dance Soundtrack 2004 Various Artists American Drummers Achievement Awards Honoring Steve Gadd 2004 Chris Botti When I Fall In Love 2004 Hilary Duff Hilary Duff 2004 Queen Latifah Dana Owens Album 2004 Megadeth The System Has Failed 2004 Marilyn Scott Nightcap 2004 Greg Mathieson West Coast Groove 2004 Original Score Bourne Supremacy 2004 Jing Chi 3D 2004 David Benoit Benoit Freeman Project 2 2004 Dianne Schuur Rediscovery On GRP 2004 Various Artists Smooth Jazz Cruisin 2004 Karizma Lost and Found 2004 Renee Olstead Renee Olstead 2004 Jim Brickman Greatest Hits 2004 Various Artists Tribute To Jimi Hendrix Power Of Soul 2004 Various Artists Spin The Bottle Tribute To Kiss 2004 Vasco Rossi Buoni O Cattivi 2004 Robi Rosa Draco Mad Love 2004 Kimo Williams Kimotion Live 2002 With My Friend Vinnie 2004 John Wesley Harding Adam s Apple 2004 Various Artists Tribute To Aerosmith 2004 Abe Laboriel Live in Switzerland 2004 Mike Stern These Times 2003 Daita Euphony 2003 Clay Aiken Measure of a Man 2003 Ilse Delange Clean Up 2003 Richard Bona Munia The Tale 2003 Alejandro Sanz No Es Lo Mismo 2003 Marcos Witt Vivencias 2003 Nate Sallie Inside Out 2003 Randy Waldman Timing Is Everything 2003 Jing Chi Jing Chi Live at Yoshi s 2003 Cave Men Cave Men 2003 David Garfield Giving Back 2003 Various Artists Sting The Very Best of MTV Unplugged 2 2003 Michael Buble Michael Buble 2003 Bill Evans Big Fun 2003 Jeff Richman One Two 2003 Stanley Clarke 1 2 to the Bass 2003 Andy Summers Earth Sky 2002 Laura Pausini From The Inside 2002 Faith Hill Cry 2002 Dana Glover Testimony 2002 LeAnn Rimes Twisted Angel 2002 Bob James Morning Noon amp Night 2002 Jack Russell For You 2002 Various Artists Pop Sting The Very Best of MTV Unplugged 2002 Various Artists Let s Roll Together in Unity Faith and Hope 2002 Robben Ford Blue Moon 2002 Original Soundtrack Queen of the Damned 2002 Take 6 Beautiful World 2002 Various Artists An All Star Lineup Performing The Songs Of Pink Floyd 2002 Jing Chi Jing Chi 2002 Lee Ritenour Rit s House 2001 Chris Botti Night Sessions 2001 Alejandro Sanz MTV Unplugged 2001 Jann Arden Greatest Hurts The Best of Jann Arden 2001 Barbra Streisand Christmas Memories 2001 The Martins Glorify Edify Testify 2001 Kimo Williams Tracking 2001 SHeDAISY Whole SHeBANG All Mixed Up 2001 Richard Bona Reverence 2001 Dyno Four Live at the Baked Potato 2000 2001 Mike Stern Voices 2001 Various Artists Live at the Baked Potato Vol Two 2001 Michelle Branch Spirit Room 2001 Randy Waldman UnReel 2001 Yumi Matsutoya Acacia 2001 Asia Aura 2001 Various Artists Modern Drummer Festival 2000 2001 Marcus Miller M2 M Squared 2001 Various Artists Live at the Baked Potato Vol One 2001 Stevie Nicks Trouble In Shangri La 2001 Rich Ruttenberg Angora Station 2001 Karizma Document 2001 Aydin Esen Living 2001 Vasco Rossi Stupido Hotel 2001 Amy Sky Phenomenal Woman 2001 John Beasley Surfacing 2000 Christina Aguilera My Kind of Christmas 2000 T Square Friendship 2000 Chaka Khan The Jazz Channel Presents Chaka Khan 2000 Quincy Jones amp Sammy Nestico Basie and Beyond 2000 Ivan Lins A Love Affair The Music of Ivan Lins 2000 Gianni Morandi Come Fa Bene l Amore 2000 Melvin Davis Lee Tomorrow s Yesterday 2000 Various Artists Bat Head Soup A Tribute to Ozzy 2000 Brenda Russell Paris Rain 2000 Crystal Lewis Fearless 2000 Los Lobotomys Los Lobotomys 2000 Mike Figgis Time Code Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 2000 Melissa Ferrick Freedom 2000 Lothar Kosse Rainmaker 2000 Larry Carlton Fingerprints 2000 Jason Miles Various Artists Celebrating the Music of Weather Report 2000 Steely Dan Two Against Nature 1999 Professional Dreamer 1999 Ron Kenoly We Offer Praises 1999 Enrique Iglesias Enrique Iglesias 1999 Kenny Pore Sessions Vol 2 1999 Kenny Pore Sessions Vol 1 1999 Luis Miguel Amarte Es Un Placer 1999 Various Artists Not the Same Old Song amp Dance Aerosmith Tribute 1999 Robben Ford Supernatural 1999 BAL Sometime Soon 1999 Bill Evans Touch 1999 Tom Scott Smokin Section 1999 Frank Quintero Bien 1998 Gianni Morandi Celeste Azzurro E Blue 1998 Jewel Spirit 1998 Gitte Haenning My Favorite Songs 1998 Vasco Rossi Canzoni Per Me 1998 Various Artists Outlandos D Americas A Rock En Espanol Tribute To The Police 1998 Myriam Hernandez Todo el Amor 1998 Barry Finnerty Space Age Blues 1998 Tony Darren Sun Song 1998 Randy Waldman Wigged Out 1997 Rita Lee Santa Rita De Sampa 1997 Celine Dion Let s Talk About Love 1997 Victor Feldman Fiesta amp More 1997 David Garfield Tribute to Jeff 1997 Billy Joel Greatest Hits Vol 3 1997 James Horner Cocoon Soundtrack 1997 Leonard Cohen More Best of Leonard Cohen 1997 Bill Evans Starfish And The Moon 1997 Chick Corea Live From Blue Note Tokyo 1997 Various Artists Carnival Rainforest Foundation Concert 1997 Steve Tavaglione Blue Tav 1997 New Spirits in Jazz New Spirits in Jazz Vol 3 1996 Michael Landau Tales From the Bulge 1996 Vasco Rossi Nessun Pericolo Per Te 1996 Sergio Mendes Oceano 1996 Vonda Shepard It s Good Eve 1996 Various Artists Sanctuary 20 Years of Windham Hill 1996 Warren Cuccurullo Thanks to Frank 1996 Eros Ramazzotti Donde Hay Musica 1996 Elio E Le Storie Tese Eat The Phikis 1996 Eros Ramazzotti Dove C E Musica 1996 Clannad Lore 1995 SMAP 007 Gold Singer 1995 Umberto Fiorentino Ulisse 1995 Simple Minds Good News from the Next World 1995 Don Henley Actual Miles Henley s Greatest Hits 1995 David Sanborn Love Songs 1995 Melissa Manchester If My Heart Had Wings 1995 Curtis Stigers Time Was 1995 Dan Fogelberg No Resemblance Whatsoever 1995 Bobby Caldwell Soul Survivor 1995 John McLaughlin The Promise 1995 Drupi Voglio Una Donna 1994 Diane Schuur Heart to Heart 1994 Cristian El Camino del Alma 1994 Rosco Martinez Aqui Estoy 1994 4Him The Ride 1994 Vinnie Colaiuta Vinnie Colaiuta 1994 Temptations Emperors of Soul 1994 Third Matinee Meanwhile 1994 Roberto Carlos Voce E Minha 1994 Brandon Fields Brandon Fields 1993 Sonya Jason Tigress 1993 Jevetta Steele Here It Is 1993 Buell Neidlinger Quartet Big Drum 1993 Air Supply Vanishing Race 1993 Jeff Beal Three Graces 1993 Ray Charles My World 1993 Yutaka Another Sun 1993 Duran Duran The Wedding Album 1993 Tim Weston Providence 1993 Kal David Double Tuff 1992 Various Artists GRP 10th Anniversary Collection 1992 Leonard Cohen The Future 1992 Shawn Colvin Fat City 1992 Allan Holdsworth Wardenclyffe Tower 1992 Tom Lellis Taken to Heart 1992 Brunel 1992 Gloria Trevi Me Siento Tan Sola 1992 Brenda Russell Greatest Hits 1992 Pat Kelley High Heels 1992 Jennifer Warnes The Hunter 1992 Rodney Crowell Life Is Messy 1992 Tony Banks Still 1992 Helen Hoffner Wild About Nothing 1992 Brandon Fields Other Places 1992 Tom Fowler Heartscapes 1992 Go West Indian Summer 1991 Various Artists For The Boys Music From The Motion Picture 1991 Eric Marienthal Crossroads 1991 Julia Fordham Swept 1991 Everything But the Girl Worldwide 1991 Ricky Peterson Smile Blue 1991 Windham Hill Records Sampler Windham Hill Sampler 92 1991 Bob Malach Mood Swing 1991 Toni Childs House of Hope 1991 Ivan Lins Awa Yi 1991 Doug Cameron Journey to You 1991 Claus Ogerman Claus Ogerman Featuring Michael Brecker 1991 Dan Siegel Going Home 1991 Rick Astley Free 1991 Eddie Daniels This Is Now 1990 Red Hot AIDS Benefit Series Red Hot Blue A Tribute to Cole Porter 1990 Ricardo Silveira Amazon Secrets 1990 David Baerwald Bedtime Stories 1990 Vernell Brown A Total Eclipse 1990 Ricky Peterson Night Watch 1990 David Benoit Inner Motion 1990 Ashley Maher Hi 1990 Kimo Williams War Stories 1990 Everything But the Girl The Language of Life 1990 Bill Meyers The Colour Of The Truth 1990 Barbara Higbie Signs of Life 1990 Michael Franks Blue Pacific 1990 Steve Bach Nice Moves 1990 Beth Nielsen Chapman Beth Nielsen Chapman 1990 Barry Manilow Barry Because It s Christmas 1990 Paul Young Other Voices 1990 Darlene Love Paint Another Picture 1990 Monna Bell Monna Bell Ahora 1990 Rippingtons Welcome to the St James Club 1990 John Patitucci Sketchbook 1989 Philip Aaberg Upright 1989 Frank Gambale Thunder from Down Under 1989 Dreamstreet II No Limit 1989 Sadao Watanabe Selected 1989 Wang Chung The Warmer Side of Cool 1989 Barry Manilow Barry Manilow 1989 Keiko Matsui Drop of Water 1989 Nik Kershaw The Works 1989 John Patitucci On the Corner 1989 Indio Big Harvest 1989 The Beach Boys Still Cruisin 1989 Allan Holdsworth Secrets 1989 Julian Lennon Mr Jordan 1989 Victor Feldman The Best of Feldman and the Generation Band 1989 Keiko Matsui No Borders 1989 Keiko Matsui Under Northern Lights 1989 Doug Cameron Mil Amores 1989 Dan Siegel Late One Night 1988 Robben Ford Talk to Your Daughter 1988 David Sanborn Close Up 1988 Rippingtons Kilimanjaro 1988 Peabo Bryson Positive 1988 Suzanne Dean Dreams Come True 1988 Jeff Richman The Way In 1988 Yutaka Yutaka 1988 Tori Amos s Y Kant Tori Read Y Kant Tori Read 1988 Brenda Russell Get Here 1988 Les McCann Butterfly 1988 John Patitucci John Patitucci 1988 Various Artists GRP Christmas Collection 1988 Kazu Matsui Time No Longer 1988 Patti Austin The Real Me 1988 Perri The Flight 1988 Al Stewart Last Days of the Century 1988 The Fowler Brothers Breakfast for Dinosaurs 1988 Djavan Bird of Paradise 1988 Claus Ogerman Claus Ogerman Featuring Michael Brecker 1988 Sam Riney Lay It on the Line 1988 Tom Scott Flashpoint 1988 Brandon Fields Traveler 1988 Leonard Cohen I m Your Man 1987 Eric Marienthal Voices of the Heart 1987 Bryan Ferry Bete Noire 1987 GRP All Stars GRP Super Live in Concert 1987 Julie Brown Trapped in Body of a White Girl 1987 Clare Fischer Memento 1987 Tom Scott Streamlines 1987 George Benson Collaboration 1987 Frank Quintero Buscando Soles 1987 Joyride Joyride 1987 Martha Davis Policy 1987 Eric Martin I m Only Fooling Myself 1987 Jack Wagner Don t Give Up Your Day Job 1987 Doug Cameron Passion Suite 1987 Five Star Between The Lines 1987 Gregg Rolie Gringo 1987 Pat Kelley Views of the Future 1987 Sadao Watanabe Birds of Passage 1987 Lee Ritenour Portrait 1987 Dan Siegel Northern Nights 1987 Jennifer Warnes Famous Blue Raincoat 1987 Sadao Watanabe Birds of Passage 1987 Malta My Ballads 1987 Barry Manilow Swing Street 1986 Billy Joel The Bridge 1986 Jakob Magnusson Time Zone 1986 Indra Lesmana For Earth and Heaven 1986 Barnaby Finch Digital Madness 1986 Bill Meyers Images 1986 Temptations To Be Continued 1986 Stone Fury Let Them Talk 1985 Olivia Newton John Soul Kiss 1985 Doug Cameron Freeway Mentality 1985 The Commodores Night Shift 1985 Jeff Richman Himalaya 1985 Barry Finnerty Lights On Broadway 1985 Michael Sembello Without Walls 1985 Maurice White Maurice White 1985 Joe Lamont Secret You Keep 1984 Kenny Pore Inner City Dreams 1984 Kazu Matsui Project Standing in the Wings 1984 Kazu Matsui Project Is That The Way To Your Heart 1984 Pastiche That s R amp B Bop 1984 Victor Feldman Fiesta 1984 Matthew Wilder Bouncin off the Walls 1984 Poco Inamorata 1984 Barbra Streisand Emotion 1983 Sergio Mendes Sergio Mendes 1983 Helen Reddy Imagination 1983 Kazu Matsui Project Standing On The Outside 1983 Paul Anka Walk A Fine Line 1983 Peter Allen Not The Boy Next Door 1983 Nielson Pearson Band Blind Luck 1983 Juice Newton Dirty Looks 1983 Michael Sembello Bossa Nova Hotel 1982 Tom Scott Desire 1982 Andre Heller Verwunschen 1982 Barry Manilow I Wanna Do It With You 1982 Tiger Okoshi Mudd Cake 1982 Logic System Venus 1982 Barry Finnerty New York City 1982 Patrick Williams Dreams And Themes 1982 Kazu Matsui Project The Direction West 1982 Clare Fischer Blues Trilogy 1982 Judy Collins Time Of Our Lives 1982 Juice Newton Juice Quiet Lies 1982 Bill Medley Right Here And Now 1982 Al Kooper Championship Wrestling 1981 Pages Pages 1981 Richard Perry Swing 1981 Tiger Okoshi Tiger s Baku 1980 Gino Vannelli Nightwalker 1979 Lee Ritenour Collection 1977 Christopher Morris Band Christopher Morris BandKaynakca GRAMMY com Ingilizce 19 Kasim 2019 26 Ekim 2020 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 9 Mayis 2021 Ingilizce Vikipedi deki Vinnie Colaiuta maddesi 10 Agustos 2013 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde arsivlendi