Victual Brothers, Vitalien Brothers ya da Vitalian Brethren (Almanca: Vitalienbrüder,:146Norveççe: Vitaliebrødrene) 14. yüzyılda Germen korsanlardan oluşan gevşek bir şekilde organize edilmiş bir loncaydı. Başlangıçta Mecklenburg soylularını içeriyordu, ancak daha sonra sıradan insanlardan oluşan bir örgüt haline geldi ve daha sonra korsanlığa dönüştü.:146ff Loncanın o dönemde Kuzey ve Baltık Denizlerindeki deniz ticareti üzerinde açık bir tarihsel etkisi vardır. Korsan olarak, abluka altındaki yerlerden tedarik sağladılar; bunun dışında Danimarka Kraliçesi ve Mecklenburg ve Doğu Frizya hükümdarlarının da aralarında bulunduğu müşterileriyle birlikte:146f bölgesel yöneticiler adına bir deniz birliği olarak hizmet ettiler. Faaliyetleri korsanlığa dönüştükçe amaçlar kişisel zenginleşmeye yöneldi.
Vitalienbrüder | |
Vitalienbrüder | |
Sonraki ad | Fransızca: vitailleurs (yiyecek satanlar, Yüz Yıl Savaşı):146 |
Kuruluş | y. 1393 |
Kapanış | y. 1440 |
Merkez | Visby, Gotland, İsveç |
Konum | |
Yöntemler | Paralı deniz birliği, abluka yarmak, korsanlık |
Üyeler | yaklaşık 1.400 kişi |
Resmî diller | (Orta) Aşağı Almanca |
Gotland'daki üssün İsveç kralı Albrekt tarafından Töton Şövalyeleri'ne verilmesi, Gotland'ın işgaline ve Visby'nin Konrad von Jungingen ve Şövalyeler tarafından 1398'de yok edilmesine yol açmıştır. Bu müdahale, Hamburg'da gruplarından bazılarının idam edilmesi ve Hansa Birliği'nin Baltık Denizi üzerinde kontrol etme ve güvenli ticaret yapma yönündeki devam eden çabası, denizcilik etkilerinin değişmesine ve grubun gerilemesine yol açmıştır.
- ^ a b c d Meier, Dirk (2006). Seafarers, Merchants and Pirates in the Middle Ages. Woodbridge, Suffolk, England: Boydell Press. ISBN . 31 Ocak 2023 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 28 Ocak 2022.
[p. 146] During the Hundred Years' war… people who provisioned the army were called vitailleurs. In 1394, when Mecklenburg was at war with Denmark, the Dukes of Mecklenburg hired pirates (known as Vitalienbrüder) whose job was to maintain a supply of food for the city of Stockholm, under siege by the Danes. … [ p. 146f] The ducal house of Mecklenburg was unable to equip a navy… but instead sought allies among the commercial ship-owners in what became known as the Kaperkrieg, or Privateers' War, against Denmark… the first time in the history of Nordic hostilities that use had been made of pirates. The Chronicle of Lubeck, by the scribe Detmar [says]: 'In the same year, when the ships from Rostock and Wismar were setting sail for Stockholm under Duke Johann, the men from [those towns] made a proclamation that whosoever wished to try his luck as a freebooter at his own expense, in order to harm the realms of Denmark and Norway, should assemble… to be given 'letters-of-marque'… which gave them leave freely to share out, exchange, and sell the plundered goods. The Prince ordered that the same be proclaimed, and that the ports of Ribnitz and Golwitz should be opened for all… who wished to harm those aforementioned realms.' In this way, the nobility of Mecklenburg entered into a compact with bands of roving and unorganised pirates… The poverty of some of the minor aristocracy may well have encouraged them to support and indeed join the pirates, in the hope of sharing some of ther booty… [p. 147] The Vitalienbrüder became a new and unpredictable power, no longer beholden to anyone. In the written sources, we not only find the name 'Vitalienbrüder', but also 'Likedeeler' ('equal sharers'). Yet the risks the pirates took were not small.
Note, the sole reference to Likedeelers in this book is in this quotation. In the rest of the book, only Vitalienbrüder is used for the band. - ^ Konstam, Angus (2011). Piracy–The Complete History from 1300 BC to the Present Day (İngilizce). Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. ss. 27–28. ISBN . Erişim tarihi: 28 Ocak 2022.
- ^ a b c d e Stegen, Gudrun (23 Ağustos 2011). Bowen, Kate (Ed.). "Germany's Most Famous Pirate a Cross Between Robin Hood [sic], Odysseus". Deutsche Welle/ 28 Ocak 2022 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 28 Ocak 2022.
…Störtebeker was born in Wismar in 1360, and hooked up with the Vitalien Brothers, a pirate syndicate… regularly commissioned by various clients to rob ships in the Baltic Sea. "Customers" ranged from the Danish queen to the rulers of Mecklenburg to the chieftains of East Frisia. / Historian Jörgen Bracker [of Hamburg's Municipal Museum] doesn't see anything heroic in thievery… and [he] is one of the few experts in all things Störtebeker. / 'These Vitalien Brothers divided up all their loot among themselves… People should surrender the notion that these men were willing to give up any of their booty'… Either way, people love a legend… [and] Störteneker's death is… part of that legend… While the other Vitalien Brothers were executed in Hamburg, 'there's no evidence that Störtebeker was among them,' Bracker said.
Note, the headline chosen for this article, with its reference to the altruistic thief Robin Hood, appears to contradict the actual content of the article. - ^ Rohmann, G. (2017). Did the activity of the ‘Vitalian Brethren’ prevent trade in the Baltic area? In M. Balard & C. Buchet (Eds.), The Sea in History - The Medieval World (NED-New edition, pp. 585–594). Boydell & Brewer.
- ^ a b c Note, the following is a children's source. Bachmann, Birgit; Müller, Stefan R. (2002). "Piraten in Norddeutschland [Pirates in North Germany]". (Almanca). s. 3. 10 Şubat 2013 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
Anfang 1389 herrschte Dänemark fast schon über ganz Schweden, nur Stockholm, eine Stadt hanseatischer Kaufleute, leistete noch Widerstand. Die Dänen versuchten Stockholm zu gewinnen, in dem sie die Stadt belagerten und so die Bevölkerung immer weniger Lebensmittel erhielt. Die mecklenburgischen Städte Rostock und Wismar stellten Kaperbriefe für alle aus, die auf eigene Faust versuchten, dem dänischen Reich zu schaden, wann immer es ging, um Stockholm zu helfen. So riefen diese Hansestädte ihre alten Feinde um Hilfe. Und diese ließen nicht lange auf sich warten. Als Verbündete, genannt die Vitalienbrüder, weil sie Lebensmittel nach Stockholm durch die dänischen Linien brachten, gelang es den Piraten, die dänische Blockade zu brechen. Stockholm war wieder frei, Königin Margarete zog ihre Truppen zurück und ein Jahr später kam es wieder einmal zum Frieden. / Eigentlich sollten sich auch die Freibeuter wieder auflösen, da der Krieg ja nun zu Ende war, aber das taten sie nicht. Auf der Insel Gotland, in deren Hauptstadt Visby, schlugen sie ihr Hauptquartier auf. In dieser Zeit waren Störtebeker und Michael Gödeke noch keine Kommandanten bei den Freibeutern, dies waren vorwiegend Adlige aus Mecklenburg.
- ^ For a machine translation of the German quote in the Bachmann & Muller (2002) citation, see below.
- ^ a b Salvesen, Helge. "Vitaliebrødrene [Vitalie Brothers]". Opsahl, Erik (Ed.). Store norske leksikon [Large Norwegian Encyclopedia] (Norveççe). : Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim. 14 Aralık 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 28 Ocak 2022.
[The Vitalie Brothers… were about 1400… pirates who operated specifically in the Baltic Sea. / The name was especially used about hijackers from northern German ports who tried to bring food (victuals) to Albrecht of Mecklenburg, who was besieged in Stockholm by Queen Margrethe's army in 1389. The hijackers captured Bergen in 1393 and Malmö and Visby in 1394. / An agreement between Margret[h]e and Albrecht in 1395 led to Albrecht being set free and Stockholm pledged to the Hanseatic League. This deprived the Vitalie [B]rothers of their foundation, but they continued with piracy and plundered Bergen as late as 1429.]
For the machine translation of this page that was used for the chapter and title translations, see this link. 10 Eylül 2023 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . - ^ The point at which the transition from privateers to pirates occurred is not clear from sources, and some sources use the terms seemingly interchangeably. Hence, the children's source Bachmann & Müller (2002) refers to the group, at its advent, when it involved nobility and was employed by Queen Margaret to provision Stockholm, as "pirates". See this source, cited above.
- ^ See, for instance, Meier, p. 146: "The ducal house of Mecklenburg was unable to equip a navy of its own…".
- ^ Schulzke, Marion (2001). Dombrowsky, Rainer (Ed.). . [Das Internet-Magazin und E-Bibliothek] (Almanca). Berlin, Germany: JaDu—Internetworld. 4 Şubat 2005 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi.
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- (İngiltere Kralı IV. Henry ile Hansa Birliği arasında yapıldı)
- (Almanca)
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Victual Brothers Vitalien Brothers ya da Vitalian Brethren Almanca Vitalienbruder 146Norvecce Vitaliebrodrene 14 yuzyilda Germen korsanlardan olusan gevsek bir sekilde organize edilmis bir loncaydi Baslangicta Mecklenburg soylularini iceriyordu ancak daha sonra siradan insanlardan olusan bir orgut haline geldi ve daha sonra korsanliga donustu 146ff Loncanin o donemde Kuzey ve Baltik Denizlerindeki deniz ticareti uzerinde acik bir tarihsel etkisi vardir Korsan olarak abluka altindaki yerlerden tedarik sagladilar bunun disinda Danimarka Kralicesi ve Mecklenburg ve Dogu Frizya hukumdarlarinin da aralarinda bulundugu musterileriyle birlikte 146f bolgesel yoneticiler adina bir deniz birligi olarak hizmet ettiler Faaliyetleri korsanliga donustukce amaclar kisisel zenginlesmeye yoneldi VitalienbruderVitalienbruderBir duvar resminde donemin Vitalienbruder temsili Gotland Isvec y 1405Sonraki adFransizca vitailleurs yiyecek satanlar Yuz Yil Savasi 146Kurulusy 1393Kapanisy 1440MerkezVisby Gotland IsvecKonumKuzey Denizi ve Baltik Denizi Almanya ve IskandinavyaYontemlerParali deniz birligi abluka yarmak korsanlikUyeleryaklasik 1 400 kisiResmi diller Orta Asagi Almanca Gotland daki ussun Isvec krali Albrekt tarafindan Toton Sovalyeleri ne verilmesi Gotland in isgaline ve Visby nin Konrad von Jungingen ve Sovalyeler tarafindan 1398 de yok edilmesine yol acmistir Bu mudahale Hamburg da gruplarindan bazilarinin idam edilmesi ve Hansa Birligi nin Baltik Denizi uzerinde kontrol etme ve guvenli ticaret yapma yonundeki devam eden cabasi denizcilik etkilerinin degismesine ve grubun gerilemesine yol acmistir Kaynakca a b c d Meier Dirk 2006 Seafarers Merchants and Pirates in the Middle Ages Woodbridge Suffolk England Boydell Press ISBN 9781843832379 31 Ocak 2023 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 28 Ocak 2022 p 146 During the Hundred Years war people who provisioned the army were called vitailleurs In 1394 when Mecklenburg was at war with Denmark the Dukes of Mecklenburg hired pirates known as Vitalienbruder whose job was to maintain a supply of food for the city of Stockholm under siege by the Danes p 146f The ducal house of Mecklenburg was unable to equip a navy but instead sought allies among the commercial ship owners in what became known as the Kaperkrieg or Privateers War against Denmark the first time in the history of Nordic hostilities that use had been made of pirates The Chronicle of Lubeck by the scribe Detmar says In the same year when the ships from Rostock and Wismar were setting sail for Stockholm under Duke Johann the men from those towns made a proclamation that whosoever wished to try his luck as a freebooter at his own expense in order to harm the realms of Denmark and Norway should assemble to be given letters of marque which gave them leave freely to share out exchange and sell the plundered goods The Prince ordered that the same be proclaimed and that the ports of Ribnitz and Golwitz should be opened for all who wished to harm those aforementioned realms In this way the nobility of Mecklenburg entered into a compact with bands of roving and unorganised pirates The poverty of some of the minor aristocracy may well have encouraged them to support and indeed join the pirates in the hope of sharing some of ther booty p 147 The Vitalienbruder became a new and unpredictable power no longer beholden to anyone In the written sources we not only find the name Vitalienbruder but also Likedeeler equal sharers Yet the risks the pirates took were not small Note the sole reference to Likedeelers in this book is in this quotation In the rest of the book only Vitalienbruder is used for the band Konstam Angus 2011 Piracy The Complete History from 1300 BC to the Present Day Ingilizce Lanham Maryland Rowman amp Littlefield ss 27 28 ISBN 9780762768356 Erisim tarihi 28 Ocak 2022 a b c d e Stegen Gudrun 23 Agustos 2011 Bowen Kate Ed Germany s Most Famous Pirate a Cross Between Robin Hood sic Odysseus Deutsche Welle DW com 28 Ocak 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 28 Ocak 2022 Stortebeker was born in Wismar in 1360 and hooked up with the Vitalien Brothers a pirate syndicate regularly commissioned by various clients to rob ships in the Baltic Sea Customers ranged from the Danish queen to the rulers of Mecklenburg to the chieftains of East Frisia Historian Jorgen Bracker of Hamburg s Municipal Museum doesn t see anything heroic in thievery and he is one of the few experts in all things Stortebeker These Vitalien Brothers divided up all their loot among themselves People should surrender the notion that these men were willing to give up any of their booty Either way people love a legend and Storteneker s death is part of that legend While the other Vitalien Brothers were executed in Hamburg there s no evidence that Stortebeker was among them Bracker said Note the DW com headline chosen for this article with its reference to the altruistic thief Robin Hood appears to contradict the actual content of the article Rohmann G 2017 Did the activity of the Vitalian Brethren prevent trade in the Baltic area In M Balard amp C Buchet Eds The Sea in History The Medieval World NED New edition pp 585 594 Boydell amp Brewer http www jstor org stable 10 7722 j ctt1kgqt6m 56 a b c Note the following is a children s source Bachmann Birgit Muller Stefan R 2002 Piraten in Norddeutschland Pirates in North Germany Almanca s 3 10 Subat 2013 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Anfang 1389 herrschte Danemark fast schon uber ganz Schweden nur Stockholm eine Stadt hanseatischer Kaufleute leistete noch Widerstand Die Danen versuchten Stockholm zu gewinnen in dem sie die Stadt belagerten und so die Bevolkerung immer weniger Lebensmittel erhielt Die mecklenburgischen Stadte Rostock und Wismar stellten Kaperbriefe fur alle aus die auf eigene Faust versuchten dem danischen Reich zu schaden wann immer es ging um Stockholm zu helfen So riefen diese Hansestadte ihre alten Feinde um Hilfe Und diese liessen nicht lange auf sich warten Als Verbundete genannt die Vitalienbruder weil sie Lebensmittel nach Stockholm durch die danischen Linien brachten gelang es den Piraten die danische Blockade zu brechen Stockholm war wieder frei Konigin Margarete zog ihre Truppen zuruck und ein Jahr spater kam es wieder einmal zum Frieden Eigentlich sollten sich auch die Freibeuter wieder auflosen da der Krieg ja nun zu Ende war aber das taten sie nicht Auf der Insel Gotland in deren Hauptstadt Visby schlugen sie ihr Hauptquartier auf In dieser Zeit waren Stortebeker und Michael Godeke noch keine Kommandanten bei den Freibeutern dies waren vorwiegend Adlige aus Mecklenburg For a machine translation of the German quote in the Bachmann amp Muller 2002 citation see below a b Salvesen Helge Vitaliebrodrene Vitalie Brothers Opsahl Erik Ed Store norske leksikon Large Norwegian Encyclopedia Norvecce Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim 14 Aralik 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 28 Ocak 2022 The Vitalie Brothers were about 1400 pirates who operated specifically in the Baltic Sea The name was especially used about hijackers from northern German ports who tried to bring food victuals to Albrecht of Mecklenburg who was besieged in Stockholm by Queen Margrethe s army in 1389 The hijackers captured Bergen in 1393 and Malmo and Visby in 1394 An agreement between Margret h e and Albrecht in 1395 led to Albrecht being set free and Stockholm pledged to the Hanseatic League This deprived the Vitalie B rothers of their foundation but they continued with piracy and plundered Bergen as late as 1429 For the machine translation of this page that was used for the chapter and title translations see this link 10 Eylul 2023 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The point at which the transition from privateers to pirates occurred is not clear from sources and some sources use the terms seemingly interchangeably Hence the children s source Bachmann amp Muller 2002 refers to the group at its advent when it involved nobility and was employed by Queen Margaret to provision Stockholm as pirates See this source cited above See for instance Meier p 146 The ducal house of Mecklenburg was unable to equip a navy of its own Schulzke Marion 2001 Dombrowsky Rainer Ed Das Internet Magazin und E Bibliothek Almanca Berlin Germany JaDu Internetworld 4 Subat 2005 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Vitalienbruder ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Ingiltere Krali IV Henry ile Hansa Birligi arasinda yapildi Almanca