Yair Auron (İbranice: יאיר אורון, Ya'ir Oron; 30 Nisan 1945) Holokost, soykırım, ırkçılık, modern Yahudilik alanlarında çalışmalar yürüten İsrailli tarihçi. 2005'ten beri Open University of Israel'da sosyoloji bölüm başkanı olarak görevini yürütmektedir.

- Jewish-Israeli Identity, Sifriat Poalim (with Kibutzim College of Education), Tel-Aviv, 1993, 204 pp. (Hebrew).
- The Banality of Indifference: The Attitude of the Yishuv and the Zionist Movement to the Armenian Genocide, Dvir (with Kibutzim College of Education), Tel-Aviv, 1995, 395 pp. (Hebrew).
- Les Juifs d’Extrême Gauche en Mai 68, Éditions Albin Michel, Paris, 1998, 335 pp.
- We are all German Jews: Jewish Radicals in France During the Sixties and Seventies, Am Oved (with Tel-Aviv University and Ben-Gurion University), Tel-Aviv, 1999, 288 pp. (Hebrew, translation of the French edition, with revisions).
- The Banality of Indifference: Zionism and the Armenian Genocide, Transaction, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 2000, 405 pp. (translation of the Hebrew edition, with revisions and adaptations). Second Edition, Transaction Publishers, 2001; Third Edition, 2003.
- The Banality of Denial, Transaction, Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, 2003, 338 pp.
- Denial: Israel and the Armenian Genocide, Maba, Tel Aviv, 2005 (Hebrew edition, with revisions and adaptations).
- The Pain of Knowledge - Holocaust and Genocide issues in Education, Transaction, New Brunswick, 2005. A German edition was published by Der Schmerz des Wissens, Lich/Hessen, 2005.
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Yair Auron Ibranice יאיר אורון Ya ir Oron 30 Nisan 1945 Holokost soykirim irkcilik modern Yahudilik alanlarinda calismalar yuruten Israilli tarihci 2005 ten beri Open University of Israel da sosyoloji bolum baskani olarak gorevini yurutmektedir Prof Yair Auron 2014EserlerJewish Israeli Identity Sifriat Poalim with Kibutzim College of Education Tel Aviv 1993 204 pp Hebrew The Banality of Indifference The Attitude of the Yishuv and the Zionist Movement to the Armenian Genocide Dvir with Kibutzim College of Education Tel Aviv 1995 395 pp Hebrew Les Juifs d Extreme Gauche en Mai 68 Editions Albin Michel Paris 1998 335 pp We are all German Jews Jewish Radicals in France During the Sixties and Seventies Am Oved with Tel Aviv University and Ben Gurion University Tel Aviv 1999 288 pp Hebrew translation of the French edition with revisions The Banality of Indifference Zionism and the Armenian Genocide Transaction Rutgers University Press New Brunswick 2000 405 pp translation of the Hebrew edition with revisions and adaptations Second Edition Transaction Publishers 2001 Third Edition 2003 The Banality of Denial Transaction Rutgers University Press New Brunswick 2003 338 pp Denial Israel and the Armenian Genocide Maba Tel Aviv 2005 Hebrew edition with revisions and adaptations The Pain of Knowledge Holocaust and Genocide issues in Education Transaction New Brunswick 2005 A German edition was published by Der Schmerz des Wissens Lich Hessen 2005