Cumhuriyetçilik, Amerika Birleşik Devletlerinin rehber siyasi ideolojisidir. Amerikan Devriminden itibaren Amerikan sivil düşüncesinin büyük bir kısmını meydana getirmiştir. Merkezi değerler olarak özgürlük ve doğal hakları almaktadır; halkı topluca egemen kılmaktadır, monarşi, aristokrasi ve siyasi iktidarın akrabalık ile devredilmesine karşıdır, yurttaşların sivil görevlerini yerine getirmede bağımsız olmalarını beklemektedir ve siyasi yozlaşmaya karşıdır. Amerikan cumhuriyetçiliği 18. yüzyılda Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin kurucu babaları tarafından oluşturulmuş ve uygulanmıştır. Onlar için, bir grup tarihçiye göre, "cumhuriyetçilik bir hükümet biçiminden daha büyük bir şeyi temsil ediyordu. Bir yaşama biçimi, özlü bir ideoloji, özgürlüğe teklifsiz bağlılık ve aristokrasiyi tümden ret."

- ^ Robert E. Shalhope, "Toward a Republican Synthesis: The Emergence of an Understanding of Republicanism in American Historiography," William and Mary Quarterly, 29 (January 1972), pp. 49–80
- ^ Richard Buel, Securing the Revolution: Ideology in American Politics, 1789–1815 (1972)
- ^ Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen, et al. The American Story (3rd ed. 2007) p. 147
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- . Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination (1992)
- . "Commercial Farming and the 'Agrarian Myth' in the Early Republic," Journal of American History 68 (1982), pp 833–849 in JSTOR
- . "Republicanism in Old and New Contexts," in William & Mary Quarterly, 43 (January, 1986), pp 3–34 in JSTOR
- , ed. "Republicanism in the History and Historiography of the United States," special issue of American Quarterly, Vol. 37, No. 4, (1985) with these articles: here
- Joyce Appleby, "Republicanism and Ideology," pp. 461–473 in JSTOR 26 Kasım 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Linda K. Kerber, "The Republican Ideology of the Revolutionary Generation," pp. 474–495 in JSTOR 16 Kasım 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Cathy Matson and Peter Onuf, "Toward a Republican Empire: Interest and Ideology in Revolutionary America," pp. 496–531 in JSTOR 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Jean Baker, "From Belief into Culture: Republicanism in the Antebellum North," pp. 532–550 in JSTOR 26 Kasım 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- James Oakes. "From Republicanism to Liberalism: Ideological Change and the Crisis of the Old South," pp. 551–571 in JSTOR 26 Kasım 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- John Patrick Diggins, "Republicanism and Progressivism," pp. 572–598 in JSTOR 26 Kasım 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Joyce Appleby, Capitalism and a New Social Order: The Republican Vision of the 1790s, 1984, her reprinted essays
- Ashworth, John, "The Jeffersonians: Classical Republicans or Liberal Capitalists?" Journal of American Studies 18 (1984), p 428-430
- Bailyn, Bernard. The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution. (1967).
- Bailyn, Bernard. The Origins of American Politics (1966)
- Banning, Lance. The Jeffersonian Persuasion: Evolution of a Party Ideology (1978)
- Becker, Peter, Jürgen Heideking and James A. Henretta, eds. Republicanism and Liberalism in America and the German States, 1750–1850. (2002).
- Brown, David. "Jeffersonian Ideology And The Second Party System" Historian, Fall, 1999 v62#1 pp 17–44 online edition 15 Şubat 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Brown; Stuart Gerry. The First Republicans: Political Philosophy and Public Policy in the Party of Jefferson and Madison (1954) 23 Kasım 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ..
- Buel, Richard. Securing the Revolution: Ideology in American Politics, 1789–1815 (1972)
- . The Language of Liberty 1660–1832: Political Discourse and Social Dynamics in the Anglo-American World, 1660–1832
- Colbourn, Trevor. The Lamp of Experience: Whig History and the Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution (1965) online version13 Nisan 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Currie, James T., The Constitution in Congress: The Federalist Period, 1789–1801, (1997); The Constitution in Congress: The Jeffersonians, 1801–1829, U. of Chicago Press, 2001
- Elkins, Stanley M., and Eric McKitrick. The Age of Federalism (1993) standard political history of 1790s
- Ellis, Joseph J. American Creation: Triumphs and Tragedies in the Founding of the Republic (2007)
- Everdell, William R. The End of Kings: A History of Republics and Republicans, (2nd ed. 2000)
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- Ferling, John E. A Leap in the Dark: The Struggle to Create the American Republic. (2003) online edition 3 Ocak 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Gould, Philip. "Virtue, Ideology, and the American Revolution: The Legacy of the Republican Synthesis," American Literary History, Vol. 5, No. 3, Eighteenth-Century American Cultural Studies (Autumn, 1993), pp. 564–577
- Greene, Jack P. and J. R. Pole, eds. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the American Revolution (1991), 845pp; emphasis on political ideas and republicanism; revised edition (2004) titled A Companion to the American Revolution
- Hartz, Louis. The Liberal Tradition in America (1952)
- Hart, Gary. Restoration of the Republic: The Jeffersonian Ideal in 21st-Century America (2002)
- Herrera, Ricardo A. For Liberty and the Republic: The American Citizen as Soldier, 1775-1861 (New York University Press, 2015) online review 9 Ekim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Jacobs, Meg, ed. The Democratic Experiment: New Directions in American Political History
- Kerber, Linda K. "The Republican Mother: Women and the Enlightenment-An American Perspective," American Quarterly, Vol. 28, No. 2, (Summer, 1976), pp. 187–205 in JSTOR 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Kerber, Linda K. Women of the Republic: Intellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America (1997)
- Keyssar, Alexander. The Right to Vote: The Contested History of Democracy in the United States (2001)
- Klein, Milton, et al., eds., The Republican Synthesis Revisited (1992).
- Kloppenberg, James T. The Virtues of Liberalism (1998)
- Kramnick, Isaac. Republicanism and Bourgeois Radicalism: Political Ideology in Late Eighteenth-Century England and America (1990)
- Kramnick, Isaac and Theodore Lowi. American Political Thought (2006), primary sources
- The Elusive Republic: Political Economy in Jeffersonian America (1980) on economic theories
- McCoy, Drew R. The Last of the Fathers: James Madison and the Republican Legacy (1989).
- Morgan. Edmund. Inventing the People (1989)
- Mushkat, Jerome, and Joseph G. Rayback, Martin Van Buren: Law, Politics, and the Shaping of Republican Ideology (1997)
- Norton, Mary Beth. Liberty's Daughters: The Revolutionary Experience of American Women, 1750–1800 (1980)
- Pangle, Thomas L. The Spirit of Modern Republicanism: The Moral Vision of the American Founders and the Philosophy of Locke
- . The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition (1975).
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- Rakove, Jack N. Original Meanings: Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution (1997)
- Rodgers, Daniel T. "Republicanism: the Career of a Concept," Journal of American History, Vol. 79, No. 1 (June, 1992), pp. 11–38 online in JSTOR
- Ross, Steven J. "The Transformation of Republican Ideology," Journal of the Early Republic, Vol. 10, No. 3 (Autumn, 1990), pp. 323–330 in JSTOR
- Shalhope, Robert E. "Toward a Republican Synthesis: The Emergence of an Understanding of Republicanism in American Historiography," William and Mary Quarterly, 29 (January 1972), 49–80 in JSTOR 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .; also
- Shalhope, Robert E. "Republicanism and Early American Historiography," William and Mary Quarterly, 39 (April 1982), 334–356 in JSTOR 17 Ağustos 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Volk, Kyle G. (2014). Moral Minorities and the Making of American Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Watson, Harry L. Liberty and Power: The Politics of Jacksonian America (1990) ()
- White, Ed. "The Ends of Republicanism," Journal of the Early Republic, Summer 2010, Vol. 30 Issue 2, pp 179–199, focus on literature
- Wilentz, Sean. The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln. (2005).
- Wiltse, Charles Maurice. The Jeffersonian Tradition in American Democracy (1935)
- Wood, Gordon S. The Radicalism of the American Revolution: How a Revolution Transformed a Monarchical Society into a Democratic One Unlike Any That Had Ever Existed. (1992).
- Wood, Gordon S. The Creation of the American Republic 1776–1787 (1969), one of the most influential studies
- Wood, Walter Kirk. "Before Republicanism: Frank Lawrence Owsley and the Search for Southern Identity, 1865–1965." Southern Studies (1995) 6(4): 65–77. ISSN 0735-8342
- Zagari, Rosemarie. "Morals, Manners, and the Republican Mother," American Quarterly Vol. 44, No. 2 (June 1992), pp. 192–215 in JSTOR 4 Kasım 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Cumhuriyetcilik Amerika Birlesik Devletlerinin rehber siyasi ideolojisidir Amerikan Devriminden itibaren Amerikan sivil dusuncesinin buyuk bir kismini meydana getirmistir Merkezi degerler olarak ozgurluk ve dogal haklari almaktadir halki topluca egemen kilmaktadir monarsi aristokrasi ve siyasi iktidarin akrabalik ile devredilmesine karsidir yurttaslarin sivil gorevlerini yerine getirmede bagimsiz olmalarini beklemektedir ve siyasi yozlasmaya karsidir Amerikan cumhuriyetciligi 18 yuzyilda Amerika Birlesik Devletleri nin kurucu babalari tarafindan olusturulmus ve uygulanmistir Onlar icin bir grup tarihciye gore cumhuriyetcilik bir hukumet biciminden daha buyuk bir seyi temsil ediyordu Bir yasama bicimi ozlu bir ideoloji ozgurluge teklifsiz baglilik ve aristokrasiyi tumden ret Amerika Birlesik Devletleri Kongre Binasi cumhuriyetciligin klasik erdemlerini kutluyor Kaynakca Robert E Shalhope Toward a Republican Synthesis The Emergence of an Understanding of Republicanism in American Historiography William and Mary Quarterly 29 January 1972 pp 49 80 Richard Buel Securing the Revolution Ideology in American Politics 1789 1815 1972 Robert A Divine T H Breen et al The American Story 3rd ed 2007 p 147Konuyla ilgili yayinlar Liberalism and Republicanism in the Historical Imagination 1992 Commercial Farming and the Agrarian Myth in the Early Republic Journal of American History 68 1982 pp 833 849 in JSTOR Republicanism in Old and New Contexts in William amp Mary Quarterly 43 January 1986 pp 3 34 in JSTOR ed Republicanism in the History and Historiography of the United States special issue of American Quarterly Vol 37 No 4 1985 with these articles here Joyce Appleby Republicanism and Ideology pp 461 473 in JSTOR 26 Kasim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Linda K Kerber The Republican Ideology of the Revolutionary Generation pp 474 495 in JSTOR 16 Kasim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Cathy Matson and Peter Onuf Toward a Republican Empire Interest and Ideology in Revolutionary America pp 496 531 in JSTOR 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Jean Baker From Belief into Culture Republicanism in the Antebellum North pp 532 550 in JSTOR 26 Kasim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde James Oakes From Republicanism to Liberalism Ideological Change and the Crisis of the Old South pp 551 571 in JSTOR 26 Kasim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde John Patrick Diggins Republicanism and Progressivism pp 572 598 in JSTOR 26 Kasim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Joyce Appleby Capitalism and a New Social Order The Republican Vision of the 1790s 1984 her reprinted essays Ashworth John The Jeffersonians Classical Republicans or Liberal Capitalists Journal of American Studies 18 1984 p 428 430 Bailyn Bernard The Ideological Origins of the American Revolution 1967 ISBN 0 674 44301 2 Bailyn Bernard The Origins of American Politics 1966 Banning Lance The Jeffersonian Persuasion Evolution of a Party Ideology 1978 Becker Peter Jurgen Heideking and James A Henretta eds Republicanism and Liberalism in America and the German States 1750 1850 2002 Brown David Jeffersonian Ideology And The Second Party System Historian Fall 1999 v62 1 pp 17 44 online edition 15 Subat 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Brown Stuart Gerry The First Republicans Political Philosophy and Public Policy in the Party of Jefferson and Madison 1954 23 Kasim 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Buel Richard Securing the Revolution Ideology in American Politics 1789 1815 1972 The Language of Liberty 1660 1832 Political Discourse and Social Dynamics in the Anglo American World 1660 1832 Colbourn Trevor The Lamp of Experience Whig History and the Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution 1965 online version13 Nisan 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Currie James T The Constitution in Congress The Federalist Period 1789 1801 1997 The Constitution in Congress The Jeffersonians 1801 1829 U of Chicago Press 2001 Elkins Stanley M and Eric McKitrick The Age of Federalism 1993 standard political history of 1790s Ellis Joseph J American Creation Triumphs and Tragedies in the Founding of the Republic 2007 Everdell William R The End of Kings A History of Republics and Republicans 2nd ed 2000 Foner Eric 1970 Free Soil Free Labor Free Men The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War Ferling John E A Leap in the Dark The Struggle to Create the American Republic 2003 online edition 3 Ocak 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Gould Philip Virtue Ideology and the American Revolution The Legacy of the Republican Synthesis American Literary History Vol 5 No 3 Eighteenth Century American Cultural Studies Autumn 1993 pp 564 577 Greene Jack P and J R Pole eds The Blackwell Encyclopedia of the American Revolution 1991 845pp emphasis on political ideas and republicanism revised edition 2004 titled A Companion to the American Revolution Hartz Louis The Liberal Tradition in America 1952 Hart Gary Restoration of the Republic The Jeffersonian Ideal in 21st Century America 2002 Herrera Ricardo A For Liberty and the Republic The American Citizen as Soldier 1775 1861 New York University Press 2015 online review 9 Ekim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Jacobs Meg ed The Democratic Experiment New Directions in American Political History Kerber Linda K The Republican Mother Women and the Enlightenment An American Perspective American Quarterly Vol 28 No 2 Summer 1976 pp 187 205 in JSTOR 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Kerber Linda K Women of the Republic Intellect and Ideology in Revolutionary America 1997 Keyssar Alexander The Right to Vote The Contested History of Democracy in the United States 2001 Klein Milton et al eds The Republican Synthesis Revisited 1992 Kloppenberg James T The Virtues of Liberalism 1998 Kramnick Isaac Republicanism and Bourgeois Radicalism Political Ideology in Late Eighteenth Century England and America 1990 Kramnick Isaac and Theodore Lowi American Political Thought 2006 primary sources The Elusive Republic Political Economy in Jeffersonian America 1980 on economic theories McCoy Drew R The Last of the Fathers James Madison and the Republican Legacy 1989 Morgan Edmund Inventing the People 1989 Mushkat Jerome and Joseph G Rayback Martin Van Buren Law Politics and the Shaping of Republican Ideology 1997 Norton Mary Beth Liberty s Daughters The Revolutionary Experience of American Women 1750 1800 1980 Pangle Thomas L The Spirit of Modern Republicanism The Moral Vision of the American Founders and the Philosophy of Locke The Machiavellian Moment Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition 1975 The Machiavellian Moment Revisited A Study in History and Ideology Journal of Modern History Vol 53 No 1 Mar 1981 pp 49 72 in JSTOR 6 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Rakove Jack N Original Meanings Politics and Ideas in the Making of the Constitution 1997 Rodgers Daniel T Republicanism the Career of a Concept Journal of American History Vol 79 No 1 June 1992 pp 11 38 online in JSTOR Ross Steven J The Transformation of Republican Ideology Journal of the Early Republic Vol 10 No 3 Autumn 1990 pp 323 330 in JSTOR Shalhope Robert E Toward a Republican Synthesis The Emergence of an Understanding of Republicanism in American Historiography William and Mary Quarterly 29 January 1972 49 80 in JSTOR 5 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde also Shalhope Robert E Republicanism and Early American Historiography William and Mary Quarterly 39 April 1982 334 356 in JSTOR 17 Agustos 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Volk Kyle G 2014 Moral Minorities and the Making of American Democracy New York Oxford University Press Watson Harry L Liberty and Power The Politics of Jacksonian America 1990 ISBN 0 374 52196 4 White Ed The Ends of Republicanism Journal of the Early Republic Summer 2010 Vol 30 Issue 2 pp 179 199 focus on literature Wilentz Sean The Rise of American Democracy Jefferson to Lincoln 2005 Wiltse Charles Maurice The Jeffersonian Tradition in American Democracy 1935 Wood Gordon S The Radicalism of the American Revolution How a Revolution Transformed a Monarchical Society into a Democratic One Unlike Any That Had Ever Existed 1992 ISBN 0 679 40493 7 Wood Gordon S The Creation of the American Republic 1776 1787 1969 one of the most influential studies Wood Walter Kirk Before Republicanism Frank Lawrence Owsley and the Search for Southern Identity 1865 1965 Southern Studies 1995 6 4 65 77 ISSN 0735 8342 Zagari Rosemarie Morals Manners and the Republican Mother American Quarterly Vol 44 No 2 June 1992 pp 192 215 in JSTOR 4 Kasim 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Dis baglantilarLesson plan for grades 9 12 from National Endowment for the Humanities