Planaryalar, (ya da Latince Turbellaria) Yassısolucanlar şubesine ait genellikle küçük (<1 – 60 cm) ve serbest yaşayan üyeleri kapsayan bir sınıftır.
Planaryalar | ||||||||||||||
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Biyolojik sınıflandırma | ||||||||||||||
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Günümüzde karışık (polifiletik) bir grup olarak Acoela ve olarak ayrılmıştır.
Hareketleri sillerle sağlanan canlılardır. Çoğunluğu etçildir. Çoğu türleri denizlerde ve tatlısularda bulunurken, bazıları nemli yerlerde de yaşayabilir. Planaryalar hermafrodit oldukları için eşeyli, rejenerasyonla da eşeysiz üreyebilirler. Planaryada merkezi sinir sistemi bulunur. Serbest yaşarlar (parazit değil). Dolaşım sıvısı yoktur. Sahip olduğu kasların (sirkular kaslar, parenkimal kaslar, longitudinal kaslar, faringeal kaslar) hareketi vücut boşluğundaki maddelerin iletimini sağlar. Vücutları segmentsizdir. Hücre yenilemeleri o kadar hızlıdır ki bu canlıları kaç parçaya ayırırsanız ayırın, her biri yeni bir planarya oluşturur. Başka bir anlamda bu canlılar sonsuza dek yaşayabilirler. Bu nedenle insanlarda hücre yenilenmesi, kanserle savaş, kayıp uzuv, doku ve organların yenilenmesi ve sonsuz yaşam gibi alanlardaki araştırmalarda kullanılmaktadırlar. Michael Levin ve arkadaşlarının, Tuft Üniversitesi laboratuvarında yaptıkları çalışmalarda elde ettikleri sonuçları, bir video sunum olarak buradan izleyebilirsiniz.
- Abramson, C. I., Kirkpatrick, D. E., Bollinger, N., Odde, R., & Lambert, S. (1999). Planarians in the classroom: Habituation and instrumental conditioning. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Sheiman, I. M., & Tiras, K. P. (1996). Memory and morphogenesis in planaria and beetle. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Abramson, C. I. (1990). Classical conditioning. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
- Alvarado, Alejandro Sánchez, "" Current Biology Vol. 14 (R737-8), No. 18 (Retrieved online)
- Arees, E. A. (1986). Absence of light response in eyeless planaria: Physiology & Behavior Vol 36(3) 1986, 445-449.
- Ash, J. F., McClure, W. O., & Hirsch, J. (1973). Chemical studies of a factor which elicits feeding behaviour in Dugesia dorotocephala: Animal Behaviour Vol 21(4) Nov 1973, 796-800.
- Best, J. B., Abelein, M., Kreutzer, E., & Pigon, A. (1975). Cephalic mechanism for social control of fissioning in planarians: III. Central nervous system centers of facilitation and inhibition: Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology Vol 89(8) Oct 1975, 923-932.
- Best, J. B., Elshtain, E., & Wilson, D. D. (1967). "Single Monophasic Square-wave Electric Pulse Excitation of the Planarian Dugesia Dorotocephala": Erratum: Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology Vol 63(3) Jun 1967, 515.
- Bianki, V. L., Sheiman, I. M., & Zubina, E. V. (1990). Preference of movement direction in T-maze in planaria: Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel'nosti Vol 40(1) 1990, 102-107.
- Buttarelli, F. R., Pontieri, F. E., Margotta, V., & Palladini, G. (2002). Cannabinoid-induced stimulation of motor activity in planaria through an opioid receptor-mediated mechanism: Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry Vol 26(1) Jan 2002, 65-68.
- Carney, R. E., & Mitchell, G. L. (1978). Reactions of planarians after cannibalization of planarians exposed to four stimulus combinations: Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 20(2) Dec 1978, 44-49.
- Cebria, F. (2008). Organization of the nervous system in the model planarian Schmidtea mediterranea: An immunocytochemical study: Neuroscience Research Vol 61(4) Aug 2008, 375-384.
- Coward, S. J., & Piedilato, J. W. (1972). The behavioral significance of the rhabdite cells in planarians: Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 14(1) Jul 1972, 5-7.
- Dawson, J. H. (1972). Behavioral effects of a magnetic field on goldfish and planaria: Dissertation Abstracts International Vol.
- Fiore, C., Tull, J. L., Zehner, S., & Ducey, P. K. (2004). Tracking and predation on earthworms by the invasive terrestrial planarian Bipalium adventitium (Tricladida, Platyhelminthes): Behavioural Processes Vol 67(3) Nov 2004, 327-334.
- Itoh, M. T., Shinozawa, T., & Sumi, Y. (1999). Circadian rhythms of melatonin-synthesizing enzyme activities and melatonin levels in planarians: Brain Research Vol 830(1) May 1999, 165-173.
- Kato, C., Mihashi, K., & Ishida, S. (2004). Motility recovery during the process of regeneration in freshwater planarians: Behavioural Brain Research Vol 150(1-2) Apr 2004, 9-14.
- Katz, A. N. (1978). Inexpensive animal learning exercises for huge introductory laboratory classes: Teaching of Psychology Vol 5(2) Apr 1978, 91-93.
- Kessler, C. C. (1973). The effect of magnesium pemoline on learning in the planarian: Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 15(2) Dec 1973, 31-33.
- Kimmel, H. D., & Carlyon, W. D. (1990). Persistent effects of a serotonin depletor (p-chlorophenylalanine) in regenerated planaria (Dugesia dorotocephala): Behavioral Neuroscience Vol 104(1) Feb 1990, 127-134.
- Kimmel, H. D., & Garrigan, H. A. (1973). Resistance to extinction in planaria: Journal of Experimental Psychology Vol 101(2) Dec 1973, 343-347.
- Kimmel, H. D., Olson, S. J., Stephenson, J. M., & Ray, R. L. (1976). Percent of longitudinal body contraction and latency of response onset in planaria as a function of intensity of electric shock: Physiological Psychology Vol 4(3) Sep 1976, 389-390.
- Kimmel, H. D., Ray, R. L., & King, J. (1975). A television technique for quantifying conditioned and unconditioned responses of planarians: Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation Vol 7(4) Jul 1975, 353-356.
- Krebs, E. K. (1975). Factors in conditioning and orientation of planarians: Learning in a polar field: Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 17(2) Dec 1975, 21-23.
- Kusayama, T., & Watanabe, S. (2000). Reinforcing effects of methamphetamine in planarians: Neuroreport: For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research Vol 11(11) Aug 2000, 2511-2513.
- Levison, M. J., & Gavurin, E. I. (1979). Truly random control group in Pavlovian conditioning of planaria (Dugesia dorotocephala): Psychological Reports Vol 45(3) Dec 1979, 987-992.
- Loomis, L. L., & Napoli, A. M. (1975). Transfer of training through two cannibalisms of planarians: Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 17(1) Jul 1975, 37-40.
- Mason, P. R. (1973). Size and other factors determining planarian behaviour: Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 15(2) Dec 1973, 8-13.
- Mason, P. R. (1975). Chemo-klino-kinesis in planarian food location: Animal Behaviour Vol 23(2) May 1975, 460-469.
- Micklin, M. P., & May, J. G. (1975). An apparent frustration effect in planarians: Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 17(2) Dec 1975, 4-9.
- Nazaryan, O. A. (1973). Retention of traces of previous experience in planaria after regeneration: Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel'nosti Vol 23(1) Jan-Feb 1973, 120-125.
- Nixon, S. E. (1974). Some behavioral observations on a cave dwelling planarian: Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 16(2) Dec 1974, 32-33.
- Nogi, T., Yuan, Y. E., Sorocco, D., Perez-Tomas, R., & Levin, M. (2005). Eye regeneration assay reveals an invariant functional left-right asymmetry in the early bilaterian, Dugesia japonica: Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain and Cognition Vol 10(3) May 2005, 193-205.
- Pagan, O. R., Rowlands, A. L., Azam, M., Urban, K. R., Bidja, A. H., Roy, D. M., et al. (2008). Reversal of cocaine-induced planarian behavior by parthenolide and related sesquiterpene lactones: Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior Vol 89(2) Apr 2008, 160-170.
- Pescetto, G., & Dettore, D. (1981). Negative phototaxis and conditioning in the planarian Dugesia dorotocephala: Rivista di Neurobiologia Vol 10(2) Apr-Jun 1981, 287-295.
- Peters, A., Streng, A., & Michiels, N. K. (1996). Mating behaviour in a hermaphroditic flatworm with reciprocal insemination: Do they assess their mates during copulation? : Ethology Vol 102(3) Mar 1996, 236-251.
- Raffa, R. B., Dasrath, C. S., & Brown, D. R. (2003). Disruption of a drug-induced choice behavior by UV light: Behavioural Pharmacology Vol 14(7) Nov 2003, 569-571.
- Raffa, R. B., & Desai, P. (2005). Description and quantification of cocaine withdrawal signs in Planaria: Brain Research Vol 1032(1-2) Jan 2005, 200-202.
- Raffa, R. B., Stagliano, G. W., Ross, G., Powell, J. A., Phillips, A. G., Ding, Z., et al. (2008). The kappa -opioid receptor antagonist nor-BNI inhibits cocaine and amphetamine, but not cannabinoid (WIN 52212-2), abstinence-induced withdrawal in planarians: An instance of 'pharmacologic congruence': Brain Research Vol 1193 Feb 2008, 51-56.
- Raffa, R. B., Stagliano, G. W., & Tallarida, R. J. (2006). Subadditive withdrawal from cocaine/kappa -opioid agonist combinations in Planaria: Brain Research Vol 1114(1) Oct 2006, 31-35.
- Rawls, S. M., Baron, S., Ding, Z., Roth, C., Zaveri, N., & Raffa, R. B. (2008). Nociceptin attenuates methamphetamine abstinence-induced withdrawal-like behavior in planarians: Neuropeptides Vol 42(3) Jun 2008, 229-237.
- Rawls, S. M., Rodriguez, T., Baron, D. A., & Raffa, R. B. (2006). A nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (L-NAME) attenuates abstinence-induced withdrawal from both cocaine and a cannabinoid agonist (WIN 55212-2) in Planaria: Brain Research Vol 1099(1) Jul 2006, 82-87.
- Rawls, S. M., Gomez, T., & Raffa, R. B. (2007). An NMDA antagonist (LY 235959) attenuates abstine H., & Gleason, K. (1975). Determinants of planarian aggregation behavior: Animal Learning & Behavior Vol 3(4) Nov 1975, 343-346.
- Stasko, A. B., & Sullivan, C. M. (1971). Responses of planarians to light: An examination of klino-kinesis: Animal Behaviour Monographs Vol 4(2) 1971, 47-124.
- Umeda, S., Stagliano, G. W., & Raffa, R. B. (2004). Cocaine and kappa -opioid withdrawal in Planaria blocked by D-, but not L-, glucose: Brain Research Vol 1018(2) Aug 2004, 181-185.
- Van Deventer, J. (1974). The behavior of two species of planaria in confined spaces: Psychological Record Vol 24(3) Sum 1974, 379-384.
- Van Deventer, J. (1974). The feeding latencies of two species of planaria: Psychological Record Vol 24(3) Sum 1974, 373-377.
- Vreys, C., Schockaert, E. R., & Michiels, N. K. (1997). Unusual pre-copulatory behaviour in the hermaphroditic planarian flatworm, Dugesia gonocephala (Tricladida, paludicola): Ethology Vol 103(3) Mar 1997, 208-221.
- Wisenden, B. D., & Millard, M. C. (2001). Aquatic flatworms use chemical cues from injured conspecifics to assess predation risk and to associate risk with novel cues: Animal Behaviour Vol 62(4) Oct 2001, 761-766.
- ^ . Cell Intelligence in Physiological & Morphological Spaces. Michael Levin. 11 Ekim 2022. 28 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 11 Kasım 2022.
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- More information on the genetic screen to identify regeneration genes 9 Kasım 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Schmidtea mediterranea, facts, anatomy, image[] at
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Planaryalar ya da Latince Turbellaria Yassisolucanlar subesine ait genellikle kucuk lt 1 60 cm ve serbest yasayan uyeleri kapsayan bir siniftir PlanaryalarBiyolojik siniflandirmaAlem AnimaliaAlt alem EumetazoaUst sube PlatyzoaBolum BilateriaSube PlatyhelminthesSinif TurbellariaFamilya Planariidae Acoela Catenulida Haplopharyngida Lecithoepitheliata Macrostomida Polycladida Prolecithophora Rhabdocoela Temnocephalida Gunumuzde karisik polifiletik bir grup olarak Acoela ve olarak ayrilmistir Hareketleri sillerle saglanan canlilardir Cogunlugu etcildir Cogu turleri denizlerde ve tatlisularda bulunurken bazilari nemli yerlerde de yasayabilir Planaryalar hermafrodit olduklari icin eseyli rejenerasyonla da eseysiz ureyebilirler Planaryada merkezi sinir sistemi bulunur Serbest yasarlar parazit degil Dolasim sivisi yoktur Sahip oldugu kaslarin sirkular kaslar parenkimal kaslar longitudinal kaslar faringeal kaslar hareketi vucut boslugundaki maddelerin iletimini saglar Vucutlari segmentsizdir Hucre yenilemeleri o kadar hizlidir ki bu canlilari kac parcaya ayirirsaniz ayirin her biri yeni bir planarya olusturur Baska bir anlamda bu canlilar sonsuza dek yasayabilirler Bu nedenle insanlarda hucre yenilenmesi kanserle savas kayip uzuv doku ve organlarin yenilenmesi ve sonsuz yasam gibi alanlardaki arastirmalarda kullanilmaktadirlar Michael Levin ve arkadaslarinin Tuft Universitesi laboratuvarinda yaptiklari calismalarda elde ettikleri sonuclari bir video sunum olarak buradan izleyebilirsiniz Kitaplar Abramson C I Kirkpatrick D E Bollinger N Odde R amp Lambert S 1999 Planarians in the classroom Habituation and instrumental conditioning Washington DC American Psychological Association Sheiman I M amp Tiras K P 1996 Memory and morphogenesis in planaria and beetle Westport CT Praeger Publishers Greenwood Publishing Group Makaleler Abramson C I 1990 Classical conditioning Washington DC American Psychological Association Alvarado Alejandro Sanchez Current Biology Vol 14 R737 8 No 18 Retrieved online Arees E A 1986 Absence of light response in eyeless planaria Physiology amp Behavior Vol 36 3 1986 445 449 Ash J F McClure W O amp Hirsch J 1973 Chemical studies of a factor which elicits feeding behaviour in Dugesia dorotocephala Animal Behaviour Vol 21 4 Nov 1973 796 800 Best J B Abelein M Kreutzer E amp Pigon A 1975 Cephalic mechanism for social control of fissioning in planarians III Central nervous system centers of facilitation and inhibition Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology Vol 89 8 Oct 1975 923 932 Best J B Elshtain E amp Wilson D D 1967 Single Monophasic Square wave Electric Pulse Excitation of the Planarian Dugesia Dorotocephala Erratum Journal of Comparative and Physiological Psychology Vol 63 3 Jun 1967 515 Bianki V L Sheiman I M amp Zubina E V 1990 Preference of movement direction in T maze in planaria Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel nosti Vol 40 1 1990 102 107 Buttarelli F R Pontieri F E Margotta V amp Palladini G 2002 Cannabinoid induced stimulation of motor activity in planaria through an opioid receptor mediated mechanism Progress in Neuro Psychopharmacology amp Biological Psychiatry Vol 26 1 Jan 2002 65 68 Carney R E amp Mitchell G L 1978 Reactions of planarians after cannibalization of planarians exposed to four stimulus combinations Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 20 2 Dec 1978 44 49 Cebria F 2008 Organization of the nervous system in the model planarian Schmidtea mediterranea An immunocytochemical study Neuroscience Research Vol 61 4 Aug 2008 375 384 Coward S J amp Piedilato J W 1972 The behavioral significance of the rhabdite cells in planarians Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 14 1 Jul 1972 5 7 Dawson J H 1972 Behavioral effects of a magnetic field on goldfish and planaria Dissertation Abstracts International Vol Fiore C Tull J L Zehner S amp Ducey P K 2004 Tracking and predation on earthworms by the invasive terrestrial planarian Bipalium adventitium Tricladida Platyhelminthes Behavioural Processes Vol 67 3 Nov 2004 327 334 Itoh M T Shinozawa T amp Sumi Y 1999 Circadian rhythms of melatonin synthesizing enzyme activities and melatonin levels in planarians Brain Research Vol 830 1 May 1999 165 173 Kato C Mihashi K amp Ishida S 2004 Motility recovery during the process of regeneration in freshwater planarians Behavioural Brain Research Vol 150 1 2 Apr 2004 9 14 Katz A N 1978 Inexpensive animal learning exercises for huge introductory laboratory classes Teaching of Psychology Vol 5 2 Apr 1978 91 93 Kessler C C 1973 The effect of magnesium pemoline on learning in the planarian Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 15 2 Dec 1973 31 33 Kimmel H D amp Carlyon W D 1990 Persistent effects of a serotonin depletor p chlorophenylalanine in regenerated planaria Dugesia dorotocephala Behavioral Neuroscience Vol 104 1 Feb 1990 127 134 Kimmel H D amp Garrigan H A 1973 Resistance to extinction in planaria Journal of Experimental Psychology Vol 101 2 Dec 1973 343 347 Kimmel H D Olson S J Stephenson J M amp Ray R L 1976 Percent of longitudinal body contraction and latency of response onset in planaria as a function of intensity of electric shock Physiological Psychology Vol 4 3 Sep 1976 389 390 Kimmel H D Ray R L amp King J 1975 A television technique for quantifying conditioned and unconditioned responses of planarians Behavior Research Methods amp Instrumentation Vol 7 4 Jul 1975 353 356 Krebs E K 1975 Factors in conditioning and orientation of planarians Learning in a polar field Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 17 2 Dec 1975 21 23 Kusayama T amp Watanabe S 2000 Reinforcing effects of methamphetamine in planarians Neuroreport For Rapid Communication of Neuroscience Research Vol 11 11 Aug 2000 2511 2513 Levison M J amp Gavurin E I 1979 Truly random control group in Pavlovian conditioning of planaria Dugesia dorotocephala Psychological Reports Vol 45 3 Dec 1979 987 992 Loomis L L amp Napoli A M 1975 Transfer of training through two cannibalisms of planarians Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 17 1 Jul 1975 37 40 Mason P R 1973 Size and other factors determining planarian behaviour Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 15 2 Dec 1973 8 13 Mason P R 1975 Chemo klino kinesis in planarian food location Animal Behaviour Vol 23 2 May 1975 460 469 Micklin M P amp May J G 1975 An apparent frustration effect in planarians Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 17 2 Dec 1975 4 9 Nazaryan O A 1973 Retention of traces of previous experience in planaria after regeneration Zhurnal Vysshei Nervnoi Deyatel nosti Vol 23 1 Jan Feb 1973 120 125 Nixon S E 1974 Some behavioral observations on a cave dwelling planarian Journal of Biological Psychology Vol 16 2 Dec 1974 32 33 Nogi T Yuan Y E Sorocco D Perez Tomas R amp Levin M 2005 Eye regeneration assay reveals an invariant functional left right asymmetry in the early bilaterian Dugesia japonica Laterality Asymmetries of Body Brain and Cognition Vol 10 3 May 2005 193 205 Pagan O R Rowlands A L Azam M Urban K R Bidja A H Roy D M et al 2008 Reversal of cocaine induced planarian behavior by parthenolide and related sesquiterpene lactones Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior Vol 89 2 Apr 2008 160 170 Pescetto G amp Dettore D 1981 Negative phototaxis and conditioning in the planarian Dugesia dorotocephala Rivista di Neurobiologia Vol 10 2 Apr Jun 1981 287 295 Peters A Streng A amp Michiels N K 1996 Mating behaviour in a hermaphroditic flatworm with reciprocal insemination Do they assess their mates during copulation Ethology Vol 102 3 Mar 1996 236 251 Raffa R B Dasrath C S amp Brown D R 2003 Disruption of a drug induced choice behavior by UV light Behavioural Pharmacology Vol 14 7 Nov 2003 569 571 Raffa R B amp Desai P 2005 Description and quantification of cocaine withdrawal signs in Planaria Brain Research Vol 1032 1 2 Jan 2005 200 202 Raffa R B Stagliano G W Ross G Powell J A Phillips A G Ding Z et al 2008 The kappa opioid receptor antagonist nor BNI inhibits cocaine and amphetamine but not cannabinoid WIN 52212 2 abstinence induced withdrawal in planarians An instance of pharmacologic congruence Brain Research Vol 1193 Feb 2008 51 56 Raffa R B Stagliano G W amp Tallarida R J 2006 Subadditive withdrawal from cocaine kappa opioid agonist combinations in Planaria Brain Research Vol 1114 1 Oct 2006 31 35 Rawls S M Baron S Ding Z Roth C Zaveri N amp Raffa R B 2008 Nociceptin attenuates methamphetamine abstinence induced withdrawal like behavior in planarians Neuropeptides Vol 42 3 Jun 2008 229 237 Rawls S M Rodriguez T Baron D A amp Raffa R B 2006 A nitric oxide synthase inhibitor L NAME attenuates abstinence induced withdrawal from both cocaine and a cannabinoid agonist WIN 55212 2 in Planaria Brain Research Vol 1099 1 Jul 2006 82 87 Rawls S M Gomez T amp Raffa R B 2007 An NMDA antagonist LY 235959 attenuates abstine H amp Gleason K 1975 Determinants of planarian aggregation behavior Animal Learning amp Behavior Vol 3 4 Nov 1975 343 346 Stasko A B amp Sullivan C M 1971 Responses of planarians to light An examination of klino kinesis Animal Behaviour Monographs Vol 4 2 1971 47 124 Umeda S Stagliano G W amp Raffa R B 2004 Cocaine and kappa opioid withdrawal in Planaria blocked by D but not L glucose Brain Research Vol 1018 2 Aug 2004 181 185 Van Deventer J 1974 The behavior of two species of planaria in confined spaces Psychological Record Vol 24 3 Sum 1974 379 384 Van Deventer J 1974 The feeding latencies of two species of planaria Psychological Record Vol 24 3 Sum 1974 373 377 Vreys C Schockaert E R amp Michiels N K 1997 Unusual pre copulatory behaviour in the hermaphroditic planarian flatworm Dugesia gonocephala Tricladida paludicola Ethology Vol 103 3 Mar 1997 208 221 Wisenden B D amp Millard M C 2001 Aquatic flatworms use chemical cues from injured conspecifics to assess predation risk and to associate risk with novel cues Animal Behaviour Vol 62 4 Oct 2001 761 766 Kaynakca Cell Intelligence in Physiological amp Morphological Spaces Michael Levin 11 Ekim 2022 28 Ekim 2022 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 11 Kasim 2022 Dis baglantilarMore information on the genetic screen to identify regeneration genes 9 Kasim 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Schmidtea mediterranea facts anatomy image olu kirik baglanti at GeoChemBio com