Jeostrateji, jeopolitiğin bir alt dalı, siyasi ve askeri planlamayı bilgi açısından destekleyen, tutarlı hale gelmesini sağlayan veya etkileyen coğrafik etkenler tarafından ilkesel olarak rehberliği yapılan bir dış politika çeşididir.
Bütün stratejilerde olduğu gibi, jeostrateji hedeflere ulaşmak için seçileceklerle ilgilidir. Bu durumda üzerine yoğunlaşılacak olunan unsurlar, bir ülkenin (yerel, bölgesel veya küresel düzeyde düşünülen) hedefleri ile (kıt veya bol olmaları açısından) kaynaklarıdır . Gray and Sloan'a göre coğrafya "stratejinin anası"dır.
- ^ Dr. John Garafano (5-9 Temmuz 2004). (PDF). International Peace Research Foundation. 23 Şubat 2005 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF) arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 19 Mayıs 2006.
- ^ Report of the (20 Nisan 2001). "No exit without strategy: Security Council decision-making and the closure or transition of United Nations peacekeeping operations" (PDF). S/2001/394. United Nations Security Council. 13 Ocak 2004 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 19 Mayıs 2006.
- ^ Col. David J. Andre (Sonbahar 1995). "The Art of War—Part, Present, Future" (PDF). Joint Force Quarterly. ss. pp. 129. 14 Kasım 2004 tarihinde kaynağından (PDF). Erişim tarihi: 19 Mayıs 2005.
- ^ Philip Babcock Gove, (Ed.) (Eylül 1961). Webster's Third New International Dictionary. Cambridge, MA: Riverside Press.
strategy: the science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological, and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace and war
- ^ (1982). Strategies of Containment: A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security policy. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN .
The process by which ends are related to means, intentions to capabilities, objectives to resources.
- ^ (30 Kasım 1999). Geopolitics, Geography and Strategy. London and Portland, Oregon: Frank Cass. s. 3. .
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Brzezinski, Zbigniew. The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives. New York: Basic Books, 1997.
- Gray, Colin S. and Geoffrey Sloan. Geopolitics, Geography and Strategy. Portland, OR: Frank Cass, 1999.
- Mackinder, Halford J. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press, 1996.
- Mahan, Alfred Thayer. The Problem of Asia: Its Effects Upon International Politics. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2003.
- Daclon, Corrado Maria. Geopolitics of Environment, A Wider Approach to the Global Challenges. Italy: Comunità Internazionale, SIOI, 2007.
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Jeostrateji jeopolitigin bir alt dali siyasi ve askeri planlamayi bilgi acisindan destekleyen tutarli hale gelmesini saglayan veya etkileyen cografik etkenler tarafindan ilkesel olarak rehberligi yapilan bir dis politika cesididir Butun stratejilerde oldugu gibi jeostrateji hedeflere ulasmak icin secileceklerle ilgilidir Bu durumda uzerine yogunlasilacak olunan unsurlar bir ulkenin yerel bolgesel veya kuresel duzeyde dusunulen hedefleri ile kit veya bol olmalari acisindan kaynaklaridir Gray and Sloan a gore cografya stratejinin anasi dir Kaynakca Dr John Garafano 5 9 Temmuz 2004 PDF International Peace Research Foundation 23 Subat 2005 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 19 Mayis 2006 Report of the 20 Nisan 2001 No exit without strategy Security Council decision making and the closure or transition of United Nations peacekeeping operations PDF S 2001 394 United Nations Security Council 13 Ocak 2004 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF Erisim tarihi 19 Mayis 2006 Col David J Andre Sonbahar 1995 The Art of War Part Present Future PDF Joint Force Quarterly ss pp 129 14 Kasim 2004 tarihinde kaynagindan PDF Erisim tarihi 19 Mayis 2005 KB1 bakim Fazladan yazi link Philip Babcock Gove Ed Eylul 1961 Webster s Third New International Dictionary Cambridge MA Riverside Press strategy the science and art of employing the political economic psychological and military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace and war 1982 Strategies of Containment A Critical Appraisal of Postwar American National Security policy New York NY Oxford University Press ISBN 0195030974 The process by which ends are related to means intentions to capabilities objectives to resources 30 Kasim 1999 Geopolitics Geography and Strategy London and Portland Oregon Frank Cass s 3 ISBN 0 7146 8053 2 Konuyla ilgili yayinlar Brzezinski Zbigniew The Grand Chessboard American Primacy and its Geostrategic Imperatives New York Basic Books 1997 Gray Colin S and Geoffrey Sloan Geopolitics Geography and Strategy Portland OR Frank Cass 1999 Mackinder Halford J Washington DC National Defense University Press 1996 Mahan Alfred Thayer The Problem of Asia Its Effects Upon International Politics New Brunswick NJ Transaction Publishers 2003 Daclon Corrado Maria Geopolitics of Environment A Wider Approach to the Global Challenges Italy Comunita Internazionale SIOI 2007