Bu madde önerilmeyen biçimde kaynaklandırılmıştır.Aralık 2023) () ( |
Ara verme etkisi öğrenmenin zamana yayıldığında daha iyi olması, sıkıştırılmış tekrarlama yerine aralıklı tekrarlamanın tercih edilmesidir. Pratik olarak bu etki "tıkınma" denebilecek (yoğun ve son dakika) sınav gecesi çalışmasının uzun bir zaman çerçevesinde aralıklı çalışmak kadar etkili olmayacağını öne sürer. Bu etki öğreneni zorlar, ancak uzun süreçte daha iyi öğrenme sağlar.
Bu etki ilk olarak Hermann Ebbinghaus tarafından tanımlanmıştır. 1885'te ayrıntılı olarak Über das Gedächtnis. Untersuchungen zur experimentellen Psychologie (Bellek: Deneysel Psikolojiye Bir Katkı) kitabında incelenmiştir. Bu tespit bellek ile ilgili hatırlama, tanıma ve frekans tahmini gibi çok çalışmalarda konu edilmiştir. Araştırmacılar ara verme etkisine çok sayıda açıklama getirmiş ve hatırlamaya yardımcı olduğunu ifade etmişlerdir.
Ayrıca bakınız
- Appleton-Knapp, S.L., Bjork, R.A., & Wickens, T.D. (2005). Examining the spacing effect in advertising: Encoding variability, retrieval processes, and their interaction. Journal of Consumer Research, 32(2), 266-276.
- Bird, C.P. (1987). Influence of the spacing of trait information on impressions of likability. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 23(6), 481-497.
- Cepeda, N. J., Pashler, H., Vul, E. Wixted, J. T., & Rohrer, D. (2006). Distributed practice in verbal recall tasks: A review and quantitative synthesis. Psychological Bulletin, 132, 354-380. doi: 10.1037/0033-2909.132.3.354
- Cermak, L.S., Verfaellie, M., Lanzoni, S., Mather, M., & Chase, K.A. (1996). Effect of spaced repetitions on amnesia patients' recall and recognition performance. Neuropsychology, 10(2), 219-227.
- Challis, B.H. (1993). Spacing effects on cued-memory tests depend on level of processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 19(2), 389-396.
- Crowder, R.G. (1976). Principles of learning and memory. Oxford, England: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Dempster, F.N. (1988). Informing classroom practice: What we know about several task characteristics and their effects on learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 13(3), 254-264.
- Dempster, F.N. (1988). The spacing effect: A case study in the failure to apply the results of psychological research. American Psychologist, 43(8), 627-634.
- Ebbinghaus, Hermann (1885). Über das Gedächtnis. Untersuchungen zur experimentellen Psychologie [Memory: A Contribution to Experimental Psychology] (Almanca). Trans. Henry A. Ruger & Clara E. Bussenius. Leipzig, Germany: Duncker & Humblot.
- Greene, R.L. (1989). Spacing effects in memory: Evidence for a two-process account. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 15(3), 371-377.
- Greene R. L. (2008). Repetition and spacing effects. In Roediger H. L. III (Ed.), Learning and memory: A comprehensive reference. Cognitive Psychology of Memory, 2, 65-78. Oxford: Elsevier.
- Hintzman, D.L. (1974). Theoretical implications of the spacing effect. Theories in Cognitive Psychology: The Loyola Symposium. Oxford, England: Lawrence Erlbaum.
- Leicht, K.L., & Overton, R. (1987). Encoding variability and spacing repetitions. American Journal of Psychology, 100(1), 61-68.
- Mammarella, N., Avons, S.E., & Russo, R. (2004). A short-term perceptual priming account of spacing effects in explicit cued-memory tasks for unfamiliar stimuli. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 16(3), 387-402.
- Mammarella, N., Russo, R., & Avons, S.E. (2002). Spacing effects in cued-memory tasks for unfamiliar faces and nonwords. Memory & Cognition, 30(8), 1238-1251.
- Pyc, M. A. & Rawson, K. A. (2009). Testing retrieval efforts hypothesis: Does greater difficulty correctly recalling information lead to higher levels of memory? Journal of Memory and Language, 60, 437-447. doi: 10.1016/j.jml.2009.01.004
- Rawson, K. A., & Dunlosky, J. (2012). Relearning Attenuates the Benefits and Costs of Spacing. Journal Of Experimental Psychology: General, doi:10.1037/a0030498
- Russo, R., Ma, & Wilks, J. (1998). Revising current two-process accounts of spacing effects in memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 24(1), 161-172.
- Toppino, T.C., & Bloom, L.C. (2002). The spacing effect, free recall, and two-process theory: A closer look. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 28(3), 437-444.
- Whitten, W.B. & Bjork, R.A. (1977). Learning from tests: Effects of spacing. Journal of Verbal Learning & Verbal Behavior, 16, 465-478.
- Wozniak, P.A., & Gorzelanczyk, E.J. (1994). Optimization of repetition spacing in the practice of learning. Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis, 54, 59-62.
- Young, D.R., & Bellezza, F.S. (1982). Encoding variability, memory organization, and the repetition effect. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8(6), 545-559. doi: 10.1037/0278-7393.8.6.545
Dış referanslar
- Ebbinghaus, Hermann (1885). Bellek: Katkı için Deneysel Psikoloji 14 Ocak 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ..
- Gary Wolf. 21 Nisan 2008. İstediğiniz her Şeyi Unutma Seni Hiç öğreneceksiniz? Teslim olmak için Bu Algoritma. Kablolu. 16.05. http://www.wired.com/medtech/health/magazine/16-05/ff_wozniak 15 Mart 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Bu madde onerilmeyen bicimde kaynaklandirilmistir Gosterilen kaynaklar kaynak gosterme sablonlari kullanilarak dipnot belirtme bicemine uygun olarak duzenlenmelidir Aralik 2023 Bu sablonun nasil ve ne zaman kaldirilmasi gerektigini ogrenin Ara verme etkisi ogrenmenin zamana yayildiginda daha iyi olmasi sikistirilmis tekrarlama yerine aralikli tekrarlamanin tercih edilmesidir Pratik olarak bu etki tikinma denebilecek yogun ve son dakika sinav gecesi calismasinin uzun bir zaman cercevesinde aralikli calismak kadar etkili olmayacagini one surer Bu etki ogreneni zorlar ancak uzun surecte daha iyi ogrenme saglar Bu etki ilk olarak Hermann Ebbinghaus tarafindan tanimlanmistir 1885 te ayrintili olarak Uber das Gedachtnis Untersuchungen zur experimentellen Psychologie Bellek Deneysel Psikolojiye Bir Katki kitabinda incelenmistir Bu tespit bellek ile ilgili hatirlama tanima ve frekans tahmini gibi cok calismalarda konu edilmistir Arastirmacilar ara verme etkisine cok sayida aciklama getirmis ve hatirlamaya yardimci oldugunu ifade etmislerdir Ayrica bakinizBilissel egilim Zeigarnik etkisiKaynakcaAppleton Knapp S L Bjork R A amp Wickens T D 2005 Examining the spacing effect in advertising Encoding variability retrieval processes and their interaction Journal of Consumer Research 32 2 266 276 Bird C P 1987 Influence of the spacing of trait information on impressions of likability Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 23 6 481 497 Cepeda N J Pashler H Vul E Wixted J T amp Rohrer D 2006 Distributed practice in verbal recall tasks A review and quantitative synthesis Psychological Bulletin 132 354 380 doi 10 1037 0033 2909 132 3 354 Cermak L S Verfaellie M Lanzoni S Mather M amp Chase K A 1996 Effect of spaced repetitions on amnesia patients recall and recognition performance Neuropsychology 10 2 219 227 Challis B H 1993 Spacing effects on cued memory tests depend on level of processing Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition 19 2 389 396 Crowder R G 1976 Principles of learning and memory Oxford England Lawrence Erlbaum Dempster F N 1988 Informing classroom practice What we know about several task characteristics and their effects on learning Contemporary Educational Psychology 13 3 254 264 Dempster F N 1988 The spacing effect A case study in the failure to apply the results of psychological research American Psychologist 43 8 627 634 Ebbinghaus Hermann 1885 Uber das Gedachtnis Untersuchungen zur experimentellen Psychologie Memory A Contribution to Experimental Psychology Almanca Trans Henry A Ruger amp Clara E Bussenius Leipzig Germany Duncker amp Humblot Greene R L 1989 Spacing effects in memory Evidence for a two process account Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition 15 3 371 377 Greene R L 2008 Repetition and spacing effects In Roediger H L III Ed Learning and memory A comprehensive reference Cognitive Psychology of Memory 2 65 78 Oxford Elsevier Hintzman D L 1974 Theoretical implications of the spacing effect Theories in Cognitive Psychology The Loyola Symposium Oxford England Lawrence Erlbaum Leicht K L amp Overton R 1987 Encoding variability and spacing repetitions American Journal of Psychology 100 1 61 68 Mammarella N Avons S E amp Russo R 2004 A short term perceptual priming account of spacing effects in explicit cued memory tasks for unfamiliar stimuli European Journal of Cognitive Psychology 16 3 387 402 Mammarella N Russo R amp Avons S E 2002 Spacing effects in cued memory tasks for unfamiliar faces and nonwords Memory amp Cognition 30 8 1238 1251 Pyc M A amp Rawson K A 2009 Testing retrieval efforts hypothesis Does greater difficulty correctly recalling information lead to higher levels of memory Journal of Memory and Language 60 437 447 doi 10 1016 j jml 2009 01 004 Rawson K A amp Dunlosky J 2012 Relearning Attenuates the Benefits and Costs of Spacing Journal Of Experimental Psychology General doi 10 1037 a0030498 Russo R Ma amp Wilks J 1998 Revising current two process accounts of spacing effects in memory Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition 24 1 161 172 Toppino T C amp Bloom L C 2002 The spacing effect free recall and two process theory A closer look Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition 28 3 437 444 Whitten W B amp Bjork R A 1977 Learning from tests Effects of spacing Journal of Verbal Learning amp Verbal Behavior 16 465 478 Wozniak P A amp Gorzelanczyk E J 1994 Optimization of repetition spacing in the practice of learning Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 54 59 62 Young D R amp Bellezza F S 1982 Encoding variability memory organization and the repetition effect Journal of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory and Cognition 8 6 545 559 doi 10 1037 0278 7393 8 6 545Dis referanslarEbbinghaus Hermann 1885 Bellek Katki icin Deneysel Psikoloji 14 Ocak 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Gary Wolf 21 Nisan 2008 Istediginiz her Seyi Unutma Seni Hic ogreneceksiniz Teslim olmak icin Bu Algoritma Kablolu 16 05 http www wired com medtech health magazine 16 05 ff wozniak 15 Mart 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde