Bu iste, Alabama'daki Ulusal Tarihi Yerler Listesi'nde listelenen binaların, alanların, semtlerin ve nesnelerin bir listesidir .
- Bu Millî Park Hizmeti listesi yayımlanan son NPS nihai listelemeleri aracılığıyla tamamlanmıştır February 5, 2021.

Autauga - Baldwin - Barbour - Bibb - Blount - Bullock - Butler - Calhoun - Chambers - Cherokee - Chilton - Choctaw - Clarke - Clay - Cleburne - Kahve - Colbert - Conecuh - Coosa - Covington - Crenshaw - Cullman - Dale - Dallas - DeKalb - Elmore - Escambia - Etowah - Fayette - Franklin - Cenevre - Greene - Hale - Henry - Houston - Jackson - Jefferson (Birmingham ) - Lamar - Lauderdale - Lawrence - Lee - Kireçtaşı - Lowndes - Macon - Madison - Marengo - Marion - Marshall - Mobil (Mobil ) - Monroe - Montgomery - Morgan - Perry - Pickens - Pike - Randolph - Russell - St. Clair - Shelby - Sumter - Talladega - Tallapoosa - Tuscaloosa - Walker - Washington - Wilcox - Winston |
Yapı ve bölge sayısı
Alabama'daki Ulusal Tarihi Yerler Listesi'nde listelenen yaklaşık 1.200 yapı ve bölge vardır. Alabama'daki veya 67 ilçesinin herhangi birindeki yapıların ve semtlerin sayısı Ulusal Kayıt tarafından doğrudan rapor edilmemektedir. Aşağıda, belirli yapıların ve semtlerin listelerinden mevcut listelerin listesi verilmiştir.
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Ayrıca bakınız
- Alabama'daki Ulusal Tarihi Yerler Listesi
- Alabama eyalet parkları listesi
- Alabama'daki Ulusal Tarihi Yerler Sicilindeki köprülerin listesi
- ^ "National Register of Historic Places: Weekly List Actions". National Park Service, . Retrieved on February 5, 2021.
- ^ These counts are the best available. There are frequent additions to the listings, and occasional delistings, and the counts here may not be perfectly updated. Also, not counted are most boundary increase listings, which increase the area covered by a historic district and which carry a separate National Register reference number.
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Bu iste Alabama daki Ulusal Tarihi Yerler Listesi nde listelenen binalarin alanlarin semtlerin ve nesnelerin bir listesidir Bu Milli Park Hizmeti listesi yayimlanan son NPS nihai listelemeleri araciligiyla tamamlanmistir February 5 2021 dd Alabama ilceleri tiklanabilir harita Icindekiler Alabama daki ilceler baglantisi bulunmayan ilcelerde listelenecek veri yoktur Autauga Baldwin Barbour Bibb Blount Bullock Butler Calhoun Chambers Cherokee Chilton Choctaw Clarke Clay Cleburne Kahve Colbert Conecuh Coosa Covington Crenshaw Cullman Dale Dallas DeKalb Elmore Escambia Etowah Fayette Franklin Cenevre Greene Hale Henry Houston Jackson Jefferson Birmingham Lamar Lauderdale Lawrence Lee Kirectasi Lowndes Macon Madison Marengo Marion Marshall Mobil Mobil Monroe Montgomery Morgan Perry Pickens Pike Randolph Russell St Clair Shelby Sumter Talladega Tallapoosa Tuscaloosa Walker Washington Wilcox WinstonYapi ve bolge sayisiAlabama daki Ulusal Tarihi Yerler Listesi nde listelenen yaklasik 1 200 yapi ve bolge vardir Alabama daki veya 67 ilcesinin herhangi birindeki yapilarin ve semtlerin sayisi Ulusal Kayit tarafindan dogrudan rapor edilmemektedir Asagida belirli yapilarin ve semtlerin listelerinden mevcut listelerin listesi verilmistir Horton Mill Covered Bridge in Blount CountyStewartfield in MobileWilliam J Samford Hall in the Auburn University Historic DistrictWinter Place in MontgomeryAshland Place Historic District in MobileJemison Van de Graaff Mansion in TuscaloosaTemple B Nai Shalom in Huntsville s Old Town Historic District in Huntsville Forks of Cypress ruins near FlorenceFort Morgan on shore of Mobile Bay in Baldwin County attacked by Union Navy fleet under Adm David Farragut in 1864 during Battle of Mobile Bay of the American Civil WarThornhill in Greene County Ilce Mulk ya da semt sayisi1 Autauga 52 Baldwin 623 Barbour 194 Bibb 65 Blount 56 Bullock 47 Butler 318 Calhoun 609 Chambers 1010 Cherokee 111 Chilton 312 Choctaw 113 Clarke 2114 Clay 215 Cleburne 416 Coffee 517 Colbert 3018 Conecuh 419 Coosa 120 Covington 1021 Crenshaw 322 Cullman 923 Dale 424 Dallas 3225 DeKalb 1226 Elmore 1327 Escambia 228 Etowah 1329 Fayette 330 Franklin 331 Geneva 032 Greene 3533 Hale 2034 Henry 335 Houston 936 Jackson 1237 1 Jefferson Birmingham 14637 2 Jefferson Other 2637 3 Jefferson Duplicates 1 37 4 Jefferson Total 17138 Lamar 139 Lauderdale 3340 Lawrence 1141 Lee 2642 Limestone 1343 Lowndes 444 Macon 1545 Madison 8546 Marengo 2847 Marion 248 Marshall 1549 1 Mobile Mobile 11449 2 Mobile Other 2449 3 Mobile Total 13850 Monroe 651 Montgomery 6552 Morgan 1753 Perry 1854 Pickens 755 Pike 256 Randolph 357 Russell 2458 St Clair 1559 Shelby 1060 Sumter 1361 Talladega 2462 Tallapoosa 963 Tuscaloosa 3964 Walker 765 Washington 366 Wilcox 1567 Winston 4 duplicates 2 Total 1 278 Dexter Avenue Baptist Church first church of the Rev Dr Martin Luther King Jr when he began his work as a national civil rights activist in 1955 with the Montgomery bus boycott in MontgomeryGaineswood in DemopolisClark Hall in the Gorgas Manly Historic District on the University of Alabama campusTannehill Ironworks in Tuscaloosa CountyUnion Station in MontgomeryAlabama Theatre in BirminghamOld State Bank in DecaturPropulsion and Structural Test Facility Gen George C Marshall Space Flight Center in HuntsvilleSt Andrew s Episcopal Church in Hale CountyAyrica bakinizAlabama daki Ulusal Tarihi Yerler Listesi Alabama eyalet parklari listesi Alabama daki Ulusal Tarihi Yerler Sicilindeki koprulerin listesiKaynakca National Register of Historic Places Weekly List Actions National Park Service Retrieved on February 5 2021 These counts are the best available There are frequent additions to the listings and occasional delistings and the counts here may not be perfectly updated Also not counted are most boundary increase listings which increase the area covered by a historic district and which carry a separate National Register reference number