Charles Sanders Peirce, (/pɜːrs/, 1839-1914) pragmatizm akımının isim babası olmuş, daha sonra da pragmatist yöntemin ana hatlarını çizmiş olan Amerikalı filozoftur. Felsefede bilgi konusuna öncelik vermiş başlamış ve Aristoteles'in düzeni doğada bulan nesnel yaklaşımı ile Kant'ın bilgideki düzenin zihnin eseri olduğunu dile getiren öznel yaklaşımının bir sentezini yapmıştır. Kavram, fikir ve kuramlarımızın doğruluklarını, onların yararlılıklarıyla özdeşleştiren Peirce'e göre, yöntem öncelikle düşüncelerimizi açık ve seçik hale getirmekten oluşur ve bu yöntem sayesinde felsefe bir bilime dönüşecektir.
Ketner, K.L., et al. (1986), A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Works of C.S. Peirce, Philosophy Documentation Center, Bowling Green, OH, 1986.
Moore, E., and Robin, R.S. (1964), Studies in the Philosophy of C.S. Peirce, Second Series, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA, 1964. Bibliography of secondary literature prior to 1964, pp. 486–514.
Robin, Richard S. (1967), Annotated Catalogue of the Papers of Charles S. Peirce, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA, 1967. Eprint
Birincil Kaynaklar
Standart Baskılar
Toplu Yazıları
Peirce, C.S., Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vols. 1–6, Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss (eds.), vols. 7–8, Arthur W. Burks (ed.), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1931–1935, 1958.
Volume 1, Principles of Philosophy, 1932.
Volume 2, Elements of Logic, 1932.
Volume 3, Exact Logic (Published Papers), 1933.
Volume 4, The Simplest Mathematics, 1933.
Volume 5, Pragmatism and Pragmaticism, 1934.
Volume 6, Scientific Metaphysics, 1935.
Volume 7, Science and Philosophy, 1958.
Volume 8, Reviews, Correspondence, and Bibliography, 1958.
Belnap edition with pairs of volumes bound as one, vols. 1–2 (), vols. 3–4 (), vols. 5–6 (), vols. 7-8 ().
Volume 1. Eprint.
Volumes 1-8. CD-ROM.
Volumes 1-8. Reprinted, Thoemmes Continuum, 1998.
Tarihsel Baskılar
Peirce, C.S., Writings of Charles S. Peirce, A Chronological Edition, Peirce Edition Project (eds.), Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianoplis, IN, 1981–.
Volume 1 (1857–1866), 1981.
Volume 2 (1867–1871), 1984.
Volume 3 (1872–1878), 1986.
Volume 4 (1879–1884), 1989.
Volume 5 (1884–1886), 1993.
Volume 6 (1886–1890), 2000.
Volumes 1-6. CD-ROM.
Matematiğin Yeni Öğeleri
Peirce, C.S, The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S. Peirce, 4 volumes in 5, Carolyn Eisele (ed.), Mouton Publishers, The Hague, Netherlands, 1976. *Humanities Press, Atlantic Highlands, NJ, 1976.
Volume 1, Arithmetic.
Volume 2, Algebra and Geometry.
Volume 3.1, Mathematical Miscellanea.
Volume 3.2, Mathematical Miscellanea.
Volume 4, Mathematical Philosophy.
"The Nation'a gönderilenler
Peirce, C.S., Contributions to 'The Nation', 4 volumes, Kenneth Laine and James Edward Cook (eds.), Texas Technological University Press, Lubbock, TX, 1975–1987.
Part 1 (1869–1893), 1975.
Part 2 (1894–1900), 1975.
Part 3 (1901–1908), 1979.
Part 4 (Index), 1987.
Temel Pierce Kaynakları (EP)
Peirce, C.S., The Essential Peirce, Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume 1 (1867–1893), Nathan Houser and Christian Kloesel (eds.), Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN, 1992.
Peirce, C.S., The Essential Peirce, Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume 2 (1893–1913), Peirce Edition Project (eds.), Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, IN, 1998.
Seçme Yazıları (SY)
Peirce, C.S., Charles S. Peirce: Selected Writings (Values in a Universe of Chance), Philip P. Wiener (ed.), First published, Values in a Universe of Chance, *Doubleday and Company, 1958. Reprinted, Dover Publications, New York, NY, 1966.
Bilim Felsefesi Üzerine Denemeleri
Peirce, C.S., Essays in the Philosophy of Science, Vincent Tomas (ed.), Bobbs–Merrill, New York, NY, 1957.
Pragmatizm Üzerine Ders Notları
Peirce, C.S., "Lectures on Pragmatism", Cambridge, MA, March 26 – May 17, 1903. Reprinted in part, Collected Papers, CP 5.14–212. Reprinted with Introduction and Commentary, Patricia Ann Turisi (ed.), Pragmatism as a Principle and a Method of Right Thinking: The 1903 Harvard "Lectures on Pragmatism", State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, 1997. Reprinted, pp. 133–241, Peirce Edition Project (eds.), The Essential Peirce, Selected Philosophical Writings, Volume 2 (1893–1913), Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 1998.
Peirce, C.S., Pragmatism as a Principle and a Method of Right Thinking — The 1903 Harvard "Lectures on Pragmatism", Patricia Ann Turisi (ed.), State University of New York Press, Albany, NY, 1997.
Makaleler ve Bölümler
Peirce, C.S. (1867), "On a New List of Categories", Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7 (1868), 287–298. Presented, 14 May 1867. Reprinted (CP 1.545–559), (CE 2, 49–59), (EP 1, 1–10). Eprint.
Peirce, C.S. (1868), "Some Consequences of Four Incapacities", Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2 (1868), 140–157. Reprinted (CP 5.264–317), (CE 2, 211–242), (EP 1, 28–55). Eprint. NB. Misprints in CP and Eprint copy.
Peirce, C.S. (1870), "Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives, Resulting from an Amplification of the Conceptions of Boole's Calculus of Logic", Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 9 (1870), 317–378. Reprinted (CP 3.45–149), (CE 2, 359–429).
Peirce, C.S. (1877), "The Fixation of Belief", Popular Science Monthly 12 (1877), 1–15. Reprinted (CP 5.358–387), (CE 3, 242–257), (EP 1, 109–123). Eprint.
Peirce, C.S. (1878), "How to Make Our Ideas Clear", Popular Science Monthly 12 (1878), 286–302. Reprinted (CP 5.388–410), (CE 3, 257–276)), (EP 1, 124–141). Eprint.
Peirce, C.S. (1883), "Note B. The Logic of Relatives", pp, 187–203 in C.S. Peirce (ed.), Studies in Logic by Members of the Johns Hopkins University, Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, MA, 1883. Reprinted (CP 3.328–358), (CE 4, 453–466), (SIL, 187–203).
Peirce, C.S. (1885), "On the Algebra of Logic: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Notation", American Journal of Mathematics 7 (1885), 180–202. Presented, National Academy of Sciences, Newport, RI, 14–17 Oct 1884. Reprinted (CP 3.359–403), (CE 5, 162–190), (EP 1, 225–228, in part).
Yayınlanmış Taslaklar ve Müsveddeler
Peirce, C.S. (1886), "Qualitative Logic", MS 582, pp. 323–371 in Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 5, 1884–1886, Peirce Edition Project (eds.), Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 1993.
Peirce, C.S. (1886), "The Logic of Relatives: Qualitative and Quantitative", MS 584, pp. 372–378 in Writings of Charles S. Peirce: A Chronological Edition, Volume 5, 1884–1886, Peirce Edition Project (eds.), Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 1993.
Peirce, C.S., "Qualitative Logic" (c. 1886), MS 736, pp. 101–115 in The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S. Peirce, Volume 4, Mathematical Philosophy, Carolyn Eisele (ed.), Mouton, The Hague, 1976.
Peirce, C.S. (c. 1896), "The Logic of Mathematics; An Attempt to Develop My Categories from Within", 1st published as CP 1.417–519 in Collected Papers.
Peirce, C.S. (1899), "F.R.L." [First Rule of Logic], unpaginated manuscript, c. 1899. Reprinted, CP 1.135-140. Eprint
Peirce, C.S. (1902), "Application of C.S. Peirce to the Executive Committee of the Carnegie Institution" (1902 July 15). Published, "Parts of Carnegie Application" (L75), pp. 13–73 in The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S. Peirce, Volume 4, Mathematical Philosophy, Carolyn Eisele (ed.), Mouton Publishers, The Hague, Netherlands, 1976. Eprint, Joseph Ransdell (ed.)
Peirce, C.S. (1902), "The Simplest Mathematics", MS dated January–February 1902, intended as Chapter 3 of the "Minute Logic", CP 4.227–323 in Collected Papers.
Peirce, C.S. (c. 1904), Καινα στοιχεια ("New Elements"), MS 517, pp. 235–263 in Carolyn Eisele (ed.), The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S. Peirce, Volume 4, Mathematical Philosophy, Mouton, The Hague, 1976. Cf. "New Elements", pp. 300–324 in The Essential Peirce, Volume 2 (1893–1913), Peirce Edition Project (eds.), Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 1998.
Düzenlediği Kitaplar
Peirce, C.S. (1883, ed.), Studies in Logic by Members of the Johns Hopkins University, Little, Brown, and Company, Boston, MA, 1883. Reprinted: Foundations of Semiotics, Volume 1, Achim Eschbach (series ed. & pref.), Max H. Fisch (intro.), Johns Benjamins, Amsterdam, 1983 ().
Ders Serileri
Peirce, C.S. (1898), Reasoning and the Logic of Things, The Cambridge Conference Lectures of 1898, Kenneth Laine Ketner (ed., intro.) and Hilary Putnam (intro., comm.), Harvard, 1992. Text of the lectures that William James invited Peirce to give in Cambridge, MA.
Antolojiler, Koleksiyonlar, Seçmeler, Yeni Basımlar
Eisele, Carolyn (ed.), Historical Perspectives on Peirce's Logic of Science: A History of Science, 2 vols., DeGruyter, Berlin, Germany, 1985.
Hardwick, C.S. (ed.), Semiotic and Significs: The Correspondence between C.S. Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby, Texas Technological University Press, Lubbock, TX, 1977, 2001.
İkincil Kaynaklar
Anellis, I.H. (1995), "Peirce Rustled, Russell Pierced: How Charles Peirce and Bertrand Russell Viewed Each Other's Work in Logic, and an Assessment of Russell's Accuracy and Role in the Historiography of Logic", Modern Logic, 5, 270–328. Eprint
Awbrey, Jon, and Awbrey, Susan (1995), "Interpretation as Action: The Risk of Inquiry", Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines, 15, 40–52. Eprint
Brady, Geraldine (2000), From Peirce to Skolem, North Holland.
Brent, Joseph (1998), Charles Sanders Peirce: A Life. Revised and enlarged edition, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN.
Brunning, J., and Forster, P. (1997, eds.), The Rule of Reason, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, ON.
Chiasson, Phyllis (2001), Peirce's Pragmatism, The Design for Thinking, Rodopi, Amsterdam, 2001.
Debrock, Guy (1992), "Peirce, a Philosopher for the 21st Century. Introduction", Transactions of the C.S. Peirce Society 28, 1–18.
Delaney, C.F. (1993), Science, Knowledge, and Mind: A Study in the Philosophy of C.S. Peirce, University of Notre Dame Press, Notre Dame, IN.
Deledalle, Gérard (2000), C.S. Peirce's Philosophy of Signs, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 2000.
Dewey, John (1910), How We Think, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA, 1910. Reprinted, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY, 1991.
Dewey, John (1938), Logic: The Theory of Inquiry, Henry Holt and Company, New York, NY, 1938. Reprinted, pp. 1–527 in John Dewey, The Later Works, 1925–1953, Volume 12: 1938, Jo Ann Boydston (ed.), Kathleen Poulos (text. ed.), Ernest Nagel (intro.), Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale and Edwardsville, IL, 1986.
Eisele, Carolyn (1979), Studies in the Scientific and Mathematical Philosophy of C.S. Peirce, Richard Milton Martin (ed.), Mouton, The Hague, 1979.
Esposito, Joseph (1980), Evolutionary Metaphysics, The Development of Peirce's Theory of Categories, Ohio University Press?, ?, 1980.
Fisch, Max (1986), Peirce, Semeiotic, and Pragmatism, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 1986.
Hintikka, Jakko (1980), "Peirce's First Real Discovery" The Monist, 63, 257-304.
Hookway, Christopher (1985), Peirce, Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, UK, 1985.
van Heijenoort, Jean (1967), "Logic as Language and Logic as Calculus", Synthese, 17, 324-30.
Houser, Nathan (1989), "The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Peirce Papers", Fourth Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Perpignan, France, 1989. Published, pp. 1259–1268 in Signs of Humanity, vol. 3, Michel Balat and Janice Deledalle-Rhodes (eds.), Gérard Deledalle (gen. ed.), Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, Germany, 1992. Eprint
Houser, N., Roberts, D.D., and Van Evra, J. (eds., 1997), Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN, 1997.
Kauffman, Louis H. (2001), "The Mathematics of Charles Sanders Peirce", Cybernetics and Human Knowing 8, 79–110. PDF file.
Kirkham, Richard (1995), Theories of Truth, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
Lane, Robert (2004), "On Peirce's Early Realism", Transactions of the C.S. Peirce Society, 40, 575–605.
Liszka, J.J. (1996), A General Introduction to the Semeiotic of C.S. Peirce, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, IN.
Menand, Louis (2001), The Metaphysical Club, A Story of Ideas in America, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
Misak, Cheryl J. (1991), Truth and the End of Inquiry, A Peircean Account of Truth, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
Misak, Cheryl J. (2004, ed.), Cambridge Companion to C.S. Peirce, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
Moore, Edward, and Robin, Richard (1964), Studies in the Philosophy of C.S. Peirce, Second Series, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA.
Murphey, Murray, (1961). The Development of Peirce's Thought. Reprinted, Hackett Publishing, Indianapolis, IN, 1993.
Parker, Kelly, A. (1998), The Continuity of Peirce's Thought, Vanderbilt University Press.
Percy, W. (2000), Signposts in a Strange Land, P. Samway (ed.), Saint Martin's Press, 271–91.
Putnam, H. (1982), "Peirce the Logician', Historia Mathematica 9, 290–301. Reprinted, pp. 252–260 in Hilary Putnam, Realism with a Human Face, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1982.
Roberts, Don D. (1973), The Existential Graphs of Charles S. Peirce, Mouton and Company, The Hague, Netherlands.
Robin, Richard S. (1967), Annotated Catalogue of the Papers of Charles S. Peirce, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA. Eprint
Royce, J. and Kernan, W.F. (1916), "Charles Sanders Peirce", Journal of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Method, 13, p. 701-09 (1916).Eprint
Skagestad, Peter (1981), The Road of Inquiry, Charles Peirce's Pragmatic Realism, Columbia University Press, New York, NY.
Walther, Elizabeth (1989),C.S. Peirce: Leben und Werk. Agis-Verlag, Baden-Baden, Germany.
Wiener, Philip, and Young, Frederick (eds., 1952), Studies in the Philosophy of C.S. Peirce, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Wennerberg, Hjalmar (1962), The Pragmatism of C.S. Peirce, An Analytical Study, Gleerup, Lund, Sweden.
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Charles Sanders Peirce pɜːrs 1839 1914 pragmatizm akiminin isim babasi olmus daha sonra da pragmatist yontemin ana hatlarini cizmis olan Amerikali filozoftur Felsefede bilgi konusuna oncelik vermis baslamis ve Aristoteles in duzeni dogada bulan nesnel yaklasimi ile Kant in bilgideki duzenin zihnin eseri oldugunu dile getiren oznel yaklasiminin bir sentezini yapmistir Kavram fikir ve kuramlarimizin dogruluklarini onlarin yararliliklariyla ozdeslestiren Peirce e gore yontem oncelikle dusuncelerimizi acik ve secik hale getirmekten olusur ve bu yontem sayesinde felsefe bir bilime donusecektir Charles Sanders PeirceAmerikali pragmatist filozofDogum1839Olum1914ImzaBibliyografyaBibliyografik KaynaklarKetner K L et al 1986 A Comprehensive Bibliography of the Works of C S Peirce Philosophy Documentation Center Bowling Green OH 1986 Moore E and Robin R S 1964 Studies in the Philosophy of C S Peirce Second Series University of Massachusetts Press Amherst MA 1964 Bibliography of secondary literature prior to 1964 pp 486 514 Robin Richard S 1967 Annotated Catalogue of the Papers of Charles S Peirce University of Massachusetts Press Amherst MA 1967 EprintBirincil KaynaklarStandart BaskilarToplu YazilariPeirce C S Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce vols 1 6 Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss eds vols 7 8 Arthur W Burks ed Harvard University Press Cambridge MA 1931 1935 1958 Volume 1 Principles of Philosophy 1932 Volume 2 Elements of Logic 1932 Volume 3 Exact Logic Published Papers 1933 Volume 4 The Simplest Mathematics 1933 Volume 5 Pragmatism and Pragmaticism 1934 Volume 6 Scientific Metaphysics 1935 Volume 7 Science and Philosophy 1958 Volume 8 Reviews Correspondence and Bibliography 1958 Belnap edition with pairs of volumes bound as one vols 1 2 ISBN 0 674 13800 7 vols 3 4 ISBN 0 674 13801 5 vols 5 6 ISBN 0 674 13802 3 vols 7 8 ISBN 0 674 13803 1 Volume 1 Eprint Volumes 1 8 CD ROM Volumes 1 8 Reprinted Thoemmes Continuum 1998 Tarihsel BaskilarPeirce C S Writings of Charles S Peirce A Chronological Edition Peirce Edition Project eds Indiana University Press Bloomington and Indianoplis IN 1981 Volume 1 1857 1866 1981 Volume 2 1867 1871 1984 Volume 3 1872 1878 1986 Volume 4 1879 1884 1989 Volume 5 1884 1886 1993 Volume 6 1886 1890 2000 Volumes 1 6 CD ROM Matematigin Yeni OgeleriPeirce C S The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S Peirce 4 volumes in 5 Carolyn Eisele ed Mouton Publishers The Hague Netherlands 1976 Humanities Press Atlantic Highlands NJ 1976 Volume 1 Arithmetic Volume 2 Algebra and Geometry Volume 3 1 Mathematical Miscellanea Volume 3 2 Mathematical Miscellanea Volume 4 Mathematical Philosophy The Nation a gonderilenlerPeirce C S Contributions to The Nation 4 volumes Kenneth Laine and James Edward Cook eds Texas Technological University Press Lubbock TX 1975 1987 Part 1 1869 1893 1975 Part 2 1894 1900 1975 Part 3 1901 1908 1979 Part 4 Index 1987 Temel Pierce Kaynaklari EP Peirce C S The Essential Peirce Selected Philosophical Writings Volume 1 1867 1893 Nathan Houser and Christian Kloesel eds Indiana University Press Bloomington and Indianapolis IN 1992 Peirce C S The Essential Peirce Selected Philosophical Writings Volume 2 1893 1913 Peirce Edition Project eds Indiana University Press Bloomington and Indianapolis IN 1998 Secme Yazilari SY Peirce C S Charles S Peirce Selected Writings Values in a Universe of Chance Philip P Wiener ed First published Values in a Universe of Chance Doubleday and Company 1958 Reprinted Dover Publications New York NY 1966 Bilim Felsefesi Uzerine DenemeleriPeirce C S Essays in the Philosophy of Science Vincent Tomas ed Bobbs Merrill New York NY 1957 Pragmatizm Uzerine Ders Notlari Peirce C S Lectures on Pragmatism Cambridge MA March 26 May 17 1903 Reprinted in part Collected Papers CP 5 14 212 Reprinted with Introduction and Commentary Patricia Ann Turisi ed Pragmatism as a Principle and a Method of Right Thinking The 1903 Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism State University of New York Press Albany NY 1997 Reprinted pp 133 241 Peirce Edition Project eds The Essential Peirce Selected Philosophical Writings Volume 2 1893 1913 Indiana University Press Bloomington IN 1998 Peirce C S Pragmatism as a Principle and a Method of Right Thinking The 1903 Harvard Lectures on Pragmatism Patricia Ann Turisi ed State University of New York Press Albany NY 1997 Makaleler ve BolumlerPeirce C S 1867 On a New List of Categories Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7 1868 287 298 Presented 14 May 1867 Reprinted CP 1 545 559 CE 2 49 59 EP 1 1 10 Eprint Peirce C S 1868 Some Consequences of Four Incapacities Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2 1868 140 157 Reprinted CP 5 264 317 CE 2 211 242 EP 1 28 55 Eprint NB Misprints in CP and Eprint copy Peirce C S 1870 Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives Resulting from an Amplification of the Conceptions of Boole s Calculus of Logic Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 9 1870 317 378 Reprinted CP 3 45 149 CE 2 359 429 Peirce C S 1877 The Fixation of Belief Popular Science Monthly 12 1877 1 15 Reprinted CP 5 358 387 CE 3 242 257 EP 1 109 123 Eprint Peirce C S 1878 How to Make Our Ideas Clear Popular Science Monthly 12 1878 286 302 Reprinted CP 5 388 410 CE 3 257 276 EP 1 124 141 Eprint Peirce C S 1883 Note B The Logic of Relatives pp 187 203 in C S Peirce ed Studies in Logic by Members of the Johns Hopkins University Little Brown and Company Boston MA 1883 Reprinted CP 3 328 358 CE 4 453 466 SIL 187 203 Peirce C S 1885 On the Algebra of Logic A Contribution to the Philosophy of Notation American Journal of Mathematics 7 1885 180 202 Presented National Academy of Sciences Newport RI 14 17 Oct 1884 Reprinted CP 3 359 403 CE 5 162 190 EP 1 225 228 in part Yayinlanmis Taslaklar ve MusveddelerPeirce C S 1886 Qualitative Logic MS 582 pp 323 371 in Writings of Charles S Peirce A Chronological Edition Volume 5 1884 1886 Peirce Edition Project eds Indiana University Press Bloomington IN 1993 Peirce C S 1886 The Logic of Relatives Qualitative and Quantitative MS 584 pp 372 378 in Writings of Charles S Peirce A Chronological Edition Volume 5 1884 1886 Peirce Edition Project eds Indiana University Press Bloomington IN 1993 Peirce C S Qualitative Logic c 1886 MS 736 pp 101 115 in The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S Peirce Volume 4 Mathematical Philosophy Carolyn Eisele ed Mouton The Hague 1976 Peirce C S c 1896 The Logic of Mathematics An Attempt to Develop My Categories from Within 1st published as CP 1 417 519 in Collected Papers Peirce C S 1899 F R L First Rule of Logic unpaginated manuscript c 1899 Reprinted CP 1 135 140 Eprint Peirce C S 1902 Application of C S Peirce to the Executive Committee of the Carnegie Institution 1902 July 15 Published Parts of Carnegie Application L75 pp 13 73 in The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S Peirce Volume 4 Mathematical Philosophy Carolyn Eisele ed Mouton Publishers The Hague Netherlands 1976 Eprint Joseph Ransdell ed Peirce C S 1902 The Simplest Mathematics MS dated January February 1902 intended as Chapter 3 of the Minute Logic CP 4 227 323 in Collected Papers Peirce C S c 1904 Kaina stoixeia New Elements MS 517 pp 235 263 in Carolyn Eisele ed The New Elements of Mathematics by Charles S Peirce Volume 4 Mathematical Philosophy Mouton The Hague 1976 Cf New Elements pp 300 324 in The Essential Peirce Volume 2 1893 1913 Peirce Edition Project eds Indiana University Press Bloomington IN 1998 Duzenledigi KitaplarPeirce C S 1883 ed Studies in Logic by Members of the Johns Hopkins University Little Brown and Company Boston MA 1883 Reprinted Foundations of Semiotics Volume 1 Achim Eschbach series ed amp pref Max H Fisch intro Johns Benjamins Amsterdam 1983 ISBN 90 272 3271 7 Ders SerileriPeirce C S 1898 Reasoning and the Logic of Things The Cambridge Conference Lectures of 1898 Kenneth Laine Ketner ed intro and Hilary Putnam intro comm Harvard 1992 Text of the lectures that William James invited Peirce to give in Cambridge MA Antolojiler Koleksiyonlar Secmeler Yeni BasimlarEisele Carolyn ed Historical Perspectives on Peirce s Logic of Science A History of Science 2 vols DeGruyter Berlin Germany 1985 Hardwick C S ed Semiotic and Significs The Correspondence between C S Peirce and Victoria Lady Welby Texas Technological University Press Lubbock TX 1977 2001 Ikincil KaynaklarAnellis I H 1995 Peirce Rustled Russell Pierced How Charles Peirce and Bertrand Russell Viewed Each Other s Work in Logic and an Assessment of Russell s Accuracy and Role in the Historiography of Logic Modern Logic 5 270 328 Eprint Awbrey Jon and Awbrey Susan 1995 Interpretation as Action The Risk of Inquiry Inquiry Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 15 40 52 Eprint Brady Geraldine 2000 From Peirce to Skolem North Holland Brent Joseph 1998 Charles Sanders Peirce A Life Revised and enlarged edition Indiana University Press Bloomington IN Brunning J and Forster P 1997 eds The Rule of Reason University of Toronto Press Toronto ON Chiasson Phyllis 2001 Peirce s Pragmatism The Design for Thinking Rodopi Amsterdam 2001 Debrock Guy 1992 Peirce a Philosopher for the 21st Century Introduction Transactions of the C S Peirce Society 28 1 18 Delaney C F 1993 Science Knowledge and Mind A Study in the Philosophy of C S Peirce University of Notre Dame Press Notre Dame IN Deledalle Gerard 2000 C S Peirce s Philosophy of Signs Indiana University Press Bloomington IN 2000 Dewey John 1910 How We Think D C Heath Lexington MA 1910 Reprinted Prometheus Books Buffalo NY 1991 Dewey John 1938 Logic The Theory of Inquiry Henry Holt and Company New York NY 1938 Reprinted pp 1 527 in John Dewey The Later Works 1925 1953 Volume 12 1938 Jo Ann Boydston ed Kathleen Poulos text ed Ernest Nagel intro Southern Illinois University Press Carbondale and Edwardsville IL 1986 Eisele Carolyn 1979 Studies in the Scientific and Mathematical Philosophy of C S Peirce Richard Milton Martin ed Mouton The Hague 1979 Esposito Joseph 1980 Evolutionary Metaphysics The Development of Peirce s Theory of Categories Ohio University Press 1980 Fisch Max 1986 Peirce Semeiotic and Pragmatism Indiana University Press Bloomington IN 1986 Hintikka Jakko 1980 Peirce s First Real Discovery The Monist 63 257 304 Hookway Christopher 1985 Peirce Routledge and Kegan Paul London UK 1985 van Heijenoort Jean 1967 Logic as Language and Logic as Calculus Synthese 17 324 30 Houser Nathan 1989 The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Peirce Papers Fourth Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies Perpignan France 1989 Published pp 1259 1268 in Signs of Humanity vol 3 Michel Balat and Janice Deledalle Rhodes eds Gerard Deledalle gen ed Mouton de Gruyter Berlin Germany 1992 Eprint Houser N Roberts D D and Van Evra J eds 1997 Studies in the Logic of Charles Sanders Peirce Indiana University Press Bloomington IN 1997 Kauffman Louis H 2001 The Mathematics of Charles Sanders Peirce Cybernetics and Human Knowing 8 79 110 PDF file Kirkham Richard 1995 Theories of Truth MIT Press Cambridge MA Lane Robert 2004 On Peirce s Early Realism Transactions of the C S Peirce Society 40 575 605 Liszka J J 1996 A General Introduction to the Semeiotic of C S Peirce Indiana University Press Bloomington IN Menand Louis 2001 The Metaphysical Club A Story of Ideas in America Farrar Straus and Giroux Misak Cheryl J 1991 Truth and the End of Inquiry A Peircean Account of Truth Oxford University Press Oxford UK Misak Cheryl J 2004 ed Cambridge Companion to C S Peirce Cambridge University Press Cambridge UK Moore Edward and Robin Richard 1964 Studies in the Philosophy of C S Peirce Second Series University of Massachusetts Press Amherst MA Murphey Murray 1961 The Development of Peirce s Thought Reprinted Hackett Publishing Indianapolis IN 1993 Parker Kelly A 1998 The Continuity of Peirce s Thought Vanderbilt University Press Percy W 2000 Signposts in a Strange Land P Samway ed Saint Martin s Press 271 91 Putnam H 1982 Peirce the Logician Historia Mathematica 9 290 301 Reprinted pp 252 260 in Hilary Putnam Realism with a Human Face Harvard University Press Cambridge MA 1982 Roberts Don D 1973 The Existential Graphs of Charles S Peirce Mouton and Company The Hague Netherlands Robin Richard S 1967 Annotated Catalogue of the Papers of Charles S Peirce University of Massachusetts Press Amherst MA Eprint Royce J and Kernan W F 1916 Charles Sanders Peirce Journal of Philosophy Psychology and Scientific Method 13 p 701 09 1916 Eprint Skagestad Peter 1981 The Road of Inquiry Charles Peirce s Pragmatic Realism Columbia University Press New York NY Walther Elizabeth 1989 C S Peirce Leben und Werk Agis Verlag Baden Baden Germany Wiener Philip and Young Frederick eds 1952 Studies in the Philosophy of C S Peirce Harvard University Press Cambridge MA Wennerberg Hjalmar 1962 The Pragmatism of C S Peirce An Analytical Study Gleerup Lund Sweden Ayrica bakinizIndeks gostergebilim Ikon gostergebilim SembolVikisoz de Charles Sanders Peirce ile ilgili sozleri bulabilirsiniz Wikimedia Commons ta Charles Sanders Peirce ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir