Christopher Henry Dawson (d. 12 Ekim 1889, Hay Castle, Wales, Birleşik Krallık – ö. 25 Mayıs 1970, Budleigh Salterton, İngilitere, Birleşik Krallık), kültürel tarih ve Hristiyan dünyası hakkında birçok eser yazan İngiliz tarihçidir. Kültür tarihinde dinin belirleyiciliğiyle ilgili çalışmalarıyla tanınmıştır.
Christopher Dawson | |
![]() | |
Doğum | Christopher Henry Dawson 12 Ekim 1889 Hay Castle, Wales, Birleşik Krallık |
Ölüm | 25 Mayıs 1970 (80 yaşında) Budleigh Salterton, İngilitere, Birleşik Krallık |
Milliyet | İngiliz |
Meslek | Tarihçi |
Anglikan bir ailede doğmuştur. 1914'te Katolik oldu. University College, Liverpool Üniversitesi ve Harvard Üniversitesi'nde ders vermiştir.
- The Age of Gods (1928). Reissued by the (2012)
- Progress and Religion: An Historical Inquiry (1929). Reissued by the (2001)
- Christianity and the New Age (1931)
- The Making of Europe: An Introduction to the History of European Unity. London: , 1932. Reissued by the , 2003.
- The Spirit of the (1933)
- Enquiries into Religion and Culture (1933). Reissued by the (2009)
- Medieval Religion and Other Essays (1935)
- Religion and the Modern State (1936)
- Beyond Politics (1939)
- The Claims of Politics4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (1939)
- The Judgment of the Nations (1942). Reissued by the (2011)
- 1947–49
- Religion and Culture[] (1948)
- Religion and the Rise of Western Culture9 Mayıs 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (1950)
- Understanding Europe (1952). Reissued by the (2009)
- Medieval Essays (1954). Reissued by the (2002)
- The Mongol Mission: Narratives and Letters of the Franciscan Missionaries in Mongolia and China in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries (1955)]. Republished in 1966 as Mission to Asia.
- Dynamics of World History (1957). Edited by et al. Reissued by the (2002).
- The Movement of World Revolution (1959)
- Progress and Religion: An Historical Enquiry (1960) with others Reissued by the (2001)
- The Historic Reality of Christian Culture (1960)
- The Crisis of Western Education: With Specific Programs for the Study of Christian Culture (1961). Reissued by the (2010)
- The Dividing of Christendom (1965)
- The Formation of Christendom (1967)
- The Gods of Revolution (1972)
- Religion and World History: A Selection from the Works of Christopher Dawson (1975)
- Christianity and European Culture: Selections from the Work of Christopher Dawson edited by Reissued by the (1998)
- ^ Türk ve Dünya Ünlüleri Ansiklopedisi, 30. fasikül, Anadolu Yayınları, s. 1674.
- ^ New Catholic encyclopedia. J. Hellman. 2nd ed (İngilizce). Catholic University of America. Detroit: Thomson/Gale. 2003. s. 545. ISBN . OCLC 50723247. 18 Şubat 2021 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 19 Ağustos 2022.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 2012). The Age of the Gods (İngilizce). Catholic University of America Press. ISBN .
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 2001). Progress and Religion: An Historical Inquiry (The Works of Christopher Dawson) (İngilizce). CUA Press. ISBN .
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1931). Christianity and the new age (İngilizce). Sheed & Ward.
- ^ Hittinger, Russell. "The Failure of Liberal Humanism," 5 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Modern Age, June 1989.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1952). The making of Europe;an introduction to the history of European unity,. New York,.
- ^ "Making of Europe". 10 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2016.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1932). The Making of Europe: An Introduction to the History of European Unity (İngilizce). CUA Press. ISBN .
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1934). The spirit of the Oxford movement (İngilizce) (FIRST EDITION! edition bas.). Sheed & Ward. 24 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2016.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1934). The Spirit of the Oxford Movement (İngilizce). AMS Press. ISBN .
- ^ Dawson, Christopher; Royal, Robert (1 Ocak 2009). Enquiries Into Religion and Culture (The Works of Christopher Dawson) (İngilizce). CUA Press. ISBN .
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1935). Medieval Religion and Other Essays (İngilizce). Sheed & Ward.
- ^ "Religion and the Modern State by Christopher Dawson, 1935 - Online Research Library: Questia". 7 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2016.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1941). Beyond Politics (İngilizce). Sheed & Ward.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (28 Kasım 2011). The Judgment of the Nations (İngilizce). CUA Press. ISBN .
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (23 Aralık 2008). Understanding Europe (The Works of Christopher Dawson) (İngilizce). CUA Press. ISBN . 28 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2016.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1954). Medieval Essays (The Works of Christopher Dawson) (İngilizce). CUA Press. ISBN . 2 Ekim 2014 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2016.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1955). The Mongol Mission: Narratives and Letters of the Franciscan Missionaries in Mongolia and China in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries (İngilizce). AMS Press. ISBN .
- ^ "The Dynamics Of World History". 10 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2016.
- ^ Royal, Robert. "Dawson's History: Resurrecting the Work of Christopher Dawson," 27 Mayıs 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . The Weekly Standard, Vol. VIII, N°. 26, 17 March 2003.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1959). The movement of world revolution (İngilizce). Sheed & Ward.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1960). The Historic Reality of Christian Culture: A Way to the Renewal of Human Life (İngilizce). Harper. 6 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2016.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 2010). The Crisis of Western Education (The Works of Christopher Dawson) (İngilizce). CUA Press. ISBN .
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1967). The Dividing of Christendom (İngilizce). Image Books. 3 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 10 Nisan 2016.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 2008). The Formation of Christendom (İngilizce). Ignatius Press. ISBN .
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1972). The gods of revolution (İngilizce). Sidgwick & Jackson.
- ^ Dawson, Christopher (1 Ocak 1975). Religion and World History: A Selection from the Works of Christopher Dawson (İngilizce). Image Books. ISBN .
- ^ "Full text of "Christianity and Culture: Selections from the Writings of Christopher Dawson (updated 10/08, PDF)"". 15 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 25 Mart 2016.
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Christopher Henry Dawson d 12 Ekim 1889 Hay Castle Wales Birlesik Krallik o 25 Mayis 1970 Budleigh Salterton Ingilitere Birlesik Krallik kulturel tarih ve Hristiyan dunyasi hakkinda bircok eser yazan Ingiliz tarihcidir Kultur tarihinde dinin belirleyiciligiyle ilgili calismalariyla taninmistir Christopher DawsonDogumChristopher Henry Dawson 12 Ekim 1889 Hay Castle Wales Birlesik KrallikOlum25 Mayis 1970 80 yasinda Budleigh Salterton Ingilitere Birlesik KrallikMilliyetIngilizMeslekTarihci Anglikan bir ailede dogmustur 1914 te Katolik oldu University College Liverpool Universitesi ve Harvard Universitesi nde ders vermistir EserlerThe Age of Gods 1928 Reissued by the 2012 Progress and Religion An Historical Inquiry 1929 Reissued by the 2001 Christianity and the New Age 1931 The Making of Europe An Introduction to the History of European Unity London 1932 Reissued by the 2003 The Spirit of the 1933 Enquiries into Religion and Culture 1933 Reissued by the 2009 Medieval Religion and Other Essays 1935 Religion and the Modern State 1936 Beyond Politics 1939 The Claims of Politics4 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde 1939 The Judgment of the Nations 1942 Reissued by the 2011 1947 49 Religion and Culture olu kirik baglanti 1948 ISBN 0 404 60498 6 Religion and the Rise of Western Culture9 Mayis 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde 1950 ISBN 0 385 42110 9 Understanding Europe 1952 Reissued by the 2009 Medieval Essays 1954 Reissued by the 2002 The Mongol Mission Narratives and Letters of the Franciscan Missionaries in Mongolia and China in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries 1955 Republished in 1966 as Mission to Asia Dynamics of World History 1957 Edited by et al Reissued by the 2002 The Movement of World Revolution 1959 Progress and Religion An Historical Enquiry 1960 with others Reissued by the 2001 The Historic Reality of Christian Culture 1960 The Crisis of Western Education With Specific Programs for the Study of Christian Culture 1961 Reissued by the 2010 The Dividing of Christendom 1965 The Formation of Christendom 1967 The Gods of Revolution 1972 Religion and World History A Selection from the Works of Christopher Dawson 1975 Christianity and European Culture Selections from the Work of Christopher Dawson edited by Reissued by the 1998 Kaynakca Turk ve Dunya Unluleri Ansiklopedisi 30 fasikul Anadolu Yayinlari s 1674 New Catholic encyclopedia J Hellman 2nd ed Ingilizce Catholic University of America Detroit Thomson Gale 2003 s 545 ISBN 0 7876 4004 2 OCLC 50723247 18 Subat 2021 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 19 Agustos 2022 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 2012 The Age of the Gods Ingilizce Catholic University of America Press ISBN 9780813219776 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 2001 Progress and Religion An Historical Inquiry The Works of Christopher Dawson Ingilizce CUA Press ISBN 9780813210155 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1931 Christianity and the new age Ingilizce Sheed amp Ward Hittinger Russell The Failure of Liberal Humanism 5 Nisan 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Modern Age June 1989 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1952 The making of Europe an introduction to the history of European unity New York Making of Europe archive org 10 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Mart 2016 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1932 The Making of Europe An Introduction to the History of European Unity Ingilizce CUA Press ISBN 9780813210834 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1934 The spirit of the Oxford movement Ingilizce FIRST EDITION edition bas Sheed amp Ward 24 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2016 KB1 bakim Fazladan yazi link Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1934 The Spirit of the Oxford Movement Ingilizce AMS Press ISBN 9780404140250 Dawson Christopher Royal Robert 1 Ocak 2009 Enquiries Into Religion and Culture The Works of Christopher Dawson Ingilizce CUA Press ISBN 9780813215433 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1935 Medieval Religion and Other Essays Ingilizce Sheed amp Ward Religion and the Modern State by Christopher Dawson 1935 Online Research Library Questia www questia com 7 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Mart 2016 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1941 Beyond Politics Ingilizce Sheed amp Ward Dawson Christopher 28 Kasim 2011 The Judgment of the Nations Ingilizce CUA Press ISBN 9780813218809 Dawson Christopher 23 Aralik 2008 Understanding Europe The Works of Christopher Dawson Ingilizce CUA Press ISBN 9780813215440 28 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2016 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1954 Medieval Essays The Works of Christopher Dawson Ingilizce CUA Press ISBN 9780813210179 2 Ekim 2014 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2016 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1955 The Mongol Mission Narratives and Letters of the Franciscan Missionaries in Mongolia and China in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries Ingilizce AMS Press ISBN 9780404170080 The Dynamics Of World History archive org 10 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Mart 2016 Royal Robert Dawson s History Resurrecting the Work of Christopher Dawson 27 Mayis 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde The Weekly Standard Vol VIII N 26 17 March 2003 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1959 The movement of world revolution Ingilizce Sheed amp Ward Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1960 The Historic Reality of Christian Culture A Way to the Renewal of Human Life Ingilizce Harper 6 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2016 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 2010 The Crisis of Western Education The Works of Christopher Dawson Ingilizce CUA Press ISBN 9780813216836 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1967 The Dividing of Christendom Ingilizce Image Books 3 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 10 Nisan 2016 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 2008 The Formation of Christendom Ingilizce Ignatius Press ISBN 9781586172398 Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1972 The gods of revolution Ingilizce Sidgwick amp Jackson Dawson Christopher 1 Ocak 1975 Religion and World History A Selection from the Works of Christopher Dawson Ingilizce Image Books ISBN 9780385095518 Full text of Christianity and Culture Selections from the Writings of Christopher Dawson updated 10 08 PDF archive org 15 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 25 Mart 2016