Cozy Powell, (29 Aralık 1947 - 5 Nisan 1998) İngiliz baterist. Asıl adı Colin Flooks olmasına rağmen adını caz davulcusu olan 'dan esinlenerek Cozy Powell olarak kullanmıştır.
Cozy Powell | |
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Genel bilgiler | |
Doğum | Colin Flooks 29 Aralık 1947 , Gloucestershire, İngiltere |
Ölüm | 5 Nisan 1998 (50 yaşında) Bristol, İngiltere |
Başladığı yer | ingiliz |
Tarzlar | Hard rock, blues-rock, progressive rock, , heavy metal, |
Çalgılar | Bateri, perküsyon |
Etkin yıllar | 1968–1998 |
Müzik kariyeri
Cozy davul çalmaya ilk olarak okul orkestrasında başlamış. Özellikle 1970'ler ve 1980'lerde birçok hard rock grubuyla çalışmış, 60'tan fazla albüm kaydında çalmıştır.
Cozy Powell hız tutkunuydu, otomobil ve motosikletlere büyük bir merakı vardı. 5 Nisan 1998 günü stüdyo dönüşünde arabasında telefonla konuşurken geçirdiği kazada öldü.
Çaldığı albümler
- Rough & Ready - (1971)
- Clowns - (1971)
- Jeff Beck Group - (1972)
- A Writer of Songs - (1972)
- Clotho's Web - (1972)
- Cosmic Wheels - (1973)
- Bedlam - (1973)
- You And Me - (1973)
- Nigel Lived - (1973)
- First of the Big Bands - / Jon Lord (1974)
- Peter & The Wolf - Various (1975)
- Every Word You Say - Peter Sarstedt (1975)
- The First Starring Role - (1975)
- Rising - Rainbow (1976)
- Fourteen Greatest Hits - (1976)
- On Stage - Rainbow (1977)
- Long Live Rock 'n' Roll - Rainbow (1978)
- Down to Earth - Rainbow (1979)
- Over the Top - Cozy Powell (1979)
- And About Time Too - (1979)
- Monsters of Rock - Rainbow (1980)
- Look At Me Now - (1981)
- Tilt - Cozy Powell (1981)
- M.S.G. - Michael Schenker Group (1981)
- Line Up - (1981)
- One Night at Budokan - Michael Schenker Group (1982)
- Before I Forget - Jon Lord (1982)
- Pictures At Eleven - Robert Plant (1982)
- Octopuss - Cozy Powell (1983)
- Slide It In - Whitesnake (1984)
- Phenomena - (1985)
- Under a Raging Moon - Roger Daltrey (1985)
- Finyl Vinyl - Rainbow (1986)
- Emerson, Lake & Powell - (1986)
- Who the Am Dam - Boys Don't Cry (1987)
- Sanne Salomonsen - Sanne Salomonsen (1987)
- Triumph & Agony - Warlock (1987)
- Forcefield I - (1987)
- Super Drumming - / Cozy Powell (1987)
- Long Cold Winter - Cinderella (1988)
- Southern Region Breakdown - (1988)
- K.2. - Don Airey (1988)
- Forcefield II - (1988)
- After the War - Gary Moore (1989)
- Headless Cross - Black Sabbath (1989)
- Timewatch - (1989)
- To Oz And Back (Forcefield III) - (1989)
- Live in Germany 1976 - Rainbow (1990)
- Tyr - Black Sabbath (1990)
- Let the Wild Run Free (Forcefield IV) - (1991)
- The Connoisseur Collection Vol II - Ritchie Blackmore (1991)
- The Drums are Back - Cozy Powell (1992)
- Instrumentals - (1992)
- Back To The Light - Brian May (1993)
- Live at Brixton Academy - Brian May (1994)
- Forbidden -Black Sabbath (1995)
- The Music of Jimi Hendrix - Various (1995)
- The Sabbath Stones - Black Sabbath (1996)
- Baptizm of Fire - (1997)
- The Best of Cozy Powell - Cozy Powell (1997)
- Peter Green Splinter Group - (1997)
- SAS Band - (1997)
- Facing the Animal - Yngwie Malmsteen (1997)
- Another World - Brian May (1998)
- Twin Oaks/Especially For You - Cozy Powell (1999)
Dış bağlantılar
- (archived)
- Biography on
- BBC obituary
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Cozy Powell 29 Aralik 1947 5 Nisan 1998 Ingiliz baterist Asil adi Colin Flooks olmasina ragmen adini caz davulcusu olan dan esinlenerek Cozy Powell olarak kullanmistir Cozy PowellGenel bilgilerDogumColin Flooks 29 Aralik 1947 1947 12 29 Gloucestershire IngiltereOlum5 Nisan 1998 50 yasinda Bristol IngiltereBasladigi yeringilizTarzlarHard rock blues rock progressive rock heavy metal CalgilarBateri perkusyonEtkin yillar1968 1998Muzik kariyeriCozy davul calmaya ilk olarak okul orkestrasinda baslamis Ozellikle 1970 ler ve 1980 lerde bircok hard rock grubuyla calismis 60 tan fazla album kaydinda calmistir OlumuCozy Powell hiz tutkunuydu otomobil ve motosikletlere buyuk bir meraki vardi 5 Nisan 1998 gunu studyo donusunde arabasinda telefonla konusurken gecirdigi kazada oldu Caldigi albumlerRough amp Ready 1971 Clowns 1971 Jeff Beck Group 1972 A Writer of Songs 1972 Clotho s Web 1972 Cosmic Wheels 1973 Bedlam 1973 You And Me 1973 Nigel Lived 1973 First of the Big Bands Jon Lord 1974 Peter amp The Wolf Various 1975 Every Word You Say Peter Sarstedt 1975 The First Starring Role 1975 Rising Rainbow 1976 Fourteen Greatest Hits 1976 On Stage Rainbow 1977 Long Live Rock n Roll Rainbow 1978 Down to Earth Rainbow 1979 Over the Top Cozy Powell 1979 And About Time Too 1979 Monsters of Rock Rainbow 1980 Look At Me Now 1981 Tilt Cozy Powell 1981 M S G Michael Schenker Group 1981 Line Up 1981 One Night at Budokan Michael Schenker Group 1982 Before I Forget Jon Lord 1982 Pictures At Eleven Robert Plant 1982 Octopuss Cozy Powell 1983 Slide It In Whitesnake 1984 Phenomena 1985 Under a Raging Moon Roger Daltrey 1985 Finyl Vinyl Rainbow 1986 Emerson Lake amp Powell 1986 Who the Am Dam Boys Don t Cry 1987 Sanne Salomonsen Sanne Salomonsen 1987 Triumph amp Agony Warlock 1987 Forcefield I 1987 Super Drumming Cozy Powell 1987 Long Cold Winter Cinderella 1988 Southern Region Breakdown 1988 K 2 Don Airey 1988 Forcefield II 1988 After the War Gary Moore 1989 Headless Cross Black Sabbath 1989 Timewatch 1989 To Oz And Back Forcefield III 1989 Live in Germany 1976 Rainbow 1990 Tyr Black Sabbath 1990 Let the Wild Run Free Forcefield IV 1991 The Connoisseur Collection Vol II Ritchie Blackmore 1991 The Drums are Back Cozy Powell 1992 Instrumentals 1992 Back To The Light Brian May 1993 Live at Brixton Academy Brian May 1994 Forbidden Black Sabbath 1995 The Music of Jimi Hendrix Various 1995 The Sabbath Stones Black Sabbath 1996 Baptizm of Fire 1997 The Best of Cozy Powell Cozy Powell 1997 Peter Green Splinter Group 1997 SAS Band 1997 Facing the Animal Yngwie Malmsteen 1997 Another World Brian May 1998 Twin Oaks Especially For You Cozy Powell 1999 Dis baglantilar archived Biography on Drummerworld com BBC obituary