John Galsworthy (d. 14 Ağustos 1867 – ö. 31 Ocak 1933) İngiliz yazar. Tiyatro oyunlarında birey ile toplum arasındaki çatışmayı konu alır. İngiliz orta sınıfını betimlediği ve "A Man of Property", "In Chancery" ve "To Let" kitaplarından oluşan "The Forsyte Saga" üçlemesi, çağdaş İngiliz edebiyatının klasikleri arasında kabul edilmektedir. 1932'de edebiyat dalında Nobel Ödülü’ne layık görüldü.
John Galsworthy | |
![]() John Galsworthy | |
Doğum | 14 Ağustos 1867 Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, İngiltere |
Ölüm | 31 Ocak 1933 (65 yaşında) Londra, İngiltere |
Meslek | Yazar |
Milliyet | İngiliz |
Önemli ödülleri | Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü (1932) |
Eserlerinden seçmeler
- From The Four Winds, 1897 (John Sinjohn imzasıyla)
- Jocelyn, 1898 (John Sinjohn imzasıyla)
- Villa Rubein, 1900 (John Sinjohn imzasıyla)
- A Man Of Devon, 1901 (John Sinjohn imzasıyla)
- The Island Pharisees, 1904
- The Silver Box, 1906
- The Forsyte Saga, 1906-21, 1922
- The Man Of Property, 1906
- (interlude) Indian Summer of a Forsyte, 1918
- In Chancery, 1920
- (interlude) Awakening, 1920
- To Let, 1921
- The Country House, 1907
- A Commentary, 1908
- Fraternity, 1909
- A Justification For The Censorship Of Plays, 1909
- Strife, 1909
- Fraternity, 1909
- Joy, 1909
- Justice, 1910
- A Motley, 1910
- The Spirit Of Punishment, 1910
- Horses In Mines, 1910
- The Patrician, 1911
- The Little Dream, 1911
- The Pigeon, 1912
- The Eldest Son, 1912
- Moods, Songs, And Doggerels, 1912
- For Love Of Beasts, 1912
- The Inn Of Tranquillity, 1912
- The Dark Flower, 1913
- The Fugitive, 1913
- The Mob, 1914
- The Freelands, 1915
- The Little Man, 1915
- A Bit's Love, 1915
- A Sheaf, 1916
- The Apple Tree, 1916
- Beyond, 1917
- Five Tales, 1918
- Saint's Progress, 1919
- Addresses In America, 1912
- The Foundations, 1920
- In Chancery, 1920
- Awakening, 1920
- , 1920
- To Let, 1920
- A Family Man, 1922
- The Little Man, 1922
- Loyalties, 1922
- Windows, 1922
- Captures, 1923
- Abracadabra, 1924
- The Forest, 1924
- Old English, 1924
- The Show, 1925
- Escape, 1926
- Verses New And Old, 1926
- Castles In Spain, 1927
- A Modern Comedy, 1924-1928, 1929
- The White Monkey, 1924
- (Interlude) a Silent Wooing, 1927
- The Silver Spoon, 1926
- (Interlude) Passers By, 1927
- Swan Song, 1928
- Two Forsyte Interludes, 1927
- The Manaton Edition, 1923-26 (Toplu Eserleri, 30 cilt)
- Exiled, 1929
- The Roof, 1929
- On Forsyte Change, 1930
- Two Essays On Conrad, 1930
- Soames And The Flag, 1930
- The Creation Of Character In Literature, 1931
- Maid In Waiting, 1931
- Forty Poems, 1932
- Flowering Wilderness, 1932
- Over the River, 1933
- Autobiographical Letters Of Galsworthy: A Correspondence With Frank Harris, 1933
- The Grove Edition, 1927-34 (Toplu Eserleri, 27 cilt)
- Collected Poems, 1934
- End Of the Chapter, 1931-1933
- Maid In Waiting, 1931
- Flowering Wilderness, 1932
- One More River, 1933
- Punch And Go, 1935
- The Life And Letters, 1935
- The Winter Garden, 1935
- Forsytes, Pendyces And Others, 1935
- Selected Short Stories, 1935
- Glimpses And Reflections, 1937
- Galsworthy's Letters To Leon Lion, 1968
- Letters From John Galsworthy 1900-1932, 1970
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John Galsworthy d 14 Agustos 1867 o 31 Ocak 1933 Ingiliz yazar Tiyatro oyunlarinda birey ile toplum arasindaki catismayi konu alir Ingiliz orta sinifini betimledigi ve A Man of Property In Chancery ve To Let kitaplarindan olusan The Forsyte Saga uclemesi cagdas Ingiliz edebiyatinin klasikleri arasinda kabul edilmektedir 1932 de edebiyat dalinda Nobel Odulu ne layik goruldu John GalsworthyJohn GalsworthyDogum14 Agustos 1867 1867 08 14 Kingston upon Thames Surrey IngiltereOlum31 Ocak 1933 65 yasinda Londra IngiltereMeslekYazarMilliyetIngilizOnemli odulleriNobel Edebiyat Odulu 1932 Eserlerinden secmelerFrom The Four Winds 1897 John Sinjohn imzasiyla Jocelyn 1898 John Sinjohn imzasiyla Villa Rubein 1900 John Sinjohn imzasiyla A Man Of Devon 1901 John Sinjohn imzasiyla The Island Pharisees 1904 The Silver Box 1906 The Forsyte Saga 1906 21 1922 The Man Of Property 1906 interlude Indian Summer of a Forsyte 1918 In Chancery 1920 interlude Awakening 1920 To Let 1921 The Country House 1907 A Commentary 1908 Fraternity 1909 A Justification For The Censorship Of Plays 1909 Strife 1909 Fraternity 1909 Joy 1909 Justice 1910 A Motley 1910 The Spirit Of Punishment 1910 Horses In Mines 1910 The Patrician 1911 The Little Dream 1911 The Pigeon 1912 The Eldest Son 1912 Moods Songs And Doggerels 1912 For Love Of Beasts 1912 The Inn Of Tranquillity 1912 The Dark Flower 1913 The Fugitive 1913 The Mob 1914 The Freelands 1915 The Little Man 1915 A Bit s Love 1915 A Sheaf 1916 The Apple Tree 1916 Beyond 1917 Five Tales 1918 Saint s Progress 1919 Addresses In America 1912 The Foundations 1920 In Chancery 1920 Awakening 1920 1920 To Let 1920 A Family Man 1922 The Little Man 1922 Loyalties 1922 Windows 1922 Captures 1923 Abracadabra 1924 The Forest 1924 Old English 1924 The Show 1925 Escape 1926 Verses New And Old 1926 Castles In Spain 1927 A Modern Comedy 1924 1928 1929 The White Monkey 1924 Interlude a Silent Wooing 1927 The Silver Spoon 1926 Interlude Passers By 1927 Swan Song 1928 Two Forsyte Interludes 1927 The Manaton Edition 1923 26 Toplu Eserleri 30 cilt Exiled 1929 The Roof 1929 On Forsyte Change 1930 Two Essays On Conrad 1930 Soames And The Flag 1930 The Creation Of Character In Literature 1931 Maid In Waiting 1931 Forty Poems 1932 Flowering Wilderness 1932 Over the River 1933 Autobiographical Letters Of Galsworthy A Correspondence With Frank Harris 1933 The Grove Edition 1927 34 Toplu Eserleri 27 cilt Collected Poems 1934 End Of the Chapter 1931 1933 Maid In Waiting 1931 Flowering Wilderness 1932 One More River 1933 Punch And Go 1935 The Life And Letters 1935 The Winter Garden 1935 Forsytes Pendyces And Others 1935 Selected Short Stories 1935 Glimpses And Reflections 1937 Galsworthy s Letters To Leon Lion 1968 Letters From John Galsworthy 1900 1932 1970Bir Ingiliz yazar ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz