John Richard Schneider (d. 8 Nisan 1960; Mount Kisco, New York), Amerikalı oyuncu, şarkıcı, yazar ve film yapımcısıdır. Rol aldığı televizyon dizileri Bo Duke karakterini canlandırdığı The Dukes of Hazzard ve Süpermen'in üvey babası Jonathan Kent karakterini canlandırdığı Smallville ile bilinir. Schneider oyunculuk dışında country müziği ile uğraşmaktadır.
John Schneider | |
![]() | |
Doğum | 8 Nisan 1960 Mount Kisco, New York, ABD. |
Milliyet | Amerikalı |
Meslek | Oyuncu, yazar, film yapımcısı ve şarkıcı |
Etkin yıllar | 1977 - günümüz |
Evlilik |
Çocuk(lar) | 3 çocuğu vardır. |
- Collier & Co. 2: High Octane (2009)
- The Rebound (2009)
- The Gods of Circumstance (2009)
- Everybody Says Goodbye: The Story of a Father and Son (2008)
- Bleachers (2008)
- Holyman Undercover (2008)
- H20 Extreme (2008)
- Set Apart (2008)
- Conjurer (2008)
- Twentysixmiles (2008)
- The Secret Life of the American Teenager (2008)
- CSI: Miami (2008)
- Shark Swarm (2008)
- Ogre (2008)
- (Nip/Tuck) (2007)-(2008)
- Beautiful Loser (2008)
- Journeyman (2007)
- Sydney White (2007)
- You've Got a Friend (2007)
- Lake Placid 2 (2007)
- Collier & Co. (2006)
- Hidden Secrets (2006)
- Shorty McShorts' Shorts (2006)
- Smallville (2001-2006)
- Model Family (2006)
- King of the Hill (2006)
- Felicity: An American Girl Adventure (2005)
- Living with Fran (2005)
- The Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee (video oyunu) (2004)
- 10.5 (2004)
- The Nick at Nite Holiday Special (2003)
- The Mummy: The Animated Series (animasyon) (2003)
- Mary Christmas (2002)
- Lightning: Fire from the Sky (2001)
- Touched by an Angel (2001)
- Twice in a Lifetime (2001)
- Relic Hunter (2000-2001)
- Veronica's Closet (1999-2000)
- The Dukes of Hazzard: Hazzard in Hollywood (2000)
- Diagnosis Murder (2000)
- Snow Day (2000)
- Sam Churchill: Search for a Homeless Man (1999)
- Michael Landon, the Father I Knew (1999)
- Walker, Texas Ranger (1999)
- JAG televisieserie (1998)
- Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (1997-1998)
- True Women (1997)
- The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion! (1997)
- Kung Fu: The Legend Continues (1996)
- Night of the Twisters (1996)
- Diagnosis Murder (1996)
- The Legend of the Ruby Silver (1996)
- The Little CHP (1995)
- Touched by an Angel (1995)
- Exit to Eden (1994)
- Heaven Help Us (1994)
- Christy (1994)
- Bandit: Bandit Bandit (1994)
- Burke's Law (1994)
- Second Chances (1994)
- Texas (1994)
- Desperate Journey: The Allison Wilcox Story (1993)
- Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman (1993)
- Sisters (1993)
- Come the Morning (1993)
- Loving (1992)
- Highway Heartbreaker (1992)
- Grand Slam (1990)
- Grand Slam (1990)
- Ministry of Vengeance (1989)
- Paradise (1989)
- Speed Zone! (1989)
- Wild Jack (1989)
- Outback Bound (1988)
- Christmas Comes to Willow Creek (1987)
- The Curse (1987)
- Stagecoach (1986)
- Cocaine Wars (1985)
- Gus Brown and Midnight Brewster (1985)
- The Dukes of Hazzard (1979-1985)
- Eddie Macon's Run (1983)
- Happy Endings (1983)
- The Dukes (1983)
- The Raccoons and the Lost Star (1983)
- Dream House (1981)
- The Midnight Special (13 Mart 1981)
- Smokey and the Bandit (1977)
Diskografi (albümleri)

- 1981 - Now or Never
- 1981 - White Christmas
- 1982 - Quiet Man
- 1983 - If You Believe
- 1984 - Too Good to Stop Now
- 1985 - Tryin' to Outrun the Wind
- 1985 - A Memory Like You
- 1986 - Take the Long Way Home
- 1987 - You Ain't Seen the Last of Me
- 1987 - Greatest Hits
- 1996 - Worth the Wait
- 2009 - John's Acoustic Christmas
- 2010 - The Promise
Dış bağlantılar
- Officiell webbplats 13 Eylül 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- IMDb'de John Schneider
![]() | Amerikalı oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde seviyesindedir. Madde içeriğini genişleterek Vikipedi'ye katkı sağlayabilirsiniz. |
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John Richard Schneider d 8 Nisan 1960 Mount Kisco New York Amerikali oyuncu sarkici yazar ve film yapimcisidir Rol aldigi televizyon dizileri Bo Duke karakterini canlandirdigi The Dukes of Hazzard ve Supermen in uvey babasi Jonathan Kent karakterini canlandirdigi Smallville ile bilinir Schneider oyunculuk disinda country muzigi ile ugrasmaktadir John SchneiderDogum8 Nisan 1960 Mount Kisco New York ABD MilliyetAmerikaliMeslekOyuncu yazar film yapimcisi ve sarkiciEtkin yillar1977 gunumuzEvlilik e 1983 1986 Elly Castle e 1993 Cocuk lar 3 cocugu vardir FilmografiCollier amp Co 2 High Octane 2009 The Rebound 2009 The Gods of Circumstance 2009 Everybody Says Goodbye The Story of a Father and Son 2008 Bleachers 2008 Holyman Undercover 2008 H20 Extreme 2008 Set Apart 2008 Conjurer 2008 Twentysixmiles 2008 The Secret Life of the American Teenager 2008 CSI Miami 2008 Shark Swarm 2008 Ogre 2008 Nip Tuck 2007 2008 Beautiful Loser 2008 Journeyman 2007 Sydney White 2007 You ve Got a Friend 2007 Lake Placid 2 2007 Collier amp Co 2006 Hidden Secrets 2006 Shorty McShorts Shorts 2006 Smallville 2001 2006 Model Family 2006 King of the Hill 2006 Felicity An American Girl Adventure 2005 Living with Fran 2005 The Dukes of Hazzard Return of the General Lee video oyunu 2004 10 5 2004 The Nick at Nite Holiday Special 2003 The Mummy The Animated Series animasyon 2003 Mary Christmas 2002 Lightning Fire from the Sky 2001 Touched by an Angel 2001 Twice in a Lifetime 2001 Relic Hunter 2000 2001 Veronica s Closet 1999 2000 The Dukes of Hazzard Hazzard in Hollywood 2000 Diagnosis Murder 2000 Snow Day 2000 Sam Churchill Search for a Homeless Man 1999 Michael Landon the Father I Knew 1999 Walker Texas Ranger 1999 JAG televisieserie 1998 Dr Quinn Medicine Woman 1997 1998 True Women 1997 The Dukes of Hazzard Reunion 1997 Kung Fu The Legend Continues 1996 Night of the Twisters 1996 Diagnosis Murder 1996 The Legend of the Ruby Silver 1996 The Little CHP 1995 Touched by an Angel 1995 Exit to Eden 1994 Heaven Help Us 1994 Christy 1994 Bandit Bandit Bandit 1994 Burke s Law 1994 Second Chances 1994 Texas 1994 Desperate Journey The Allison Wilcox Story 1993 Dr Quinn Medicine Woman 1993 Sisters 1993 Come the Morning 1993 Loving 1992 Highway Heartbreaker 1992 Grand Slam 1990 Grand Slam 1990 Ministry of Vengeance 1989 Paradise 1989 Speed Zone 1989 Wild Jack 1989 Outback Bound 1988 Christmas Comes to Willow Creek 1987 The Curse 1987 Stagecoach 1986 Cocaine Wars 1985 Gus Brown and Midnight Brewster 1985 The Dukes of Hazzard 1979 1985 Eddie Macon s Run 1983 Happy Endings 1983 The Dukes 1983 The Raccoons and the Lost Star 1983 Dream House 1981 The Midnight Special 13 Mart 1981 Smokey and the Bandit 1977 Diskografi albumleri John Schneider 2010 da1981 Now or Never 1981 White Christmas 1982 Quiet Man 1983 If You Believe 1984 Too Good to Stop Now 1985 Tryin to Outrun the Wind 1985 A Memory Like You 1986 Take the Long Way Home 1987 You Ain t Seen the Last of Me 1987 Greatest Hits 1996 Worth the Wait 2009 John s Acoustic Christmas 2010 The PromiseDis baglantilarOfficiell webbplats 13 Eylul 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde IMDb de John SchneiderAmerikali oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz