Marksist-Leninist ateizm ya da bilinen diğer adıyla Marksist-Leninist bilimsel ateizm, Marksizm-Leninizm'in antiklerikal ve dinsizlik unsurudur. Sovyetler Birliği'nin resmi devlet ideolojisi idi.

Diyalektik materyalizm anlayışına dayanarak, insanlığın doğadaki yerini bulmaya çalışır. Marksist-Leninist ateizm, "din halkın afyonudur" görüşünü benimser. Din Karl Marx'a göre, "kalpsiz bir dünyanın sıcaklığı" ve "tinin dışlandığı toplumsal koşulların tini" olmakla olumlu bir işlev gerçekleştirmekte, yani bir uyuşturucu gibi insanları ölümden sonra ruhsal bir ödül verileceği umuduyla nesnel gerçeklikten uzaklaştırarak mutlu etmektedir. Böylece gerçekliği gölgelemekte, insanların "gerçek" mutluluk için mücadele etmesini engellemektedir. Dolayısıyla, Marksizm-Leninizm din inancından ziyade ateizmi savunur.
Marksist-Leninist ateizm, bu önermeleri desteklemek amacıyla dinin kökenini, ayrıca dinin bilimsel eleştirisine yönelik yöntemleri açıklar. Materyalist ateizmin felsefi kökleri, Karl Marx, Ludwig Feuerbach ve Vladimir Lenin'in eserlerinde bulunmaktadır. Sovyet Marksizminin aksine, diğer Marksizm çeşitleri din dışı bir felsefeye sahip değildir. Latin Amerika Marksistleri tarafından geliştirilen kurtuluş teolojisi buna bir örnektir.
Ayrıca bakınız
- ^ Institute of Scientific Atheism of the Academy of Social Sciences (1981). Questions of Scientific Atheism: “Marxist–Leninist atheism, with all its content is directed to the development of the abilities of the individual [person], religion deprives a person of his [and her] own “I”, doubles consciousness, creates conditions for him. . . . “
- ^ Kruglov, Anatoly Agapeevich. (Belarus, 1983). Fundamentals of Scientific Atheism: “The highest form is Marxist–Leninist atheism. * It relies on a materialistic understanding, not only of Nature (which was typical of pre–Marxist atheism) but also of society. . . .
- ^ Институт научного атеизма (Академия общественных наук) (1981). "Вопросы научного атеизма" (Rusça). Изд-во "Мысл".
марксистско-ленинский атеизм всем своим содержанием «аправлен на развитие способностей личности. Религия лишает человека его собственного «я», раздваивает сознание, создает для него условия ...
- ^ In Novaya Zhizn No. 28, 3 December 1905, Marxists Internet Archive 15 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde ., Lenin said that: “Religion is one of the forms of spiritual oppression, which everywhere weighs down heavily upon the masses of the people, over-burdened by their perpetual work for others, by want and isolation . . . Those who toil and live in want all their lives are taught, by religion, to be submissive and patient while here on Earth, and to take comfort in the hope of a heavenly reward. . . . Religion is opium for the people. Religion is a sort of spiritual booze, in which the slaves of capital drown their human image, their demand for a life more or less worthy of Man.” Marxists Internet Archive 15 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- ^ Thrower, James (1983). Marxist-Leninist "scientific Atheism" and the Study of Religion and Atheism in the USSR (İngilizce). Walter de Gruyter. ISBN .
As an integral part of the Marxist–Leninist world-view, ‘scientific atheism’ is grounded in the view of the world and of Man enshrined in dialectical [materialism] and historical materialism: The study of scientific atheism brings to light an integral part of the Marxist–Leninist world-view. Being a philosophical science, scientific atheism emanates from the basic tenets of dialectical and historical materialism, both in explaining the origin of religion, and its scientific criticism of [religion]. (ibid., p. 272.)
- ^ Slovak Studies, Volume 21. The Slovak Institute in North America. p. 231. "The origin of Marxist–Leninist atheism, as understood in the USSR, is linked with the development of the German philosophy of Hegel and Feuerbach."
- ^ Richard L. Rubenstein, John K. Roth (1988). The Politics of Latin American Liberation Theology. Washington Institute Press. ISBN .
There were, however, Marxist voices that pointed out the disadvantages of such antireligious policies.
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Marksist Leninist ateizm ya da bilinen diger adiyla Marksist Leninist bilimsel ateizm Marksizm Leninizm in antiklerikal ve dinsizlik unsurudur Sovyetler Birligi nin resmi devlet ideolojisi idi Sovyetler Birligi ndeki Militan Ateistler Birligi nin uyelik kitapcigi Diyalektik materyalizm anlayisina dayanarak insanligin dogadaki yerini bulmaya calisir Marksist Leninist ateizm din halkin afyonudur gorusunu benimser Din Karl Marx a gore kalpsiz bir dunyanin sicakligi ve tinin dislandigi toplumsal kosullarin tini olmakla olumlu bir islev gerceklestirmekte yani bir uyusturucu gibi insanlari olumden sonra ruhsal bir odul verilecegi umuduyla nesnel gerceklikten uzaklastirarak mutlu etmektedir Boylece gercekligi golgelemekte insanlarin gercek mutluluk icin mucadele etmesini engellemektedir Dolayisiyla Marksizm Leninizm din inancindan ziyade ateizmi savunur Marksist Leninist ateizm bu onermeleri desteklemek amaciyla dinin kokenini ayrica dinin bilimsel elestirisine yonelik yontemleri aciklar Materyalist ateizmin felsefi kokleri Karl Marx Ludwig Feuerbach ve Vladimir Lenin in eserlerinde bulunmaktadir Sovyet Marksizminin aksine diger Marksizm cesitleri din disi bir felsefeye sahip degildir Latin Amerika Marksistleri tarafindan gelistirilen kurtulus teolojisi buna bir ornektir Ayrica bakinizDin ve Marksizm Devlet ateizmiKaynakca Institute of Scientific Atheism of the Academy of Social Sciences 1981 Questions of Scientific Atheism Marxist Leninist atheism with all its content is directed to the development of the abilities of the individual person religion deprives a person of his and her own I doubles consciousness creates conditions for him Kruglov Anatoly Agapeevich Belarus 1983 Fundamentals of Scientific Atheism The highest form is Marxist Leninist atheism It relies on a materialistic understanding not only of Nature which was typical of pre Marxist atheism but also of society Institut nauchnogo ateizma Akademiya obshestvennyh nauk 1981 Voprosy nauchnogo ateizma Rusca Izd vo Mysl marksistsko leninskij ateizm vsem svoim soderzhaniem apravlen na razvitie sposobnostej lichnosti Religiya lishaet cheloveka ego sobstvennogo ya razdvaivaet soznanie sozdaet dlya nego usloviya Eksik ya da bos url yardim In Novaya Zhizn No 28 3 December 1905 Marxists Internet Archive 15 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Lenin said that Religion is one of the forms of spiritual oppression which everywhere weighs down heavily upon the masses of the people over burdened by their perpetual work for others by want and isolation Those who toil and live in want all their lives are taught by religion to be submissive and patient while here on Earth and to take comfort in the hope of a heavenly reward Religion is opium for the people Religion is a sort of spiritual booze in which the slaves of capital drown their human image their demand for a life more or less worthy of Man Marxists Internet Archive 15 Temmuz 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Thrower James 1983 Marxist Leninist scientific Atheism and the Study of Religion and Atheism in the USSR Ingilizce Walter de Gruyter ISBN 9789027930606 As an integral part of the Marxist Leninist world view scientific atheism is grounded in the view of the world and of Man enshrined in dialectical materialism and historical materialism The study of scientific atheism brings to light an integral part of the Marxist Leninist world view Being a philosophical science scientific atheism emanates from the basic tenets of dialectical and historical materialism both in explaining the origin of religion and its scientific criticism of religion ibid p 272 Slovak Studies Volume 21 The Slovak Institute in North America p 231 The origin of Marxist Leninist atheism as understood in the USSR is linked with the development of the German philosophy of Hegel and Feuerbach Richard L Rubenstein John K Roth 1988 The Politics of Latin American Liberation Theology Washington Institute Press ISBN 0 88702 040 2 There were however Marxist voices that pointed out the disadvantages of such antireligious policies Sovyetler Birligi ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz