Martin Sheen (d. 3 Ağustos 1940) Emmy ve Altın Küre Ödülü sahibi Amerikalı oyuncudur. Kendisi en çok Apocalypse Now filmindeki Yüzbaşı Willard rolüyle ve The West Wing isimli TV dizisindeki Başkan Josiah Bartlet rolüyle ünlüdür. Emilio Estevez, Ramon Luis Estevez, Renee Estevez ve Charlie Sheen (Carlos Estevez) isimli 4 çocuğu vardır ve hepsi oyuncudurlar. Kendisi Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn gibi Irak savaşı karşıtı sinemacılardandır.
Martin Sheen | |
![]() Martin Sheen The West Wing dizisinin setinde | |
Doğum | Ramón Gerardo Antonio Estévez 3 Ağustos 1940 Dayton, Ohio, ABD |
Evlilik | Janet Templeton (1961-günümüz) |
Çocuk(lar) | Emilio Estévez Ramón Luis Estévez Charlie Sheen Renée Estévez |
Ödüller | 1978 The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane Hollywood Walk of Fame |
İmza | |
![]() |
Yaşam öyküsü
Sheen İrlanda göçmeni Mary Ann ve Parderrubias Galiçya kökenli fabrika işçisi Francisco Estévez'in oğulları olarak Dayton, Ohio'da doğdu.
Bazı filmleri
Yıl | İsim | Rol | Not veya Yönetmen |
1966 | Cock Hammer | ||
Kilroy | TV filmi | ||
1967 | The Incident | Artie Connors | TV filmi |
1968 | Timmy Cleary | Ulu Grosbard | |
1970 | Birinci Teğmen Dobbs | Mike Nichols | |
1970 | Kaptan Williams | TV filmi | |
1971 | Jules | TV filmi | |
Gordon | TV filmi | ||
Welcome Home, Johnny Bristol | Graytak | ||
1972 | No Drums, No Bugles | Ashby Gatrell | Clyde Ware |
Pickup on 101 | Les | John Florea | |
Maj. Holliford | George C. Scott | ||
1973 | When the Line Goes Through | Bluff Jackson | Clyde Ware |
Kit Carruthers | Terrence Malick | ||
Catholics | Father Kinsella | Jack Gold | |
1974 | The Legend of Earl Durand | Luther Sykes | John Patterson |
1974 | Michael McCord | Richard T. Heffron | |
1976 | The Cassandra Crossing | Robby Navarro | George P. Cosmatos |
The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane | Frank Hallet | Nicolas Gessner | |
1979 | Apocalypse Now | Yüzbaşı Benjamin L. Willard | Francis Ford Coppola |
Eagle's Wing | Pike | Anthony Harvey | |
1980 | The Final Countdown | Warren Lasky | Don Taylor |
1981 | Stephen Booker | John Quested | |
1982 | Gandhi | Vince Walker | Richard Attenborough |
Tom Daley | Jason Miller | ||
1983 | Alex Holbeck | Jeannot Szwarc | |
In the King of Prussia | Judge Samuel Salus II | Emile de Antonio | |
Robert Beckwith | Dick Richards | ||
The Dead Zone | Greg Stillson | David Cronenberg | |
1984 | Captain Hollister | Mark L. Lester | |
1985 | Anlatıcı | Maria Florio, Victoria Mudd | |
In the Name of the People | Anlatıcı | Frank Christopher | |
The Fourth Wise Man | Artaban | Michael Ray Rhodes | |
1986 | A State of Emergency | Dr. Alex Carmody | Richard C. Bennett |
1987 | Cal Jamison | John Schlesinger | |
Siesta | Del | Mary Lambert | |
1987 | Wall Street | Carl Fox | Oliver Stone |
1988 | Walking After Midnight | Kendisi (Belgesel) | Jonathon Kay |
1993 | Robert E. Lee | Ronald F. Maxwell | |
1995 | The American President | Chief of Staff A.J. McInnerney | Rob Reiner |
1997 | Anlatıcı | Robbie Leppzer | |
1998 | No Code of Conduct | Bill Peterson | Bret Michaels |
1999-2006 | The West Wing | Aaron Sorkin | |
2002 | Catch Me If You Can | Roger Strong | Steven Spielberg |
2006 | The Departed | Oliver Queenan | Martin Scorsese |
Bobby | Jack Stevens | Emilio Estevez | |
2007 | E.G. Sonderling | Kasi Lemmons | |
2008 | TBA | Brandon Camp | |
2009 | |||
2010 | Tom Avery | Emilio Estevez | |
2012 | İnanılmaz Örümcek Adam | Ben Parker | Marc Webb |
Diğer filmleri
- Not:TV filmleri dâhil değildir
- Özel
- ^ "Arşivlenmiş kopya". 4 Kasım 2012 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 29 Ekim 2012.
Dış bağlantılar
- IMDb'de Martin Sheen
- Martin Sheen at MartinSheen.Net 26 Ocak 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Actor's Photo Gallery focusing on over 100 film and television roles and Library of articles and interviews.
- The Progressive magazine interview19 Mart 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . including Sheen's views on faith, civil disobedience, abortion and pacifism.
- article at
- PBS interview with audio clips 12 Şubat 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .: Martin Sheen on Poverty, Faith and Social Activism
- 2001 NPR Interview 24 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . about his experiences filming Apocalypse Now
- Video and audio of
- in the "confessional" on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, February 14 2005
- World Can't Wait website 12 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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Martin Sheen d 3 Agustos 1940 Emmy ve Altin Kure Odulu sahibi Amerikali oyuncudur Kendisi en cok Apocalypse Now filmindeki Yuzbasi Willard roluyle ve The West Wing isimli TV dizisindeki Baskan Josiah Bartlet roluyle unludur Emilio Estevez Ramon Luis Estevez Renee Estevez ve Charlie Sheen Carlos Estevez isimli 4 cocugu vardir ve hepsi oyuncudurlar Kendisi Susan Sarandon Sean Penn gibi Irak savasi karsiti sinemacilardandir Martin SheenMartin Sheen The West Wing dizisinin setindeDogumRamon Gerardo Antonio Estevez 3 Agustos 1940 83 yasinda Dayton Ohio ABDEvlilikJanet Templeton 1961 gunumuz Cocuk lar Emilio Estevez Ramon Luis Estevez Charlie Sheen Renee EstevezOduller1978 The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane Hollywood Walk of FameImzaYasam oykusuGencligi Sheen Irlanda gocmeni Mary Ann ve Parderrubias Galicya kokenli fabrika iscisi Francisco Estevez in ogullari olarak Dayton Ohio da dogdu Bazi filmleriYil Isim Rol Not veya Yonetmen1966 Cock HammerKilroy TV filmi1967 The Incident Artie Connors TV filmi1968 Timmy Cleary Ulu Grosbard1970 Birinci Tegmen Dobbs Mike Nichols1970 Kaptan Williams TV filmi1971 Jules TV filmiGordon TV filmiWelcome Home Johnny Bristol Graytak1972 No Drums No Bugles Ashby Gatrell Clyde WarePickup on 101 Les John FloreaMaj Holliford George C Scott1973 When the Line Goes Through Bluff Jackson Clyde WareKit Carruthers Terrence MalickCatholics Father Kinsella Jack Gold1974 The Legend of Earl Durand Luther Sykes John Patterson1974 Michael McCord Richard T Heffron1976 The Cassandra Crossing Robby Navarro George P CosmatosThe Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane Frank Hallet Nicolas Gessner1979 Apocalypse Now Yuzbasi Benjamin L Willard Francis Ford CoppolaEagle s Wing Pike Anthony Harvey1980 The Final Countdown Warren Lasky Don Taylor1981 Stephen Booker John Quested1982 Gandhi Vince Walker Richard AttenboroughTom Daley Jason Miller1983 Alex Holbeck Jeannot SzwarcIn the King of Prussia Judge Samuel Salus II Emile de AntonioRobert Beckwith Dick RichardsThe Dead Zone Greg Stillson David Cronenberg1984 Captain Hollister Mark L Lester1985 Anlatici Maria Florio Victoria MuddIn the Name of the People Anlatici Frank ChristopherThe Fourth Wise Man Artaban Michael Ray Rhodes1986 A State of Emergency Dr Alex Carmody Richard C Bennett1987 Cal Jamison John SchlesingerSiesta Del Mary Lambert1987 Wall Street Carl Fox Oliver Stone1988 Walking After Midnight Kendisi Belgesel Jonathon Kay1993 Robert E Lee Ronald F Maxwell1995 The American President Chief of Staff A J McInnerney Rob Reiner1997 Anlatici Robbie Leppzer1998 No Code of Conduct Bill Peterson Bret Michaels1999 2006 The West Wing Aaron Sorkin2002 Catch Me If You Can Roger Strong Steven Spielberg2006 The Departed Oliver Queenan Martin ScorseseBobby Jack Stevens Emilio Estevez2007 E G Sonderling Kasi Lemmons2008 TBA Brandon Camp20092010 Tom Avery Emilio Estevez2012 Inanilmaz Orumcek Adam Ben Parker Marc WebbDiger filmleriNot TV filmleri dahil degildir 1988 1988 Marked for Murder 1989 Cold Front 1989 1989 Nightbreaker 1989 Beyond the Stars 1989 1990 ayrica yonetmen Touch and Die 1991 1991 JFK 1991 Anlatici 1992 Original Intent 1992 When the Bough Breaks 1993 My Home My Prison 1993 anlatici ve film belgesel The Killing Box 1993 Fortunes of War 1993 Hear No Evil 1993 Hot Shots Part Deux 1993 cameo 1993 Trigger Fast 1994 Hits 1994 Boca 1994 Sacred Cargo 1995 Dillinger and Capone 1995 Captain Nuke and the Bomber Boys 1995 A Hundred and One Nights of Simon Cinema 1995 The Break 1995 1995 1995 1995 The War at Home 1996 Entertaining Angels The Dorothy Day Story 1996 187 Documented 1997 Belgesel Anlatici 1997 belgesel anlatici Truth or Consequences N M 1997 1997 belgesel anlatici Spawn 1997 Taylor s Campaign 1998 belgesel anlatici Stranger in the Kingdom 1998 Holes in Heaven 1998 belgesel anlatici Gunfighter 1998 Snitch 1998 Shadrach 1998 anlatici A Letter from Death Row 1998 cameo Free Money 1998 No Code of Conduct 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 Storm 1999 A Texas Funeral 1999 The Papp Project 2001 belgesel 2001 Stockpile 2001 belgesel anlatici The Making of Bret Michaels 2002 belgesel Tibet Cry of the Snow Lion 2002 belgesel anlatici Catch Me if You Can 2002 Hidden in Plain Sight 2003 belgesel anlatici Mercy of the Sea 2003 The Commission 2003 Tell Them Who You Are 2004 belgesel anlatici Jerusalemski sindrom 2004 On the Line Dissent in an Age of Terrorism 2005 James Dean Forever Young 2005 belgesel anlatici 2006 belgesel anlatici Between Iraq and a Hard Place 2006 belgesel anlatici Bobby 2006 The Departed 2006 2007 2007 Flatland The Movie 2007 ses 2008 ses KaynakcaOzel Arsivlenmis kopya 4 Kasim 2012 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 29 Ekim 2012 Dis baglantilarIMDb de Martin Sheen Martin Sheen at MartinSheen Net 26 Ocak 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Actor s Photo Gallery focusing on over 100 film and television roles and Library of articles and interviews The Progressive magazine interview19 Mart 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde including Sheen s views on faith civil disobedience abortion and pacifism article at AmericanCatholic org PBS interview with audio clips 12 Subat 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Martin Sheen on Poverty Faith and Social Activism 2001 NPR Interview 24 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde about his experiences filming Apocalypse Now Video and audio of in the confessional on The Ellen DeGeneres Show February 14 2005 World Can t Wait website 12 Mayis 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde