Matthew Arnold (d. 24 Aralık 1822, Laleham, Middlesex; ö. 15 Nisan 1888, Liverpool), İngiliz şair ve kültür eleştirmeni. Kültür eleştirmeni olarak edebiyatta büyük etkisi oldu. Arnold, Rugby School'un tanınmış müdürü 'un oğlu ve edebiyat profesörü ve roman yazarı kardeşiydi.

- Alaric at Rome. A Prize Poem (1840)
- Cromwell. A Prize Poem (1843)
- The Strayed Reveller and Other Poems (1849)
- Empedocles on Etna and Other Poems (1852, 1900)
- Poems. A New Edition (1853)
- Poems. Second Series (1855)
- Merope. A Tragedy (1858)
- New Poems (1867)
- A Matthew Arnold Birthday Book (1883)
- The Works of Matthew Arnold (h1903)
- The Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold (1950)
- The Poems of Matthew Arnold (1965)
Deneme, kültür eleştirisi ve diğerleri
- England and the Italian Question (1859)
- The Popular Education of France, with Notices of That of Holland and Switzerland (1861)
- On Translating Homer. Three Lectures Given at Oxford (1861)
- On Translating Homer. Last Words. A Lecture Given at Oxford (1862)
- Heinrich Heine (1863)
- A French Eton; or, Middle Class Education and the State (1864)
- Essays in Criticism (1865)
- Schools and Universities on the Continent (1867)
- On the Modern Element in Literature (1869)
- Culture and Anarchy. An Essay in Political and Social Criticism (1869)
- Literature and Dogma. An Essay towards a Better Apprehension of the Bible (1873)
- Higher Schools and Universities in Germany (1874)
- God and the Bible. A Review of Objections to „Literature and Dogma“ (1875)
- Last Essays on Church and Religion (1877)
- Mixed Essays (1879)
- The Study of Poetry (1880)
- Irish Essays, and Others (1882)
- Friendship's Garland Being the Conversations, Letters and Opinions of the Late Arminius, Baron von Thunder-ten-Tronckh (1883)
- On the Study of Celtic Literature (1883)
- St. Paul and Protestantism; with an Introduction on Puritanism and the Church of England (1883)
- Culture and Anarchy (1883)
- Discourses in America (1885)
- Charles Augustin Sainte-Beuve. Encyclopedia Britannica'dan, dokuzuncu baskı, IX: Sayfalar 162-165 (1886)
- Education Department (1886) Special Report on Certain Points Connected with Elementary Education in Germany, Switzerland, and France
- General Grant. An Estimate (1887)
- Schools. In The Reign of Queen Victoria (1887)
- Essays in Criticism. Second Series (1888)
- Civilization in the United States. First and Last Impressions of America (1888)
- Reports on Elementary Schools 1852-1882 (1889)
Yayımcılığını yaptığı eserler
- A Bible-Reading for Schools. The Great Prophecy of Israel's Restoration (1872)
- Isaiah XLLXVI; with the Shorter Prophecies Allied to It (1875)
- The Six Chief Lives from Johnson's „Lives of the Poets,“ with Macaulay's „Life of Johnson“ (1878)
- (Vorwort) The Hundred Greatest Men. Portraits of the One Hundred Greatest Men of History (1879)
- Poems of Wordsworth (1879)
- Letters, Speeches and Tracts on Irish Affairs by Edmund Burke (1881)
- Poetry of Byron (1881)
- „Isaiah of Jerusalem“, sonradan eklenmiş giriş bölümü, düzeltmeler ve yorumlar ile (1883)
Dış bağlantılar
- Matthew Arnold biyografisi27 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . (İngilizce)
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Matthew Arnold d 24 Aralik 1822 Laleham Middlesex o 15 Nisan 1888 Liverpool Ingiliz sair ve kultur elestirmeni Kultur elestirmeni olarak edebiyatta buyuk etkisi oldu Arnold Rugby School un taninmis muduru un oglu ve edebiyat profesoru ve roman yazari kardesiydi Matthew Arnold EserleriSiir Alaric at Rome A Prize Poem 1840 Cromwell A Prize Poem 1843 The Strayed Reveller and Other Poems 1849 Empedocles on Etna and Other Poems 1852 1900 Poems A New Edition 1853 Poems Second Series 1855 Merope A Tragedy 1858 New Poems 1867 A Matthew Arnold Birthday Book 1883 The Works of Matthew Arnold h1903 The Poetical Works of Matthew Arnold 1950 The Poems of Matthew Arnold 1965 Deneme kultur elestirisi ve digerleri England and the Italian Question 1859 The Popular Education of France with Notices of That of Holland and Switzerland 1861 On Translating Homer Three Lectures Given at Oxford 1861 On Translating Homer Last Words A Lecture Given at Oxford 1862 Heinrich Heine 1863 A French Eton or Middle Class Education and the State 1864 Essays in Criticism 1865 Schools and Universities on the Continent 1867 On the Modern Element in Literature 1869 Culture and Anarchy An Essay in Political and Social Criticism 1869 Literature and Dogma An Essay towards a Better Apprehension of the Bible 1873 Higher Schools and Universities in Germany 1874 God and the Bible A Review of Objections to Literature and Dogma 1875 Last Essays on Church and Religion 1877 Mixed Essays 1879 The Study of Poetry 1880 Irish Essays and Others 1882 Friendship s Garland Being the Conversations Letters and Opinions of the Late Arminius Baron von Thunder ten Tronckh 1883 On the Study of Celtic Literature 1883 St Paul and Protestantism with an Introduction on Puritanism and the Church of England 1883 Culture and Anarchy 1883 Discourses in America 1885 Charles Augustin Sainte Beuve Encyclopedia Britannica dan dokuzuncu baski IX Sayfalar 162 165 1886 Education Department 1886 Special Report on Certain Points Connected with Elementary Education in Germany Switzerland and France General Grant An Estimate 1887 Schools In The Reign of Queen Victoria 1887 Essays in Criticism Second Series 1888 Civilization in the United States First and Last Impressions of America 1888 Reports on Elementary Schools 1852 1882 1889 Yayimciligini yaptigi eserler A Bible Reading for Schools The Great Prophecy of Israel s Restoration 1872 Isaiah XLLXVI with the Shorter Prophecies Allied to It 1875 The Six Chief Lives from Johnson s Lives of the Poets with Macaulay s Life of Johnson 1878 Vorwort The Hundred Greatest Men Portraits of the One Hundred Greatest Men of History 1879 Poems of Wordsworth 1879 Letters Speeches and Tracts on Irish Affairs by Edmund Burke 1881 Poetry of Byron 1881 Isaiah of Jerusalem sonradan eklenmis giris bolumu duzeltmeler ve yorumlar ile 1883 Dis baglantilarMatthew Arnold biyografisi27 Ocak 2010 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ingilizce Bir Ingiliz yazar ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz Bir Ingiliz sair ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz