Nazi mimarisi, Nasyonal Sosyalist Alman İşçi Partisi’nin egemen olduğu 1933 ile 1945 arası Nazi Almanyası’nda hüküm süren mimari akımlar ve uygulamalar bütünüdür.

Roma İmparatorluğu’na hayran olan Adolf Hitler, Romalıları da ari ırk olarak kabul edip; onların stillerinden etkilenen ve neoklasik ve art deco mimari yapıların yapılmasını teşvik etmiştir. Dönemin totaliter rejimlerinden en başında gelen Nazi Almanyası; ideolojisinin ruhuna uygun olarak totaliter ve anıtsal yapılar ya inşa etmiştir ya da Welthauptstadt Germania gibi ütopik ve totaliter anıtsal projeler yapmayı planlamıştır.
Nazi mimarisine katkıda bulunanlar

Konu hakkında yayınlanan kitaplar
- Baynes, Norman H. The Speeches of Adolf Hitler, April 1922-August 1939, V1 & V2. London: Oxford University Press, 1942. V1 - V2 -
- Cowdery, Ray and Josephine. The New German Reichschancellery in Berlin 1938-1945
- De Jaeger, Charles. The Linz File, New York: Henry Holt & Co, 1982. .
- Giesler, Hermann. Ein Anderer Hitler: Bericht Seines Architekten Erlebnisse, Gesprache, Reflexionen, 2nd Edition (Illustrated), Druffel, 1977. .
- Helmer, Stephen. Hitler's Berlin: The Speer Plans for Reshaping the Central City (Illustrated). Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1985. .
- Hitler, Adolf. Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944: His Private Conversations, 3rd Edition. New York: Enigma Books, 2000. .
- Homze, Edward L. Foreign Labor in Nazi Germany. New Jersey, Princeton University Press, 1967. .
- Jaskot, Paul. The Architecture of Oppression: The SS, Forced Labor and the Nazi Monumental Building Economy. New York: Routledge, 2000.
- Krier, Leon. Albert Speer Architecture. New York: Princeton Architectural Press, 1989. .
- Lärmer, Karl. Autobahnbau in Deutschland 1933 bis 1945. Berlin: 1975.
- Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut. Art under a Dictatorship (Illustrated). New York: Octagon Books, 1973. .
- Lehrer, Steven. The Reich Chancellery and Fuhrerbunker Complex
- Petsch, Joachim. Baukunst Und Stadtplanung Im Dritten Reich: Herleitung, Bestandsaufnahme, Entwicklung, Nachfolge (Illustrated). C. Hanser, 1976. .
- Rittich, Werner, Architektur und Bauplastik der Gegenwart, published by Rembrandt-Verlag G.M.B.H., Berlin, 1938
- Schönberger, Angela. Die Neue Reichskanzlei Von Albert Speer, Berlin: Mann, 1981. .
- Scobie, Alexander. Hitler's State Architecture: The Impact of Classical Antiquity. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1990. .
- Schmitz, Matthias. A Nation Builds: Contemporary German Architecture. New York: German Library of Information, 1940.
- Speer, Albert. Inside The Third Reich. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1970. .
- Spotts, Frederic. Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 2002.
- Taylor, Robert. Word in Stone: The Role of Architecture in the National Socialist Ideology. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1974. .
- Thies, Jochen. Hitlers Stadte: Baupolitik Im Dritten Reich E. Dokumentation (Illustrated). Wird verschickt aus, Germany: Böhlau Köln, 1978. .
- Thies, Jochen. Architekt der Weltherrschaft. Die Endziele Hitlers. 1982. .
- Zoller, Albert von. Hitler privat, 1949. ISBN B0000BPY63.
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Nazi mimarisi Nasyonal Sosyalist Alman Isci Partisi nin egemen oldugu 1933 ile 1945 arasi Nazi Almanyasi nda hukum suren mimari akimlar ve uygulamalar butunudur Adolf Hitler in Albert Speer ile birlikte Berlin icin tasarladigi Welthauptstadt Germania projesi Roma Imparatorlugu na hayran olan Adolf Hitler Romalilari da ari irk olarak kabul edip onlarin stillerinden etkilenen ve neoklasik ve art deco mimari yapilarin yapilmasini tesvik etmistir Donemin totaliter rejimlerinden en basinda gelen Nazi Almanyasi ideolojisinin ruhuna uygun olarak totaliter ve anitsal yapilar ya insa etmistir ya da Welthauptstadt Germania gibi utopik ve totaliter anitsal projeler yapmayi planlamistir Nazi mimarisine katkida bulunanlarInsa Edilmemis VolkshalleUcaksavar Kulesi Viyana AvusturyaPaul Bonatz Peter Behrens Alfred Rosenberg Albert Speer Fritz Todt Paul Troost Rudolf WoltersKonu hakkinda yayinlanan kitaplarBaynes Norman H The Speeches of Adolf Hitler April 1922 August 1939 V1 amp V2 London Oxford University Press 1942 V1 ISBN 0 598 75893 3 V2 ISBN 0 598 75894 1 Cowdery Ray and Josephine The New German Reichschancellery in Berlin 1938 1945 De Jaeger Charles The Linz File New York Henry Holt amp Co 1982 ISBN 0 03 061463 5 Giesler Hermann Ein Anderer Hitler Bericht Seines Architekten Erlebnisse Gesprache Reflexionen 2nd Edition Illustrated Druffel 1977 ISBN 3 8061 0820 X Helmer Stephen Hitler s Berlin The Speer Plans for Reshaping the Central City Illustrated Ann Arbor UMI Research Press 1985 ISBN 0 8357 1682 1 Hitler Adolf Hitler s Table Talk 1941 1944 His Private Conversations 3rd Edition New York Enigma Books 2000 ISBN 1 929631 05 7 Homze Edward L Foreign Labor in Nazi Germany New Jersey Princeton University Press 1967 ISBN 0 691 05118 6 Jaskot Paul The Architecture of Oppression The SS Forced Labor and the Nazi Monumental Building Economy New York Routledge 2000 Krier Leon Albert Speer Architecture New York Princeton Architectural Press 1989 ISBN 2 87143 006 3 Larmer Karl Autobahnbau in Deutschland 1933 bis 1945 Berlin 1975 Lehmann Haupt Hellmut Art under a Dictatorship Illustrated New York Octagon Books 1973 ISBN 0 374 94896 8 Lehrer Steven The Reich Chancellery and Fuhrerbunker Complex Petsch Joachim Baukunst Und Stadtplanung Im Dritten Reich Herleitung Bestandsaufnahme Entwicklung Nachfolge Illustrated C Hanser 1976 ISBN 3 446 12279 6 Rittich Werner Architektur und Bauplastik der Gegenwart published by Rembrandt Verlag G M B H Berlin 1938 Schonberger Angela Die Neue Reichskanzlei Von Albert Speer Berlin Mann 1981 ISBN 3 7861 1263 0 Scobie Alexander Hitler s State Architecture The Impact of Classical Antiquity University Park Pennsylvania State University Press 1990 ISBN 0 271 00691 9 Schmitz Matthias A Nation Builds Contemporary German Architecture New York German Library of Information 1940 Speer Albert Inside The Third Reich New York The Macmillan Company 1970 ISBN 0 02 037500 X Spotts Frederic Hitler and the Power of Aesthetics Woodstock NY Overlook Press 2002 ISBN 1 58567 345 5 Taylor Robert Word in Stone The Role of Architecture in the National Socialist Ideology Berkeley University of California Press 1974 ISBN 0 520 02193 2 Thies Jochen Hitlers Stadte Baupolitik Im Dritten Reich E Dokumentation Illustrated Wird verschickt aus Germany Bohlau Koln 1978 ISBN 3 412 03477 0 Thies Jochen Architekt der Weltherrschaft Die Endziele Hitlers 1982 ISBN 3 7700 0425 6 Zoller Albert von Hitler privat 1949 ISBN B0000BPY63 Ayrica bakinizFuhrermuseum