Regong sanatları (ya da Rebgong sanatları), Tibet Budizmi konusunda popüler sanatlardır. Bunlar resim, heykel, gravür, mimari ve nakıştır. Onlar, Tongren İlçesindeki ve Çin'in Qinghai eyaletindeki mevcut Huangnan Tibet Özerk Bölgesi'ni geçen Rongwo nehri boyunca yer alan topluluklarla ilişkilidir.
Regong arts | |
The Thangka | |
Ülke | China |
Kaynak | 00 |
Bölge | Asia and Pacific |
Tescil geçmişi | |
Tescil | 2009 |
Regong sanatları, 2009 yılında somut olmayan kültürel mirası temsil eden listeye dahil edilmiştir.

Regong sanatlarının kökenleri 10. yüzyıla kadar uzanır
Farklı Regong Resimleri
- The thangka, also called "tangka", "thanka", or "tanka" (pronunciation : ), literally something which is unrolled, is a painting on canvas characteristic of Tibetan culture. Canvases of all sizes can be found, from thangka portraits which can be unrolled due to two sticks passing through eyelets, up to momentous designed to be unrolled to cover a wall or door, which can measure dozens of metres. The thangkas generally represent mystic symbols (mandala), divinities of Tibetan Buddhism or Bon, or portraits of the Dalai Lama. They are often used as support for meditation.
- The Dui tapestries (duixiu) or barbola are pictures of animals and plants, decorated on silk, which creates a relief. These can be used to decorate columns or on walls.
- Regong sculptures can be made of clay, wood, stone or brick, and decorate temples and homes; mural panels, furniture, or tables for serving tea.
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- Tibet kültürü
- Tibet sanatı
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Regong sanatlari ya da Rebgong sanatlari Tibet Budizmi konusunda populer sanatlardir Bunlar resim heykel gravur mimari ve nakistir Onlar Tongren Ilcesindeki ve Cin in Qinghai eyaletindeki mevcut Huangnan Tibet Ozerk Bolgesi ni gecen Rongwo nehri boyunca yer alan topluluklarla iliskilidir Regong artsUNESCO Somut Olmayan Kulturel MirasiThe ThangkaUlkeChinaKaynak00BolgeAsia and PacificTescil gecmisiTescil2009 Regong sanatlari 2009 yilinda somut olmayan kulturel mirasi temsil eden listeye dahil edilmistir TarihRongwo Manastiri ndaki Heykel Regong sanatlarinin kokenleri 10 yuzyila kadar uzanirFarkli Regong ResimleriThe thangka also called tangka thanka or tanka pronunciation literally something which is unrolled is a painting on canvas characteristic of Tibetan culture Canvases of all sizes can be found from thangka portraits which can be unrolled due to two sticks passing through eyelets up to momentous designed to be unrolled to cover a wall or door which can measure dozens of metres The thangkas generally represent mystic symbols mandala divinities of Tibetan Buddhism or Bon or portraits of the Dalai Lama They are often used as support for meditation The Dui tapestries duixiu or barbola are pictures of animals and plants decorated on silk which creates a relief These can be used to decorate columns or on walls Regong sculptures can be made of clay wood stone or brick and decorate temples and homes mural panels furniture or tables for serving tea Notlar ve ReferanslarAyrica bakinizBaglantili makaleler Tibet kulturu Tibet sanati