Templum Domini(İbranicesinin Vulgata çevirisi: İbranice: 'הֵיכָל ה " YHVH Tapınağı"), Haçlılar tarafından Kudüs'teki Kubbetü's-Sahre için kullanılan bir addı.Kudüs Hristiyan Krallığı altında basılan sikkelerde tasvir edilen Kudüs'ün önemli bir sembolü haline geldi.
- ^ Drawing from T. A. Archer, The Crusades: The Story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem (1894), p. 176. The design with the two knights on a horse and the inscription SIGILLVM MILITVM XRISTI is attested in 1191; see Jochen Burgtorf, The central convent of Hospitallers and Templars: history, organization, and personnel (1099/1120-1310), Volume 50 of History of warfare (2008), , pp. 545–546.
- ^ The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: Volume 3, The City of Jerusalem. 1993. ISBN .
- ^ Remembering the Crusades: Myth, Image, and Identity (İngilizce). JHU Press. 2 Mart 2012. ISBN .
- ^ A Brief Description of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem and Other Christian Churches in the Holy City: With Some Account of the Mediaeval Copies of the Holy Sepulchre Surviving in Europe (İngilizce). Cambridge University Press. 31 Ekim 2010. ISBN .
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Templum Domini Ibranicesinin Vulgata cevirisi Ibranice ה יכ ל ה YHVH Tapinagi Haclilar tarafindan Kudus teki Kubbetu s Sahre icin kullanilan bir addi Kudus Hristiyan Kralligi altinda basilan sikkelerde tasvir edilen Kudus un onemli bir sembolu haline geldi Arka yuzunde Kubbetu s Sahre yi gosteren Hacli doneminin Tapinak Sovalyeleri MuhruSuleyman Mabedi anakronistik bir sekilde Bati ikonografisinde Kubbetu s Sahre olarak tasvir edildi burada Luccali Salvatore amp Giandomenico Marescandoli nin bir baskisi gorunuyor 1600 Kaynakca Drawing from T A Archer The Crusades The Story of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 1894 p 176 The design with the two knights on a horse and the inscription SIGILLVM MILITVM XRISTI is attested in 1191 see Jochen Burgtorf The central convent of Hospitallers and Templars history organization and personnel 1099 1120 1310 Volume 50 of History of warfare 2008 978 90 04 16660 8 pp 545 546 The Churches of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem Volume 3 The City of Jerusalem 1993 ISBN 9780521390385 Remembering the Crusades Myth Image and Identity Ingilizce JHU Press 2 Mart 2012 ISBN 9781421406992 A Brief Description of the Holy Sepulchre Jerusalem and Other Christian Churches in the Holy City With Some Account of the Mediaeval Copies of the Holy Sepulchre Surviving in Europe Ingilizce Cambridge University Press 31 Ekim 2010 ISBN 9781108016049