Terry-Thomas (doğum adı: Thomas Terry Hoar Stevens; 14 Temmuz 1911, Londra, İngiltere – 8 Ocak 1990, Godalming, Surrey, İngiltere), İngiliz komedyen ve aktör.

Terry-Thomas 14 Temmuz 1911'de Londra, İngiltere'de doğdu. 1933'te başladığı oyunculuk kariyerini 1991 yılındaki ölümüne kadar sürdürdü.
Yer aldığı başlıca yapımlar arasında; (1956), (1956), (1957), (1959) ve (1959) sayılabilir.
Terry-Thomas ayrıca 1960'lı yıllarda ülkesi İngiltere dışında Amerika Birleşik Devletleri yapımı; , Çılgın Dünya ve gibi filmlerde yer aldı.
Terry-Thomas 1971 yılında ileri derece Parkinson hastalığı'na yakalandı bu hastalığa bağlı nedenlerden 8 Ocak 1990'da Godalming, Surrey, İngiltere'de kaldığı huzur evinde 78 yaşında vefat etti.
- 1948: Date with a Dream
- 1949: Melody Club
- 1956: The Green Man
- 1957: Your Past Is Showing
- 1957: Blue Murder at St. Trinian's
- 1958: Happy Is the Bride
- 1959: I'm All Right Jack
- 1959: Too Many Crooks
- 1959: Man in a Cocked Hat
- 1960: Make Mine Mink
- 1960: School for Scoundrels
- 1961: Bachelor Flat
- 1961: His and Hers
- 1961: A Matter of WHO
- 1962: Kill or Cure
- 1962: Operation Snatch
- 1963: It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
- 1965: How to Murder Your Wife
- 1966: Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die
- 1966: Top Crack
- 1967: Arabella
- 1967: The Perils of Pauline
- 1967: Those Fantastic Flying Fools
- 1968: Don't Raise the Bridge, Lower the River
- 1968: How Sweet It Is!
- 1968: It's Your Move
- 1968: Where Were You When the Lights Went Out?
- 1969: 2000 Years Later
- 1969: Arthur! Arthur!
- 1971: The Abominable Dr. Phibes
- 1972: Colpo grosso... grossissimo... anzi probabile
- 1973: Robin Hood
- 1973: The Vault of Horror
- 1974: Chi ha rubato il tesoro dello scia?
- 1974: The Cherry Picker
- 1975: Side by Side
- 1975: Closed Up-Tight
- 1976: Spanish Fly
- 1976: The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones
- 1978: Kingdom of Gifts
- 1979: La isla de las cabezas
- 1980: Happy Birthday, Harry
Televizyon dizileri
- 1946: Stars in Your Eyes
- 1949: How Do You View?
- 1956: Friday Night with Terry-Thomas
- 1956: My Wildest Dream
- 1956: Strictly T-T
- 1957: The Music Box
- 1957: The Alma Cogan Show
- 1963: Telescope
- 1967: The Old Campaigner
- 1968: Showtime
- 1982: The Human Brain
Televizyon filmleri
- 1951: La belle Hélène
- 1951: Television Christmas Party
- 1953: For Your Pleasure
- 1953: Television Christmas Party
- 1955: Around the Town
- 1956: The Holiday Show
- 1957: Personally Conducted by Eric Robinson
- 1963: The British at Play
- 1963: Terry-Thomas
- 1965: Everybody's Got a System
- 1969: The Peapicker in Piccadilly
- 1981: The Circus World Championships
- 2001: Christine Keeler Sex Bomb
Video filmler
- 2007: Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face
- ^ Passenger & Crew Manifests of Airplanes Arriving at Los Angeles, California; NAI Number: 2788930; Record Group Title: Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1787-2009; Record Group Number: 85
Dış bağlantılar
- Terry-Thomas 25 Mayıs 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . on Pathé News
- Terry-Thomas 25 Mayıs 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . at Aveleyman
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Terry Thomas dogum adi Thomas Terry Hoar Stevens 14 Temmuz 1911 Londra Ingiltere 8 Ocak 1990 Godalming Surrey Ingiltere Ingiliz komedyen ve aktor Terry Thomas 1961 deYasamiTerry Thomas 14 Temmuz 1911 de Londra Ingiltere de dogdu 1933 te basladigi oyunculuk kariyerini 1991 yilindaki olumune kadar surdurdu Yer aldigi baslica yapimlar arasinda 1956 1956 1957 1959 ve 1959 sayilabilir Terry Thomas ayrica 1960 li yillarda ulkesi Ingiltere disinda Amerika Birlesik Devletleri yapimi Cilgin Dunya ve gibi filmlerde yer aldi OlumuTerry Thomas 1971 yilinda ileri derece Parkinson hastaligi na yakalandi bu hastaliga bagli nedenlerden 8 Ocak 1990 da Godalming Surrey Ingiltere de kaldigi huzur evinde 78 yasinda vefat etti FilmografiSinema 1948 Date with a Dream 1949 Melody Club 1956 The Green Man 1957 Your Past Is Showing 1957 Blue Murder at St Trinian s 1958 Happy Is the Bride 1959 I m All Right Jack 1959 Too Many Crooks 1959 Man in a Cocked Hat 1960 Make Mine Mink 1960 School for Scoundrels 1961 Bachelor Flat 1961 His and Hers 1961 A Matter of WHO 1962 Kill or Cure 1962 Operation Snatch 1963 It s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World 1965 How to Murder Your Wife 1966 Kiss the Girls and Make Them Die 1966 Top Crack 1967 Arabella 1967 The Perils of Pauline 1967 Those Fantastic Flying Fools 1968 Don t Raise the Bridge Lower the River 1968 How Sweet It Is 1968 It s Your Move 1968 Where Were You When the Lights Went Out 1969 2000 Years Later 1969 Arthur Arthur 1971 The Abominable Dr Phibes 1972 Colpo grosso grossissimo anzi probabile 1973 Robin Hood 1973 The Vault of Horror 1974 Chi ha rubato il tesoro dello scia 1974 The Cherry Picker 1975 Side by Side 1975 Closed Up Tight 1976 Spanish Fly 1976 The Bawdy Adventures of Tom Jones 1978 Kingdom of Gifts 1979 La isla de las cabezas 1980 Happy Birthday HarryTelevizyon dizileri 1946 Stars in Your Eyes 1949 How Do You View 1956 Friday Night with Terry Thomas 1956 My Wildest Dream 1956 Strictly T T 1957 The Music Box 1957 The Alma Cogan Show 1963 Telescope 1967 The Old Campaigner 1968 Showtime 1982 The Human BrainTelevizyon filmleri 1951 La belle Helene 1951 Television Christmas Party 1953 For Your Pleasure 1953 Television Christmas Party 1955 Around the Town 1956 The Holiday Show 1957 Personally Conducted by Eric Robinson 1963 The British at Play 1963 Terry Thomas 1965 Everybody s Got a System 1969 The Peapicker in Piccadilly 1981 The Circus World Championships 2001 Christine Keeler Sex BombVideo filmler 2007 Phyllis Diller Not Just Another Pretty FaceKaynakca Passenger amp Crew Manifests of Airplanes Arriving at Los Angeles California NAI Number 2788930 Record Group Title Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service 1787 2009 Record Group Number 85Dis baglantilarTerry Thomas 25 Mayis 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde on Pathe News Terry Thomas 25 Mayis 2021 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde at AveleymanIngiliz oyuncu ile ilgili bu madde taslak seviyesindedir Madde icerigini genisleterek Vikipedi ye katki saglayabilirsiniz