Timothy Francis Leary (22 Ekim 1920- 31 Mayıs 1996) Amerikalı yazar, ruhbilimci ve bilgisayar yazılımcısı. Karşıt kültür ikonu olarak özellikle LSD başta olmak üzere psikotrop (uyuşturucu) maddelerin araştırılması ve kullanımını savunmuştur. "Turn on, tune in, drop out." (Aç, ayarla, bırak) olarak bilinen sloganıyla anılmaktadır.
Timothy Leary | |
![]() | |
Doğum | 22 Ekim 1920 Springfield, Massachusetts |
Ölüm | 31 Mayıs 1996 (75 yaşında) Los Angeles, Kaliforniya |
Eğitim | Psikoloji |
Meslek | Yazar, psikolog |
İrlanda kökenli bir Amerikalı diş hekimi babanın oğlu olarak Springfield, Massachusetts de dünyaya gelmiştir. Babası Timoty 13 yaşındayken ailesini terk etti. Springfield düz lisesinde okudu. Üç farklı fakülteye girdi ve hepsinde eğitim aldı. Worcester'da College of the Holy Cross'ta iki yıl öğrenim gördü. 1943 yılında Alabama Üniversitesi Psikoloji bölümünden mezun oldu. New York Times'ta hakkında bir ölüm ilanı çıktı ve disiplin sorunu olduğu söylendi. Ama O II. Dünya Savaşı boyunca Amerikan ordusundaki tıbbi heyette çavuş olarak hizmet ettikten sonra en son diplomasına kavuştu. Daha sonra bir karşı kültür ikonu ve LSD yandaşı olan Leary, Amerikan Kara Harp Akademisi'nden atıldı. 1946 yılında Washington Devlet Üniversitesinde yüksek lisans ve 1950 yılında Kaliforniya Üniversitesinde psikoloji alanında doktora yaptı. 1950-1955 yılları arasında Berkeley'de asistanlık, 1955-1958 yılları arasında Kaiser Aile Vakfı'nda psikiyatrik bir araştırmanın yönetimini ve 1958-1963 yılları arasında Harvard Üniversitesi'nde doçentlik yaptı.
Yaratıcı çalışmalar
- Intelligence Agents. Leary, Timothy. 1996. Ronin Publishing. ()
- Game of Life. Leary, Timothy. 1989. New Falcon Publications. ().
- Change Your Brain. Leary, Timothy. 1988. ()
- Info-Psychology: A Revision of Exo-Psychology. Leary, Timothy. 1988. Falcon Pr. ()
- Your Brain is God. Leary, Timothy. 1988. ()
- Info-Psychology. Leary, Timothy. 1987. ()
- What Does Woman Want. Leary, Timothy. 1987. New Falcon Publications. ()
- . Leary, Timothy. 1983. ()
- Flashbacks. Leary, Timothy. 1983. Tarcher. ()
- Changing My Mind Among Others. Leary, Timothy. 1982. Prentice Hall Trade. ()
- Confessions of a Hope Fiend. Leary, Timothy. 1973.
- . Leary, Timothy. 1968. ()

- Start Your Own Religion. Leary, Timothy. 1967. ()
- Psychedelic Prayers & Other Meditations. Leary, Timothy. 1966. ()
- . Leary, Timothy. 1965. ()
- The Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality. Leary, Timothy. 1957.
- Design for Dying. Leary, Timothy, with Sirius, R. U. 1997. HarperCollins Publishers Inc. (cloth); (pbk.); (intl).
- Concrete & Buckshot: William S. Burroughs Paintings. Leary, Timothy and Benjamin Weissman. 1996. Smart Art Press. ()
- Surfing the Conscious Nets: A Graphic Novel. Leary, Timothy and Robert Williams. 1995. Last Gap. ()
- . Leary, Timothy and Michael Horowitz, Vicki Marshall. 1994. Ronin Publishing. ()
- Wilson, Robert Anton and Timothy Leary. 1978. Pocket. ()
- Mystery, magic & miracle;: Religion in a post-Aquarian age, (A Spectrum book). Heenan, Edward F. and Jack Fritscher, Timothy Leary. 1973. Prentice-Hall. ()
- . Leary, Timothy and Metzner, Ralph, Alpert, Richard, . 1964. ()
- Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality: A Functional Theory and Methodology for Personality Evaluation. Leary, Timothy. 2004. Resource Publications. ()
- Evolutionary Agents. Leary, Timothy and Beverly A. Potter. 2004. Ronin Publishing. ()
- Musings on Human Metamorphoses. Leary, Timothy. 2002. Ronin Publishing. ()
- The Politics of Psychopharmacology. Leary, Timothy. 2001. Ronin Publishing. ()
- Politics of Self-Determination (Self-Mastery Series). Leary, Timothy. 2001. Ronin Publishing. ()
- . Leary, Timothy. 1999. Ronin Publishing. ()
- The Delicious Grace of Moving One's Hand: The Collected Sex Writings Leary, Timothy. 1999. Thunder's Mouth Press. ()
- El Trip de La Muerte. Leary, Timothy. 1998. Editorial Kairos. SPANISH. ()
- Leary, Timothy (Afterword) and Geoffrey Giuliano, Brenda Giuliano. 1996. Plume. ()
- HR GIGER ARh+. Giger, H. R., with Leary, Timothy. 1994. Benedikt Taschen Verlag. ()
- Uncommon Quotes: Timothy Leary. Leary, Timothy. Audio tape. 1990. Pub Group West. ()
- (1966)
- (The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (1967)
- (1970)
- (1983)
- with Robert Anton Wilson (1989)
- (1989)
- (1990)
- (1992)
- (1996)
- (1996)
- (2001) recorded in 1992
- (2001) ACE/Llewellyn Collection - Recorded in 1985
- (with Richard Alpert & Ralph Metzner) (2003)
Also Appears On:
- - (1972)
- - (1988) Psychic TV, 12" EP, Temple Records (UK)- Samples Timothy Leary
- Trance-Techno Express: From Detroit to Berlin & Back - Various (1993)
- Ancient Lights and the Blackcore - with Scorn, Seefeel, Yanomami Shamans from the Amazon, and DJ Cheb I. Sabbah (1995)
- Krautrock - Various [Polygram] (1997)
- Sub Rosa Underwood, Vol. 3: A Sampler - Various (1998)
- Intermenstral - Various (2001)
Weil, Andrew T. "The Strange Case of the Harvard Drug Scandal" Look, 27 5 Kasım 1963.
Dış bağlantılar
Wikimedia Commons'ta Timothy Leary ile ilgili ortam dosyaları bulunmaktadır. |
- Exo-Psychology Revisited20 Haziran 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . — Leary’s Eight-Circuit model of developmental psychology assigns extraterrestrial status to the final four (psychedelic) "circuits."
- TimothyLeary.us - biography, archives, links and more 19 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- with video of Reverend Lakko recalling Timothy Leary's guidance during the , an interaction with Marshall McLuhan, and other Leary links
- - website for a Timothy Leary biography.
- - Rotten Library article.
- Timothy Leary Video and Audio 25 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- DMOZ.org - Open Directory links 8 Şubat 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Timothy Leary is Among America's Unsung Heroes 15 Kasım 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Luciferian journalist, James Donahue, tells the story of Timothy Leary.
- IMDb'de Timothy Leary
- "The Psychedelic Review Archives 1963-1971". 18 Aralık 2007 tarihinde kaynağından .
- TIMOTHY LEARY, APPELLANT, v. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, APPELLEE 13 Aralık 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . - Drug Library
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Timothy Francis Leary 22 Ekim 1920 31 Mayis 1996 Amerikali yazar ruhbilimci ve bilgisayar yazilimcisi Karsit kultur ikonu olarak ozellikle LSD basta olmak uzere psikotrop uyusturucu maddelerin arastirilmasi ve kullanimini savunmustur Turn on tune in drop out Ac ayarla birak olarak bilinen sloganiyla anilmaktadir Timothy LearyDogum22 Ekim 1920 1920 10 22 Springfield MassachusettsOlum31 Mayis 1996 75 yasinda Los Angeles KaliforniyaEgitimPsikolojiMeslekYazar psikologBiyografisiOzgecmisi Irlanda kokenli bir Amerikali dis hekimi babanin oglu olarak Springfield Massachusetts de dunyaya gelmistir Babasi Timoty 13 yasindayken ailesini terk etti Springfield duz lisesinde okudu Uc farkli fakulteye girdi ve hepsinde egitim aldi Worcester da College of the Holy Cross ta iki yil ogrenim gordu 1943 yilinda Alabama Universitesi Psikoloji bolumunden mezun oldu New York Times ta hakkinda bir olum ilani cikti ve disiplin sorunu oldugu soylendi Ama O II Dunya Savasi boyunca Amerikan ordusundaki tibbi heyette cavus olarak hizmet ettikten sonra en son diplomasina kavustu Daha sonra bir karsi kultur ikonu ve LSD yandasi olan Leary Amerikan Kara Harp Akademisi nden atildi 1946 yilinda Washington Devlet Universitesinde yuksek lisans ve 1950 yilinda Kaliforniya Universitesinde psikoloji alaninda doktora yapti 1950 1955 yillari arasinda Berkeley de asistanlik 1955 1958 yillari arasinda Kaiser Aile Vakfi nda psikiyatrik bir arastirmanin yonetimini ve 1958 1963 yillari arasinda Harvard Universitesi nde docentlik yapti Yaratici calismalarKitaplari Intelligence Agents Leary Timothy 1996 Ronin Publishing ISBN 1 56184 038 6 Game of Life Leary Timothy 1989 New Falcon Publications ISBN 0 941404 64 1 Change Your Brain Leary Timothy 1988 ISBN 1 57951 017 5 Info Psychology A Revision of Exo Psychology Leary Timothy 1988 Falcon Pr ISBN 0 941404 60 9 Your Brain is God Leary Timothy 1988 ISBN 1 57951 052 3 Info Psychology Leary Timothy 1987 ISBN 1 56184 105 6 What Does Woman Want Leary Timothy 1987 New Falcon Publications ISBN 0 941404 62 5 Leary Timothy 1983 ISBN 0 87477 497 7 Flashbacks Leary Timothy 1983 Tarcher ISBN 0 87477 177 3 Changing My Mind Among Others Leary Timothy 1982 Prentice Hall Trade ISBN 0 13 127829 0 Confessions of a Hope Fiend Leary Timothy 1973 Leary Timothy 1968 ISBN 0 914171 80 1 Timothy Leary DEAStart Your Own Religion Leary Timothy 1967 ISBN 1 57951 073 6 Psychedelic Prayers amp Other Meditations Leary Timothy 1966 ISBN 0 914171 84 4 Leary Timothy 1965 ISBN 0 914171 33 X The Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality Leary Timothy 1957 Design for Dying Leary Timothy with Sirius R U 1997 HarperCollins Publishers Inc ISBN 0 06 018700 X cloth ISBN 0 06 092866 2 pbk ISBN 0 06 018250 4 intl Concrete amp Buckshot William S Burroughs Paintings Leary Timothy and Benjamin Weissman 1996 Smart Art Press ISBN 1 889195 01 4 Surfing the Conscious Nets A Graphic Novel Leary Timothy and Robert Williams 1995 Last Gap ISBN 0 86719 410 3 Leary Timothy and Michael Horowitz Vicki Marshall 1994 Ronin Publishing ISBN 0 914171 77 1 Wilson Robert Anton and Timothy Leary 1978 Pocket ISBN 0 671 81669 1 Mystery magic amp miracle Religion in a post Aquarian age A Spectrum book Heenan Edward F and Jack Fritscher Timothy Leary 1973 Prentice Hall ISBN 0 13 609032 X Leary Timothy and Metzner Ralph Alpert Richard 1964 ISBN 0 8065 1652 6 Interpersonal Diagnosis of Personality A Functional Theory and Methodology for Personality Evaluation Leary Timothy 2004 Resource Publications ISBN 1 59244 776 7 Evolutionary Agents Leary Timothy and Beverly A Potter 2004 Ronin Publishing ISBN 1 57951 064 7 Musings on Human Metamorphoses Leary Timothy 2002 Ronin Publishing ISBN 1 57951 058 2 The Politics of Psychopharmacology Leary Timothy 2001 Ronin Publishing ISBN 1 57951 056 6 Politics of Self Determination Self Mastery Series Leary Timothy 2001 Ronin Publishing ISBN 1 57951 015 9 Leary Timothy 1999 Ronin Publishing ISBN 1 57951 009 4 The Delicious Grace of Moving One s Hand The Collected Sex Writings Leary Timothy 1999 Thunder s Mouth Press ISBN 1 56025 181 6 El Trip de La Muerte Leary Timothy 1998 Editorial Kairos SPANISH ISBN 84 7245 408 8 Leary Timothy Afterword and Geoffrey Giuliano Brenda Giuliano 1996 Plume ISBN 0 452 27025 1 HR GIGER ARh Giger H R with Leary Timothy 1994 Benedikt Taschen Verlag ISBN 3 8228 9642 X Uncommon Quotes Timothy Leary Leary Timothy Audio tape 1990 Pub Group West ISBN 0 929856 01 5 Diskografi 1966 The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack 1967 1970 1983 with Robert Anton Wilson 1989 1989 1990 1992 1996 1996 2001 recorded in 1992 ISBN 1 59157 002 6 2001 ACE Llewellyn Collection Recorded in 1985 ISBN 1 59157 004 2 with Richard Alpert amp Ralph Metzner 2003 Also Appears On 1972 1988 Psychic TV 12 EP Temple Records UK Samples Timothy Leary Trance Techno Express From Detroit to Berlin amp Back Various 1993 Ancient Lights and the Blackcore with Scorn Seefeel Yanomami Shamans from the Amazon and DJ Cheb I Sabbah 1995 Krautrock Various Polygram 1997 Sub Rosa Underwood Vol 3 A Sampler Various 1998 Intermenstral Various 2001 KaynakcaWeil Andrew T The Strange Case of the Harvard Drug Scandal Look 27 5 Kasim 1963 Dis baglantilarWikimedia Commons ta Timothy Leary ile ilgili ortam dosyalari bulunmaktadir Exo Psychology Revisited20 Haziran 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Leary s Eight Circuit model of developmental psychology assigns extraterrestrial status to the final four psychedelic circuits TimothyLeary us biography archives links and more 19 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde with video of Reverend Lakko recalling Timothy Leary s guidance during the an interaction with Marshall McLuhan and other Leary links website for a Timothy Leary biography Rotten Library article Timothy Leary Video and Audio 25 Ocak 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde DMOZ org Open Directory links 8 Subat 2008 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Timothy Leary is Among America s Unsung Heroes 15 Kasim 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Luciferian journalist James Donahue tells the story of Timothy Leary IMDb de Timothy Leary The Psychedelic Review Archives 1963 1971 18 Aralik 2007 tarihinde kaynagindan TIMOTHY LEARY APPELLANT v UNITED STATES OF AMERICA APPELLEE 13 Aralik 2007 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Drug Library