Uzun Bıçaklar Gecesi (Almanca: Nacht der langen Messer), Nazi Almanyası'nda en az 85 kişinin ölümüyle sonuçlanan bir temizlik olup siyasi nedenlere dayanmaktadır. Cinayetler, 1934'ün 30 Haziranını 1 Temmuza bağlayan gece yapılmış, ertesi gün de sürmüştür. Ölürülenlerin büyük çoğunluğu NSDAP'nin paramiliter örgütü Taarruz Bölüğü'nün (SA) üyeleriydi.

Kurbanların bir kısmı





- , Bavyera'daki monarşistlerin, ayrılıkçı eski lideri, 1922'de seçim çalışması sırasında uğradığı saldırıdan sorumlu tuttuğu Hitler'i bir aylığına hapse attırmıştır.
- Fritz Beck, Münihli Öğrencilere Yardım Fonu müdürü
- , Franz von Papen'in çalışma arkadaşı
- Ferdinand von Bredow, Kurt von Schleicher'in yakın çalışma arkadaşı
- , Reichstag milletvekili, SA bölüm şefi
- Karl Ernst, Reichstag milletvekili, SA güneydoğu bölge şefi
- , 'in ekibinin şefi
- Fritz Gerlich, köşe yazarı, haftalık Münihli Katolikler'in (Der Gerade Weg) editörü ve yayımcısı
- , avukat
- , Reichstag milletvekili, SA Saksonya-grup lideri,
- , fizikçi, gazeteci, politikacı
- Edmund Heines, SA-senior group leader in Breslau
- Oskar Heines, Edmund Heines genç kardeşi
- , Reichstag milletvekili, SA Saksonya - grup lideri
- , SS Obergruppenführer, the only SS victim, killed on the orders of Obergruppenführer von dem Bach Zelewski
- , lawyer, author of the "" of Franz von Papen, Catholic Action worker
- Gustav Ritter von Kahr, former prime minister of Bavyera, Member of Triumvirate who ruled Bavaria during the
- Dr. , architect, member of the political party
- , former officer and police captain
- , leader of the police department in the ministry of internal affairs, president of Berlin's group.
- , member of the Reichstag, SA-general in the group of
- , member of the Reichstag, chief the leading office of the OSAF
- , the national director of the (German:Deutsche Jugendkraft-Sportverbands)
- , member of the Reichstag, SA-general in Oberschlesien and chief of police of
- Ernst Röhm, SA-chief of staff
- , SA-captain, leader of the first SA of Berlin
- , lawyer
- Erich Schiewek, SA-man from Breslau, accompanied Heines to Bad Wiessee as substitute adjutant
- Kurt von Schleicher, former
- Elisabeth von Schleicher, wife of Kurt von Schleicher
- , the music critic of the Münchener Neueste Nachrichten, a Munich newspaper (killed in a case of mistaken identity)
- Ludwig Schmitt, SA-group leader in Hochland, chief press officer of the ministry of internal affairs of Bavaria
- , member of the Reichstag, chief of police of Münih
- , member of the Reichstag, chief of police of Magdeburg
- , member of the Reichstag, ex-SS-general
- Father , defrocked priest, former co-prisoner in , and by few sources[] considered to have been one of the editors of Mein Kampf
- Gregor Strasser, former high-ranking Nazi party member, father of Hitler's godchildren
- Vogel, chauffeur of Ernst Röhm
- , lawyer
- Jeanette Zweig, a Jewish woman from Hirschberg
- , Housewife and mistress to SA supporter Baron
The list of victims was retrieved from the German Wikipedia unless otherwise stated.
- ^ a b United Press (5 Temmuz 1934). "Hitler Issues Anti-Jewish Decree". The Pittsburgh Press. s. 1. 13 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 12 Şubat 2013.
- ^ The list of victims was retrieved from the German Wikipedia unless otherwise stated."Röhm-Putsch". (Almanca). 21 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynağından arşivlendi. Erişim tarihi: 17 Haziran 2007.
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Uzun Bicaklar Gecesi Almanca Nacht der langen Messer Nazi Almanyasi nda en az 85 kisinin olumuyle sonuclanan bir temizlik olup siyasi nedenlere dayanmaktadir Cinayetler 1934 un 30 Haziranini 1 Temmuza baglayan gece yapilmis ertesi gun de surmustur Olurulenlerin buyuk cogunlugu NSDAP nin paramiliter orgutu Taarruz Bolugu nun SA uyeleriydi Adolf Hitler Gregor Strasser Ernst Rohm ve Hermann Goring 1932 Rohm ve Strasser buyuk olcude Goring ve Heinrich Himmler tarafindan Rohm un bir darbe planladigini gosteren uydurma kanitlarla provoke edilen Uzun Bicaklar Gecesi nde olduruleceklerdi Kurbanlarin bir kismiErnst Rohm 1933Fritz Gerlich 1929 Kurt von Schleicher uniformasiyla 19321934 un baslari 1930 daGregor Strasser 1928 de Bavyera daki monarsistlerin ayrilikci eski lideri 1922 de secim calismasi sirasinda ugradigi saldiridan sorumlu tuttugu Hitler i bir ayligina hapse attirmistir Fritz Beck Munihli Ogrencilere Yardim Fonu muduru Franz von Papen in calisma arkadasi Ferdinand von Bredow Kurt von Schleicher in yakin calisma arkadasi Reichstag milletvekili SA bolum sefi Karl Ernst Reichstag milletvekili SA guneydogu bolge sefi in ekibinin sefi Fritz Gerlich kose yazari haftalik Munihli Katolikler in Der Gerade Weg editoru ve yayimcisi avukat Reichstag milletvekili SA Saksonya grup lideri fizikci gazeteci politikaci Edmund Heines SA senior group leader in Breslau Oskar Heines Edmund Heines genc kardesi Reichstag milletvekili SA Saksonya grup lideri SS Obergruppenfuhrer the only SS victim killed on the orders of Obergruppenfuhrer von dem Bach Zelewski lawyer author of the of Franz von Papen Catholic Action worker Gustav Ritter von Kahr former prime minister of Bavyera Member of Triumvirate who ruled Bavaria during the Dr architect member of the political party former officer and police captain leader of the police department in the ministry of internal affairs president of Berlin s group member of the Reichstag SA general in the group of member of the Reichstag chief the leading office of the OSAF the national director of the German Deutsche Jugendkraft Sportverbands member of the Reichstag SA general in Oberschlesien and chief of police of Ernst Rohm SA chief of staff SA captain leader of the first SA of Berlin lawyer Erich Schiewek SA man from Breslau accompanied Heines to Bad Wiessee as substitute adjutant Kurt von Schleicher former Elisabeth von Schleicher wife of Kurt von Schleicher the music critic of the Munchener Neueste Nachrichten a Munich newspaper killed in a case of mistaken identity Ludwig Schmitt SA group leader in Hochland chief press officer of the ministry of internal affairs of Bavaria member of the Reichstag chief of police of Munih member of the Reichstag chief of police of Magdeburg member of the Reichstag ex SS general Father defrocked priest former co prisoner in and by few sources kim considered to have been one of the editors of Mein Kampf Gregor Strasser former high ranking Nazi party member father of Hitler s godchildren Vogel chauffeur of Ernst Rohm lawyer Jeanette Zweig a Jewish woman from Hirschberg Housewife and mistress to SA supporter Baron The list of victims was retrieved from the German Wikipedia unless otherwise stated Kaynakca a b United Press 5 Temmuz 1934 Hitler Issues Anti Jewish Decree The Pittsburgh Press s 1 13 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 12 Subat 2013 The list of victims was retrieved from the German Wikipedia unless otherwise stated Rohm Putsch Almanca 21 Nisan 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 17 Haziran 2007