William Riley Burnett (daha çok W. R. Burnett olarak anılır) (d. 25 Kasım, 1899 - ö. 25 Nisan, 1982) Amerikalı romancı ve senaryo yazarı. 1929 yılında yazdığı adlı suç romanı ile tanınır. Bu romanın 1931'deki sinema uyarlaması Amerikan gangster filmlerinin ilk klasiği sayılmaktadır.
William Riley Burnett | |
![]() Yazar, senarist William Riley Burnett | |
Doğum | 25 Kasım 1899 Springfield, Ohio, ABD |
Ölüm | 25 Nisan 1982 (82 yaşında) Santa Monica, Kaliforniya, ABD |
Takma ad | W. R. Burnett |
Meslek | Romancı, senarist |
Milliyet | ![]() |
Önemli ödülleri | "O. Henry ödülü" (1930) "Dressing-Up" adlı kısa hikâyesiyle |
Kariyeri boyunca 36 roman, onlarca hikâye, oyun ve şarkı sözü yazan W. R. Burnett, bazıları kendi romanlarından uyarlanmış olan 60 kadar senaryoya da imza attı ya da katkıda bulundu. Bu verimli yazar neredeyse 'yılda bir roman' prensibiyle çalışıyordu.
Burnett'in eserlerinde yarattığı karakterler yazıldıkları günün ahlak anlayışına oldukça ters düşen anti kahramanlardı. Sokakların acımasız şartlarıyla yoğurulmuş bu gerçekçi karakterler, yazarın kendi gençliğinde de gözlemlediği kabadayılar, gansterler, fahişeler, üçkağıtçılar, para için kapışan sokak dövüşçüleri, serseriler ve evsizlerden başkası değildi. Ancak bu karakterler çoğunlukla insani yönleriyle ele alınmıştı. Kaderin sillesini yiyerek toplum dışına itilmiş olan bu karakterler son bir çabayla kurtulmaya ve kendilerini affettirmeye çalışırlar ama baskıcı düzen kapılarına onlara kapatarak kefaretlerini reddeder. Burnett, suçluların erdemleri olabileceği kadar, kanunu uygulayanların da fesat ve kötülük sahibi olabileceklerini anlatır. Neticede hepsi de insandır.
- Little Caesar (Lincoln McVeagh/Dial, 1929)
- The Silver Eagle (McVeagh/Dial, 1931)
- The Giant Swing (Harper. 1932)
- Iron Man (McVeagh/Dial, 1932)
- "Saint" Johnson (McVeagh/Dial, 1932)
- Dark Hazard (Harper, 1933)
- Goodbye to the Past: Scenes from the Life of William Meadows (Harper, 1934)
- The Goodhues of Sinking Creek (Harper, 1934) ("Hard Wood" a dayanmaktadır)
- King Cole (Harper, 1936)
- The Dark Command: A Kansas Iliad (Knopf, 1938)
- High Sierra (Knopf, 1940), High Sierra adıyla filme alındı.
- The Quick Brown Fox (Knopf, 1942)
- Nobody Lives Forever (Knopf, 1943; Collier's de tefrika edildi, 13 - 30 Ekim 1943)
- Tomorrow's Another Day (Knopf, 1945)
- Romelle (Knopf, 1946)
- The Asphalt Jungle (Knopf, 1949), The Asphalt Jungle (Elmas Hırsızları) adıyla filme alındı
- Stretch Dawson (Gold Medal, 1950)
- Little Men, Big World (Knopf, 1951)
- Vanity Row (Knopf, 1952)
- Adobe Walls: A Novel of the Last Apache Rising (Knopf, 1953)
- Big Stan (Gold Medal, 1953) (John Monahan adıyla)
- Captain Lightfoot (Knopf, 1954)
- It's Always Four O'Clock (Random House, 1956) (James Updyke adıyla)
- Pale Moon (Knopf, 1956)
- Underdog (Knopf, 1957)
- Bitter Ground Knopf, (1958)
- Mi Amigo: A Novel of the Southwest (Knopf, 1959)
- Conant (Popular Library, 1961)
- Round the Clock at Volari's (Gold Medal, 1961)
- The Goldseekers (Doubleday, 1962)
- The Widow Barony (Macdonald, 1962)
- The Abilene Samson (Pocket Books, 1963)
- Sergeants 3 (Pocket Books, 1963)
- The Roar of the Crowd: Conversations With an Ex-Big-Leaguer (C.N. Potter, 1964)
- The Winning of Mickey Free (Bantam Pathfinder, 1965)
- The Cool Man (Gold Medal, 1968)
- Goodbye, Chicago: 1928, End of an Era (St. Martin's, 1981)
- "Round Trip" (Harper's Monthly Magazine, Ağustos 1929)
- "A Modern McTeague" (Saturday Review of Literature, 3 August 1929) (review of Thames Williamson's Hunky)
- "Dressing Up" (Harper's Monthly Magazine, Kasım 1929) - "O. Henry ödülü" (1930)
- "The Hunted" (Liberty, ? 1930)
- "Along the Tracks" (Scribner's Magazine, Nisan 1930)
- "Nobody's All Bad" (Colllier's, 7 Naziran 1930)
- "Between Rounds" (Collier's, 30 Ağustos 1930)
- "The Czar of Chicago" (Saturday Review of Literature, 18 October 1930) (review of Fred Pasley's Al Capone: The Biography of a Self-Made Man)
- "Hard Wood" (Scribner's Magazine, Kasım 1930)
- ? (Saturday Review of Literature, 22 Kasım 1930) (review of Edward Dean Sullivan's Chicago Surrenders)
- "Protection" (Collier's dergisinde tefrika edildi, 2 Mayıs - 4 Temmuz 1931)
- "Mr. Litvinoff" (Collier's, 18 Temmuz 1931)
- "Primal Simplicity" (Saturday Review of Literature, 10 Ekim 1931) (review of Thames Williamson's In Krusak's House)
- "Strategy" (The American Mercury, Şubat 1933)
- "For Charity's Sake" (Esquire, June 1934)
- "Jail Breaker" (Collier's dergisinde tefrika edildi, 7 Temmuz - 11 Ağustos 1934)
- "Doctor Socrates" (Collier's dergisinde tefrika edildi, 16 Mart - 20 Nisan 1935)
- "Travelling Light" (Collier's, 7 Aralık 1935)
- "Greyhound Racing" (Esquire, Şubat 1936)
- "Across the Aisle" (Colliers, 4 Nisan 1936)
- "Suspect" (Collier's, 4 Temmuz 1936)
- "First Blood" (Collier's, 23 Nisan 1938)
- "The Ivory Tower" (Good Housekeeping, Mart 1945)
- "Odds Against the Girl" (Collier's dergisinde tefrika edildi, 30 Haziran - 21 Temmuz 1945)
- "Little David" (Saturday Evening Post, 15 Şubat 1947)
- "Racket Alley" (Collier's dergisinde tefrika edildi, 9 Aralık 1950 - 6 Ocak 1951) (Little Men, Big World'un kısaltılmış versiyonu)
- "Vanishing Act" (Manhunt, Kasım 1955)
- The Finger Points (1931, with Robert Lord and John Monk Saunders)
- Law and Order (1932, from "Saint" Johnson)
- Scarface (1932, with Howard Hawks, Ben Hecht, John Lee Mahin and Seton I. Miller)
- Law and Order (1940, from "Saint" Johnson)
- The Westerner (1940, with Niven Busch, Stuart N. Lake and Jo Swerling; uncredited)
- The Get-Away (1941, with Wells Root and J. Walter Ruben)
- High Sierra (1941, with John Huston, from novel)
- This Gun for Hire (1942, with Albert Maltz)
- Wake Island (1942, with Frank Butlet) (Academy Award nomination for Best Screenplay)
- Action on the North Atlantic (1943, with A.T. Bezzerides and John Howard Lawson)
- Background to Danger (1943, with Daniel Fuchs)
- Crash Dive (1943)
- San Antonio (1945, with Alan Le May)
- Nobody Lives Forever (1946, from novel)
- The Man I Love (1946, with Jo Pagano and Catherine Turney; uncredited)
- Belle Starr's Daughter (1948, from ?)
- Yellow Sky (1948, story)
- Vendetta (1950, with Peter O'Crott and Preston Sturges)
- The Racket (1951, with William Wister Haines)
- Dangerous Mission (1954, with Charles Bennett, James Edmiston and Horace McCoy)
- Night People (1954, with Jed Harris, Nunnally Johnson and Tony Reed; uncredited)
- Captain Lightfoot (1955, with Oscar Brodney, from novel)
- I Died a Thousand Times (1955, from High Sierra)
- Illegal (1955, with Frank R. Webb)
- Accused of Murder (1956, from Vanity Row)
- Short Cut to Hell (1957, with Ted Berkman, Raphael Blau and Albert Maltz)
- The Badlanders (1958, from The Asphalt Jungle)
- The Hangman (1959, with Dudley Nichols; uncredited)
- September Storm (1960)
- Sergeants 3 (1962) (story)
- Four for Texas (1963, with Robert Aldrich and Teddi Sherman; uncredited)
- The Great Escape (1963, with James Clavell) (Academy Award nomination for Best Screenplay)
- The Jackals (1967, story)
- Ice Station Zebra (1968, with Harry Julian Fink and Douglas Heyes; uncredited)
- Stiletto (1969, with Harold Robbins and A.J. Russell; uncredited)
Dış bağlantılar
- IMDb'de W. R. Burnett 4 Mart 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
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William Riley Burnett daha cok W R Burnett olarak anilir d 25 Kasim 1899 o 25 Nisan 1982 Amerikali romanci ve senaryo yazari 1929 yilinda yazdigi adli suc romani ile taninir Bu romanin 1931 deki sinema uyarlamasi Amerikan gangster filmlerinin ilk klasigi sayilmaktadir William Riley BurnettYazar senarist William Riley BurnettDogum25 Kasim 1899 Springfield Ohio ABDOlum25 Nisan 1982 82 yasinda Santa Monica Kaliforniya ABDTakma adW R BurnettMeslekRomanci senaristMilliyetABDOnemli odulleri O Henry odulu 1930 Dressing Up adli kisa hikayesiyle Kariyeri boyunca 36 roman onlarca hikaye oyun ve sarki sozu yazan W R Burnett bazilari kendi romanlarindan uyarlanmis olan 60 kadar senaryoya da imza atti ya da katkida bulundu Bu verimli yazar neredeyse yilda bir roman prensibiyle calisiyordu TarziBurnett in eserlerinde yarattigi karakterler yazildiklari gunun ahlak anlayisina oldukca ters dusen anti kahramanlardi Sokaklarin acimasiz sartlariyla yogurulmus bu gercekci karakterler yazarin kendi gencliginde de gozlemledigi kabadayilar gansterler fahiseler uckagitcilar para icin kapisan sokak dovusculeri serseriler ve evsizlerden baskasi degildi Ancak bu karakterler cogunlukla insani yonleriyle ele alinmisti Kaderin sillesini yiyerek toplum disina itilmis olan bu karakterler son bir cabayla kurtulmaya ve kendilerini affettirmeye calisirlar ama baskici duzen kapilarina onlara kapatarak kefaretlerini reddeder Burnett suclularin erdemleri olabilecegi kadar kanunu uygulayanlarin da fesat ve kotuluk sahibi olabileceklerini anlatir Neticede hepsi de insandir KitaplariLittle Caesar Lincoln McVeagh Dial 1929 The Silver Eagle McVeagh Dial 1931 The Giant Swing Harper 1932 Iron Man McVeagh Dial 1932 Saint Johnson McVeagh Dial 1932 Dark Hazard Harper 1933 Goodbye to the Past Scenes from the Life of William Meadows Harper 1934 The Goodhues of Sinking Creek Harper 1934 Hard Wood a dayanmaktadir King Cole Harper 1936 The Dark Command A Kansas Iliad Knopf 1938 High Sierra Knopf 1940 High Sierra adiyla filme alindi The Quick Brown Fox Knopf 1942 Nobody Lives Forever Knopf 1943 Collier s de tefrika edildi 13 30 Ekim 1943 Tomorrow s Another Day Knopf 1945 Romelle Knopf 1946 The Asphalt Jungle Knopf 1949 The Asphalt Jungle Elmas Hirsizlari adiyla filme alindi Stretch Dawson Gold Medal 1950 Little Men Big World Knopf 1951 Vanity Row Knopf 1952 Adobe Walls A Novel of the Last Apache Rising Knopf 1953 Big Stan Gold Medal 1953 John Monahan adiyla Captain Lightfoot Knopf 1954 It s Always Four O Clock Random House 1956 James Updyke adiyla Pale Moon Knopf 1956 Underdog Knopf 1957 Bitter Ground Knopf 1958 Mi Amigo A Novel of the Southwest Knopf 1959 Conant Popular Library 1961 Round the Clock at Volari s Gold Medal 1961 The Goldseekers Doubleday 1962 The Widow Barony Macdonald 1962 The Abilene Samson Pocket Books 1963 Sergeants 3 Pocket Books 1963 The Roar of the Crowd Conversations With an Ex Big Leaguer C N Potter 1964 The Winning of Mickey Free Bantam Pathfinder 1965 The Cool Man Gold Medal 1968 Goodbye Chicago 1928 End of an Era St Martin s 1981 Hikayeleri Round Trip Harper s Monthly Magazine Agustos 1929 A Modern McTeague Saturday Review of Literature 3 August 1929 review of Thames Williamson s Hunky Dressing Up Harper s Monthly Magazine Kasim 1929 O Henry odulu 1930 The Hunted Liberty 1930 Along the Tracks Scribner s Magazine Nisan 1930 Nobody s All Bad Colllier s 7 Naziran 1930 Between Rounds Collier s 30 Agustos 1930 The Czar of Chicago Saturday Review of Literature 18 October 1930 review of Fred Pasley s Al Capone The Biography of a Self Made Man Hard Wood Scribner s Magazine Kasim 1930 Saturday Review of Literature 22 Kasim 1930 review of Edward Dean Sullivan s Chicago Surrenders Protection Collier s dergisinde tefrika edildi 2 Mayis 4 Temmuz 1931 Mr Litvinoff Collier s 18 Temmuz 1931 Primal Simplicity Saturday Review of Literature 10 Ekim 1931 review of Thames Williamson s In Krusak s House Strategy The American Mercury Subat 1933 For Charity s Sake Esquire June 1934 Jail Breaker Collier s dergisinde tefrika edildi 7 Temmuz 11 Agustos 1934 Doctor Socrates Collier s dergisinde tefrika edildi 16 Mart 20 Nisan 1935 Travelling Light Collier s 7 Aralik 1935 Greyhound Racing Esquire Subat 1936 Across the Aisle Colliers 4 Nisan 1936 Suspect Collier s 4 Temmuz 1936 First Blood Collier s 23 Nisan 1938 The Ivory Tower Good Housekeeping Mart 1945 Odds Against the Girl Collier s dergisinde tefrika edildi 30 Haziran 21 Temmuz 1945 Little David Saturday Evening Post 15 Subat 1947 Racket Alley Collier s dergisinde tefrika edildi 9 Aralik 1950 6 Ocak 1951 Little Men Big World un kisaltilmis versiyonu Vanishing Act Manhunt Kasim 1955 SenaryolariThe Finger Points 1931 with Robert Lord and John Monk Saunders Law and Order 1932 from Saint Johnson Scarface 1932 with Howard Hawks Ben Hecht John Lee Mahin and Seton I Miller Law and Order 1940 from Saint Johnson The Westerner 1940 with Niven Busch Stuart N Lake and Jo Swerling uncredited The Get Away 1941 with Wells Root and J Walter Ruben High Sierra 1941 with John Huston from novel This Gun for Hire 1942 with Albert Maltz Wake Island 1942 with Frank Butlet Academy Award nomination for Best Screenplay Action on the North Atlantic 1943 with A T Bezzerides and John Howard Lawson Background to Danger 1943 with Daniel Fuchs Crash Dive 1943 San Antonio 1945 with Alan Le May Nobody Lives Forever 1946 from novel The Man I Love 1946 with Jo Pagano and Catherine Turney uncredited Belle Starr s Daughter 1948 from Yellow Sky 1948 story Vendetta 1950 with Peter O Crott and Preston Sturges The Racket 1951 with William Wister Haines Dangerous Mission 1954 with Charles Bennett James Edmiston and Horace McCoy Night People 1954 with Jed Harris Nunnally Johnson and Tony Reed uncredited Captain Lightfoot 1955 with Oscar Brodney from novel I Died a Thousand Times 1955 from High Sierra Illegal 1955 with Frank R Webb Accused of Murder 1956 from Vanity Row Short Cut to Hell 1957 with Ted Berkman Raphael Blau and Albert Maltz The Badlanders 1958 from The Asphalt Jungle The Hangman 1959 with Dudley Nichols uncredited September Storm 1960 Sergeants 3 1962 story Four for Texas 1963 with Robert Aldrich and Teddi Sherman uncredited The Great Escape 1963 with James Clavell Academy Award nomination for Best Screenplay The Jackals 1967 story Ice Station Zebra 1968 with Harry Julian Fink and Douglas Heyes uncredited Stiletto 1969 with Harold Robbins and A J Russell uncredited Kaynakca Arsivlenmis kopya 17 Eylul 2008 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 16 Ocak 2009 4 Ocak 2009 tarihinde kaynagindan arsivlendi Erisim tarihi 16 Ocak 2009 Dis baglantilarIMDb de W R Burnett 4 Mart 2014 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde