Komis Yannis Antonios Kapodistrias (Yunanca: Κόμης Ιωάννης Αντώνιος Καποδίστριας; 11 Şubat 1776 – 9 Ekim 1831), Rus İmparatorluğu'nun Dışişleri Bakanı olarak görev yapan Yunan devlet adamı, Avrupa'nın en seçkin politikacı ve diplomatlarından biriydi. Modern Yunan devletinin kurucusu ve Yunan bağımsızlığının önderi olarak kabul edilir.
Yannis Kapodistrias Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας | |
Yunanistan Valisi | |
Görev süresi Mayıs 1827 - 27 Eylül 1831 | |
Yerine geldiği | Andreas Zaimis Hükûmet Komisyonu Başkanı olarak |
Yerine gelen | Augustinos Kapodistrias |
Görev süresi 1816-1822 | |
Hükümdar | I. Aleksandr |
Yerine geldiği | |
Yerine gelen | Karl Nesselrode |
Kişisel bilgiler | |
Doğum | 11 Şubat 1776 Korfu, Venedik Cumhuriyeti |
Ölüm | 9 Ekim 1831 (55 yaşında) Nafplion, Yunanistan |
Partisi | |
Mesleği | Siyasetçi |
Dini | Yunan Ortodoks Kilisesi |
11 Şubat 1776 tarihinde o zamanlar Venedik Cumhuriyeti'nin bir parçası olan Korfu adasında doğdu. İtalya'da Padova Üniversitesi'nde tıp, hukuk ve felsefe dallarında öğrenim gördü. 1809 yılında Rus çarı I. Aleksandr'ın hizmetine girdi. 1813 yılında Rusya'nın temsilcisi olarak İsviçre'nin 19 kantondan oluşan tarafsız bir Avrupa ülkesi halinde kurulmasında rol oynadı. 1815 yılında Napolyon Savaşları sonrasında Avrupa ülkeleri arasında yapılan Viyana Kongresinde Rusya'yı temsil etti. Bu başarıları sonucu I. Aleksandr tarafından Rusya'nın dışişleri bakanlığına getirildi.
Yunanistan'ın bağımsızlık sürecindeki rolü
İlk defa 1821 yılında Mora Yarımadasında Osmanlı Devleti'ne karşı çıkan isyanların üzerine Yunan siyasetine karıştı. 1822 yılında Rusya'nın dışişleri bakanlığından ayrıldı. 1827 yılında Mora'daki isyancıların kurduğu Yunan meclisi Kapodistrias'ı Avrupa'da en iyi tanınan Yunan asıllı diplomat olması nedeniyle Yunanistan'a vali (Yunanca:Kivernitis) olarak seçti. Yunanistan henüz Osmanlılardan bağımsızlığını kazanmadan önce 1828 yılı Ocak ayında Mora Yarımadası'na ayak basarak bu görevi üstlendi. Fakat henüz Yunanistan'ın bağımsızlığı uluslararası düzeyde tanınmadan bir suikast sonucu öldürüldü.
- ^ International Society on the History of Medicine 16 Aralık 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Paper: JOHN CAPODISTRIAS (1776–1831): THE EMINENT POLITICIAN-DOCTOR AND FIRST GOVERNOR OF GREECE ISHM 2006, 40th International Congress on the History of Medicine. Quote: "John Capodistrias (1776–1831) was a notable politician-doctor. The son of one of the most aristocratic family of Corfu, he was sent to Italy by his family and studied medicine at the University of Padua." and: Ioannis Kapodistrias was the leading Greek politician and one of the most eminent politicians and diplomats in Europe. He was born in Corfu in 1776. He was son of an aristocratic family whose ascendants had been distinguished in during the Venetian wars against Ottoman Turks, having obtained many administrative privileges (1) (1)=1. Koukkou E. (ELENI KOUKKOU) The Greek State (1830–1832). In: History of the Greek Nation. Ekdotiki Athinon 1975, Vol. XXII: 549–561.
- ^ William Philip Chapman (1993). Karystos: city-state and country town. Uptown Press. s. 163. 29 Haziran 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 3 Ağustos 2012.
Actually, Russia's distinguished diplomat and Foreign Minister, and later Greece's first president (1827-3 1)...
- ^ Helenē E. Koukkou (2001). Ioannis A. Kapodistrias: the European diplomat and statesman of the 19th century; Roxanda S. Stourdza : a famous woman of her time : a historical biography. Society for the Study of Greek History. s. 9. Erişim tarihi: 3 Ağustos 2012.
Kapodistrias distinguished himself in the diplomatic and political arena when he was still a young man...But he too sensed that his Liberal and Republican ideals were too advanced for his time
- ^ Charles A. Frazee (1 Şubat 1969). The Orthodox Church and Independent Greece, 1821–1852. CUP Archive. ss. 71-72. GGKEY:GTHG6TEJ1AX. Erişim tarihi: 3 Ağustos 2012.
...a distinguished career in political and diplomatic affairs...
- ^ Gerhard Robbers (1 Kasım 2006). Encyclopedia of World Constitutions. Infobase Publishing. s. 351. ISBN . Erişim tarihi: 25 Kasım 2012.
The foundations of the Greek state were built under the leadership of Ioannis Kapodistrias, a statesman of ...
- ^ ΕΠΙΤΟΜΟ ΛΕΞΙΚΟ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑΣ 4 Haziran 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Compound Dictionary of Greek History from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Website Quote: 1776 Γεννιέται στην Κέρκυρα ο Ιωάννης Καποδίστριας, γιος του Αντωνίου και της Αδαμαντίνης -το γένος Γονέμη-, μία από τις μεγαλύτερες μορφές της Ευρώπης, διπλωμάτης και πολιτικός, πρώτος κυβερνήτης της Ελλάδας και θεμελιωτής του νεότερου Ελληνικού Κράτους. Έκδοση: ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ, 2004. Επιμέλεια: Βαγγέλης Δρακόπουλος – Γεωργία Ευθυμίου Translation: 1776 In Corfu is born Ioannis Kapodistrias, son of Antonios and Adamantini – nee Gonemi – one of the greatest personalities of Europe, diplomat and politician, first Governor of Greece and founder of the Modern Greek State. Publisher To Vima 2004.
- ^ Manos G. Birēs; Márō Kardamítsī-Adámī (2004). Neoclassical Architecture In Greece. Getty Publications. s. 17. ISBN . Erişim tarihi: 5 Aralık 2012.
Popular depictions of the leaders of the Greek struggle for independence: Ioannis Kapodistrias, founder of the modern Greek state, and Adamantios Korai's, herald of the Greek Enlightenment.
- ^ Council of Europe (1999). Report on the Situation of Urban Archaeology in Europe. Council of Europe. s. 117. ISBN . Erişim tarihi: 5 Aralık 2012.
The first legislative enactments dealing with Museums and the preservation of archaeological finds date from the formation of the modern Greek state (1828) and originated with the Governor of Greece, Ioannis Kapodistrias, who issued Order no. 2400/12.5.1828 "To the acting Commissaries in the Aegean Sea", and the Founding Law of 21.10.1829
- ^ Woodhouse, Christopher Montague (1973). Capodistria: the founder of Greek independence. Oxford University Press. ss. 4-5. OCLC 469359507.
The family of Gonemis or Golemis, which originated in Cyprus, had moved to Crete when Cyprus fell in the 16th century; then to Epirus when Crete fell in the 17th, settling near Argyrokastro in modern Albania; and finally to Corfu.
Hükûmet görevi | ||
Önce gelen | 1816–1822 Karl Nesselrode ile birlikte | Sonra gelen Karl Nesselrode |
Siyasi görevi | ||
Önce gelen Andreas Zaimis Hükûmet Komisyonu Başkanı olarak | Yunanistan Valisi 1827–1831 | Sonra gelen Augustinos Kapodistrias |
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Komis Yannis Antonios Kapodistrias Yunanca Komhs Iwannhs Antwnios Kapodistrias 11 Subat 1776 9 Ekim 1831 Rus Imparatorlugu nun Disisleri Bakani olarak gorev yapan Yunan devlet adami Avrupa nin en seckin politikaci ve diplomatlarindan biriydi Modern Yunan devletinin kurucusu ve Yunan bagimsizliginin onderi olarak kabul edilir Yannis Kapodistrias Iwannhs KapodistriasYunanistan ValisiGorev suresi Mayis 1827 27 Eylul 1831Yerine geldigi Andreas Zaimis Hukumet Komisyonu Baskani olarakYerine gelen Augustinos KapodistriasGorev suresi 1816 1822Hukumdar I AleksandrYerine geldigiYerine gelen Karl NesselrodeKisisel bilgilerDogum 11 Subat 1776 Korfu Venedik CumhuriyetiOlum 9 Ekim 1831 55 yasinda Nafplion YunanistanPartisiMeslegi SiyasetciDini Yunan Ortodoks Kilisesi 11 Subat 1776 tarihinde o zamanlar Venedik Cumhuriyeti nin bir parcasi olan Korfu adasinda dogdu Italya da Padova Universitesi nde tip hukuk ve felsefe dallarinda ogrenim gordu 1809 yilinda Rus cari I Aleksandr in hizmetine girdi 1813 yilinda Rusya nin temsilcisi olarak Isvicre nin 19 kantondan olusan tarafsiz bir Avrupa ulkesi halinde kurulmasinda rol oynadi 1815 yilinda Napolyon Savaslari sonrasinda Avrupa ulkeleri arasinda yapilan Viyana Kongresinde Rusya yi temsil etti Bu basarilari sonucu I Aleksandr tarafindan Rusya nin disisleri bakanligina getirildi Yunanistan in bagimsizlik surecindeki roluIlk defa 1821 yilinda Mora Yarimadasinda Osmanli Devleti ne karsi cikan isyanlarin uzerine Yunan siyasetine karisti 1822 yilinda Rusya nin disisleri bakanligindan ayrildi 1827 yilinda Mora daki isyancilarin kurdugu Yunan meclisi Kapodistrias i Avrupa da en iyi taninan Yunan asilli diplomat olmasi nedeniyle Yunanistan a vali Yunanca Kivernitis olarak secti Yunanistan henuz Osmanlilardan bagimsizligini kazanmadan once 1828 yili Ocak ayinda Mora Yarimadasi na ayak basarak bu gorevi ustlendi Fakat henuz Yunanistan in bagimsizligi uluslararasi duzeyde taninmadan bir suikast sonucu olduruldu Kaynakca International Society on the History of Medicine 16 Aralik 2017 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Paper JOHN CAPODISTRIAS 1776 1831 THE EMINENT POLITICIAN DOCTOR AND FIRST GOVERNOR OF GREECE ISHM 2006 40th International Congress on the History of Medicine Quote John Capodistrias 1776 1831 was a notable politician doctor The son of one of the most aristocratic family of Corfu he was sent to Italy by his family and studied medicine at the University of Padua and Ioannis Kapodistrias was the leading Greek politician and one of the most eminent politicians and diplomats in Europe He was born in Corfu in 1776 He was son of an aristocratic family whose ascendants had been distinguished in during the Venetian wars against Ottoman Turks having obtained many administrative privileges 1 1 1 Koukkou E ELENI KOUKKOU The Greek State 1830 1832 In History of the Greek Nation Ekdotiki Athinon 1975 Vol XXII 549 561 William Philip Chapman 1993 Karystos city state and country town Uptown Press s 163 29 Haziran 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 3 Agustos 2012 Actually Russia s distinguished diplomat and Foreign Minister and later Greece s first president 1827 3 1 Helene E Koukkou 2001 Ioannis A Kapodistrias the European diplomat and statesman of the 19th century Roxanda S Stourdza a famous woman of her time a historical biography Society for the Study of Greek History s 9 Erisim tarihi 3 Agustos 2012 Kapodistrias distinguished himself in the diplomatic and political arena when he was still a young man But he too sensed that his Liberal and Republican ideals were too advanced for his time Charles A Frazee 1 Subat 1969 The Orthodox Church and Independent Greece 1821 1852 CUP Archive ss 71 72 GGKEY GTHG6TEJ1AX Erisim tarihi 3 Agustos 2012 a distinguished career in political and diplomatic affairs Gerhard Robbers 1 Kasim 2006 Encyclopedia of World Constitutions Infobase Publishing s 351 ISBN 978 0 8160 6078 8 Erisim tarihi 25 Kasim 2012 The foundations of the Greek state were built under the leadership of Ioannis Kapodistrias a statesman of EPITOMO LE3IKO THS ELLHNIKHS ISTORIAS 4 Haziran 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Compound Dictionary of Greek History from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Website Quote 1776 Gennietai sthn Kerkyra o Iwannhs Kapodistrias gios toy Antwnioy kai ths Adamantinhs to genos Gonemh mia apo tis megalyteres morfes ths Eyrwphs diplwmaths kai politikos prwtos kybernhths ths Elladas kai 8emeliwths toy neoteroy Ellhnikoy Kratoys Ekdosh TO BHMA 2004 Epimeleia Baggelhs Drakopoylos Gewrgia Ey8ymioy Translation 1776 In Corfu is born Ioannis Kapodistrias son of Antonios and Adamantini nee Gonemi one of the greatest personalities of Europe diplomat and politician first Governor of Greece and founder of the Modern Greek State Publisher To Vima 2004 Manos G Bires Marō Kardamitsi Adami 2004 Neoclassical Architecture In Greece Getty Publications s 17 ISBN 978 0 89236 775 7 Erisim tarihi 5 Aralik 2012 Popular depictions of the leaders of the Greek struggle for independence Ioannis Kapodistrias founder of the modern Greek state and Adamantios Korai s herald of the Greek Enlightenment Council of Europe 1999 Report on the Situation of Urban Archaeology in Europe Council of Europe s 117 ISBN 978 92 871 3671 8 Erisim tarihi 5 Aralik 2012 The first legislative enactments dealing with Museums and the preservation of archaeological finds date from the formation of the modern Greek state 1828 and originated with the Governor of Greece Ioannis Kapodistrias who issued Order no 2400 12 5 1828 To the acting Commissaries in the Aegean Sea and the Founding Law of 21 10 1829 Woodhouse Christopher Montague 1973 Capodistria the founder of Greek independence Oxford University Press ss 4 5 OCLC 469359507 The family of Gonemis or Golemis which originated in Cyprus had moved to Crete when Cyprus fell in the 16th century then to Epirus when Crete fell in the 17th settling near Argyrokastro in modern Albania and finally to Corfu Hukumet goreviOnce gelen 1816 1822 Karl Nesselrode ile birlikte Sonra gelen Karl NesselrodeSiyasi goreviOnce gelen Andreas Zaimis Hukumet Komisyonu Baskani olarak Yunanistan Valisi 1827 1831 Sonra gelen Augustinos Kapodistrias