Bu madde, uygun değildir.Mart 2014) ( |
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Bessel fonksiyonunun 1. mertebede değişmişidir)
- ve , , 1964. Birkaç integral bu kitapta 69. sayfada16 Şubat 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . listelenmiştir.
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Bu madde Vikipedi bicem el kitabina uygun degildir Maddeyi Vikipedi standartlarina uygun bicimde duzenleyerek Vikipedi ye katkida bulunabilirsiniz Gerekli duzenleme yapilmadan bu sablon kaldirilmamalidir Mart 2014 Asagidaki liste ustel fonksiyonlarin integrallerini lerini icermektedir Integral fonksiyonlarinin tum bir listesi icin lutfen Integral tablosu sayfasina bakiniz ecxdx 1cecx displaystyle int e cx mathrm d x frac 1 c e cx acxdx 1c ln aacx displaystyle int a cx mathrm d x frac 1 c cdot ln a a cx a gt 0 a 1 displaystyle a gt 0 a neq 1 icin xecxdx ecxc2 cx 1 displaystyle int xe cx mathrm d x frac e cx c 2 cx 1 x2ecxdx ecx x2c 2xc2 2c3 displaystyle int x 2 e cx mathrm d x e cx left frac x 2 c frac 2x c 2 frac 2 c 3 right xnecxdx 1cxnecx nc xn 1ecxdx displaystyle int x n e cx mathrm d x frac 1 c x n e cx frac n c int x n 1 e cx mathrm d x ecxxdx ln x n 1 cx nn n displaystyle int frac e cx x mathrm d x ln x sum n 1 infty frac cx n n cdot n ecxxndx 1n 1 ecxxn 1 c ecxxn 1dx for n 1 displaystyle int frac e cx x n mathrm d x frac 1 n 1 left frac e cx x n 1 c int frac e cx x n 1 mathrm d x right qquad mbox for n neq 1 mbox ecxln xdx 1cecxln x Ei cx displaystyle int e cx ln x mathrm d x frac 1 c e cx ln x operatorname Ei cx ecxsin bxdx ecxc2 b2 csin bx bcos bx displaystyle int e cx sin bx mathrm d x frac e cx c 2 b 2 c sin bx b cos bx ecxcos bxdx ecxc2 b2 ccos bx bsin bx displaystyle int e cx cos bx mathrm d x frac e cx c 2 b 2 c cos bx b sin bx ecxsinn xdx ecxsinn 1 xc2 n2 csin x ncos x n n 1 c2 n2 ecxsinn 2 xdx displaystyle int e cx sin n x mathrm d x frac e cx sin n 1 x c 2 n 2 c sin x n cos x frac n n 1 c 2 n 2 int e cx sin n 2 x mathrm d x ecxcosn xdx ecxcosn 1 xc2 n2 ccos x nsin x n n 1 c2 n2 ecxcosn 2 xdx displaystyle int e cx cos n x mathrm d x frac e cx cos n 1 x c 2 n 2 c cos x n sin x frac n n 1 c 2 n 2 int e cx cos n 2 x mathrm d x xecx2dx 12cecx2 displaystyle int xe cx 2 mathrm d x frac 1 2c e cx 2 e cx2dx p4cerf cx displaystyle int e cx 2 mathrm d x sqrt frac pi 4c mbox erf sqrt c x erf displaystyle mbox erf istatistikte onemli bir kavram olan xe cx2dx 12ce cx2 displaystyle int xe cx 2 mathrm d x frac 1 2c e cx 2 1s2pe x m 2 2s2dx 12 1 erfx ms2 displaystyle int 1 over sigma sqrt 2 pi e x mu 2 2 sigma 2 mathrm d x frac 1 2 1 mbox erf frac x mu sigma sqrt 2 ex2dx ex2 j 0n 1c2j1x2j 1 2n 1 c2n 2 ex2x2ndxvalid for n gt 0 displaystyle int e x 2 mathrm d x e x 2 left sum j 0 n 1 c 2j frac 1 x 2j 1 right 2n 1 c 2n 2 int frac e x 2 x 2n mathrm d x quad mbox valid for n gt 0 where c2j 1 3 5 2j 1 2j 1 2j j 22j 1 displaystyle c 2j frac 1 cdot 3 cdot 5 cdots 2j 1 2 j 1 frac 2j j 2 2j 1 dd Belirli Integraller 01ex ln a 1 x ln bdx 01 ab x bdx 01ax b1 xdx a bln a ln b displaystyle int 0 1 e x cdot ln a 1 x cdot ln b mathrm d x int 0 1 left frac a b right x cdot b mathrm d x int 0 1 a x cdot b 1 x mathrm d x frac a b ln a ln b for a gt 0 b gt 0 a b displaystyle a gt 0 b gt 0 a neq b Logaritmik ortalama icin 0 e axdx 1a displaystyle int 0 infty e ax mathrm d x frac 1 a 0 e ax2dx 12pa a gt 0 displaystyle int 0 infty e ax 2 mathrm d x frac 1 2 sqrt pi over a quad a gt 0 Gauss integrali e ax2dx pa a gt 0 displaystyle int infty infty e ax 2 mathrm d x sqrt pi over a quad a gt 0 e ax2e2bxdx paeb2a a gt 0 displaystyle int infty infty e ax 2 e 2bx mathrm d x sqrt frac pi a e frac b 2 a quad a gt 0 xe a x b 2dx bpa a gt 0 displaystyle int infty infty xe a x b 2 mathrm d x b sqrt pi over a quad a gt 0 x2e ax2dx 12pa3 a gt 0 displaystyle int infty infty x 2 e ax 2 mathrm d x frac 1 2 sqrt pi over a 3 quad a gt 0 0 xne ax2dx 12G n 12 an 12 n gt 1 a gt 0 2k 1 2k 1akpa n 2k kinteger a gt 0 k 2ak 1 n 2k 1 kinteger a gt 0 displaystyle int 0 infty x n e ax 2 mathrm d x begin cases frac 1 2 Gamma left frac n 1 2 right a frac n 1 2 amp n gt 1 a gt 0 frac 2k 1 2 k 1 a k sqrt frac pi a amp n 2k k text integer a gt 0 frac k 2a k 1 amp n 2k 1 k text integer a gt 0 end cases is the 0 xne axdx G n 1 an 1 n gt 1 a gt 0 n an 1 n 0 1 2 a gt 0 displaystyle int 0 infty x n e ax mathrm d x begin cases frac Gamma n 1 a n 1 amp n gt 1 a gt 0 frac n a n 1 amp n 0 1 2 ldots a gt 0 end cases 0 e axsin bxdx ba2 b2 a gt 0 displaystyle int 0 infty e ax sin bx mathrm d x frac b a 2 b 2 quad a gt 0 0 e axcos bxdx aa2 b2 a gt 0 displaystyle int 0 infty e ax cos bx mathrm d x frac a a 2 b 2 quad a gt 0 0 xe axsin bxdx 2ab a2 b2 2 a gt 0 displaystyle int 0 infty xe ax sin bx mathrm d x frac 2ab a 2 b 2 2 quad a gt 0 0 xe axcos bxdx a2 b2 a2 b2 2 a gt 0 displaystyle int 0 infty xe ax cos bx mathrm d x frac a 2 b 2 a 2 b 2 2 quad a gt 0 02pexcos 8d8 2pI0 x displaystyle int 0 2 pi e x cos theta d theta 2 pi I 0 x I0 displaystyle I 0 Bessel fonksiyonunun 1 mertebede degismisidir 02pexcos 8 ysin 8d8 2pI0 x2 y2 displaystyle int 0 2 pi e x cos theta y sin theta d theta 2 pi I 0 left sqrt x 2 y 2 right Kaynakcave 1964 Birkac integral bu kitapta 69 sayfada16 Subat 2009 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde listelenmistir