34. Satranç Olimpiyatı, FIDE tarafından organize edilen bir açık ve bayanlar turnuvası olarak 28 Ekim-12 Kasım 2000 tarihleri arasında İstanbul'da yapıldı.
Satranç Müsabakaları
Her iki turnuva bölümleri uluslararası Hollandalı hakem Geurt Gijssen tarafından resmî olarak yerine getirildi.Takımlar 14. tur ortasında İsveç sistemine göre eşleştirildi. Bayanlar üç üzerinde oynatıldığı halde; Açık bölüm her tur için dört tahta üzerinde oynatıldı. Zaman kontrolü olarak her bir oyun için her bir oyuncuya (bayanlar-erkekler) ilk 40 hareket için 100 dakika, daha sonra sonraki 20 hareket için 50 dakika, sonra ise oyunu bitirmek için 10 dakika verilmiştir.
Açık Turnuva
Açık bölümde 124 ulusu temsilen 126 takım yarıştı,Türkiye ev sahibi ülke olarak iki takımla katıldı.Uluslararası Brezilya Satranç Birliği bir takım şart koştuğu halde.
Takım sonuçları
Birinci-Üçüncü sırada bitiren tüm takımlar madalya alır,fakat madalya alanların hepsi grup ödülü almaya uygun değildir.
İlk onda bitirenler
Bitirme yeri | Takım | Oyuncular | Seed | Ortalama Temmuz 2000 FIDE ELO | Kazandığı oyunlar | Beraberlik Oyunları | Kaybettiği Oyunlar | Toplam Skor |
![]() | Alexander Khalifman, Alexander Morozevich, Peter Svidler, , , Alexander Grischuk | 1 | 2685 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 38.0 | |
![]() | Artur Yusupov, , , , , | 12 | 2604 | 10 | 2 | 2 | 37.0 | |
![]() | , Ruslan Ponomariov, , , , | 6 | 2638 | 8 | 5 | 1 | 35.5 | |
Dördüncü | ![]() | Peter Leko, , , , , IM | 3 | 2661 | 8 | 5 | 1 | 35.5 |
Beşinci | ![]() | Boris Gelfand, , , , , | 4 | 2652 | 7 | 6 | 1 | 34.5 |
Altıncı | ![]() | Zurab Azmaiparashvili, , , , , IM Baadur Jobava | 13 | 2602 | 7 | 4 | 3 | 34.0 |
Yedinci | ![]() | Michael Adams, , , , , | 2 | 2672 | 7 | 6 | 1 | 33.0 |
Sekizinci | ![]() | , , IM , , IM , NT | 31 | 2538 | 7 | 4 | 3 | 33.0 |
Dokuzuncu | ![]() | , , , , IM , FM | 5 | 2651 | 7 | 5 | 2 | 33.0 |
Onuncu | ![]() | Viktor Korchnoi, , , IM , IM , IM Werner Hug | 23 | 2562 | 7 | 2 | 5 | 33.0 |
Bayanlar Turnuvası
Bayanlar bölümünde 84 ulusu temsilen 86 takım yarıştı.Türkiye ev sahibi ülke olarak iki takımla katıldı;Uluslararası Brezilya Satranç Birliği bir takımşart koştuğu halde.
Takım Sonuçları
Birinci-Üçüncü sırada bitiren tüm takımlar madalya alır,fakat madalya alanların hepsi grup ödülü almaya uygun değildir.
İlk onda bitirenler
Bitiriş yeri | Takım | Oyuncular | Seed | Ortalama Temmuz 2000 FIDE ELO | Kazandığı maçlar | Berabere kaldığı maçlar | Kaybettiği maçlar | Toplam skor |
![]() | GM Xie Jun, WGM , WIM , WGM | 1 | 2537 | 10 | 4 | 0 | 32.0 | |
![]() | GM Maia Chiburdanidze, IM , WGM Nino Khurtsidze, IM Nino Gurieli | 2 | 2480 | 11 | 2 | 1 | 31.0 | |
![]() | IM Alisa Galliamova, WGM Ekaterina Kovalevskaya, WGM , WGM | 3 | 2480 | 8 | 4 | 2 | 28.5 | |
Dördüncü | ![]() | WGM , WGM Anna Zatonskih, WGM , IM Elena Sedina | 4 | 2442 | 7 | 5 | 2 | 27.0 |
Beşinci | ![]() | IM , WGM , WGM , WGM | 5 | 2430 | 8 | 1 | 5 | 26.0 |
Altıncı | ![]() | IM , WIM , , | 13 | 2329 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 25.5 |
Yedinci | ![]() | IM , WIM , WIM , WIM | 8 | 2369 | 6 | 5 | 3 | 25.0 |
Sekizinci | ![]() | IM , WIM , WIM , WIM | 10 | 2364 | 7 | 5 | 2 | 25.0 |
Dokuzuncu | ![]() | WGM , IM , WIM , WFM | 12 | 2349 | 8 | 1 | 5 | 25.0 |
Onuncu | ![]() | WGM Elina Danielian, WGM , WIM , | 19 | 2303 | 8 | 2 | 4 | 24.5 |
Genel Unvan
Nona Gaprindashvill Kupası en iyi ortalama averaja sahip olan takıma verilir,ortalama 2 ile Rusya 2000 kupasını kazandı.
Üst onda bitirenler
Takım | Açık bölüm sıralaması | Bayanlar bölümü sıralaması | Averaj sıralaması |
![]() | 1 | 3 | 2.0 |
![]() | 3 | 4 | 3.5 |
![]() | 6 | 2 | 4.0 |
![]() | 9 | 1 | 5.0 |
![]() | 2 | 8 | 5.0 |
![]() | 4 | 7 | 5.5 |
![]() | 7 | 9 | 8.0 |
![]() | 8 | 13 | 10.5 |
![]() | 5 | 20 | 12.5 |
![]() | 17 | 10 | 13.5 |
- ^ Where teams share the same total score, they are ordered by scores, calculated by summing the final scores of each opponent played by a given team. It was on the basis of a superior sum of opponents' scores, 457.5 to 455.5, that Ukrayna claimed third place over Macaristan.
- ^ Players are ordered by board, from first to last, in the same fashion in which they principally played; the fifth and sixth players of each team may have played on higher boards during the Olympiad but played fewer games than the players who primarily occupied the positions.
- ^ All players are except where a note to the contrary is present.
- ^ Teams were initially seeded into the Olympiad on the basis of the average of the top four players expected to compose each team; for example, the highest-seeded team, Rusya, entered the tournament with an average FIDE rating of 2685, whilst the lowest-seeded team, Cibuti, fielded no players with international ratings (and was therefore assessed an average rating of 1500).
- ^ The ratings averaged are those of the top four players expected to compose each team.
- ^ In as much as the tournament consisted of 14 rounds, with four games played by each team per round, the maximum number of points one team could accumulate was 56.0.
- ^ a b IM denotes .
- ^ NT denotes No FIDE title.
- ^ FM denotes .
- ^ Where teams share the same total overall score, they are ordered by scores, calculated by adding up the final scores of each opponent played by a given team. Macaristan, for example, was placed ahead of the Almanya because Hungary's opponents finished the tournament having scored 342.0 points, however those of the Germany scored 333.5.
- ^ Players are ordered by board, from first to last, in the same fashion in which they principally played; the fourth player on each team will have played on a higher board during the Olympiad but will have played fewer games than the players who primarily occupied the positions.
- ^ Titles for all FIDE-titled players are provided.
- ^ Teams were initially seeded into the Olympiad on the basis of the average of their expected players; for example, the highest-seeded team, Çin, entered the tournament with an average FIDE rating of 2537, whilst the lowest-seeded team, Zambiya, fielded no players with international ratings (and was therefore assessed an average rating of 2000).
- ^ The ratings averaged are those of the top three players expected to compose each team.
- ^ In as much as the tournament consisted of 14 rounds, with three games played by each team per round, the maximum number of points one team could accumulate was 42.
- ^ GM denotes .
- ^ WGM denotes .
- ^ WIM denotes .
- ^ WFM denotes .
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34 Satranc Olimpiyati FIDE tarafindan organize edilen bir acik ve bayanlar turnuvasi olarak 28 Ekim 12 Kasim 2000 tarihleri arasinda Istanbul da yapildi Satranc MusabakalariHer iki turnuva bolumleri uluslararasi Hollandali hakem Geurt Gijssen tarafindan resmi olarak yerine getirildi Takimlar 14 tur ortasinda Isvec sistemine gore eslestirildi Bayanlar uc uzerinde oynatildigi halde Acik bolum her tur icin dort tahta uzerinde oynatildi Zaman kontrolu olarak her bir oyun icin her bir oyuncuya bayanlar erkekler ilk 40 hareket icin 100 dakika daha sonra sonraki 20 hareket icin 50 dakika sonra ise oyunu bitirmek icin 10 dakika verilmistir Acik Turnuva Acik bolumde 124 ulusu temsilen 126 takim yaristi Turkiye ev sahibi ulke olarak iki takimla katildi Uluslararasi Brezilya Satranc Birligi bir takim sart kostugu halde Takim sonuclari Birinci Ucuncu sirada bitiren tum takimlar madalya alir fakat madalya alanlarin hepsi grup odulu almaya uygun degildir Ilk onda bitirenler Bitirme yeri Takim Oyuncular Seed Ortalama Temmuz 2000 FIDE ELO Kazandigi oyunlar Beraberlik Oyunlari Kaybettigi Oyunlar Toplam SkorRusya Alexander Khalifman Alexander Morozevich Peter Svidler Alexander Grischuk 1 2685 8 4 2 38 0Almanya Artur Yusupov 12 2604 10 2 2 37 0Ukrayna Ruslan Ponomariov 6 2638 8 5 1 35 5Dorduncu Macaristan Peter Leko IM 3 2661 8 5 1 35 5Besinci Israil Boris Gelfand 4 2652 7 6 1 34 5Altinci Gurcistan Zurab Azmaiparashvili IM Baadur Jobava 13 2602 7 4 3 34 0Yedinci Ingiltere Michael Adams 2 2672 7 6 1 33 0Sekizinci Hindistan IM IM NT 31 2538 7 4 3 33 0Dokuzuncu Cin IM FM 5 2651 7 5 2 33 0Onuncu Isvicre Viktor Korchnoi IM IM IM Werner Hug 23 2562 7 2 5 33 0Bayanlar Turnuvasi Bayanlar bolumunde 84 ulusu temsilen 86 takim yaristi Turkiye ev sahibi ulke olarak iki takimla katildi Uluslararasi Brezilya Satranc Birligi bir takimsart kostugu halde Takim Sonuclari Birinci Ucuncu sirada bitiren tum takimlar madalya alir fakat madalya alanlarin hepsi grup odulu almaya uygun degildir Ilk onda bitirenler Bitiris yeri Takim Oyuncular Seed Ortalama Temmuz 2000 FIDE ELO Kazandigi maclar Berabere kaldigi maclar Kaybettigi maclar Toplam skorCin GM Xie Jun WGM WIM WGM 1 2537 10 4 0 32 0Gurcistan GM Maia Chiburdanidze IM WGM Nino Khurtsidze IM Nino Gurieli 2 2480 11 2 1 31 0Rusya IM Alisa Galliamova WGM Ekaterina Kovalevskaya WGM WGM 3 2480 8 4 2 28 5Dorduncu Ukrayna WGM WGM Anna Zatonskih WGM IM Elena Sedina 4 2442 7 5 2 27 0Besinci Yugoslavya IM WGM WGM WGM 5 2430 8 1 5 26 0Altinci Hollanda IM WIM 13 2329 6 5 3 25 5Yedinci Macaristan IM WIM WIM WIM 8 2369 6 5 3 25 0Sekizinci Almanya IM WIM WIM WIM 10 2364 7 5 2 25 0Dokuzuncu Ingiltere WGM IM WIM WFM 12 2349 8 1 5 25 0Onuncu Ermenistan WGM Elina Danielian WGM WIM 19 2303 8 2 4 24 5Genel Unvan Nona Gaprindashvill Kupasi en iyi ortalama averaja sahip olan takima verilir ortalama 2 ile Rusya 2000 kupasini kazandi Ust onda bitirenler Takim Acik bolum siralamasi Bayanlar bolumu siralamasi Averaj siralamasiRusya 1 3 2 0Ukrayna 3 4 3 5Gurcistan 6 2 4 0Cin 9 1 5 0Almanya 2 8 5 0Macaristan 4 7 5 5Ingiltere 7 9 8 0Hindistan 8 13 10 5Israil 5 20 12 5Ermenistan 17 10 13 5Kaynakca Where teams share the same total score they are ordered by scores calculated by summing the final scores of each opponent played by a given team It was on the basis of a superior sum of opponents scores 457 5 to 455 5 that Ukrayna claimed third place over Macaristan Players are ordered by board from first to last in the same fashion in which they principally played the fifth and sixth players of each team may have played on higher boards during the Olympiad but played fewer games than the players who primarily occupied the positions All players are except where a note to the contrary is present Teams were initially seeded into the Olympiad on the basis of the average of the top four players expected to compose each team for example the highest seeded team Rusya entered the tournament with an average FIDE rating of 2685 whilst the lowest seeded team Cibuti fielded no players with international ratings and was therefore assessed an average rating of 1500 The ratings averaged are those of the top four players expected to compose each team In as much as the tournament consisted of 14 rounds with four games played by each team per round the maximum number of points one team could accumulate was 56 0 a b IM denotes NT denotes No FIDE title FM denotes Where teams share the same total overall score they are ordered by scores calculated by adding up the final scores of each opponent played by a given team Macaristan for example was placed ahead of the Almanya because Hungary s opponents finished the tournament having scored 342 0 points however those of the Germany scored 333 5 Players are ordered by board from first to last in the same fashion in which they principally played the fourth player on each team will have played on a higher board during the Olympiad but will have played fewer games than the players who primarily occupied the positions Titles for all FIDE titled players are provided Teams were initially seeded into the Olympiad on the basis of the average of their expected players for example the highest seeded team Cin entered the tournament with an average FIDE rating of 2537 whilst the lowest seeded team Zambiya fielded no players with international ratings and was therefore assessed an average rating of 2000 The ratings averaged are those of the top three players expected to compose each team In as much as the tournament consisted of 14 rounds with three games played by each team per round the maximum number of points one team could accumulate was 42 GM denotes WGM denotes WIM denotes WFM denotes