Bu, ABD'nin Alaska eyaletinin 143 şehrinin nüfuslarıyla birlikte listesidir.

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Bu ABD nin Alaska eyaletinin 143 sehrinin nufuslariyla birlikte listesidir Alaska nin BayragiAnchorage Alaska nin en buyuk sehriFairbanksJuneau Alaska nin baskentiSiralama Isim Nufus 2000 Nufus 2004 Artan 2005 Azalan 2006 Ilce ler 1 Anchorage Alaska 260 283 272 687 Anchorage Borough2 Juneau Alaska 30 711 30 987 Juneau City and Borough3 Fairbanks Alaska 30 224 31 324 Fairbanks North Star Borough4 11 404 11 800 Fairbanks North Star Borough5 Sitka Alaska 8835 8900 8986 Sitka City and Borough6 Ketchikan Alaska 7922 7410 Ketchikan Gateway Borough7 7049 Matanuska Susitna Borough8 Kenai Alaska 6942 7464 Kenai Peninsula Borough9 6706 Matanuska Susitna Borough10 Kodiak 6334 6200 Kodiak Island Borough11 5846 Kenai Peninsula Borough12 Bethel 5471 6100 Bethel Census Area13 Wasilla Alaska 5469 5469 Matanuska Susitna Borough14 5400 Fairbanks North Star Borough15 5297 Juneau City and Borough16 4993 Matanuska Susitna Borough17 4819 Matanuska Susitna Borough18 4705 4200 Kenai Peninsula Borough19 Barrow 4581 4065 North Slope Borough20 Palmer 4533 6920 Matanuska Susitna Borough21 4327 Kenai Peninsula Borough22 4283 Aleutians West Census Area23 Valdez 4036 4200 4015 Valdez Cordova Census Area24 Homer 3946 5364 Kenai Peninsula Borough25 Soldotna Alaska 3759 3900 Kenai Peninsula Borough26 Nome 3505 3800 Nome Census Area27 3224 3020 Petersburg Census Area28 Kotzebue 3082 Northwest Arctic Borough29 2952 Matanuska Susitna Borough30 Seward 2830 Kenai Peninsula Borough31 2635 Matanuska Susitna Borough32 2561 Matanuska Susitna Borough33 2466 Dillingham Census Area34 2454 Valdez Cordova Census Area35 Wrangell 2308 Wrangell City and Borough36 2030 Matanuska Susitna Borough37 1932 Kenai Peninsula Borough38 1845 Kenai Peninsula Borough39 1840 Kodiak Island Borough40 1817 Anchorage Borough41 1811 Haines Borough42 1802 Kenai Peninsula Borough43 1748 Kenai Peninsula Borough44 1680 Fairbanks North Star Borough45 1658 Matanuska Susitna Borough46 1603 Kenai Peninsula Borough47 1570 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area48 1570 Fairbanks North Star Borough49 1397 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area50 Tok Alaska 1393 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area51 1375 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area52 1202 Matanuska Susitna Borough53 1168 Kenai Peninsula Borough54 1158 Matanuska Susitna Borough55 1080 Matanuska Susitna Borough56 1067 Matanuska Susitna Borough57 1014 Wade Hampton Census Area58 1000 Denali Borough59 956 Matanuska Susitna Borough60 954 Kenai Peninsula Borough61 952 Aleutians East Borough62 Skagway Alaska 862 Skagway Borough63 860 Hoonah Angoon Census Area64 854 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area65 854 Fairbanks North Star Borough66 840 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area67 809 Dillingham Census Area68 Yakutat City and Borough 808 Yakutat City and Borough69 792 Aleutians East Borough70 772 Kenai Peninsula Borough71 Selawik 772 Northwest Arctic Borough72 772 Matanuska Susitna Borough73 767 Wade Hampton Census Area74 765 Wade Hampton Census Area75 Point Hope Alaska 757 North Slope Borough76 755 Wade Hampton Census Area77 749 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area78 Unalakleet Alaska 747 Nome Census Area79 713 Aleutians East Borough80 713 Bethel Census Area81 710 Petersburg Census Area82 699 Matanuska Susitna Borough83 690 Kodiak Island Borough84 678 Bristol Bay Borough85 Galena 675 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area86 652 Wade Hampton Census Area87 649 Nome Census Area88 644 Bethel Census Area89 643 Nome Census Area90 636 Kenai Peninsula Borough91 634 Northwest Arctic Borough92 623 Fairbanks North Star Borough93 616 Kenai Peninsula Borough94 Fort Yukon Alaska 595 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area95 591 Wade Hampton Census Area96 585 Bethel Census Area97 582 Matanuska Susitna Borough98 572 Hoonah Angoon Census Area99 572 Bethel Census Area100 562 Nome Census Area101 557 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area102 555 Bethel Census Area103 554 Valdez Cordova Census Area104 550 Wade Hampton Census Area105 Stebbins 547 Nome Census Area106 Wainwright 546 North Slope Borough107 543 Bethel Census Area108 542 Fairbanks North Star Borough109 532 Aleutians West Census Area110 532 Bethel Census Area111 500 Wade Hampton Census Area112 489 Kenai Peninsula Borough113 482 Fairbanks North Star Borough114 471 Kenai Peninsula Borough115 471 Dillingham Census Area116 466 Bethel Census Area117 465 Wade Hampton Census Area118 461 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area119 442 Bristol Bay Borough120 Nuiqsut Alaska 433 North Slope Borough121 431 Kenai Peninsula Borough122 431 Ketchikan Gateway Borough123 429 Hoonah Angoon Census Area124 Noatak 428 Northwest Arctic Borough125 428 Bethel Census Area126 423 Matanuska Susitna Borough127 410 Valdez Cordova Census Area128 Buckland 406 Northwest Arctic Borough129 Nenana Alaska 402 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area130 McGrath 401 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area131 399 Dillingham Census Area132 394 Bethel Census Area133 394 Anchorage Borough134 390 Bethel Census Area135 Kiana 388 Northwest Arctic Borough136 382 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area137 377 Northwest Arctic Borough138 370 Bethel Census Area139 369 Kenai Peninsula Borough140 Saint Michael disambiguation 368 Nome Census Area141 367 Denali Borough142 362 Valdez Cordova Census Area143 359 Bethel Census Area144 353 Bethel Census Area145 349 Wade Hampton Census Area146 345 Kenai Peninsula Borough147 338 Bethel Census Area148 Nulato 336 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area149 325 Bethel Census Area150 321 Bethel Census Area151 316 Aleutians West Census Area152 Elim 313 Nome Census Area153 309 Bethel Census Area154 Ambler 309 Northwest Arctic Borough155 Tanana 308 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area156 300 Fairbanks North Star Borough157 Koyuk 297 Nome Census Area158 296 Wade Hampton Census Area159 294 Bethel Census Area160 293 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area161 Kaktovik Alaska 293 North Slope Borough162 286 Kenai Peninsula Borough163 Anaktuvuk Pass Alaska 282 North Slope Borough164 280 Bethel Census Area165 276 Nome Census Area166 Teller 268 Nome Census Area167 267 Bethel Census Area168 Minto 258 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area169 Port Lions Alaska 256 Kodiak Island Borough170 256 Northwest Arctic Borough171 249 Matanuska Susitna Borough172 Point Lay Alaska 247 North Slope Borough173 Old Harbor 237 Kodiak Island Borough174 230 Bethel Census Area175 Kaltag Alaska 230 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area176 Shaktoolik Alaska 230 Nome Census Area177 230 Bethel Census Area178 Atqasuk Alaska 228 North Slope Borough179 Holy Cross 227 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area180 225 Kodiak Island Borough181 Cantwell 222 Denali Borough182 221 Dillingham Census Area183 221 Haines Borough184 221 Lake and Peninsula Borough185 216 Fairbanks North Star Borough186 Gakona 215 Valdez Cordova Census Area187 213 Matanuska Susitna Borough188 210 Bethel Census Area189 208 Bethel Census Area190 206 Kenai Peninsula Borough191 White Mountain 203 Nome Census Area192 202 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area193 201 Valdez Cordova Census Area194 199 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area195 Grayling 194 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area196 193 Kenai Peninsula Borough197 Ruby 188 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area198 182 Dillingham Census Area199 Whittier 182 Valdez Cordova Census Area200 179 Valdez Cordova Census Area201 177 Kenai Peninsula Borough202 174 Lake and Peninsula Borough203 173 Kenai Peninsula Borough204 171 Kenai Peninsula Borough205 168 Valdez Cordova Census Area206 164 Wade Hampton Census Area207 164 Wade Hampton Census Area208 163 Hoonah Angoon Census Area209 160 Lake and Peninsula Borough210 Arctic Village Alaska 152 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area211 152 Aleutians West Census Area212 Wales 152 Nome Census Area213 149 Valdez Cordova Census Area214 146 Nome Census Area215 145 Lake and Peninsula Borough216 Golovin 144 Nome Census Area217 144 Kenai Peninsula Borough218 142 Denali Borough219 142 Valdez Cordova Census Area220 Tanacross 140 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area221 139 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area222 139 Hoonah Angoon Census Area223 137 Bethel Census Area224 137 Kenai Peninsula Borough225 137 Haines Borough226 137 Bristol Bay Borough227 Deering 136 Northwest Arctic Borough228 135 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area229 134 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area230 134 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area231 130 Dillingham Census Area232 130 Valdez Cordova Census Area233 Eagle 129 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area234 129 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area235 128 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area236 127 Wade Hampton Census Area237 125 Wade Hampton Census Area238 Slana 124 Valdez Cordova Census Area239 Chitina 123 Valdez Cordova Census Area240 122 Lake and Peninsula Borough241 119 Bethel Census Area242 119 Lake and Peninsula Borough243 Tetlin 117 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area244 116 Lake and Peninsula Borough245 116 Hoonah Angoon Census Area246 115 Kodiak Island Borough247 111 Matanuska Susitna Borough248 111 Matanuska Susitna Borough249 Kobuk 109 Northwest Arctic Borough250 107 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area251 107 Lake and Peninsula Borough252 107 Valdez Cordova Census Area253 104 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area254 104 Lake and Peninsula Borough255 104 Hoonah Angoon Census Area256 103 Lake and Peninsula Borough257 102 Haines Borough258 102 Lake and Peninsula Borough259 Koyukuk 101 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area260 Circle Alaska 100 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area261 Nikolai 100 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area262 100 Lake and Peninsula Borough263 100 Bethel Census Area264 97 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area265 97 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area266 Northway 95 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area267 93 Valdez Cordova Census Area268 93 Kenai Peninsula Borough269 92 Aleutians West Census Area270 92 Kenai Peninsula Borough271 92 Valdez Cordova Census Area272 88 Aleutians East Borough273 88 Valdez Cordova Census Area274 88 Matanuska Susitna Borough275 Stevens Village 87 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area276 Chenega Alaska 86 Valdez Cordova Census Area277 Beaver 84 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area278 Chalkyitsik Alaska 83 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area279 83 Aleutians East Borough280 81 Petersburg Census Area281 Akhiok 80 Kodiak Island Borough282 79 Lake and Peninsula Borough283 Hughes 78 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area284 75 Dillingham Census Area285 75 Kenai Peninsula Borough286 74 Kenai Peninsula Borough287 72 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area288 72 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area289 71 Valdez Cordova Census Area290 69 Dillingham Census Area291 68 Kodiak Island Borough292 68 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area293 64 Aleutians East Borough294 63 Valdez Cordova Census Area295 63 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area296 61 Bethel Census Area297 61 Bethel Census Area298 58 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area299 53 Lake and Peninsula Borough300 50 Kodiak Island Borough301 50 Lake and Peninsula Borough302 Takotna 50 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area303 49 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area304 48 Bethel Census Area305 46 Bethel Census Area306 Rampart 45 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area307 Bettles 43 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area308 43 Valdez Cordova Census Area309 42 Valdez Cordova Census Area310 41 Matanuska Susitna Borough311 41 Bethel Census Area312 40 Kenai Peninsula Borough313 39 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area314 39 Haines Borough315 39 Aleutians West Census Area316 38 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area317 38 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area318 37 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area319 37 Matanuska Susitna Borough320 36 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area321 36 Dillingham Census Area322 Alatna 35 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area323 35 Hoonah Angoon Census Area324 35 Kenai Peninsula Borough325 35 Prince of Wales Hyder Census Area326 32 Kenai Peninsula Borough327 32 Hoonah Angoon Census Area328 32 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area329 32 Northwest Arctic Borough330 29 Denali Borough331 29 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area332 Birch Creek 28 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area333 Evansville 28 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area334 27 Kodiak Island Borough335 27 Matanuska Susitna Borough336 27 Aleutians West Census Area337 27 Valdez Cordova Census Area338 23 Petersburg Census Area339 22 Lake and Peninsula Borough340 22 Petersburg Census Area341 21 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area342 21343 21 Nome Census Area344 21 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area345 20 Aleutians West Census Area346 19 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area347 18 Kenai Peninsula Borough348 17 Southeast Fairbanks Census Area349 13 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area350 12 Valdez Cordova Census Area351 11 Lake and Peninsula Borough352 10 Haines Borough353 8 Lake and Peninsula Borough354 5 North Slope Borough355 4 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area356 Solomon 4 Nome Census Area357 3 Bethel Census Area358 3 Hoonah Angoon Census Area359 3 Yukon Koyukuk Census Area360 2 Dillingham Census Area361 2 Wade Hampton Census Area362 0 North Slope BoroughAyrica bakinizAmerika Birlesik Devletleri ndeki yerlesim yerleri listesi