Ba Jin (25 Kasım 1904 – 17 Ekim 2005), 20. yüzyılda The Family adlı romanı yazan Çinli yazar ve politik aktivist.
Ba Jin | |
![]() 1938'de Ba Jin | |
Doğum | 25 Kasım 1904 Çengdu, Siçuan, Çing Hanedanı, Çin |
Ölüm | 17 Ekim 2005 (100 yaşında) Şangay, Çin |
Meslek | Roman yazarı |
Önemli eser | Türbülanslı Akış: , Bahar ve Sonbahar Aşk Üçlemesi: Sis, Yağmur ve Şimşek |
Önemli ödülleri | 1983: Légion d'honneur 1990: (özel ödül) |
Evlilik | Xiao Shan (e. 1927; ö. 1972) |
Çocuklar | Li Xiaolin |
Li Yaotang olarak doğdu. En çok tanınan takma adını Ba Jin olarak kullandı. Bazen Li Pei Kan olarak da biliniyordu.
İlk yılları ve anarşizm
Ba Jin, Siçuan, Çengdu'da beş nesillik bir evde doğdu. Çocukken Ba Jin'e önce annesi ve daha sonra özel olarak kendisi ile ilgilenen ev öğretmenleri tarafından okuma ve yazma öğretildi. Gençken Ba Jin, Piotr Kropotkin'in on beş yaşında okuduğu An Appeal to the Young broşüründen derinden etkilendi. Ba Jin, daha sonra "ruhani annesi" olarak adlandırdığı Emma Goldman'dan etkilenerek, onunla ömür boyu yazışmalara başladı.
1920'de Ba Jin, İngilizce öğrenmek için Chengdu Yabancı Dil Uzmanlık Okuluna bir ağabeyiyle kaydoldu. Orada, ilk olarak Crescent adlı edebiyat dergisinin organizasyonuyla uğraştı ve bir dizi vers libre yazdı. Daha sonra aktif olarak propaganda broşürleri dağıtan anarşist bir organizasyon olan Eşitlik Derneği'ne katıldı.
Üç yıl sonra, Ba Jin Şanghay'a ve daha sonra Nankin'deki Dongnan Üniversitesi'ne çalışma bahanesiyle taşındı, ama esas olarak, kendi ifadesiyle, ailesinin feodalist () etkisinden kaçmak için. Orada Esperanto'yu öğrendi ve solcu sosyalist grevlerde yer aldı, anarşist harekette faal kalarak Chicago Anarşist Şehitleri üzerine bir broşür yazdı.
Ba Jin'in oğlu Li Xiao bir kurgu yazarıdır.
İngilizce çeviriler
- (1954) Living Amongst Heroes. Beijing: Foreign Language Press.
- (1958) The Family. (trans. Sidney Shapiro) Beijing: Foreign Language Press.
- (1959) A battle for life: a full record of how the life of steel worker, Chiu Tsai-kang, was saved in the Shanghai Kwangrze Hospital. Beijing: Foreign Language Press.
- (1978) Cold Nights (trans. Nathan K. Mao and Liu Ts'un-yan) Hong Kong: Chinese University press.
- (1984) Random Thoughts (trans. Germie Barm&ecute). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing Company. (Partial translation of Suizianglu)
- (1988) Selected works of Ba Jin (trans. Sidney Shapiro and Jock Hoe) Beijing: Foreign Language Press. (Includes The Family, Autumn in Spring, Garden of Repose, Bitter Cold Nights)
- (1999) Ward Four: A Novel of Wartime China (trans. Haili Kong and Howard Goldblatt). San Francisco: China Books and Periodicals, Inc.
- (2005) "How to Build a Society of Genuine Freedom and Equality"(1921), "Patriotism and the Road to Happiness for the Chinese"(1921) and "Anarchism and the Question of Practice"(1927) in Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas, Volume 1: From Anarchy to Anarchism (300CE-1939), ed. Robert Graham. Montreal: Black Rose Books.
- (2012) Ward Four: A Novel of Wartime China (trans. Howard Goldblatt). San Francisco: China Books and Periodicals, Inc. .
Koleksiyonlardaki Ba Jin hikâyeleri
- Arzybasheff, M. (1927). "Morning Shadows?" in Tales of the Revolution. Tr. Percy Pinkerton. New York Huebsch.
- (1927). "Workingman Shevyrev." in Tales of the Revolution, tr. Percy Pinkerton. New York: Huebsch.
- Kısa hikâye koleksiyonları
- Vengeance 《复仇》, 1931
- Dog 《狗》, 1931
- Brightness 《光明》, 1932
- The Electric Chair 《电椅》, 1933
- Wiping Cloth 《抹布》, 1933
- The General 《将军》, 1934
- Gods, Ghosts and Men 《神·鬼·人》, 1935
- Sinking 《沉落》, 1936
- The Story of Hair 《发的故事》, 1936
- Thunder 《雷》, 1937
- Resurrection Grass 《还魂草》, 1942
- Little People, Little Events 《小人小事》, 1943
- Heroic Tales 《英雄的故事》, 1953
- Pigs and Chickens 《猪与鸡》, 1959
- Li Da-hai 《李大海》, 1961
- Stories Outside the City, 1992
- Çocuk edebiyatı
- The Immortality Pagoda 《长生塔》, 1937
- The Pearl and the Jade Concubine 《明珠和玉姬》, 1957
- Romanlar ve kısa romanlar
- Destruction 《灭亡》, 1929
- The Dead Sun 《死去的太阳》, 1931
- The "Love" Trilogy 《爱情的三部曲》 (1931-5)
- Fog 《雾》, 1931
- Rain 《雨》, 1933
- Lightning 《电》, 1935
- New Life 《新生》, 1933
- Miners 《砂丁》, 1933
- Germination 《萌芽》, 1933
- A Dream of the Sea 《海的梦》, 1932
- Autumn in Spring 《春天里的秋天》, 1932
- The "Torrents" Trilogy 《激流三部曲》
- The Family 《家》, 1933
- Spring 《春》, 1938
- Autumn 《秋》, 1940
- Lina 《利娜》, 1940
- Fires 《火》(üç cilt), 1940-1945
- Stars 《星》(İngilizce-Çince çift dilli), 1941
- A Garden of Repose 《憩园》, kısa roman, 1944
- Ward No 4 《第四病室》, 1946
- Cold Nights 《寒夜》, 1947
- Otobiyografi ve anılar
- Ba Jin: An Autobiography 《巴金自传》, 1934
- I Remember 《忆》, 1936
- Thinking Back on Childhood 《童年的回忆》, 1984
- Kurgusal olmayan
- (coauthor)Anarchism and its Practical Problems 《无政府主义与实际问题》, 1927
- From Capitalism to Anarchism 《从资本主义到安那其主义》, 1930
- A Walk by the Sea 《海行》, 1932
- Travel Notes 《旅途随笔》, 1934
- Droplets of Life 《点滴》, 1935
- Confessions of Living 《生之忏悔》, 1936
- Brief Notes 《短简》, 1937
- I Accuse 《控诉》, 1937
- Dreaming and Drunkenness 《梦与醉》, 1938
- Thoughts and Feelings 《感想》, 1939
- Black Earth 《黑土》, 1939
- Untitled 《无题》, 1941
- Dragons, Tigers and Dogs 《龙·虎·狗》, 1941
- Outside the Derelict Garden 《废园外》, 1942
- Travel Notes 《旅途杂记》, 1946
- Remembering 《怀念》, 1947
- Tragedy of a Still Night 《静夜的悲剧》, 1948
- The Nazi Massacre Factory: Auschwitz 《纳粹杀人工厂—奥斯威辛》, 1951
- Warsaw Festivals: Notes in Poland 《华沙城的节日—波兰杂记》, 1951
- The Consoling Letter and Others 《慰问信及其他》, 1951
- Living Amongst Heroes 《生活书局在英雄们中间》, 1953
- They Who Defend Peace 《保卫和平的人们》, 1954
- On Chekhov 《谈契河夫》, 1955
- Days of Great Joy 《大欢乐的日子》, 1957
- Strong Warriors 《坚强的战士》, 1957
- A Battle for Life 《—场挽救生命的战斗》, 1958
- New Voices: A Collection 《新声集》, 1959
- Friendship: A Collection 《友谊集》, 1959
- Eulogies: A Collection 《赞歌集》, 1960
- Feelings I Can't Express 《倾吐不尽的感情》, 1963
- Lovely by the Bridge 《贤良桥畔》, 1964
- Travels to Dazhai 《大寨行》, 1965
- Ba Jin: New Writings, 1978-1980
- Smorching Smoke 《烟火集》, 1979
- Random Thoughts 《随想录》, 1978-86
- Thinking Back on Writing 《创作回忆录》 1981
- Exploration and Memories 《探索与回忆》, 1982
- Afterwords: A Collection 《序跋集》, 1982
- Remembrance: A Collection 《忆念集》, 1982
- Ba Jin: On Writing 《巴金论创作》, 1983
- Literature: Recollections (with Lao She) 《文学回忆录》 1983
- To Earth to Dust 《愿化泥土》, 1984
- I Accuse: A Collection 《控诉集》, 1985
- In My Heart 《心里话》, 1986
- Ten Years, One Dream 《十年一梦》, 1986
- More Thoughts 《再思录》, 1995
- Mektuplar
- To Our Young Friends Looking for Aspirations 《寻找理想的少年朋友》, 1987
- Snow and Dirt 《雪泥集》, 1987
- Collected Letters of Ba Jin 《巴金书信集》, 1991
- Diğerleri
- A Battle For Life 19 Nisan 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Partial excerpt of English translation of Ba Jin's dedication to Emma Goldman 18 Ocak 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- How Are We To Establish A Truly Free And Egalitarian Society?, 1921 4 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Nationalism and the Road to Happiness for the Chinese, 1921 21 Ekim 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Letter from Ba Jin to the CRIA (International Anarchist Liaison Commission, Paris), 18 March 1949 29 Ocak 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- A Museum of the "Cultural Revolution", 1986 14 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
Ayrıca bakınız
- ^ Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism. AK Press. 2009. s. 20.
Ek kaynaklar
- Ayers, W. (1950). "Shanghai Labor and the May Thirtieth Movement," Papers on China, 5:1-38. Harvard University, East Asian Research Center.
- Bao-Puo. (1925). "The Anarchist Movement in China: From a Letter of a Chinese Comrade." Tr. from the Russian, in Freedom. 39.423:4.
- (1953). "The Society for Literary Studies, 1921-1930." Papers on China. 7.34-79. Harvard University, East Asian Research Center.
- Chen Tan-chen. (1963). "Pa Chin the Novelist: An Interview." Chinese Literature. 6.84-92.
- Ch'en Chia-ai character. "Chung-kuo li-shih shang chih an-na-ch'i-chu -i che character (Anarchists in Chinese history); in K'o-lu-p'ao-t'e-chin hsueh-shuo kai-yao. pp. 379-410.
- Hsin ch'ing-nien (1908). "Chinese Anarchist in Tokyo," Freedom, 22.23.52.
- Olga Lang, Pa Chin and His Writings: Chinese Youth between the Wars (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1967)
- Martin, H. and J. Kinkley, eds. (1992) Modern Chinese writers: self-portrayals. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe.
- Pino, Angel, “Ba Jin and the ‘Arshinov Platform’”. 12 Kasım 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Pino, Angel, “Ba Jin as Translator,” tr. Ian MacCabe, in Peng Hsiao-yen & Isabelle Rabut (eds.), Modern China and the West: Translation and Cultural Mediation. Leiden-Boston: Brill, “East Asian Comparative Literature and Culture” (2), 2014, 28-105.
- Ba Jin On Anarchism and Terrorism. 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynağından . Erişim tarihi: 30 Kasım 2020.
- Razak, Dzulkifli Abdul (Oct. 30, 2005). "Leaving behind their legacies". New Straits Times, p. F9.
- Renditions Autumn 1992. No. 38. "Special issue on Twentieth Century Memoirs. Reminiscences by well-known literary figures, including Zhu Ziqing, Ba Jin, Lao She and Wang Xiyan."
- Return from Silence: Five prominent and controversial Chinese writers speak on their roles in the modernization of China. (1 saatlik video kaset mevcut) - Modern klasikleri Çin'in geçmişini şekillendiren beş saygın Çinli yazarın hayatı ve çalışmaları: Ba Jin, Mao Dun, Ding Ling, Cao Yu ve Ai Qing. Chung-wen Shih, George Washington Üniversitesi, 1982 tarafından üretilmiştir.
Konuyla ilgili yayınlar
- Lang, Olga. Pa Chin ve Yazıları: İki Devrim Arasında Çin Gençliği . Cambdridge, Mass. Harvard University Press, 1967.
- Mao, Nathan K. Pa Chin . Boston: Twayne Yayıncıları, 1978.
Dış bağlantılar
- "Yüzyılın kargaşasına edebi tanıklık" China Daily (2003-11-24) 27 Ağustos 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- "Çin edebiyat ikonu Ba Jin öldü" (BBC) 28 Ağustos 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Bir Çin edebiyatı 23 Ekim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . devi " Çin edebiyatının 23 Ekim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . devi" ~ The Sydney Morning Herald ' (21 Ekim 2005)]
- Ba Jin Anarchist Archives şirketinde 6 Eylül 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- "Kar Eridiğinde", Tang Sheng tarafından 31 Temmuz 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde . Sınır Tanımayan Kelimeler'de Çeviren 31 Temmuz 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Pa Chin: Edebi ve Devrimci Bir Çinli Anarşist ~ YemenTimes Gazetesi 8 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Ba Jin: Hayat ve Eserler 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde .
- Ba Jin. Kong Kai Ming'den Bir Portre Hong Kong Baptist Üniversitesi Kütüphanesi'nde
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Ba Jin 25 Kasim 1904 17 Ekim 2005 20 yuzyilda The Family adli romani yazan Cinli yazar ve politik aktivist Ba Jin1938 de Ba JinDogum25 Kasim 1904 1904 11 25 Cengdu Sicuan Cing Hanedani CinOlum17 Ekim 2005 100 yasinda Sangay CinMeslekRoman yazariOnemli eserTurbulansli Akis Bahar ve Sonbahar Ask Uclemesi Sis Yagmur ve SimsekOnemli odulleri1983 Legion d honneur 1990 ozel odul EvlilikXiao Shan e 1927 o 1972 CocuklarLi XiaolinAdLi Yaotang olarak dogdu En cok taninan takma adini Ba Jin olarak kullandi Bazen Li Pei Kan olarak da biliniyordu BiyografiIlk yillari ve anarsizm Ba Jin Sicuan Cengdu da bes nesillik bir evde dogdu Cocukken Ba Jin e once annesi ve daha sonra ozel olarak kendisi ile ilgilenen ev ogretmenleri tarafindan okuma ve yazma ogretildi Gencken Ba Jin Piotr Kropotkin in on bes yasinda okudugu An Appeal to the Young brosurunden derinden etkilendi Ba Jin daha sonra ruhani annesi olarak adlandirdigi Emma Goldman dan etkilenerek onunla omur boyu yazismalara basladi 1920 de Ba Jin Ingilizce ogrenmek icin Chengdu Yabanci Dil Uzmanlik Okuluna bir agabeyiyle kaydoldu Orada ilk olarak Crescent adli edebiyat dergisinin organizasyonuyla ugrasti ve bir dizi vers libre yazdi Daha sonra aktif olarak propaganda brosurleri dagitan anarsist bir organizasyon olan Esitlik Dernegi ne katildi Uc yil sonra Ba Jin Sanghay a ve daha sonra Nankin deki Dongnan Universitesi ne calisma bahanesiyle tasindi ama esas olarak kendi ifadesiyle ailesinin feodalist etkisinden kacmak icin Orada Esperanto yu ogrendi ve solcu sosyalist grevlerde yer aldi anarsist harekette faal kalarak Chicago Anarsist Sehitleri uzerine bir brosur yazdi AilesiBa Jin in oglu Li Xiao bir kurgu yazaridir BibliyografyaIngilizce ceviriler 1954 Living Amongst Heroes Beijing Foreign Language Press 1958 The Family trans Sidney Shapiro Beijing Foreign Language Press 1959 A battle for life a full record of how the life of steel worker Chiu Tsai kang was saved in the Shanghai Kwangrze Hospital Beijing Foreign Language Press 1978 Cold Nights trans Nathan K Mao and Liu Ts un yan Hong Kong Chinese University press 1984 Random Thoughts trans Germie Barm amp ecute Hong Kong Joint Publishing Company Partial translation of Suizianglu 1988 Selected works of Ba Jin trans Sidney Shapiro and Jock Hoe Beijing Foreign Language Press Includes The Family Autumn in Spring Garden of Repose Bitter Cold Nights 1999 Ward Four A Novel of Wartime China trans Haili Kong and Howard Goldblatt San Francisco China Books and Periodicals Inc 2005 How to Build a Society of Genuine Freedom and Equality 1921 Patriotism and the Road to Happiness for the Chinese 1921 and Anarchism and the Question of Practice 1927 in Anarchism A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas Volume 1 From Anarchy to Anarchism 300CE 1939 ed Robert Graham Montreal Black Rose Books 2012 Ward Four A Novel of Wartime China trans Howard Goldblatt San Francisco China Books and Periodicals Inc 9780835100007 Koleksiyonlardaki Ba Jin hikayeleri Arzybasheff M 1927 Morning Shadows in Tales of the Revolution Tr Percy Pinkerton New York Huebsch 1927 Workingman Shevyrev in Tales of the Revolution tr Percy Pinkerton New York Huebsch CalismalariKisa hikaye koleksiyonlariVengeance 复仇 1931 Dog 狗 1931 Brightness 光明 1932 The Electric Chair 电椅 1933 Wiping Cloth 抹布 1933 The General 将军 1934 Gods Ghosts and Men 神 鬼 人 1935 Sinking 沉落 1936 The Story of Hair 发的故事 1936 Thunder 雷 1937 Resurrection Grass 还魂草 1942 Little People Little Events 小人小事 1943 Heroic Tales 英雄的故事 1953 Pigs and Chickens 猪与鸡 1959 Li Da hai 李大海 1961 Stories Outside the City 1992Cocuk edebiyatiThe Immortality Pagoda 长生塔 1937 The Pearl and the Jade Concubine 明珠和玉姬 1957Romanlar ve kisa romanlarDestruction 灭亡 1929 The Dead Sun 死去的太阳 1931 The Love Trilogy 爱情的三部曲 1931 5 Fog 雾 1931 Rain 雨 1933 Lightning 电 1935 New Life 新生 1933 Miners 砂丁 1933 Germination 萌芽 1933 A Dream of the Sea 海的梦 1932 Autumn in Spring 春天里的秋天 1932 The Torrents Trilogy 激流三部曲 The Family 家 1933 Spring 春 1938 Autumn 秋 1940 Lina 利娜 1940 Fires 火 uc cilt 1940 1945 Stars 星 Ingilizce Cince cift dilli 1941 A Garden of Repose 憩园 kisa roman 1944 Ward No 4 第四病室 1946 Cold Nights 寒夜 1947Otobiyografi ve anilarBa Jin An Autobiography 巴金自传 1934 I Remember 忆 1936 Thinking Back on Childhood 童年的回忆 1984Kurgusal olmayan coauthor Anarchism and its Practical Problems 无政府主义与实际问题 1927 From Capitalism to Anarchism 从资本主义到安那其主义 1930 A Walk by the Sea 海行 1932 Travel Notes 旅途随笔 1934 Droplets of Life 点滴 1935 Confessions of Living 生之忏悔 1936 Brief Notes 短简 1937 I Accuse 控诉 1937 Dreaming and Drunkenness 梦与醉 1938 Thoughts and Feelings 感想 1939 Black Earth 黑土 1939 Untitled 无题 1941 Dragons Tigers and Dogs 龙 虎 狗 1941 Outside the Derelict Garden 废园外 1942 Travel Notes 旅途杂记 1946 Remembering 怀念 1947 Tragedy of a Still Night 静夜的悲剧 1948 The Nazi Massacre Factory Auschwitz 纳粹杀人工厂 奥斯威辛 1951 Warsaw Festivals Notes in Poland 华沙城的节日 波兰杂记 1951 The Consoling Letter and Others 慰问信及其他 1951 Living Amongst Heroes 生活书局在英雄们中间 1953 They Who Defend Peace 保卫和平的人们 1954 On Chekhov 谈契河夫 1955 Days of Great Joy 大欢乐的日子 1957 Strong Warriors 坚强的战士 1957 A Battle for Life 场挽救生命的战斗 1958 New Voices A Collection 新声集 1959 Friendship A Collection 友谊集 1959 Eulogies A Collection 赞歌集 1960 Feelings I Can t Express 倾吐不尽的感情 1963 Lovely by the Bridge 贤良桥畔 1964 Travels to Dazhai 大寨行 1965 Ba Jin New Writings 1978 1980 Smorching Smoke 烟火集 1979 Random Thoughts 随想录 1978 86 Thinking Back on Writing 创作回忆录 1981 Exploration and Memories 探索与回忆 1982 Afterwords A Collection 序跋集 1982 Remembrance A Collection 忆念集 1982 Ba Jin On Writing 巴金论创作 1983 Literature Recollections with Lao She 文学回忆录 1983 To Earth to Dust 愿化泥土 1984 I Accuse A Collection 控诉集 1985 In My Heart 心里话 1986 Ten Years One Dream 十年一梦 1986 More Thoughts 再思录 1995MektuplarTo Our Young Friends Looking for Aspirations 寻找理想的少年朋友 1987 Snow and Dirt 雪泥集 1987 Collected Letters of Ba Jin 巴金书信集 1991DigerleriA Battle For Life 19 Nisan 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Partial excerpt of English translation of Ba Jin s dedication to Emma Goldman 18 Ocak 2015 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde How Are We To Establish A Truly Free And Egalitarian Society 1921 4 Agustos 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Nationalism and the Road to Happiness for the Chinese 1921 21 Ekim 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Letter from Ba Jin to the CRIA International Anarchist Liaison Commission Paris 18 March 1949 29 Ocak 2018 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde A Museum of the Cultural Revolution 1986 14 Agustos 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ayrica bakinizCin edebiyatiKaynakca Black Flame The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism AK Press 2009 s 20 Ek kaynaklarAyers W 1950 Shanghai Labor and the May Thirtieth Movement Papers on China 5 1 38 Harvard University East Asian Research Center Bao Puo 1925 The Anarchist Movement in China From a Letter of a Chinese Comrade Tr from the Russian in Freedom 39 423 4 1953 The Society for Literary Studies 1921 1930 Papers on China 7 34 79 Harvard University East Asian Research Center Chen Tan chen 1963 Pa Chin the Novelist An Interview Chinese Literature 6 84 92 Ch en Chia ai character Chung kuo li shih shang chih an na ch i chu i che character Anarchists in Chinese history in K o lu p ao t e chin hsueh shuo kai yao pp 379 410 Hsin ch ing nien 1908 Chinese Anarchist in Tokyo Freedom 22 23 52 Olga Lang Pa Chin and His Writings Chinese Youth between the Wars Cambridge Mass Harvard University Press 1967 Martin H and J Kinkley eds 1992 Modern Chinese writers self portrayals Armonk NY M E Sharpe Pino Angel Ba Jin and the Arshinov Platform libcom org 12 Kasim 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Pino Angel Ba Jin as Translator tr Ian MacCabe in Peng Hsiao yen amp Isabelle Rabut eds Modern China and the West Translation and Cultural Mediation Leiden Boston Brill East Asian Comparative Literature and Culture 2 2014 28 105 Ba Jin On Anarchism and Terrorism 4 Mart 2016 tarihinde kaynagindan Erisim tarihi 30 Kasim 2020 Razak Dzulkifli Abdul Oct 30 2005 Leaving behind their legacies New Straits Times p F9 Renditions Autumn 1992 No 38 Special issue on Twentieth Century Memoirs Reminiscences by well known literary figures including Zhu Ziqing Ba Jin Lao She and Wang Xiyan Filmler Return from Silence Five prominent and controversial Chinese writers speak on their roles in the modernization of China 1 saatlik video kaset mevcut Modern klasikleri Cin in gecmisini sekillendiren bes saygin Cinli yazarin hayati ve calismalari Ba Jin Mao Dun Ding Ling Cao Yu ve Ai Qing Chung wen Shih George Washington Universitesi 1982 tarafindan uretilmistir Konuyla ilgili yayinlarLang Olga Pa Chin ve Yazilari Iki Devrim Arasinda Cin Gencligi Cambdridge Mass Harvard University Press 1967 Mao Nathan K Pa Chin Boston Twayne Yayincilari 1978 Dis baglantilar Yuzyilin kargasasina edebi taniklik China Daily 2003 11 24 27 Agustos 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Cin edebiyat ikonu Ba Jin oldu BBC 28 Agustos 2006 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Bir Cin edebiyati 23 Ekim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde devi Cin edebiyatinin 23 Ekim 2012 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde devi The Sydney Morning Herald 21 Ekim 2005 Ba Jin Anarchist Archives sirketinde 6 Eylul 2005 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Kar Eridiginde Tang Sheng tarafindan 31 Temmuz 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Sinir Tanimayan Kelimeler de Ceviren 31 Temmuz 2020 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Pa Chin Edebi ve Devrimci Bir Cinli Anarsist YemenTimes Gazetesi 8 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ba Jin Hayat ve Eserler 3 Mart 2016 tarihinde Wayback Machine sitesinde Ba Jin Kong Kai Ming den Bir Portre Hong Kong Baptist Universitesi Kutuphanesi nde